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October 21, 1962 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-21

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k Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevail'':"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.+

"You See Anything Real Plain Yet?"

Undergrads Need
Research Work

Flint Students Rediscover
Freedom of the Press

ON OCTOBER 5, the Flint Community Junior
College was an intellectual wasteland, a
cross between demagogic harrangue and blank-
faced, giggling apathy as the issue of the sus-
pension of the College Clamor was ostensibly
Dean Louis Fibel spoke and answered ques-
tions, trying to clarify and justify his action
to a large student audience. Two Daily staff
members arrived toward the end of his ad-
dress, bringing with them 300 copies of The
Daily. Fibel's closing remarks went unheard
in the rush as crowds of students came running
up to grab Dailies and then proceeded to rattle
hundreds of pages at once, looking for that
morning's story and editorial concerning the
During the rebuttal speeches in opposition
to Fib'el's stand, the gymnasium was remark-
ably silent, except for an occasional noncommit-
tal muttering. In the middle of a ludicrously
inflammatory defense of "freedom of the press"
from an FCJC student which consisted largely
of an incoherent reading of that morning's
Daily editorial punctuated by hoarse shouts,
nearly half of the assembled students got up
and left. The meeting ended with a call from
the platform for a demonstration-but no one
showed up.
Instead, about two hours later; a small group
of students gathered in a courtyard to discuss
the issue-except that almost no one touched
upon that issue. The discussion degenerated
into foots of derision attacking the quality
of the Clamor. One person shouted, "We use
the Clamor to wipe up the floor!" and nearly
everyone laughed appreciatively. A vicious and
totally irrelevant comment about Negroes
brought subdued giggles even from the Negro
C HRISTINE DECKER, features editor of the
Clamor, had to be persuaded to try to
say something in a discussion that she consid-
ered so worthless as to be beyond hope of in-
telligence. What she finally said was "Maybe
you're right-maybe this campus doesn't de-
serve a free newspaper." Several times students
who had heard Daily Reporter Michael Zweig
and myself commenting on the situation to
each other asked us to speak to the group.

We refused on the grounds that it was up to
them to clarify and deal with the issue them-
We had the feeling that we had already
done too much, that those FCJC students who
wanted a free Clamor hal already abdicated too
much of their responsibility to The Daily. Dean
Fibel had used The Daily as an example of
what a student newspaper should be, even
though 'The Daily was carrying on an attack
against his action. The Daily editorial had
been read as a defense of the Clamor, when
that defense should have come from' FCJC
FOLLOWING this impression, the news that
the Clamor staff and other FCJC students
wil take the Clamor case to court to sue the
Flint Board of Education for free publication,
comes as a refreshing surprise. The tiny group
of concerned students has suddenly formulated
concrete action out of that amorphous, almost
fatalistic discouragement of two weeks ago.
They have realized that the issue is not the
College Clamor or apathy on their campus, but
the principle of a free press publishing free
opinion; a principle as old as America and as
real as the existence of the human mind.
They have discovered that education is root-
ed not only in books but in practice, and that
when freedom degenerates into a classroom
theory, it no longer exists.
lIOST IMPORTANT, they have realized this
on their own, and are acting on their own.
Whether the Clamor wins or loses in the courts
is yet to be seen. But, in the long run, the most
significant development of all may well be this
understanding of the principle at stake.
Commenting on the students' decision to take
the case to court, Dean Fibel said that he felt
their action would not be helpful to the situa-
tion. This attitude is curious, from an educa-
tor; for these students have learned something
vitally important. It is tragic that they had to
learn in the midst of almost complete campus
opposition, but, more important, tremendously
encouraging that they managed to learn it at

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Students and Politics

inited Nations Fiasco

THE PROCEEDINGS at the Michigan Union's.
Campus United Nations yesterday clearly
demonstrated the immutable principle that
poorly prepared, poorly informed and misguid-
ed people can, without a great deal of effort,
get any project, regardless of its magnitude,
into an irretrievable mess.
The project, which,' purely for the purpose of
intellectual argument may, be referred to as
the "Campus United Nations," was not only the
most disorganized event in which I have had
the misfortune to participate, but was, in addi-
tion, a prime example of the pettiness which
may come into play in campus politics.
The General Assembly floor was a picture of
utter chaos. Not once during the entire affair
did the chair request that the delegates refrain
from making noise or moving around in such
a manner that they greatly detracted from the
tone that should have prevailed.
The chairman's obvious lack of familiarity
with parliamentary procedure, and the entire
secretariat's lack of understanding of the term
"fair play" greatly added to the chaotic at-
mosphere on the floor. Further, the lack of
procedural understanding was so universal on
the part of the directors of this meeting that
through the entire four hours, nothing was
DURING THE COURSE of the debate, it be-
came apparent that the United States dele-,
gation had previously agreed with the Arab
bloc to incorporate a "friendly amendment"
from the Arabs into its original resolution. But
the proposal at that time had already been sub-
mitted. When the Arab amendment was de-
feated, the American delegation decided that it
could no longer back its original resolution and
abstained from the voting. This forced the
delegates who attended the fiasco to conclude

that the entire debate, primarily over procedur-
al motions, was a complete waste of time and
Witness the fact, for example, that the Bur-
mese delegation refused to be represented at
all and that the Latin American Bloc walked
out of the convention long before the amend-
ment came to a vote.
In addition, the discriminatory policy ad-
hered to by the International Affairs Commit-
tee was appalling. The United States delega-
tion, composed primarily of Young Americans
for Freedom members and Michigan Union
men, was the only delegation which was fore-
warned as to the composition of its group and
the subject to be debated.
'TIUS, the United States delegation was the
only one which had any opportunity to be
prepared for yesterday's convention. Even this
group, however, apparently could not agree as
to its policy, and ended the meeting on the
"triumphant" note of obstaining on its own
The Soviet delegation was discriminated
against at every turn. First, the group was de-
nied the right to submit a counter-proposal, al-
though it was not notified of this ruling until
well after the deadline for submitting amend-
ments. After suffering this humiliation, the So-
viet delegation was declared out of order for
trying to bring this issue before the General
Assembly. Finally, they were declared to be out
of order on motions which were procedurally
identical to previous motions which had gained
the floor.-
The situation was such that the consensus
of opinion prevailing on the floor after adjourn-
ment was that the First Campus United Nations
should, perhaps, be the last.

AGROWING number of students
are participating in politics, yet
law and custom still put an undue
and debilitating damper on youth's
role in society.
In Michigan, and at the Uni-
versity in particular, youth and
students are playing a growing
role in active politics. One of the
most flourishing organizations on
campus is the Students for Rom-
ney-Young Republican Club tan-
dem, devoted to the election; of
George Romney as governor. They
have held rallies and smaller meet-
ings for their candidate and have
formed the shock troops far GOP
precinct canvassing.
The Young Democrats, while a
little less effective, have been
equally busy, on behalf of Gov.
John wainson.
On a state-wide level, conserva-
tive students were the organiza-
tional backbone of Rockwell T.
gust's campaign for the GOP
lieutenant governor nomination.
While Gust lost, it is significant
that students played a major role


Embargo Creates Bitterness

.'o lo' L ays
"AND THUS it was that Marco
set out to discover the Orient
gunpowder, spaghetti, and ro-
mance . . ." and if Rory Calhoun
resembled the original Polo, it
would no doubt have been better
for both cultures to have had him
slain en route.
This movie is a little odd. It
starts out on this satiric note and
even carries through the droll at-
tempt for the first 15 minutes;
then, unfortunately, it gets serious.
If it were merely a cast-of-thou-
sands type spectacle, it would have
had some justification. But they
failed in this aspect. The photog-
raphy is so bad, that it's hard to
tell the steppes of Outer Mongolia
from the Blue Ridge Mountains of
Virginia; the battles never involve
more than 25 men and even the
camels are obviously rejects from
the zoo.
THE NEXT thing it tries to be
is broad-minded. The second third
of the movie is dedicated to teach-
ing Marco that basically "your
people and my people are not so
very different."
But this falls fiat, too, because
they do such a dishonest job of
,presenting Chinese civilization.
It's absolutely impossible to
imagine anyone using as an excla-
mation -- "By Confucious, I never
would have believed . ..
This whole how-the-other-half-
lives aspect of the movie was so

in running a candidate for state-
wide office.'
. The renaissance of interest in
ideological politics that began with
the 1960 sit-ins is still growing.
Voice Political Party, formed as
a result of the new enthusiasm to
fight for liberal causes on and off
campus, is at the highest peak in
its two-year-.history.
Peace movement groups have
grown and proliferated. CORE and
the Ann Arbor Fair Housing Asso-
ciation have absorbed much of the
civil rights interest on this campus.
The conservative movement is
also represented on this campus
by an active Young Americans for
Freedom chapter.
* * *
WHILE AN increasing number
of students are participating in
both the practical and ideological
sides of politics, they make up a
small percentage of the total stu-
dent population and their actions
are quite limited.
Apathy is still the dominant
note. Perhaps the number of ac-
tivists on all studendt political ac-
tivities of the on or off-campus
sort number less than 200 out of
a total University enrollment of
.26,000. Most students, here as
elsewhere, prefer not to look be-
yond the classroom, the fraternity
house or the next TGIF.
There are a number of reasons
for this. American society on the
whole is apolitical and students
tend to reflect this attitude.
Many governmental problems
and policies are very technical and
difficult for the public to grasp;
decisions are often made quickly
and in secret. In defense and for-
eign policy areas few criticisms
are made in an atmosphere of bi-
* *:
THE LARGENESS of the coun-
try and the nature of elections also
dampen political interest. Issues
tend to become secondary in the
vital areas of defense, and foreign
policy becom obscured in gracious
bi-partisanism. Personalities and
emotionalism tend to come to the
fore and the public views politics
as a biennial.or four-year circus.
Prof. George Grassmuck of the
political science department re-
cently indicated the image nature
of politics when he called a candi-
date, especially a presidential one,
a product that has to be sold as
well as a political leader.
Further, society holds a nega-
tive attitude toward youth. Stu-
dents are immature and irrespon-
sible, most people would say. Un-
fortunately student and youth ac-
tions, like panty raids or resort
area riots and silly fads like ele-
phant races tend to back up this
observation, obscuring the often
brilliant and insightful awareness
they can bring to social problems
and stifling their boundless energy
and determination to solve them.
* * *
THE VOTING age requirement
is another stumbling block in the

Votes are also a major power
source. Politicians listen much
more attentively to someone who
has votes behind him than to
someone who does not. Moral per-
suasion does not go far in politics
and this is all students have to
offer. Frustration may lead to
* * *
SOCIETY'S attitude t o w a r d
youth and the customs and laws
reflecting it are hindrances to the
democratic system. They breed an
apathy that is carried into later
life and may lead as they at times
already have to an abridgement of
freedom and an undue concentra-
tion of powers. Continuing to bar
them from full, effective partici-
pation in the political system can
only increase this risk.
Darin Hits
The 'Point
IT'S HARD to decide whether
Bobby Darin's portrayal of the
psychopath in "Pressure Point"
was good because he was teamed
with Sidney Poitier, or whether he
accomplished it on his own. What-
ever the case, "Pressure Point" has
considerable impact.
Stanley Kramer's characteristic
heavy hand was perfect for Rob-
ert Lindner's (Rebel Without a
Cause) study of a psychopath un-
dergoing therapy in prison after
being sentenced for sedition. He
was an American Nazi during the
Some of the scenes depicting his
sickness are gruesome, and the
scenes depicting his cruelty, near-
ly so.
The whole movie takes place in
the psychologist's room, although
Darin's memory takes us through
his sordid early life and later dis-
covery of direction via hatred and
racism. Scenes merge into each
other, often with Darin's memor-
ies taking substance within theI
room while he talks.
That Darin's analyst is Negro
throws the theme into relief, but
never caricature. Poitier's racial
experience permits him to under-
stand Darin finally, but his fellow
analysts don't, and even take Dar-
in's word against Poitier's in the
The colored-white relationship is
less important than the pathology
of the racist, who cannot be cured.
* * *
UNLIKE "Judgement at Nurem-
berg," where Kramer studies the
people who allowed the Nazis to
take over, "Pressure Point" studies
the gut-fascist.
Darin describes their political
plan of action, which is more cyni-
cal than passionate. People are
miserable, Darin says, and hate

problems facing a student at
the University change markedly
in the transition from undergrad-
uate to graduate work.
The difference is not only one
of progression from a very broad,
generalized training to highly
complex and specialized study. It
is also a change in basic tech-
nique of scholarly inquiry, with
an almost total reliance upon in-
dependent investigation and pri-
mary sources instead of the "feed-
back" term papers and secondary
materials found in most under-
graduate courses.
This condition presents a ser-
ious problem, however, for grad-
uate students obviously must re-
ceive training in performing orig-
inal research. Statistics, planning
and writing the thesis transcript,
survey research and analysis, the
adduction of proper conclusions
from a mass of evidene that must
undergo critical scrutiny to deter-
mine its validity are all aspects of
the extremely complicated process
involved in gaining an adequate
grasp of the investigation and in-
terpretation of primary sources.
* * *
THE IMPORTANCE of this type
of training is pointed up in a
recent article by Prof. Warren R.
Good in the "School of Education
Bulletin," which he edits. Prof.
Good writes that "when the fund-
amental ability-to find and com-
prehend the literature - is the
common offering at the beginning
of graduate work, the student can
move from humble dependence on
the source of authorty to an in-
creasing independence in scholar-
"Courses can be devoted less to
indoctrination, exchange of ex-
perience, and audiovisual aids, and
more to finding out what is al-
ready known about issues or prob-
lems.rNot knowing the literature
can result in wasting many hours
in 'discussion' that consist chiefly
in exchanging ignorance...'
In an attempt to provide this
"fundamental ability," many of
the University's schools and col-
leges offer graduate courses in
statistical analysis and methods
of research and report writing.
* * *
THE EDUCATION school, for
example, provides methods of re-
search in education B699 - "for
students desiring an understand-
ing of the various theories in-
volved in scientific and method
and the research techniques em-
ployed in education investigation"
-an deducational statistics C550
-which "enables students to per-
form and interpret the statistical
work ordinarily encountered in
studies in education."
The Law School gives similar
training. During its orientation
week, a good eight hours is spent
introducing the new students to
the use of the law library, Assist-
ant Dean Roy F. Proffitt of the
Law School says.
There is also a second-year,
two - semester c o u r s e entitled
"problems in research, 1 and 2,"
which aims at improving the re-
search and writing techniques of
law students.
Finally, the "case method," up-
on which the entire program of'
the school is predicated, is in its
fundamentals a form of requiring
and training the student to evalu-
ate legal evidence correctly, Dean
Proffitt explained.
* * *
WHILE THE line between bach-
elor's and master's degree work
may be a watershed-with a rigid
separation of "liberal" and spe-
cialized education - nevertheless,
this separation may begin to break
down somewhat.
Vice-President for Academic Af-
fairs Roger W. Heyns, for in-
stance, recently noted that, in his
opinion, "we should do more at
the undergraduate level for re-

search training."
Heyns listed two growing areas
within the undergraduate literary
college curricula that serve to in-
duce such a measure of com-
One is the junor-senior honors
programs, which require a major
research effort from enrollees.
The history honors section, for
example, demands a thesis of con-
siderable length (usually around
100 pages) which handles a signif-
icant yet relatively unprobed prob-
The second is the abolition of
the mathematics requirement, and
thenbeefing up of the natural
science distributions. Heyns says
that "a corollary of the new re-
quirements (in effect at present
only for the freshman and sopho-
more classes) is that we will in-
crease the use of mathematics in
other courses."
Previously, he explains, very few
students used the mathematics
courses to satisfy the requirement.
The others enrolled in philosophy
courses, which emphasize abstract
thinking rather than the process
of thinking. And most of the stu-
dents in the math sections were

from the textbook or other sec-
ondary data to analysis of pri-
mary documents.
.THE EFFORTS to teach under-
graduates the fundamentals of
primary research are justifable
and should continu.
A function of the University is
to provide specialized as well as
generalized education. it is fairly
obvious that courses taken in the
freshman year usually suffice to
jolt the incoming students out of
the narrow and lethargic confines
of their high school training.
While mnaost undergraduates
seem to lapse back into this de-
generate p a t t e r n, nevertheless
their outlook has been broadened,
and it is questionable whether the
education of University under-
graduates-many of whom do not
go on to graduate school-should
entirely consist of learning a little
about a lt.
Prof. Good contends that a stu-
dent does not become a scholar
until he starts to specialize, until
he begins to probe one of the end-
less trails that multiply in com-
plexity from what may be a rela-
tively simple source.
If this is true, then many of the
students concluding their careers
with their bachelor's degrees are
not scholars, but academic tyros
who have stumbled onto a higher
plane of ignorance.
* *
an obligation to provide under-
graduates with the opportunity to
pursue some specialized, original-
research areas, as long as the
broad-education context remains.
Besides the laziness character-
istic of moast undergraduates,
many are unable to undertake a
primary research investigation
without faculty help. This is noth-
ing unexpected; even the most
elite graduate students are given
professional supervision in their
There are a number of possibil-
ities fox instituting such training
might be the requirement of a
senior thesis, similar in scope and
intent to that of the honors
While not to be regarded as a
cure-all, such a requirement might
provide at least a partial insight
into the methods of original in-
vestigation, and, in addition,
would constitute an intellectual
challenge far greater than that
given non-honors undergraduates.
ANOTHER possibility might be
the establishment of courses in
research methodology. These re
at present given only to graduate
students, but there seems to be
little reason why they could not
benefit underraduates of senior
rank as well.
Such training would give them
an excellent appreciation of the
problems and challenges of doing
basic research in their field. It
also might render an understand-
ing of the powerful nature of log-
ical deduction - and provide a
great opportunity to maximize
students' mental maturity and in-
dependence of thought.
There are, after all, educational
advantages which can be gained
/only from the investigation and
application of primary sources. In-
stead of what transpires in the
typical undergraduate term paper
-some topic has to be passively
reported, or, if there is any an-
alysis, it is of secondary source
conclusions-original research re-
quires the most intensive scrutiny,
and the most painstaking develop-
ment of interpretation and con-
The undergraduate so far hs
largely been deprived of these be-
efits-partially through his own
negligence, perhaps, but also
through the lack of this sort of op-
portunity within the formal class-

work structure.
It would seem in the best in-
terests of the University, to begin
exploring means of channeling the
academic benefits accruing at
present only to graduate students
through the courses and method-
ology 'of primary research down
to the undergraduate level.
to the
To the Editor:
AS STUDENTS of Michigan-
State University, we appreciate
any opportunity to familiarize
ourselves with the current political
situation. However, we are com-
pelled to protest the "spontaneous"
appearance of any candidate if he
flaunts the convention of good
manners due any visitor to this
Specifically, we criticize the ac-
tions of the gubernatorial can-
didate, George Romney, at the
football game Saturday. We ap-
preciate the rivalry between our
bands; because of this, Michigan
is entitled to equitable perform-

T HE MIXED and sometimes bitter reaction
to President John F. Kennedy's Cuba embar-
go policy indicates that it is doomed to com-
parative failure. The British and other shippers
of the world are upset by the policy, while some
of the United States' stalwart friends are falling
into line.
Most of the world does not understand the
Cuban crisis and are puzzled, rightly so, by our
near-hysteria over Castro. In general, they
do not fear Communism with the intense pas-
sion of this country and they do not see why
the United States has aggressive designs on the
Marxist-Leninist state 90 iiles from the Florida
The British, a Iong-time trading nation, are
particularly peeved at the United States action.
Trade is their livelihood and the government is

ama. The latter is a flag-of-convenience nation
whose cheaply-run ships the 'Russians have
been chartering to carrying supplies to Cuba.
Greece and Norway have also shipped goods for
the Russians. This action has put a major
crimp in Russian plans and have stained So-
viet resources. This may reduce Russian aid to
But what price is the United States paying
for its blockade? The embargo policy is creat-
ing bitterness within the Atlantic alliance and
the Panamanian decision may be a pyrrhic vic-
tory for there are many Castro sympathizers
who may be hurt by the stoppage of Castro
Further, with Britain defected and many
other nations dubious of United States policy,
there will be many leaks in the embargo policy.

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