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October 03, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-03

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glfr 43U1


Occasional rain today,
little change tomorrow.


Years of Editorial Freedom



Warner Says Power
Pressures Faculty
Clai ms Staebler Funds Solicited
From College Staff by Regent
Rep. James F. Warner, (R-Ypsilanti) charged yesterday that
the Neil Staebler campaign committee, which he said is headed by
University Regent Eugene B. Power, is pressuring faculty and staff
members of the state's colleges and universities to contribute money
to Staebler's campaign.
Warner said that funds for Staebler were being solicited in a
manner designed to make faculty and staff members feel that they

Of 10






Contempt Action

Editor Cites Congress Approves Bill
Calm Mood To Revise Tax Structure

- l

. . .reviews book

Book Notes
Of Learning
Prof. Fritz Machlup of the
political economy department of
Princeton University reviewed his
most recent book, "The Production
and Distribution of Knowledge,"
in a lecture sponsored by the eco-
nomics society last night.
The book is to be released in
Prof. Machlup is interested in
how many people in this country
are employed for the production
and distribution of knowledge, he
explained. It is his first attempt
at statistical analysis.
Defines Knowledge
The word knowledge has two
major meanings: first that which
is known and second the state of
knowing. According to these defi-
nitions the creation of knowledge,
that which is known, also distri-
butes knowledge of a state of
In considering activities that
produce knowledge he did not con-
fine himself simply to intellectual
or practical knowledge. He in-
cluded forms of communication
such as television and magazines.
He considered in the statistical
analysis those activities produc-
ing knowledge which are paid for,
either by the receiver or someone
else. This would include a televi-
sion commercial paid for by the
Catagorizes Knowledge
He catagorized knowledge-pro-
ducing activity into education,
research and devolpment, com-
munication, informational ma-
chines, informational services, and
computed how much was spent on
each. He also computed the por-
tions spent by consumers, govern-
ment and business.
Under education he included all
religious activity, cost of church
buildings and activities such as
home education of children when
the latter is paid for indirectly be-
cause the other forgoes outside
income. He also included the in-
come students forgo while at-
tending school.
Notes Waste
There is a great deal of waste
in the present educational system
of 12 years for elementary and
secondary education. "The learn-
ing process can't be spread too
far," he said.
If the present 12 years were re-
duced to nine, the cost would be
less and the graduates better
trained, he added.
Under research and devolpment,
he rioted that the current theory
advocating more research will de-
feat itself if too many people are
taken out of education into busi-
aess. There will be no one left to
teach future researchers.
Night Shift
Members of Gomberg House,

either contribute of fear possible
reprisals in the forms of salary
cuts, lack of appointment to better
positions or promotion.
Displaying copies of two letters
sent to faculty and staff members
of state schools by the committee
to solicit funds, Warner said that
the committee also included mem-
bers of the boards of control of
six state universities and colleges.
Other Regents
On the letters were listed the
names of eight other members of
boards of control of state schools.
These were University Regents
William K. McInally, Allen R. Sor-
enson and Donald M. Thurber; Dr.
DeWitt T. Burton of the Wayne
State Board of Governors; War-
ren M. Huff of the Board of Trus-
tees of Michigan State Univer-
sity; James Copeland of the
Board of Control of Grand Valley
College and Homer Hilton Jr. of
the Board in Control of Michigan
Institute of Mining . and Tech-
Regent Power, calling t h e
charges "ridiculous," said that he
considered the charges as "a direct
attack on the members of the
finance committee who are serv-
ing because of their deep interest
in a candidate whose long record
is one of support for education in
Michigan and in the country."
Send Letters
He explained that 10,000 letters'
have been sent out to people
around the state in all walks of
life and that 20,000 more would
be mailed "in an attempt to raise
a broad-based support for Staeb-
ler's campaign."
He added that a definite at-
tempt is going on to solicit finan-
cial aid from University faculty
members, noting that "we feel
educators are sympathetic to
Warner did not reveal who had
received the original letters whose
copies he had but said that a
faculty member at Eastern Michi-
gan University at Ypsilanti had
first made their existence known
to him.
Demand Apology
One of the letters was signed
by Regent Power and the other
by James M. Davis, director of the
International Center.
Warner demanded that both
Regent Power and the committee
apologize to the faculty and staff
members of the state schools from
which they attempted to solicit.

. .. campaign funds

Sues AMC
For Giving
A "substantial" stockholder of
the American Motors Corp. has
filed a suit in the United States
District Court of Detroit charging
the company's directors with mis-
management in allowing the firm
to help George Romney's cam-
paign for governor.
The suit calls for Romney's dis-
charge as AMC vice-chairman and
the cancelling of stock options
which he received when he re-
signed as president of the com-
pany. It charges further that the
directors violated their trust as
company officers by failing to
cancel the options.'
Attack Directors
Detroit attorneys have filed
the suit on behalf of Ruth Mintz
of New York City. They charged
that the directors allowed the
company "to assume and pay cer-
tain of Romney's expenses incur-
red in his current political cam-
Romney, named as one of' the
defendants in the suit, has refused
comment so far.
Richard E. Cross. chairman of
the board and another defendant,
has also refused comment until he
gets a chance to see the suit.
Company Policy-
He did say that Romney re-
ceives no salary while on his leave
of absence, and that the stock
options are merely a matter of
company policy.
"American Motors has made no
financial contribution to Romney
or toward the conduct of his cam-
paign or that of any other politi-
cal candidate or party," Cross
The suit claims that allowing
Romney to be connected with
AMC while he is engaged in a
"partisan, political campaign en-
dangers the good will of the

On Campus
Says Few Students
Participate in Riots
"People are trying to return to
normal," in the aftermath of two
days of rioting, Sidna Brower,
editor of the Mississipian, the
University of Mississippi's student
newspaper, commented yesterday.
Miss Brower noted that many
students , stayed in their dorms
Monday as tear gas hung over the
campus. Some students, she added,
went home, but are expected to
return to Oxford this weekend.
Greeted with Jeers
Meanwhile, James H. Meredith,
the first Negro ever to be admitted
to the university, is attending
classes. His presence has been
greeted with some jeering, but
Meredith is well guarded by Fed-
eral marshals, she said.
The Mississipian was planning
a special edition on Meredith's
arrival, but Meredith arrived Sun-
day night before it was completed.
"The arrangement was for Mere-
dith to come on Monday," she de-
Miss Brower said that the rioting
started off campus and that the
mob invaded the campus. "When
things got rough Ole Miss students
went to their dorms. There were
few Ole Miss students involved.
Most were outsiders and students
from other campuses in Mississippi
and elsewhere," she declared.
Students Not Involved
"The situation was not in cur
hands," she added.
The Mississipian urged students
to remain calm and stay out of
the mob. Miss Brower noted that
the students were covered by the
Federal injunction ordering Mere-
dith's admission and could get in
Negro Girl
Seeks Entry
At Mississippi
JACKSON (OP)-Alfanette Bracy,
a 21-year-old Negro girl from Ray-
mond, Miss., has applied for ad-
mittance to the University of Mis-
sissippi, a source close to the state
college board advised last night.
The girl had been enrolled at
Jackson State College, and her
application was said to under
consideration by the board. It had
been on file since last summer.
It was not immediately made
clear if Miss Bracy was the girl
referred to in a National Associa-
tion for the Advancement of
Colored People announcement
made Monday that a Negro girl
would apply to the formerly all-
white university.
In the future, Miss Bracy said,
she believes white and Negro stu-
dents will get along well together
in Southern schools.

WASHINGTON {)-Rapid-fire House and Senate passage yester-
day sent President John F. Kennedy his tax bill, much revised from
what he asked but retaining his key request, an investment credit
designed to spur business to modernize its plants.
The bill is missing the second most important feature the Presi-
dent requested, a proposed tax withholding plan on dividends and
interest income. This had been counted on to make up the $1 billion
the incentive feature is expected - -_.------- --
to cost the Treasury next year.
Voice Vote 1Pan Asks
The House passed the bulky bill
by voice vote. The Senate sent it
on to the White House with a 56-Independents
22 roll call vote.j
Kennedy had asked Congress
for many features which were
stripped from the bill. But the 1 otes
final version contains a dozen,
important provisions and is con-.
sidered by some the most impor- Tomn Pay'ne, Democrat challeng-
sidredby omethemos imor-ing Republican incumbent George
tant tax legislation since Congress MeaderubhC ngmenalGerg
completely revised the revenue oeader for the Congressional seat
code in 1954of the second district, appealed
last night to the "independent"
Approves of Bill voters of the area.

. . . granted delay

Secretary of t h e Treasury
Douglas Dillon has given his ap-'
proval to the bill that finally got
through Congress because of the
important investment credit pro-
vision. The measure had been un-
der debate since Kennedy sent upI
his proposal for it in April last
The proposed tax withholdingj
plan was approved in the House
but killed in the Senate.
As the President originally sub-
mitted the bill last year, it carried
enough revenue-gaining provisions
to bring a net pickup of $600 mil-k

Speaking at a campaign organi-
zational meeting, Payne said that
"Meader's negative attitude as re-
flected by his voting record" has
stirred "concern" among young
persons brought up in the Repub-
lican party.
"We're both running on his
(Meader's) record," Payne said.
Avowed Opposition
He:cited Meader's avowed oppo-
sition to President John F. Ken-
nedy's legislative program, includ-
ing civil rights and the Peace
Corps as well as the recent Area
Redevelopment Bill which will

lion a year. bring help to the district.f"He
Net Loss votes like a Dixiecrat too often.
But the bill going to the White Payne advocated a "positive ap-
House will cost about $545 million proach to peace" and "reasonable
annually under estimates of Con- steps to replace the arms race
gressional tax experts; the Treas- with a peace race," calling this at+
ury figures the net loss at about fundamental problem that must
$200 million, be solved but which Meader
$2he m asryesimte"doesn't seem to be interested in."'
The Treasury estimates that
new reporting provisions on divi- Card-Carrying Member
dend and interest earnings insert- He charged, "to be a Republi-
ed as a substitute for withholding can in Ann Arbor you must be aj
will gain about $275 million an- paid card carrying member of the
nually. Republican party, or else you are,
Other sections are estimated to not a member."1

. . . goes to class

Justice. Unit
Asks Delay
Of. Hearing
See Postponement
As 'Willingness Test'
NEW ORLEANS R)--Mississippi
Gov. Ross Barnett yesterday won
a 10-day reprieve from federal
punishment for his vain opposition
to Negro James H. Meredith's en-
rollment at the University of Mis
sissippi. The Justice Department
suggested the delay.
Instead of sending Barnett to
prison or fining him on the spot,
a federal appeals court gave him
a form of probation until Oct. 12
---apparently a test of his willing-
ness to accept fully Meredith's in-
tegration into previously all-white
student ranks.
As the courtroom drama ended
without a showdown, Meredith
quietly completed a second day's
round of classes at the university
campus in northern Mississippi.
Blocked Admission
Twice last week, Barnett per-
sonally blocked Meredith's admis-
sion to the university. But in the
face of federal troop intervention,
the governor made no intrusion
Monday when Meredith finally
was registered. .
The governor's legal aides ar-
gued that this non-intervention at
the climax amounted to compli-
ance with the court's integration
order, that therefore Barnett had
purged himself of contempt and
any punishment attached to his
earlier defiance.
The Justice Department asked
the court to hold any punishment
in obeyance to allow Barnett more
time to show compliance with the
integration order.
Senate Plans
Meanwhile in Washington, the
Senate is making plans to investi-
gate the rioting which occurred at
the university. Chairman James 0.
Eastland (D-Miss) announced
yesterday he has invited Sen. John
Stennis (D-Miss) to take part in
the Senate Judiciary Committee
Stennis, who is not a member of
the committee, said he is "pleased
indeed to acce:pt."
Dirksen Surprised
Eastland's proposal that his Mis-
sissippi colleague "serve as a mem-
ber of the panel" making the in-
quiry brought an expression of
surprise from Senate Republican
leader Everett M. Dirksen of Illi-
Dirksen, who is a member of the
Judiciary Committee, told news-
men he thought it would require
committee action to bring any
non-member into the investigation.
Eastland announced Monday
night he was ordering an inves-
tigation by the committee into"all
events . . . since United States
marshals and army troops moved
Dirksen said he was withholding
a decision on Republican partici-
pation in the investigation. He said
he had been unable to discuss the
inquiry with Eastland because he
was informed the chairman was
suffering from influenza.
Name New

SGC To Discuss Serving
On OSA Advisory Board
Student Government Council's participation in the new Office
of Student Affairs Advisory Committee will be the main topic of
debate at SGC's meeting tonight, said Council president Steven Stock-
meyer, '63.
The committee is to be composed of students and members of the
Faculty Senate Sub-committee on Student Relations.
Urges Non-Participation
At their last meeting, SGC began debate on a motion by Bob
Ross, '63, and Daily Editor Michaels

pick up perhaps $550 million.
There will be some tightening of
the rules on business entertain-
ment and travel deductions and
increased levies on mutual sav-
ings banks, savings and loan asso-
ciations, mutual fire and casualty
companies, and co-operatives.
Also, imposition of taxes on a
current basis on earnings of sub-
sidiaries of United States com-
panies set up abroad as tax havens
and taxation of most of the earn-
ings of movie stars and others who
have set up permanent residence
abroad will be included.
The 7 per cent investment credit?
is the second big step this year
in the administration's tax incen-
tive program to try to increase the
efficiency of American business so
that it can compete better in
world markets and improve the
United States economy's growth
In July the Treasury substan-
tially liberalized depreciation rules
and estinmated this would bring a
$1.5 billion tax cut for benefit of
,United States firms.

In his second attempt to unseat
Meader, Payne's platform also in-
cludes a medical insurance pro-
gram for elderly people, expanded
world trade to encourage overseas
markets for Michigan built and
grown products, and tax reduction
and reform to "eliminate inequi-
ties and encourage job-creating
To Purchase
U N -Securities
WASHINGTON (P) -President
John F. Kennedy expressed his
pleasure yesterday in signing into
law a measure authorizing United
States purchase of up to $100 mil-
lion of United Nations bonds.
The measure is designed to help
ease U. N. financial troubles in
paying the cost of enforcing the
peace in the Congo, Middle East
and elsewhere. So.viet Bloc and
other nations have refused to pay
their share of U. N. costs in the
Congo and Middle East.


Judge Orders
For Walker
Maj. Gen. Edwin A. Walker, a
key figure in weekend battling
over admission of a Negro to the
University of Mississippi, was or-
dered under psychiatric examina-
tion in a federal prison yesterday.
His attorneys announced im-
mediately they would fight the
order today in United States Dis-
trict Court here. They instructed
Walker to refuse to cooperate with
prison physicians.
At Medical Center
Walker was locked in the Unit-
ed States medical center here. He
was brought here from Oxford
Monday night after his arrest and
arraignment on charges of incit-
ing insurrection and seditious con-
United States Dist. Atty. F. Rus-
sell Millin told newsmen the psy-
chiatric examination order was is-
sued in Oxford yesterday after-
noon by United States. District
Judge Claude Clayton. Millin said
it prevents Walker from obtain-
ing his release under a $100,000
bond set Monday at his arraign-


Olinick, '63, which asked that
Council notparticipate on the ad-
visory committee.
The motion argues that, "There
presently exist faculty and student
organizations . . . to serve the
functions assigned to the proposed,

Glamour, Glitter Pervade 14PA Opening

Take 60 Days
Millin said he understood the
_ psychiatric examination would
take 60 to 90 days and that dur-
ing the period Walker wouldnot
be bailable.
Clyde J. Watts. spokesman for
Walker's corps of attorneys, said

advisory board." By MARJORIE BRAHMS'
One of these organizations, thez
motion states, is SGC, and it "de- In a veritable sea of black ties and tuxedos, floor-length ball I
sires to maintain its proper role gowns and the splendor of a Broadway opening night, Prof. and
within the University" by not par- Mrs. Robert C. Schnitzer received a host of dignitaries last night at
ticipating on the proposed com- a special preview of the Association of Producing Artists.
mittee. The play, Richard Brinsley Sheridan's "The School for Scandal,"
Election Rules sparkled with the talent, wit and confidence of a fine group of
Another major topic on the performers. But the glamor and charm of the period comedy was
agenda will be suggested changes more than matched by the brilliance of the festivities.
in SGC election procedures. Meas-
ures will be discussed which hope- As the guests poured into Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, the lobby
fully would prevent the problems filled with a goodly assortment of vice-presidents, Regents, political
that occurred in last year's elec- prominents, academicians and assorted supporters of the Professional
tion. Theatre Program.
The rules and credentials com- It had just begun to rain and at the door a footman, dressed
mittee will propose that SGC in the eighteenth century mode, escorted the ladies to the theatre
elections be held on one day in- with a black umbrella.
stead of two. Wednesday, Nov. 8, Following intermission, University President Harlan Hatcher
is the day the committee will sug- opened the second half of the play with words of sterling praise
gest for the election, for the APA and the concept of a professional theatre in Ann Arbor.

they would ask United Mtates LDis-
trict Judge John W. Oliver, hold- S
ing court here, for either a writ
of habeas corpus freeing Walker or
for an injunction against any sur-jD
gical or medicinal treatment of
the former general without the
presence of a psychiatrist or Dean James B. Wallace of the
physician approved by Walker's music school has announced the
counsel. promotions of Professors John Al
Meanwhile his family in Texas Flower and Allen P. Britton from
was busy trying to arrange his re- assistant deans to associate deans
lease on bail set by the court. of the school.
- sProf. Flower, who is also an
associate professor of m u s Ic
W elch To- Tall theory, received a PhD in music-
ology from the University in 1956.
At Press Club ; He has been in the music depart-
A ment for 13 years and has also
taught at National Music Camp
John Birch Society founder at Interlochen.
Robert Welch will come to Michi- He has received a number of
gan Nov. 2 to speak at the Dear- awards including a Rackham Fac-
born Youth Center. ulty Research Grant and the Dis-
Welch will also speak before a tinguished Service Award from
11111 l annoff4- Tlnt. P r.Pee: i - , hoTnipriy ~no nmet C m..

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