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October 16, 1962 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-16

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Cdl IAI E 'AI*J.
Claude Exp ains Atlantic Unity



An Atlantic federation is not
necessarily the solution for At-
lantic unity, Prof. Inis L. Claude'
of the ,political science department
told the second of five programs
on Atlantic Unity, To What Pur-
pose, To What Form," Friday
He noted that federation would
cause severe dislocation of Wes-
tern institutions which would di-
vert the potential strength of the
Rather, he proposed that the
existing organization within the
Atlantic Community be strength-
Healthy Mess
"This is not a tidy picture, but
I am not convinced that tidyness
is necessary and it is possible to
have a healthy mess," Prof. Claude
He added that he was not sure
that Atlantic unity need be achiev-
ed by a governmental organizaLion.
"There is no magic in government.
Its record of keeping order is
sometimes good, sometimes spotty
and sometimes non-existant. It
may not create harmony."
The United States now serves as
the coordinating agency for much
of the Atlantic community, Prof.
Claude noted. Most spokes in the
community wheel pass through the
Unitedi States, he said.
Other Ties
Further, the United States has
commitments that go beyond the
Atlantic community, he added. It
has ties to the Organization of
Amercan States, the Southeast
Asia Treaty Organization and
other multi-and bi-lateral rela-
tionships with other nations.
Prof. Claude credited the in-
creased interest in Atlantic Fed-
eration to United States disen-
chantment with the United Na-
tions. "Some agree with the recent
speech of former President Her-
bert Hoover that the United Na-'
tions is no good especially with
the Communist tendency to in-
hibit the organization."
He added that the United States
is losing its dominant position in
the United Nations to the neu-
tralist,. non-European and anti-
colonialist members. It no longer
enjoys the luxury of running the
organization, Prof. Claude said.
Great Power
"These criticisms reflect wrong
expectations. They blame the
United Nations for things it was
never expected to do. An inhibi-
tion was built into the organiza-

tion so it could never act against
the interests of a great power," he
The United Nation's role is to
serve as a point of confrontation
between the East and West. Here
the sides could learn about the
other, negotiate, agree on treaties
that are of mutual interest and
minimize miscalculations about
the strength and intentions of the
other side, Prof. Claude said.
He cited the late Secretary-
General Dag Hammarskjold's
theory of preventive diplomacy.
The United Nations under this

scheme is designed to help the
United States and the Soviet Un-
ion avoid showdowns. It would
also fill vacuums dangerous to
peace as illustrated by the United
Nations Emergency Force in the
Middle East and by the Congo
These goals need no conflict
withregional organizations, Prof.
Claude stressed. An Atlantic fed-
eration or small community units
help strengthen the West in its
fight against Communism. It
would hold off Red political and
economic thrusts, he added.

Haddock Sees Revolution
In Space Developments

CHICAGO-"Space astronomy is
a revolution in astronomy that is
comparable to that of the tele-
scope," Prof. Fred T. Haddock, di-
rector of the Radio Astronomy Ob-
servatory, said recently.
Speaking to the engineers at-
tending the National Electronics
Conference held here, he said "As-
tronomy in space opens up possi-
bilities formerly undreamed of."
Space vehicles will be a bigger
boon to astronomy than to any'
other science, he said. This will be
so because astronomy from ground
level has been severely limited in
what it can do, because the earth'sj
cover of air obscures or blocks so'
much of the information that
would be useful to astronomers.
Radio Microwaves
The atmosphere and the elec-
trically charged ionosphere - the
Trend Begins
In Companies
At present, companies attempt-
ing to entice students into work'
ing for them after graduation tend
to wait until the last part of the
senior year before making their
However, a few firms are begin-
ning to launch their recruiting
drives just after completibn of the
junior year in order to give them;
needed experience and training,
and, hopefully, to secure their fu-
ture services.
Leading Salesman
As part of one of these emerg-
ing "pre-recruiting" systems, Mark
Gould, '63, was the leading stu-
dent salesman last summer for a
national pharmaceutical corpora-
His job-touring the Midwest in
contacting various drug stores to
introduce fall promotions, study
market conditions in the area and
to gather consumer and merchant
reaction to the company's products
-involved a great deal of train-
ing and expenses on the part of
the company.
Gould noted that such pre-re-
cruiting programs give the student
workers "a degree of perspective
into the possibility of a future ca-
reer with a larger organization."
Plan Expansion
His company's program had stu-
dents from only eight universities
in the country (including Gould
from the University), but the firm
is planning to double the program
next summer.
Gould feels that eventually oth-
er businesses will follow suit, con-
ducting their early recruiting ef-
forts through the Bureau of Ap-


upper layers of the earth's atmos-
phere-blocks most electromag-
netic radiation, letting only that in
the optical region (light) and the
radio microwaves (plus some high
energy cosmic rays) through the
"optical window" and "radio win-
dow," Prof. Haddock said.
By getting their receiving equip-
ment out of the earth's atmosphere
aboard satellites, astronomers no
longer have to depend on these

TO freshmen
HOUGHTON - The Board in
Control of Michigan College of
Mining and Technology instituted
scholarships to help needy enter-
ing students with outstanding high
school records.
The "Michigan Tech Board of
Control Distinguished Student
Scholarship," of which 62 have
been granted, will pay all tuition
and fees for the first year of resi-
dence and will be renewable if the
students maintain required stand-
The Board also changed the
present Michigan. High School
Scholarships to Board of Control
Scholarships which will pay tui-
tion but not local activity fees.
School Appoints
Music Professor
John McCollum, noted lyric ten-
or, has been appointed associate
professor of music in the music
school. He will teach voice and
continue his career in concert,
opera and oratorio.


windows but can observe from the
'"celestial outdoors."
Observations by 12-inch tele-
scope in space are as good as those
with the biggest telescope on earth,
the 200-inch instrument on Mt.
Palomar, he said. And space as-
tronomy will allow scientists to ex-
pand by several times the portion
of the electromagnetic band to
which they will have access.
More Information
They thus will be able to get
much more information from the
ultra-violet and infra-red portions
of the spectrum, Prof. Haddock
This is significant because, for
example, the brightest stars radi-
ate principally in the ultra-violet,
and the faintest in the infra-red.
Haddock described work already
being done in space by astrono-
mers, including measuring ulta-
violet spectra of the sun and some
stars, detection of gamma rays
from space and of radio waves
from the Milky Way at low fre-
quencies-the latter done just last
month by University engineers and
astronomers via a rocket sounding
of 1,050 miles.
Astronomers could have picked
up the advantages of space obser-
vations with more dispatch, he
noted, if they hadn't believed that
necessary instrumentation "was at
least a decade away."
Women Plan
Old Book Sale
The Ann Arbor chapter of the
American Association of Universi-
ty Women will hold its annual used1
book sale tomorrow and Thursday
in the Shop Rm. of the SAB.
Books to be sold will range in'
price from five cents up. The sub-
jects covered will include law, for-
eign languages, art and cartoons.
Special types of books such as
children's books, texts, condensed
books, or paperbacks will also be
The 10th annual sale is being
held in order to raise funds for the
AAUW graduate fellowship pro-
gram. Fellowships are awarded to
"outstanding" women students for
research work at the University.

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
eighth in a serieskof21 articles fea-
turing the namesakes of the men's
residence halls.)
Prof. Charles Horton Cooley
gave his life to what was probably
one of the longest terms of service
in the University's history.
Born in Ann Arbor in 1864,
Prof. Cooley liked the University
so well that he chose to earn three
degrees here and devoted 37 years,
until the time of his death in
1929, to teaching sociology as a
member of the University faculty.
Prof. Cooley earned his doctor-
ate in 1907 and early turned to
literary production, writing ac-
cording to his own standards of
spontaneity and freshness. His
books on sociology were eminent
in the field and testified to his
wide interest in humanity, learn-
ing, and acute judgment.
They demonstrated his strong
distaste for mechanical interpre-
tations of man and society and a
notable absence of vehement cen-
sure of men or ideas.
The gentle, sympathetic charac-
ter that he so freely exhibited to-
wards his students was clearly
evident when he wrote in "Life
and the Student" in 1928:
"College students are not the
homogeneous crowd that some
imagine. As in other societies,
there is a dominant type or form'
that more or less imposes itself
upon the whole, but underneath
there are variants, many of them
maladjusted and more or less psy-
chopathic. In the eye of each, if
you look for it, you may see an
individual spirit, a self, often only
partly at home with its fellows."
Above all, Prof. Cooley's works
attested to his conception of free-
dom in the social organization and
strove for sympathetic insight in
social analysis. Of that social in-
stitute known as the American
university, he wrote:
"An American university is
something new under the sun; not
merely, perhaps not chiefly, an in-
stitution of learning, but a vast
social and economic enterprise, a
struggling organ of confused de-
mocracy, striving to grow, to make
good, to find a popular function
and pecuniary support.
"Itmay have diluted the intel-
lectual heritage of the past, but
has by no means thrown it away,
and shows vigorous though prob-
lematic energies peculiar to the
Prof. Cooley's accomplishments
were not restricted to the literary
fields. He presided as president of
the American Sociological Society
in 1918 and was a member of the
Institute Internationale de Socio-
His death, in 1929, shortly after
his resignation due to a prolonged
illness, cost the University thec
service of one of its most devotedc
and dearly beloved faculty mem-i
Cooley House in East Quadran-
gle commemorates his name.

YPSILANTI-"We are concern-
ed with research-seeking ways
to prevent illness and injury-to
heal and cure individual conditions
that already exist-better ways to
utilize the existing health facili-
ties of the nation," Assistant Sec-
retary of Health, Education, and
Welfare Wilbur J. Cohen said re-

Cohen Outlines Policy Goals
For U.S. Action in Health

form of legislation, which guaran-
tees further the purity and safety
of the drugs and foods used by the
nation," he said.
"The department is responsible
for providing leadership, guidance
and funds to the states so that
they may assist handicapped citi-
zens in finding a new way of life
through vocational rehabilitation."
Through the National Institutes
of Health a billion dollars a year
is invested in intensive research.
"Under concentrated attack are
such major problems as heart dis-
ease, arthritis, mental illness,
and a host of other maladies that
have plagued mankind through-
out history."
Clean Air
Less known are the day-to-day
efforts to clean up the nation's
water and air, he continued.
"To achieve more efficient use
of our health facilities, we along
with the states and other interest-
ed parties, are exploring the use of
out-of-hospital services for the
chronically ill and aged," Cohen
"We are concerned that many
aged persons not on public assist-
ance cannot obtain the medical
care they need without incurring
financial ruin. We would like to
see health insurance for the aged
added to social security so that
hospital and related costs in old
age would be paid for as a matter
of right," Cohen said.


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Cohen, on leave from the social
work school, spoke at a panel dis-
cussion on "The Role of Govern-,
ment, Voluntary Health Insurance,
Hospitals and Labor in Medical
Care," Cohen continued:
"And as new knowledge becomes
available through this research, we
work toward moving it into the
medical marketplace."
Better Health
"We are working to get the
knowledge in the hands of those
who daily man the frontlines in
the fight for better health - the
physicians, nurses, dentists, med-
ical technicians and state and lo-
cal public health workers."
Changing technology means we
must be ever on our guard against
new industrial hazards, that we
must do all we can to prevent ac-
cidents in an age when many of
us do not understand the complex
operations going on around us or
the forces at our disposal, he said.
"The department is charged with
the responsibility of assuring the
purity and safety of food, drugs
and cosmetics," Cohen continued.
Further Safety
The department's Food and Drug
Administration has just been given
"new and important tools in the
SGC Sets Topic
For Orientation
The United States National Stu-
dent Association and the "Con-
cept of a National Student Com-
munity" will be the topic of the
Student Government Council ori-
entation program at 4:15 p.m. to-
day in Rm. 3529 SAB.




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