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October 17, 1962 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-17

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Seventy-Third Year
Trutb Will Prevail"-
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

"Hope You Didn't Take Anything Personally--The
Fact Is We Don't Even Get Along With Each Other"

'A Backward Glance
O'er Traveled Roads'

Membership Statements
For the Record

HIGH ON THE LIST of questionable entries
in the booklet entitled "University Regula-
tions concerning Student Organizations" are
the rulings on submission by student organiza-
tions of membership lists to the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs and Student Government Council.
The SGC regulation requires each group to
submit to the Council "at the beginning of each
semester or summer session either a member-
ship list or a statement which lists those of
Its members who wish to be listed and attests
to the fact that there are at least 20 Uni-
versity students who are members of this
group and which lists the total number of
members while noting what number of these
individuals are University students and which
are not."
For the OSA, however, no such choice is
permitted. The organizations must submit an
alphabetized list of all members by the third
week of school.
The second alternative for statements sub-
mitted to SGC permitting organizations to
submit a statistics sheet rather than a mem-
bership list seems very reasonable. It is time
such an option were extended by the OSA as
for the requirement of membership lists:
They could be used in case it were necessary,
to contact a member of an organization in a
hurry; they could be used' as a checklist to
make sure that all participating students are
academically eligible; or they could be used
for compilation of a list of which students are
participating in which activities.
In the first instance, names of officers of
all student organizations are readily available,
so that lists 'of the total membership should
be unnecessary for purposes of contact.
The question of eligibility presents a prob-
lem because there is room for considerable de-
bate as to whether the University in fact ought
to declare students ineligible to participate in
extra-classroom activities. Probably eligibility
standards, although clearly an instance of the
infamous "in loco parentis" doctrine are justi-
fiable on the grounds 'that the University, as
an academic institution, owes it to the student
to help him devote at least enough time to
his courses to =muster a "2 point" overall
But even accepting this 'admittedly shaky
argument, it is not necessary for the Univer-
sity to make a detailed investigation of eligi-
bility by checking membership lists against
transcripts. The regulations booklet says em-
phatically in italic type "responsibility for
observance of the eligibility statement is placed
directly upon the student." It goes on to warn
that participation in an extracurricular activity
in violation of the requirement may subject
a student to disciplinary action.
F THE STUDENT has been warned, then,
and has been told that the responsibility is
his, why should the OSA check up? Why should
it not be the responsibility of each organization
merely to assure the OSA that all its members
are eligible and for this information rely in
turn upon the integrity of its members?
As for participation records, the argument
is more theoretical than practical. Probably
the majority of students taking part in extra-
curricular activities would not object to having
their names on record as members. Neverthe-
less, if, for any reason, a student does not
want to go on record as a member of an
organization to which he happens to pay dues,
surely that should be his privilege.
Boo, Who?
LAST WEEK, Gov. John B. Swainson and
his opponent George Romney debated
before . the Economic Club of Detroit. The
audience, composed almost entirely of Detroit
business and civic leaders, was largely Repub-
lican as exhibited by the constant applause
for Romney.
However, when Swainson digressed slightly
from a question put to him, certain of the
more avidly partisan members of the audience
had the gross discourtesy to boo him.

Maybe these few never realized that being
couth means more than knowing which fork
to use.
Editorial Staff
Editorial. Director City Editor
CAROLINE DOW ................. Personnel Director
JUDITH BLEIER .. .......... Associate City Editor
FRED RUSSELL KRAMER .. Assoc. Editorial Director
CYNTHIA NEU ................. Co-Magazine Editor
HARRY PERLSTADT .........Co-Magazine Editor
TOM WEBB3ER..................... Sports Editor
DAVE ANDREWS ........... Associate Sports Editor
JAN WINKLEMAN ........... Associate Sports Editor

In most cases membership in a particular
organization will do the student and his repu-
tation no harm. There are instances, however,
where such membership will be held against
the student in later life. Recent political cam-
paigns in Michigan have demonstrated just
how seriously a man may be injured by un-
scrupulous manipulation of information about
his college activities.
COLLEGE SHOULD be a period during which
an individual, if he has not done so already,
begins to take part in community affairs and
to accept responsibility for fulfilling certain
social roles.
But it should also be a period of experi-
mentation where a young person is given the
widest possible leeway to explore areas of in.
terest and various ideologies. He should be
permitted to conduct his explorations with the
certainty that they will not be held against
him at some future time and that no one is
"keeping tabs" on him. If he has no such
assurance, he is not really free to experiment.
Obviously this does not mean that college
students should be able to violate any and all
laws with impunity. They ought to be held
accountable for their activities and statements
while they are carrying them on. But as long
as they remain within certain legal boundaries,
they should be allowed to engage in political
and social activities with a certain degree of
anonymity if they desire it.
FEW PEOPLE would deny that the University
has a legitimate interest in several aspects
of student organizations. Student Government
Council, in recognizing organizations must have
access to their constitutions and must know
who the responsible officers are and what per-
centage of the members are students. When
an organization is sponsoring an event, the
students in general have a right to know who
will be the featured guest, where the activity is
being held and what its nature is.
When a student speaks or publishes a state-
ment in the name of an organization, other
students and the University as a whole then
have a right to know the name of the student.
But beyond this, the student should have the
option of deciding for himself whether he wants
his affiliation with an organization to become
a matter of record.
If the OSA has grave doubts as to the
eligibility of any particular individual it knows
to be participating, then it might check the
record, but it ought, as a firm rule, to trust
the question of eligibility to the student and
the organization.
been requested to turn in membership lists
ought to be allowed to poll their ranks before
doing so to determine whether all who belong
want their names on record.
If any do not, their names should be omitted,
and if the majority do not, the organization
should simply give SGC and the OSA a numer-
ical rundown of its membership. It shouldn't
be necessary to request permission for such
action from either SGC or the OSA. It should
be the acknowledged right of every student
Editorial Director
OF ALL the minor indignities perpetrated
upon University women living in dormitor-
ies, the policy of not allowing them to call
police and fire departments from their rooms
is the one with the most food for serious
This policy is defensible on only one ground.
That is that police and fire departments may
be annoyed by constant prankster calling. This
is one rationale given by the administration for
the ruling. But neither the Ann Arbor Police
nor the Fire Department feels itself annoyed
by dormitory women calling it; on the con-
trary representatives from both have stated
they are opposed to the present policy.
A student is not necessarily reporting rape
and robbery when she wants to call the police.

Perhaps she wants to find out much it costs
to get a bike license. Or perhaps she calls the
Fire Department to find out what the fire
regulations are on fireproofing for paper dec-
orations for the dorm dance. Can she call
from the phone in her room? She cannot.
OF COURSE the option of using the pay
phone in the lobby is always open to her.
This is annoying for her; and proves that
those pranksters against whom the rule is
ostensibly directed can continue to annoy the
police eternally; i. e., while they have dimes
and breath.'
Perhaps the administration is worried about
bad publicity that may result if certain oc-

jog; \

Congress Leaves Spotty Record

"PERHAPS the best of songs is
the resume of them, long af-
terwards .. ." These are the words
of Walt Whitman about his own
poetry, and he probably would
have been willing to extend it to
his prose.
Mr. Richard Baldridge and the
APA prepared and presented one
of these "best of songs" to the
Ann Arbor audiences last week.
The name of this song was "We,
Comrades Three" a play by Mr.
Baldridge based on the poetry and
prose of Walt Whitman. And in
many ways this play is literally a
resume of Whitman's work.
"I wanted a work part pageant,
part vaudeville, part public drama,
part private drama, part event
using Whitman with purposed
naive theatricality." These are the
words of the playwright, Mr. Bald-
ridge. At another time he referred
to the play as a "pastiche."
* * *
BALDRIDGE has now had a
chance to look back over his own
roads, and has in some ways been
more ruthless than his critics-
many of whom were very ruthless.
According to Baldridge the ma-
jor fault of his play is lack of
clarity. "The main action of the
play both in structure and acting
is not really clear. A great deal
of this is caused by the actors try-
ing to bludgeon the audience with
the verse, rather than simply try-
ing to communicate between
"They hadn't fully digested the
play. Also the play is too long in
its present state for either actors
or audience to sustain. It must
be shortened and clarified. I'd
really like to work the play down
to a long one-act."
* * *
HE ADMITTED quickly that the
play had been put together more
with scissors and paste than any-
thing else. Part of this he blamed
on the critical lack of time. The
play received three weeks of re-
hearsal in New York with several
major cast changes, and then had
only a little over a week in re-
hearsal here.
There were revisions being made
in the script up until the last
week of rehearsal when it became
necessary to freeze the play as it
was, even though it was not really
ready for an audience. There was
a deadline to meet and the show
had to go on.
Another aspect of the difficulty
of the play was almost forced up-
on it by Whitman himself, with
his climaxes and catalogs and lust.
"There are far too many climaxes,
too many 'curtain' lines right
now." Anybody who has read
Whitman would have no difficulty
in agreeing with this.
BALDRIDGE originally intended
to have a small musical combo
on the stage. This combo was to
play "live" the overture to the
play and the little musical ditties
scattered through it, as well as the
sound effects.
It is really very unfortunate
that. this could not have been
done. Although again lack of time
was the main reason for its de-
ficiency, this music in itself would
in my opinion, have done much
to preserve or create the naive
theatricality the playwright want-
APA did not have the time, the
equipment, or the technicians to
come up with a really good taped
background, which would seem to
me to add the wrong kind of re-
ality and polish to the production.
Whereas the life and excitement
of live musicians would have add-
ed tremendously to essential child-
like fascination of the play.
* * *
I ALSO FELT, as did Baldridge,
that lack of time and rehearsal
effected the acting adversely. The
actors-in varying degrees-did
excellent jobs, at least as far as
technique was concerned. But like
Whitman's poetry, they tended
too often to lapse into a kind of

frantic, screaming hysteria. This is

rKennedy thinks of the 87th
Congress he probably is reminded
of a balky mule. Sometimes it
carries the load, but often it kicks
its master in the teeth.
Such was the spotty record of
the Congress that adjourned last
week and Kennedy is now making
foreys to the hustings to take
some of the orneriness out of the
A consistant trend, strangely
almost the direct opposite of the
one that faced President Franklin
D. Roosevelt in the late 1830,'s,
marked this session of Congress.
On international matters, the leg-
islators expected leadership and
responded with some historic laws.
But on domestic issues, Congress
was unsure and hesitant and gave
Kennedy some of the worst de-
feats of his political career.
Just last week, Congress revo-
lutionized American trade policy
by passing the Trade Expansion
Act with few changes from Ken-
nedy proposals.
This actbgives the President
more flexibility in trade policy
than he has had since before the
Civil War. It allows him to cut.
tariffs and make other trade ad-
justments to meet the competi-
tion of the Common Market and
gain the markets of the emerg-
ing nations. It also provides fed-
eral help for industries and work-
ers hurt by the resulting foreign
Also in the foreign field, Con-
gress approved the Alliance for
Progress and the Peace Corps,
two of the most hopefully pro-
gressive measures of the Kennedy
CONGRESS, in addition, stood
resolutely behind the President
when he asked for special legis-
lation to meet the Berlin and Cu-
ban crises.
Foreign aid, though, is facing
the end of the road. Kennedy
managed to keep his program in
tact only by avoiding a fight in
the House and trying the Senate
which responded favorably. How-
ever, Congressional criticism of the
program is mounting and becom-
ing more sophisticated. Some
thorough re-thinking of the pro-
gram is necessary if it is to sur-
vive another Congressional battle.
In the related field of defense,
Congress has been more than gen-
erous with the President. Defense
has become the chaste porkbarrell,
almost impervious to criticism. So
Congress maintained two programs
the administration would like to
have discarded. One was the B
(now RS) 70; the other is the
current, inefficient arrangement
of the national guard. Kennedy
avoided one by not spending the
money allocated for it; he could
not defeat the other.
In fiscal measures, Congress
grumbled, but went along. The
debt ceiling was raised to over
$300 billion and measures were
,taken to stop the gold outflow.
Investment capital was encouraged
by the tax reform bill, but loop-
holes were extended, not closed,

even Kennedy's charismatic charm
could overcome that. Further in-
jured by bad tactics, the plan
died in the Senate and House
Ways and Means Committee. Con-
gressmen who were wavering on
the issue, objected to Kennedy's
end run tactics in the Senate and
the measure lost by four votes.
However, Kennedy and North-
ern Democrats are using medicare
as effective political issue and
may pick up a few marginal dis-
tricts on account of it.
Aid to education also got en-
tangled in the cross-currents of
politics. Conflicting pressures of
parochial school leaders, church
and state separatists and segrega-
tionists combined to make any
education bill unacceptable to a
segment of Congress, so no bill
could be passed.
Further, Congress tacked restric-
tive overhead provisions onto their
research appropriations bills. Par-
ticularly, this, will result in uni-
versities and colleges doing less
basic medical and defense re-
THE POSITIVE decision in edu-
cation was the repeal of the Na-
tional Defense Education Act dis-
claimer oath provision. This will
allow many schools such as Har-
vard, which objected to the im-
plications of the provision, to take
advantage of the program, which
aids teacher education and the
training of scientific personnel.
Kennedy failed to get his farm
program through Congress. In-
dividualistic farmers and their
representatives failed to buy the
control provisions of his proposal
and Congress passed a patchwork
farm program. Despite this,, the
agriculture department has man-
aged to diminish its surplus hold-
Congress embarassed the admin-
istration with its long investigation
of the Bille Sol Estes crop-allot-
ment scandal. Ironically, the only
loser to date on this issue was a
Republican congressman from
Minnesota who was associated with
NO NEW major civil rights
legislation was passed, as the ad-
ministration preferred to work
through executive and judicial
channels which were more re-
However, legislation banning
violence in interstate transporta-
tion was passed as a result of
freedom ride movement.
As an after-thought to history,
Congress passed a Constitutional
amendment outlawing the poll
tax and sent it the state for rati-
to the
Truth ...
To the Editor:
ALTHOUGH I agree unreservedly

fication. Only five states presently
employ this patently discrimina-
tory practice.
On the negative side, Congress
passed an amendment to the pos-
tal pay raise bill that would re-
strict the flow of allegedly Com-
munist - initiated mail. Weaker
than the original amendment, it
still bans private citizens from
getting "Communist" mail unless
they specifically request the post
office to deliver it. Educational in-
stitutions are exempt from the
provisions of the amendment.
CONGRESSIONAL liberals made
slight gains in modifying the crus-
tacian Congressional rules. The
House Rules Committee was al-
legedly packed by the addition of
two Democrats and a Republican
to its membership. But two South-
ern Democrats added to the five
Republicans totaled tie votes that
defeated a number of liberal pro-
The filibuster rule in the Sen-
ate was modified to require 60
per cent present and voting to stop
debate; but to the chagrin of Sen-
ate liberals it was used success-
fully only against them when they
tried to filibuster against the Com-
munications Satellite Bill.
The fight of old men over House-
Senate prestige made the 1962
session of the 87th Congress the
longest in 12 years. Rep. Clarence
Cannon, 83, fought Sen. Carl Hay-
den, 84, over who has the preroga-
tive on appropriations measures.
Thus Congress had a spotty and
fairly conservative record. In the
coming elections, Kennedy is try-
ing to elect his type of Democrats
to break the essentially conser-
vative bent of Congress. However,
gerimandering and political al-
legiences being what they are, the
next session of Congress is unlikely
to be much different from the last

a fault for which even Whitman
is often not forgiven and it never
works on stage.
The most fascinating part of
this experiment, for that ,is after
all what it was, was the scissors
and paste script which Baldridge
seemed to apologise for. Here is
the poetry and the prose of one
man, very often taken from his
books word for word.
And somehow, without marring
the poetry, Baldridge managed to
take these words of Walt Whitman
and spread them around among
five major characters and several
minor ones. He did this without
breaking or changing the mean-
ings, although his literal use of
many of the images did restrict
the meaning to a degree.
THE PEOPLE, these three Walt
Whitmans, were real and dis-
tinctly individual, each with a dif-
ferent character each with a dif-
ferent tone.
Perhaps even more amazing is
that even with all the admittedly
excess verbiage and business, these
lines jibed and conflicted to create
exciting theatre and exciting
That this could be done at all
is tribute both to Mr. Baldridge's
talents as a playwright and Whit-
man's ability to encompass all.
"Very well then, I contradict my-
self: (I am large-I contain mul-
titudes)." (From Whitman's "Song
of Myself")
* * *
THERE ARE hopes that this
play, when worked over, will be-
come part of the New York repe-
toire for the APA. If it does, I for
one want to see it, and I expect
to come away even more enrap-
tured than I did from this experi-
ment. For in its failure, it has
accomplished much and promises
much more.
Rather than condemning the
APA for not "being up to par" on
this play, I feel we should thank
it even more for bringing some-
thing new, fresh, and original to
Ann Arbor, something all the more
exciting because still in the pro-
cess of being created.
A PACKED Rackham auditorium
on Monday night was shower-
ed with color of music, dance, and
costume by the Phakavali Dance
Company from Bangkok,Thailand.
Throughout, all dancing was
performed'against a background of
four,,white coated, cross-legged
brilliant virtuosi of the Pi-Phat
Orchestra, whose own musical mo-
tions seemed to give and take fire
from the motions of the dancers.
This integrated art was a joy even
to this reviewer, who knows very
little about the culture of South
East Asia.
All the dances, of folk or courtly
origin, were performed by solos,
duos, and quartets from a com-
pany of six women and two men.
The foundation of their dancing is
a perfectly balanced central align-
ment of the body. From this cen-
ter, impulses radiate into the
limbs, which assume a bewildering
variety of bent and curved pos-
THE TREATMENT of the fin-
gers is famous, and not anly in
dances where artificial fingernails
throw the motions into relief. It
is a style that emphasizes both
grace and pride, as did the temple-
domed headresses and the beauti-
ful dancers.
Court dances included a cere-
monial invocation for quartet, a
fluttering, airy, last solo of a bird
goddess before her sacrifice, the
Thai Silver Swan. Khon, a duel

between the demon king and the
good monkey king, based on the
Ramayana epic, was done with
superb mockery by two men. Fon-
Leb was a fingernail dance with
Chinese color. Dances of folk ori-
gin included one in which the
women literally "Dance between
Clashing Poles," a graceful Drum
Dance for four couples, and a
blood curdling Sword Dance, in
which, after intricate preliminar-
ies, two men went to it with
honed, naked blades. It is sur-
prising, if the Phakavali have been
on tour, that they still have two
healthy dancers left for this num-
FOR THIS reviewer, Sud Jatri,
a solo, was the distillation of the
style. It is a ceremonial dance
honoring all great teachers, and
all great dancers gone before. The
program notes say it is the foun-
dation of Thai dance and drama.
Sud Jatri is not only deeply rev-
erent; it is an astounding illus-
tration of waves of impulses, never
breaking, projected from the body
center to the extremeties.
The music was nearly all spirit-
ed, and four musicians did barely
believable things with simple duple
meter and pentatonic scales. The
instruments were a bamboo xylo-
phone, a lovely, croaking reed, a




Qualified .bravura
JOSE MOLINA and his company closed the first Chamber Dance
Festival last night with great bravura. The company danced
beautifully and with amazing endurance for such a demanding pro-
Beginning with a typical opener, straightforward, gay, and informal
the first half of the program was weakened by such slight pieces as
"Viva Espana" sung by Maria Antonia, El Amante de Cordoba, Malaga
la Bella and Bolerode Ravel. All were well performed but the dances
suffered from lack of variation in movement, mood, accompaniment
and use of space.
* * * *
A FEW high points broke the du'll repetitiousness of the first
eleven numbers. Maria Antonia's sensitive rendering of "La Noche"
added to the mood of the dance.
Maria del Rocio's performance of "Tempos de Goya" was a welcome
change to a gentler mood, although the dance, again, was slight.
The waining enthusiasm of the audience was recaptured after
intermission by Capriccio Espanol, a sensuous duet performed by
Maria del Rocio and Senior Molina. Trite as the music is, a variety
of mood was created by the subtle question and answer of the
castanets and quick changes of tempo. These gave the dance dramatic
shape. Emilio de Diego's guitar solo was exquisitely done and left
the audience wanting more.
. . . .*

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