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October 03, 1962 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-10-03

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Editor Tells of Russian Trip

Spivey Analyzes Plans
For New MBA Degree

Copley Speaks on Education

Special. To The Daily
DETROIT - The United States
faces a strong and determined
'enemy arnd should not become
overconfident about its lead over
the Soviet Union in living stand-
ards, industrial production and
agricuulture, Lee Hills, executive
editor of the Detroit Free Press,
told the Detroit Economic Club
Reporting on his impressions
of his recent Russian trip, Hills
said, "The United States must
know and understand the Soviet
Union's strengths and weaknesses.
It is easy to paint scary pictures,
but it is equally easy to be taken
In by the hospitality of the Rus-
sian people and their desire for
Hills cited recent statistics in-
dicating that the Soviet Union,
while increasing its rate of econ-
omic growth, has fallen behind the
United States in the absolute value
of economic production. In 1913 -
the last normal year of the Czar-
ist regime - the Russian econ-
omy was $15 billion behind the
United States. In 1955 it was $115
billion behind. In the last four
years the Soviet economy has
slowed down, Hills said.
Mistaken Judgment
"It is a mistake to judge by liv-
ing standards and to underesti-
mate the United States' major
enemy. Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev has thoroughly im-
planted the idea of catching up
with the United States, although
he has soft pedaled the emphasis
on consumer goods," he declared.
The decline in Soviet economic
growth, Hills noted, can be at-
tributed to the Soviets' space and
military efforts.
"Agriculture under Communism
is a failure everywhere," he as-
'U' TV Center
Wins Award
For Films
The University Television Cen-
ter won a "best in class" for an
industrial film in a national com-
petition sponsored by a photo-
graphic magazine recently.
In addition, "The Idea of Mich-
igan" and a film by the United
States Air Force tied as the "best
general public relations films." The
University was the only education-
ad organization to win any hon-
ors in the competition.
"The Idea of Michigan" is a
colored motion picture produced
by the center to introduce stu-
dents to the University. It traces
the history of the University and
discusses present work in the fields
of teaching, research and service.
The film was also called "one of
the six best films produced by
large universities" by the Ameri-
can College Public Relations As-
The film was shown throughout
the state last year to high school
students in University orientation
programs. Featured in the film are
Dean Emeritus S. G. Fontana of
the natural resources school and
Prof. Marvin Felheim of the Eng-
lish department.
Formal presentation of the
awards from the magazine will be
held in late October in Chicago.
Prof. Garney R. Garrison, di-
rector of University broadcasting,
was the executive producer of "The
Idea of Michigan." Hazen J. Schu-
macher, Jr. was the producer-di-
rector, Alfred H. Slote, the writer,
Michael J. Berla, the photographer
and Thomas B. Coates, the art
director and animator.

serted. He said this failure can be
partially attributed to the system
where half the food sold is grown
on private plots, but it can also
be caused by a Soviet unwilling-
ness to invest in the necessary
farm machinery.
No Capital
"Agriculture cannot go without
capital investment. This invest-
ment cannot be made without cut-
ting back the military effort. So
the people tighten their belts," he
Hills cited eight impressions
about the Soviet-United States
struggle: 1) Russia is not likely
to catch up to the American
standard of living. However, by
concentrating on heavy industry,
it can maintain its military pow-
2) Communism is more danger-
Tutors Plan
of Negroes
"We hope to make the young
Negro students of Ann Arbor aware
of the society in which they live,
through positive methods of edu-
cation," says Martha Prescod, '65,
chairman of the Ann Arbor Tutor-
ial Project.
The project will begin work with
Negro junior-high and high school
students Thursday at the Ann Ar-
bor Community Center.
A meeting for members of the
project and all interested persons
will be held at 7 p.m. tonight in
Room 3D of the Michigan Union.
Mechanics and possible problems
will be discussed.
"One of the results of segrega-
tion has been the low level of vo-
cational aspirations of many young
Negro students," an information
leaflet states. The purpose of the
tutorial program is to help Ann
Arbor's Negroes develop more as-
surance and initiative in their ed-
The tutors will work with two
or three students apiece, at least
twice a week, helping with home-
work and discussing problems of
the future in family life, school
and employment opportunities. In
addition, outside speakers will be
Invited to discuss the social, eco-
nomic and political bases of segre-
Eventually the tutors will have
seminars among themselves to dis-
cuss the effects of segregation on
Negro family life and future as-
pirations. It is also hoped that the
project may expand into the teach-
ing of American history, includ-
ing the Negro role.
The high school students can
apply for tutoring at the Com-
munity Center.
USE OF THIS COLUMN for announce-
ments is available to officially reog-
nized andregistered organizations only.
Organizations planning to be active for
the fall session should register by
Oct. 8, 1962. Forms available, 1011 Stu-
dent Activities Bldg.
* * *
Chess Club, Meeting, Oct. 3, 7:30
p.m., Union, Rms. 3K-L Free lessons
for beginners, everyone welcome.
« * *
Lutheran Student Assoc., Evening
Meditations, Oct. 3, 7:15 p.m., Lutheran
Student Center, Hill & Forest.
«* * *
Newman Club, Lecture, Oct. 3, 8 p.m.,
331 Thompson.
U. of M. Rifle Club, Orientation Meet-
ing, Oct. 3, 7:30 p.m., Rifle Range in
rear of North University Bldg.
* * *

Wesley Foundation, Coffee Hour, 4
p.m., Wesley Lounge; Holy Communion,
5:10 p.m., Chapel; Grad. Supper, 6 p.m.,
Pine Room; Oct. 3.

ous under Khrushchev than under
his predecessor because the Soviet
leader does not use the belligerent
Stalinist tactics which tended to
drive Soviet enemies together;
3) America's moral standards
are insufficient to meet the Rus-
sian challenge;
Less Chance
4) The possibility of global war
has lessened in the last two or
three years as both sides know
nuclear war is suicidal. The United
States will live under cold war
and crisis for many years;
5) Communism is cumbersome
and oppressive and cannot stand
extended competition with the
United States;
6) Communism is spread too
thin in industry and agriculture;
U. S. Fat
7) The United States is fat com-
pared to the Communist opposi-
tion; and
8) Freedom of the human spirit
will prevail.
Hills described Khrushchev as a
brash, tough, master politician
with a remarkable memory. He
also is extremely articulate and
has a fund of information, he said.
Distorted View
The Communists have given the
Russian people a distorted and
misleading picture of the world,
Hills declared. "The Communists
cannot tolerate co-existence of
ideas. Why then would they build
a wall of ignorance and preses;)
completely distorted news? Tne
traffic of ideas is all one way," he
Hills urged that more Ameri-
cans travel to Russia and answer
frankly the questions of curious
Russians. He also suggested that
more Russians should visit the
United States, but noted that the
Soviets have severely limited the
number of Russian tourists.

The new MBA program in quan-
titative methods offered by the
Business Administration School
has come about as the result of
a widespread revolution in the use
of mathematics in business during
the last ten to fifteen years, Prof.
W. Allen Spivey of the business
school said recently.
This revolution results from
two main causes; first, new dis-
coveries in mathematics that can
be applied to the world of busi-
ness, and second, the advent of
large scale computers capable of
solving the problems the new math
has created.
As a natural result, business
schools are faced with the diffi-
cult task of having to train their
students in the use of mathemat-
ics and statistics in formulating
and solving business problems.
New Program
The School of Business admin-
istration, becoming aware of this
problem, initiated a program to
handle the situation last fall. In-
stead of importing new teachers
and planning elaborate new pro-
grams, the school is making use
of some of the existing facilities
To Give Color TV
At Homecoming
The Homecoming Central Com-
mittee yesterday announced that a
grand prize of a color television
will be given for the "most at-
tractive and appropriate display,"
in addition to regular prizes.
Homecoming co-chairmen Sue
Brockway, '63ED, and Charles
Mann, '65, noted that display pe-
titions must be turned into the
Homecoming office in the Michi-
gan Union by 5 p.m. Thursday.

for offering the required subject
Thus the student who chooses to
elect a program in quantitative
methods finds that he can take
courses taught not only in the
business school but also in the
departments of mathematics and
industrial engineering, for exam-
ple. At the same time the student
is taking the core courses, market-
ing, finance, and accounting, in
his own school.
In the last semester of the
quantitative method program, the
student takes two seminars for the
purpose of integrating the material
amassed outside of the school with
the normal subject matter cover-
ed within the business school.
One of Few
The business school is one of
the few schools in the country
which allows its students to do
this much outside work, Prof. Spi-
vey said.
Half a dozen of the better busi-
ness schools are now offering a
course in quantitative methods but
most of them are given entirely
within the schools themselves, he
The quality of students electing
the course impressed Prof. Spivey
most. Last fall seven students en-
rolled. This year there are 28 par-
ticipating in the program.
There are students from Cor-
nell, Oberlin and Pennsylvania
State University as well as from
the University in the program.
The students were undergraduates
in mathematics, economics, engi-
neering and psychology.
The enrollment is increasing at
a far more rapid rate than the
founders thought it would, and at
the present time, the consensus is
that the program has been a suc-
cess and has a promising future,
Prof. Spivey noted.

American high schools have
"courageously and intelligently"
handled the problem of the edu-
cation of the superior student,.
Prof. Frank Copley of the Latin
department said Friday.
His speech, part of the 45th an-
nual meeting of the University
Press Club, viewed the gifted stu-
dent and noted the advances which
should be made in their educa-
"The whole philosophy that
rests behind the segregation of
the talented is the democratic
principle, not of equality of edu-
cational experience, but of equal-
ity of opportunity for each stu-
dent to fulfill his own abilities,"
Prof. Copley said.
After Sputnik
Since the Soviet Sputnik went
up, concern for our advanced stu-

dents-"those who we don't want
to stop at a bachelor's degree"-
has become acute, he said.
High schools have met the chal-
lenge with devices such as abil-
ity grouping and advanced place-
ment programs, in which high
school students do college-level
work. These procedures have been
quite successful, Prof. Copley ob-
He praised Michigan's high
schools for handling this "cdm-
plex, positively frightening job" so
Smaller Problem
Prof. Copley said that on the
college level the problem is simple
by comparison because students
who reach college have already
been partially screened regarding
their capabilities.
Choosing criteria for selection
for honors and other advanced
programs is difficult. IQ tests alone
are not sufficient; they may ig-
nore many pertinent factors. Even
personal evaluations by teachers
may not be accurate: they may
miss the "unwashed, obstreperous
and sometimes downright unpleas-
ant student" who should be do-
ing advanced work, Prof. Copley
On the whole, "the mass attack
runs the danger of losing the very
people we want to find," Prof. Cop-
ley added.
He, also noted the "vast lack
Roberts To Speak
On Camus' Work
Prof. Preston Roberts of the
University of Chicago will speak
at 4:15 p.m. today in Aud. A and
at 7 p.m. in the Multipurpose Rm.,
UGLI. The talk is the third Stu-
dent Government Council spon-
sored seminar on Albert Camus.

of communication between high
schools and colleges regarding
what we can do for our superior
In an earlier speech to the
Press Club Friday, Russell Thack-
rey, executive secretary of the As-
sociation of State Universities and
Land-Grant Colleges, viewed an-
other problem in education: the
spiralling need for more facilities
in higher education.
Converging Trends
Two converging trends - the
growing demand for educated peo-
ple, and the increasing number of
college-age people-are beginning
to exert tremendous pressure on
institutions of higher education,
Thackrey warned.
As a result, schools are being
forced either to expand enroll-
ment, at the expense of quality
education; or to slam college doors
in the face of qualified applicants
for admission.
A third alternative, Thackrey
noted, is to double higher educa-
tion facilities by 1970, so that
schools could handle 335,000 new
students a year-double the pres-
ent figure.

. . . superior students

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The Daily Bulletin is an official
publication of the University of
Michigan for which The Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial respon-
sibility. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3564
Administration Building before 2
p.m. two days preceding publication.
Day Calendar
4:15 p.m.-Office of Religious Affairs
Lecture-Dr. Preston Rob-
erts, "Albert Camus": Aud.
A, Angell Hall.
7:30 p.m.-Introductory Computer Pro-
gramming Lectures - Brice
Carnahan: Natural Science
8:30 p.m.-Professional Theatre Pro-
gram-Rosemary Harris and
Will Geer, "School for Scan-
day": Lydia Mendelssohn
General Notices
Graduate Students expecting to re-
ceive the master's degree in Feb., 1963,
must file a diploma application with
the Recorder of the Grad School by
Fri., Oct. 5. A student will not be rec-
ommended for a degree unless he has
filed formal application in the office
of the Graduate School.
Law Schools Admissions Test-Appli-
cation forms for the next testing time
should be completed now in order to
be registered for the Nov. 10th test.
Forms are obtainable at the Jr.-Sr.
Concentration Office, 1223 Angell Hall
and should be mailed away without de-
Rhodes Scholarships - Application
forms may be secured at the Jr.-Sr.
Concentration Office, 1223 Angell Hall.
Completed applications must be return-
ed to that office by Oct. 15th to be
considered for the current competition.
Engineers: "Interviewing Workshop"
will be conducted by Prof. John G.
Young, director, Eng. Placement Serv-
ice, Wed., Oct. 3, andl Thurs., Oct. 4, at
4:00 p.m. in Room 311 W. Eng. All in-
terested students are inbited and engi-
neers who expect to graduate this year
are especially urged to attend one of
these meetings.
Agenda Student Government Council
Oct. 3, 1962, 7:15 p.m., Council Room
Constituents' Time 9 p.m.
AdJournment: 12:00
Minutes of the Previous Meeting.
Officer Reports: President, Letters,
Announcements: . Executive Vice-Presi-
dent, Interim Action, In-Committee Re-
port, Appointments to Standing Com-
mittees, Credentials . and Rules Com-
mittee Minutes, Announcements; Ad-
ministrative Vice-President, SGC Orien-
tation Program, Announcements; Treas-
urer, Student Activities Scholarship
Board, Treasurer's Report, Announce-
Standing Committees.
Ad Hoc Committees and Related
Boards: Elections Committee-Elections
Rules Adoption (10).
Special Business.

Old Business: OSA Advisory Commit-
tee (12), Use of University Facilities (6),
Committee on Membership (12), Stu-
dent Discount Service (4).
Constituents and Members Time.
Student Government Council Approval
for the following student-sponsored ac-.
tivities becomes effective 24 hours after
the publication of this notice. All pub-
licity for these events must be withheld
until the approval has become effective..
University of Michigan Economics So-
ciety, lecture; "Strategic Factors in the
Economic Development of the United
States jand Britain: 1760-1860," Prof.
Barry E. Supple, Oct. 10, 8:00, Confer-
ence Room, Rackharm.
Community Servicee Comm., League,
Volunteer Services drive, Oct. 8-22.
Women's Athletic Assoc.' All women's
living units, competitive group sing,
Nov. 7, 7:30 p.m., Hill Aud.
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Prof.
C. L. Dolph will continue his talk on
"Positive Real Resolvents and Linear
Passive Hilbert Spaces," Thurs., Oct.
4, at 4:00 p.m. in Room 246 W. Engrg.
Refreshments will be served in Room
350 W. Engrg. at 3:30 p.m.
Lecture Today: "The Religious Hu-
manism of Albert Camus" by Dr. Pres-
ton Roberts, Dept. of Religion & Lit.,
U. of Chicago, 4:15 p.m.,!Wed., Oct. 3,
Aud. A, Angell Hall. Everyone welcome.
Seminar in Numerical Analysis: Prof.
R. C. F. Bartels will tal; on a numeri-
cal method of integration by W. Rom-
berg Wed., Oct. 3 at 4:30 p.m. in Room
3010 Angell Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Roy Glenn
Miller, Chemistry; thesis: "The Frag-
mentation Route to Benzyne Inter-
mediates," Wed., Oct. 3, 3003 Chem.
Bldg., at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, R. M.
Lecture: Prof. Dr. Ing. W. Meyer zur
Capellen will speak on "Geneva Mech-
anisms with Cycoidal Guidance," on
Oct. 4, 4 p.m. in Room 229, W. Eng.
Bldg. All graduate students and fac-
ulty are invited. Coffee will be served
in Faculty Lounge, W. Eng. Bldg. at
3:30 p.m. Faculty: Please announce this
meeting to your classes in which you
have grad students.
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Placement
Office, 2200 Student Activities Bldg.,
during the following hours: Mon. thru
Fri. 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 tl 5
Employers desirous of hiring students
for part-time or full-time temporary
work, should contact Bob Hodges, Part-
time Interviewer at NO 3-1511, ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
fobs should consult the bulletin board
in Room 2200, daily.

1-To teach gymnastics dn a part-time
permanent basis. Hours would be
-Several sales positions.
1-To play the piano-Must be good-
(Married student preferred). Must
have a car for transportation. Hours:
9 p.m.-1 or 2 a.m.
1-To distribute cigarette samples.
Must be single, in a business re-
lated course and at least a 2nd
sem. Freshman and not more than
a Ist sem. Jr. 25 hours of work per
3-To work at a dormitory snack bar.
Fri., Sat. and Sun. nightshfrom 9.
p.m.-2 a.m. (1 or all 3 nights).
2-To distribute cigarette samples.
Must be single, in a business re-
lated course and at least a 2nd
sem. Freshman and not more than
a 1st sem. Jr. 25 hours of work per
1-To start as cashier and work up to
hostess position. Must be 25 years
of age or older. Full-time permanent
position. (8 a.m. to 5 p.m.)
1-To baby sit with two children (age
3 and 5) Mon., Wed., and Fri. nights,
in exchange for room and board.
1--To take care of two girls, 5 and 6
years old, from 12 noon to 5:30 p.m.
Mon. thru Fri. in exchange for room
and board.
1-Hatcheck girl-Hours: 12 noon to 6
p.m.-Would need transportation-
(outside of Ann Arbor).
The following schools have listed
teaching vacancies for the school year
Battle Creek, Mich. (Springfield Sch.)
-Librarian-Position open Feb. 1963.
Covert, Mich.-%-time Guidance Dir/
SS. Teacher. Now or Feb. 1963.
Houghton, Mich. (Portage Twsp. Schs.)
-7/8th gr. Engl./Remed. Read. Open
Oct. 28.
Hudson, Mich. (Hudson Agric. Sch.)
-5th grade.

Bellevue, Wash. (Dist. 405) - 2nd
grade (Oct. 15), Jr. HS Lang. Arts/SS
with Girl's PE (Jan., 1963), HS Alg.,
Engl. (Positions open now), Elem. Voc.
Mus., Sp. Ther. (Positions open Jan.,
Sunnyside, Wash. (Dist. 201) - HS
Engl/Drama-open Oct. 29.
For additional information contact
the Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB,
663-1511, Ext. 3547.
Wayne County General Hospital,
Eloise, Mich.-Opening for Chemist -
man or woman-BS or MS. No exper.
required, but would be useful. Candi-
date may have leanings toward biologi-
cal chem. or pure chem. Job will be
concerned with testing & clinical pro-
B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio -
Various openings including: Non-Tech-
nical-Mktg. Analyst (building prod-
ucts); Computer Consultant; Opera-
tions Research Analyst; Field Auditors
& Field Auditor Trainees; Intra-co.
Sales Rep.; Market Supervisor; Field
Salesmen; etc. Technical-Patent Attor-
ney (both chem. & mech.); Mech.
Engnr.; Tech. Services Engnrs.; Machine
Designer; Chemists; Chem. Engnrs., etc.
Zerox Corp., Detroit, Mich.-Sales Rep.
College degree. 2 yrs. sales exper. (in-
dustrial sales pref.). Age 25-40. Must
have own car. Territory in Jackson,
Mich. area. Prefer that man live in
Jackson, but not essential. Immed.
opening. Oppor. for advancement.
City of Muskegon Heights, Mich. -
Position of City Engineer. Applications
solicited from graduate Civil Engnrs.
Need not be registered.
National Electric Welding Machines
Co., Bay City, Mich.-Immed.. opening
for Sales Engnr. in field of Resistance
& Arc Welding plus allied automation
equipment. Either graduate engnr. in
Mechanical or Electrical with some out-
side exper. is pref. Will be a trainee
so bkgd. in company's partic. field not
* * *
For further information, please call
General Div., Bureau of Appointments,
3200 SAB, Ext. 3544.

SUNDAY, OCT. 14, 1962
8:00 P.M.

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Clip this advertisement and re -
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