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October 16, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-16

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See Editorial Page

C, r


:43 tii#

Scattered thundershowers,
turning cooler tonight

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


upports Regents' Stand on eaker


Urge Dissemination
Of Ful Implications
Faculty Committee's Resolution
Considers 'True Nature' of Ruling
The Senate Advisory Committee yesterday passed a resolution
giving faculty support for the proposed Regents bylaw on University
speaker policy, and urged that the University make every effort
to insure that "leaders of the local, state, and national community"
understand the full implications of the new ruling.
The resolution will be sent to University President Harlan
Hatcher, and to the Regents before they hold their October meeting,
"at which the bylaw may be form-















... says aged 'better off'

Health Panel
erands Aid'.
o 'Retarded
WASHINGTON (R)-President
ohn F. Kennedy was given a new
ocial target yesterday: help for
.4 million mentally retarded
mericans-three out of every 100
persons in the United States.
The President's panel on mental
etardation said some 126,000
children born eachyear are des-
tined to become mentally retarded
during their lifetimes. The panel1
1) Set up a domestic "Peace
Corps" to spur voluntary services
to the retarded, especially in "de-
prived and distressed areas."
2) Found a national research
institute of learning to investigate
basic learning processes.
3) Spend $30 million to provide
comprehensive health services for
pregnant women and their off-
spring in low-income groups where1
there is a higher risk of mental1
4) Establish 10 new researchE
centers to probe biological, behav-
ioral, social and other pertinent
and basic scientific areas.
The panel, in a 281-page report,
made more than 100 recommenda-
tions, explaining that the causes
of mental retardation are com-
plex and varied, and a "board
spectrum" attack is necessary to
prevent and treat them.
The panel pointed out that of
the 5.4 million Americans who are
to some extent retarted, 400,000
are so retarded that they must
have constant care and supervi-
sion. While the rest are only mildly'
retarded, these frequently are the'
school drop-outs and the unem-
Brown Orders
To Improve
niversity corporation has ordered
he 17 social fraternities on the
rown campus to expand, improve
nd align themselves with the
central purposes" of the univer-
ity community-or lose their fra-
ernity houses.
The corporation's action was in
pproving the report of a joint
orporation-faculty committee on
The committee, which has been
t work for more than a year
tudying the total environment of
he undergraduates and the ways
n which it contributes to the
haping of student. culture, deliv-
red a sweeping set of recommend-
tions, touching upon all aspects
f the ways in which students live,

ally accepted, rejected, or amended
and accepted.
The resolution asks for a clarifi-
cation of the bylaw because "there
has been a lot of misunderstanding
since all the facts have not been
available-in fact, this was the
first time the SAC heard the com-
plete story behind the bylaw,"
Prof. Merwin Waterman of the
business school, and secretary to
the SAC, said yesterday.
Communication Needed
Prof. Wilbert McKeachie of the
psychology department, chairman
of the SAC, said it would be
necessary to communicate to leg-
islators and others interested in
speaker policy at the University
the 'true nature of the proposed
bylaw: it is naturally important
to communicate such information
to them before any possible crisis
might occur, either about the pol-
icy or with regard to a particular
Prof. Waterman said such policy
clarification "might begin by
pointing out that the committee
formed under the proposed bylaw
(the Public Discussion Committe)
and the regulations itself are quite
"Their proximity in the Regents
bylaws have given forth the mis-
taken impression that the com-
mittee has a direct-tie-in with im-
plementing and upholding the rule,
and this is not the case," Prof.
Waterman said.
Estep Speaks
The SAC members gained a more
complete understanding of the
functions of the PDC and the
bylaw through a general discus-
sion of the proposed legislation by
Prof. Samuel Estep of the Law
School, Executive Vice-President
Marvin L. Diehius, and Vice-
President for Academic Affairs
Roger W. Heyns yesterday.
Prof. Estep last year chaired a
group of faculty members and stu-
dents who were given the task
of inspecting the current speaker
policy (Regents bylaw 8:11) and
submitting suggestd modification
in the policy.
"It is clear that if implemented,
there will be no pre-censorship of
off-campus lecturer's addresses,"
Prof. McKeachie said.
Davies To Give1
Cooley Talks
Prof. D. Seaborne Davies, dean
of the law school at the Univer-
sity of Liverpool, will deliver the
1962 Thomas M. Cooley lectures in
a series of five talks examining
"Criminal Law Reform in Eng-
He will speak on Oct. 24, 25, 29,1
30, and 31. All lectures will be held
at 4:15 p.m. in Rm. 100 Hutchins
Hall in the Law School. The series
is open to the public.

not SRC's conclusion

SRC Notes
AMA Study
Representatives from the Survey
Research Center indicated "strong
disapproval" last night of the
American Medical Association's
interpretation of data gathered by
the center concerning the finan-
cial status of persons more than
65 years old.
Prof. James S. Morgan of the
SRC said the center had not seen
a copy of the AMA's report, and
that it was strictly the associa-
tion's interpretation of the infor-
mation. "We are withholding
comment until we are shown a
copy of the report from the AMA."
Charles A. Lininger, a study
director,ssaid the SRC hadssup-
plied only raw data to the AMA,
and that absolutely no conclusions
were drawn by the center.
Aged 'Better Off'
The controversial AMA inter-
pretation said that analysis of the
survey findings "once again dem-
onstrates that the aged as a group
are substantially better off on
the average than younger Ameri-
Using the data to support the
AMA's battle against a national-
ized health care program, presi-
dent George M. Fister said it
"would be an intolerably unfair
burden on wage earners" to force
them to pay health-care bills for
the aged, since "the vast major-
ity" of them are "well able to take
care of themselves."
AMA Findings
"Among the 65-and-over fami-
lies, 52 per cent own total assets
of $5,000 or more, 26 per cent
$10,000 or more and seven per cent
$25,000 or more," the AMA said.
"In contrast, 23 per cent of
the under-65 families own total
assets of $5,000 or more, 13 per
cent $10,000 or more and three per
cent $25,000 or more."

On 'Inspection
Suit Fi"led
By Senators
Three Republican state senators
who filed a petition yesterday
asking the United States Supreme NEW OELH
Court to review a Michigan high
court's decision that the state
senate must reapportion are
merely engaging in a "delay tactic,"
state AFL-CIO President August
Scholle said last night.,
Scholle, who originally brought
the suit charging that the Michi-
gan senate's apportionment was a ,
violation of th 14th Amendment, }f
noted that the senators, Frank D.
Beadle (R-St. Clair), Paul Younger
(R-Lansing) and John Fitzgerald
(R-Grand Ledge) had waited 89 ' K z ,
of the 90 days allowed them i .~. .
order to file. He predicted that his k "
own answer will be filed within
two weeks. BON VOYAGE-University President Ha
The petition, according to Fitz- the Ford Foundation and for the Univer
gerald, contends that the present and one-half month tour.
Michigan senate apportionment ----_________________
does not violate the 14th Amend-
ment and that the Michigan VITRIOLIC LETTER:
court's decision does follow the
precedent of the now-famous Ten- --
nessee decision. Mitcham I-rec
Cites Differences
"In Tennessee, the legislature
had not reapportioned in 60 years 0d 1t n "otTol
despite ~a constitutional obligatiu& I.UA
to do so," Fitzgerald said.,
"In Michigan, our apportion- By MICHAEL ZWI
ment is barely 10 years old.B H
"Furthermore, the Tennessee ap-. Carl Mitcham has brought controver
portionment was statutory whereas of the University of Colorado in a letter to
Michigan's is constitutional." Daily, wherein Mitcham referred to Gene
Another Factor as an "old futzer" and a "lap dog for pres
This adds another factor which the house as a pet, but you'd never think
the court will have to consider, show." The fresh political attacks broi
Fitzgerald said as the court has
never demanded a pure popula- pressure for Colorado Daily editor
tion-based formula. Gary Althen to resign. Althen
Scholle, taking issue with the reported last night there had been CO]
apportionment provisions of the serious administrative talk of
new constitution, said that in real- putting the now-independent Daily Dis
ity, population and area are under the journalism department.
weighted 32 per cent to 68 pr "But it now looks as if the Daily
cent in some districts and that the t'V
con-con formula was "absoultely will continue at it is. The regents
not" in accord with the decision study of the paper and lines of
of the Michigan court. The de- responsibility will continue for at B
cision demanded that no district least a month, but it is doubtful The
have more than twice as many that any substantive change in versity
persons as any other. Daily editorial freedom will result, studen
Both Fitzgerald and Scholle de- Althen said. passag
clined to comment on when the Mitcham's comments appeared Robert
Supreme Court would act. in a letter explaining his recent Cornel
article in the Colorado Daily where The
he attacked Sen. Barry Goldwater a grad
4A sks Ouster (R-Ariz) in terms considered to be suspen
libelous. in his
In his explanatory letter, Mit- mer. T
O ~ e s scham extended his attack to the dent a
Democratic party, saying that suspen
CARACAS ()-Venezuela's su- President John F. Kennedy "can tent w
preme court was asked yesterday read rapidly through a set of "The
to outlaw the Communist Party figures ond then throw them back by the
and affiliated leftist groups. at you. effect,
The request, if granted, would "When I referred (in the article) code i
result in the elimination of Com- to Goldwater as a 'murderer' cod sp
munist members of the chamber did not mean 'homicide'. I meant tute c
of deputies and senate who, Bet- that by his advocacy of nuclear univer
ancourt said, were leaders in the tests and opposition to the Food coe,
terrorism. for Red China Program." code,

-Daily-Kenneth Winter
arlan Hatcher will leave tomorrow for another trip abroad for
sity. He will visit the sites depicted in the map during his one
Request Fin*e
ipitts For Barnett
~o Uproar te
o UprOar TBy The Associated Press
!E M-RLUAN Thp J1ir

Tour in Far


sy back onto -the campus
the editor of the Colorado
eral Dwight D. Eisenhower
ident-nice to have around
of sending him to kennel
Lght on a new wave of
rnell Group
putes Code
er Students
real issue at Cornell Uni-
now is not the graduate
t who was expelled but the
e of a new student code,
S. Gabriner, editor of the
[ Daily Sun, said yesterday.
issue came to the fore when
duate student was recently
ded for living with a woman.
apartment during the sum-
'he woman was not a stu-
t Cornell. The student was
ded for conduct not consis-
vith university policy.
new code must be passed
faculty in order to take
" Gabriner added. The old
s vaguely worded and does
ecify what offenses consti-
onduct not consistent with
sity policy. The proposed
offered by the executive
of the student government
would specify and define
more fully, he noted.
he same time, thedCornell
l Union has been circulating
ns asking the university to
the case of the suspended

I NE U1.1!H1~i- 11e usUM
Department asked the federal
appeals court yesterday to fine
Mississippo Gov. Ross R. Barnett
$100,000 for defying court orders
in the desegration case of James
H. Meredith.
In addition, the department
asked for future fines of $10,000
a day until the governor satisfies
the court that he is complying
with the court's orders.
The court held Barnett and Lt.
Gov. Paul B. Johnson Jr., in con-,
tempt for blocking the enrollment
of the 29-yar-old Negro at the
University of Mississippi. But the
court put off imposing any penal-
ties to give them a chance to purge
themselves of the contempt.
Immense Harm
in its brief submitted to the
Fif h United States Circuit Court

Asia Junket
Presidelt To Confer
With Alumnni, Conduct
Foundation Survey
University President Harlan
Hatcher will leave Ann Arbor late
tomorrow night to embark on a
one and one-half month official
visit to Toyko and Asia.
The Far Eastern voyage will
send President and Mrs. Hatcher
on a tour of inspection of Uni-
versity projects inpAsia and will
enable them to visit those areas
currently being considered for
future University projects.
"The University is involved in
projects in Kanpur, India, and
Bangkok, site of the extensive
English Language Institute," Pres-
ident Hatcher related. "Because we
had not made a tour of inspection
since 1956, we thought that we
ought not to delay longer with
plans for this journey."
To Meet Alumni
The trip, beginning in Japan
with an' address at Waseda Uni-
versity and then proceeding to
Hong. Kong, the Philippines, For-
mosa, Thailand and India, will
enable President Hatcher to meet
with University alumni clubs in
Hong Kong, Manila, Taiwan, and
New Delhi while continuing his
study of leading universities and
thir problems for the Ford Foun-
Similar surveys for the Ford
Foundation took President Hatcher
to the Soviet Union in 1959 and to
Venzeuela and Peru earlier this
While in Toyko, President
Hatcher will partake in the fes-
tivities at Waseda University,
Japan's oldest university, which is
presently celebrating its 80th
anniversay. He will be the only
Westerner to speak at the special
ceremonies and will receive an
honorary degree on Oct. 20.
Recognize Cooperation
This special recognition will be
given in appreciation of coopera-
tion between the University and
Waseda University in recent years.
From 1956 to 1961, the engineering
college gave technical assistance to
Waseda under an International
Cooperation Administration con-
During.that time, University in-
dustrial engineers went to Toyko
as resident consultants in the es-
tablishment of an institute for re-
search and industrial engineering.
In exchange, faculty and students
from Waseda came to Ann Arbor
for study.
A similar arrangemept with the
Philippines in 1952 set up a train-
ing program for local officials.
The University of the Philippines
cooperated with * the political
science department and the In-
stitute of Public Administration.
To Distribute
Refund Money

Pierce Three-Hits Yanks, Evens

At t

. . . still in hot water

of Appeals, the Justice Depart-
ment said the United States "has

nd eat on the campus.
The corporation said each fra- SAN FRANCISCO O)---OrlandoI
ernity wishing to retain its pres-1
nt special living and dining quar- Cepeda snapped his batting slump
ers at Brown must, within four and left-hander Billy Pierce fired
ears, increase its membership to a strong three-hitter yesterday as

n academic average which does
iot in any four consecutive semes-
ers fall more than two-tenth of a
oint below the all-college aver-
ge, and "maintain a general pro-
ram of activities consonant with
he central purposes of the
Board To Mull
Lo ed Housing

the San Francisco Giants squared
the World Series at three games
apiece with a 5-2 victory over the
New York Yankees and Whitey
Snapping Ford's five-game series
winning streak as Cepeda rapped
three hits and drove in two runs
to lead the way, the Giants forced
the weather-plagued series into a
showdown seventh game today.
Right-hander Jack Sanford will
pitch for San Francisco against
+L, " "+_ ."Ar tt a am i

(According to Gabriner, the suffered immense financial as well rrom Charles
student has left Ithaca and has as other harm" from Barnett's
not announced that hel'intends to defiance of court orders in the The Development Council has
appeal the case.) The petitions historic case.d $
also recommend the stoppage of The governor still has not awith $755 still forthcoming-as a
a policy of "in loco parentis" by "fully" purged himself of civil iesult of a settlement with Ray
the university. contempt, the department said, Charles for his failure to appear
After an open graduate student even though Meredith now is en- at a scheduled concert at the Uni-
meeting, a group was set up of rolled as a student. versity two years ,ago.
graduates who are also circulating The proposed order drafted by Students who attended this con-
a petition, he added. ' the department named Barnett as cert will have the opportunity to
(Gabriner noted that prior to an individual, with no reference receive their money back this
the suspension graduate students to his title. It remained in ques- Iweek. Money not refunded will be
did not understand that the stu- tion whether any fine-if imposed placed in the Development Coun-
dent code applied to them as well --would have to be paid by Bar- cil Scholarship Fund.
as undergraduates.) nett personally, or whether the part of the money has already
state could pick up the tab. been returned to those students
Johnson Not Named who reclaimed it at the time of the
Dorms xtend The proposal made no mention concert. A list of the names of
of the lieutenant governor. these students is on file and they

. ..... ... .

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