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September 18, 1962 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-09-18

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'U' Student Participates
In Southern Vote Drive

Bacon Asks Tax Relief
For Defense Research


<0 1

(Continued from Page 1'
to door consisted of one Negro
and one white student. This was
done because Negro citizens are
leery of a white person approach-
ing them alone.
These integrated pairs astonish-
ed the Negro population. They
were surprisedsto see integrated
couples and also amazed to find
white people who were fighting for
them rather than exploiting them.
This was a completely new ap-
proach to them, Miss Jeffrey not-
Bad Facilities
The registering team worked in
cdifferent areas with all types of
Negro families. About 60 per cent
of the living facilities were very
bad and the rest were decent.
The Negro community is lack-
ing a middle class, Miss Jeffrey
noted. There is a professional class
made up mostly of teachers and a
Lfw lawyers and doctors.
Then there is a low income class,
which is made up of domestics and
those involved in unskilled labor.
Middle class jobs like secretaries
and store clerks are unavailable to
The result of unemployment for
th Negro in the South has made
the Negro community a matri-
archal society, Miss Jeffrey noted.
The most available employment
has traditionally been domestic
work, which has given the woman'
in the family the purse strings.
Males often cannot bear this and
leave the family. There is then no
male for the boy child to identify
with. More care and attention is
given the female child and she is
encouraged to education.
The other job of the NSA group
was tutoring junior high students
who would attend a previously all-
white school in the fall. Tutoring
was done in English, math, biology
and French.
Help Catch Up
This was done because of the in-
feriority of the Negro schools. The
tutoring was aimed at teaching the
students skills so that they would
not be behind their white class-
Miss Jeffrey, who tutored in
English, said that her students
turned out to be bright and crea-
tive and the chief benefit was
psychological. In other words, the
students had more confidence in
themselves and in their ability t
handle the new situation of going
to an integrated school.
Twenty-five students were tu-
tored. In the fall 33 students wil
enter the white junior high school
Sixty-seven applied and about hal

were rejected. Those who were re-
jected were turned down for tech-
nical reasons which were not real-
ly valid, Miss Jeffrey noted.
To Give Confidence
The aims of her job, as she saw
it, was to give the students confi-
dence in themselves, to encourage
their creativity and imagination,
to convince them that their feel-
ingsand thoughts were important,
to increase their observation and
critical powers, and also to accus-
tom them to an integrated group.
In her tutoring group, Miss
Jeffrey encouraged her students
to verbalize their fears of, integra-
tion. At this time she noted their
strong feeling of inferiority to
white students. Other fears in-
cluded fear of making friends and
fear of a white teacher who might
not be fair to them.
Themes on Freedom
One of the most interesting ex-
ercises Miss Jeffrey felt was
themes on freedom. Definitions of
freedom included: a new world,
hope, to be able to live where I
want to without being harassed, to
talk to whom I like because we
get tired of talking to ourselves.
In answer to why freedom was
important, one student wrote, "It
helps us to understand each other
and understanding is important. If
we all had freedom we could all
understand each other and there
would be peace."
NSA Project
The students on this NSA proj-
ect lived in a Negro college in a
Negro community. The culture and
customs were totally different.
Miss Jeffrey said that coming
home she felt a greater cultural
shock than coming home from a
trip she once took to Africa.
Most schools in the South had
bad teachers, poor curricula and
facilities, as well as very limited
academic freedom, Miss Jeffrey,
noted..This is true of white as well
as Negro schools. Teachers are not
allowed to preach ideas contrary
to the southern view.
The only colleges which are in-
tegrated are the state universities,
I and there the dormitories are not
Very Strict
At most colleges the regulations
s are very strict and typical hours
- are: 6:30 p.m. for freshmen, 7:30
s for sophomores, 8:30 for juniors
e and 10:00 for seniors.
Some of the NSA group remain-
0 ed in Raleigh to work with the
g community in direct action such
as sit-ins. In one sit-in demon-
- stration at a Howard Johnson's
1 Restaurant students were arrested
L One thousand people picketed it
f in protest.

Associate City Editor
A study of the fundamental
problems facing Michigan indus-
try has led Frank Bacon Jr., pro-
gram director research and devel-;
opment, Institute of Science and
Technology, to the belief that
"some form of tax benefit for re-
search expenditures might be a
worthwhile way to acceleratebthe
state's economic growth."
One way, he suggested, might be
to allow Michigan firms to deduct
their research and development
expenditure from the sum used in
computing their business activities
While he estimates that this
would reduce the state's annual
tax revenues by three or four mil-
lion dollars, Bacon says that the
state's finances would benefit in
the long run if the proposed incen-
tives were enacted and the reve-
nues were made up by adjustments
elsewhere in the state's tax struc-=
Value Added
The business activitiestax is a
tax on what is called "value add-
ed," he explains. (In other words,
Firm B may not include the value
of all materials and services which
are purchased from Firm A, be-
cause those dollars will get prop-
erly counted in the total net na-
tional product from the reports of
Firm A).
"It is a tax on labor, primarily
-one which a firm must pay
whether or not it makes a profit,"
he notes.
Consideration of the problems
facing Michigan industry, by IST's
Industrial Development Research
Program, has led to the conclusion
"that a critical requirement for
the state's economic health is a
substantial acceleration in new
product development and diversi-
fication in Michigan firms," ac-
cording to a preliminary summary
report, December, 1961.
SRC Survey
At the same time, a study by
the Survey Research Center has
indicated that reactions to the
business climate in Michigan are
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less favorable than they were 10
years ago, Bacon asserts.
"Taxes were only one element
complained about, and although
they are not the most important,
anything done to improve the tax
situation would probably have a
strong influence in shifting this
prevailing attitude."
Businessmen are particularly
sensitive to taxes, Bacon explains.
"Taxes often are regarded as a
key indicator of what the future
is going to be like, even though
state taxes only amount to one to
three per cent of a firm's variable
If anything is to be done to en-
courage accelerated product devel-
opmnent by Michigan firms through
a change in the state tax mechan-
ism, "the incentive must be relat-
ed to one of the four functions as-
sociated with product development
and market introduction," the re-
port notes.
"While production capability is
considered to be our main strength
at this time, origination, develop-
ment and marketing are consid-
ered to be our principal areas of
weakness," Bacon reports.

We gve up .. .
We don't know about this
fellow, but'if you fit one of
the a bove classifications
and like to sing, then the
CLUB wants you.
General Meettng
Tonight, Tuesday, Sept.18 Room 3-G
7:30 Union.

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