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December 06, 1964 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-12-06

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'U' Reputation Lures Guttman

Prof. Louis Guttman, an inter-
national authority on social and1
psychological measurement, has
come here to spend a year work-
ing with what he describes as
two world-renowned departments
-the University's psychology and
sociology departments.
Hp is serving as visiting profes-
sor in both, on leave from the

past few years he has developed
"facet theory" as a general ap-
proach for designing behavioral
theories in a way which ties them
immediately with empirical data.
Important applications have al-
ready been made for the defini-
tions of inteliligence and of inter-
personal relations. He also devel-
oped a method for radial plotting
in the field of mental testing.
Guttman is the originator of
scale analysis, a technique for
studying the structure of qualita-
tive data. He developed the pre-
liminary ideas while he was a
graduate student and perfected
them while working on morale
studies for the American Army
during World War II.
This work began immediately
after Pearl Harbor, when mei.
were complaining because they
were trained without weapons,
Guttman said. Food was bad, the
barracks were impersonal and the
men were homesick, he added.
Guttman's research group at-
tempted to guide the general staff
in finding a solution to these
problems, and they used scale an-
alysis in their work. Their morale
studies were expanded to all thea-
tres of operation throughout the
war, and have been reported in
the classical four-volume series,
"The American Soldier," Gutt-
man said.
His technique for scale analysis
is non-metric; data need be clas-
sified only by items, each a set
of mutually exclusive and exhaus-
tive categories.
Scale analysis has been used
to rank people by their behavior,
political parties by their ideolo-
gies, consumer products by atti-
tudes toward them, and Supreme
Court justices by their judgments
on various cases. It is now being
used in anthropology, political sci-
ence and economics, as well as in
psychology and sociology.
In Israel, Guttman used facet
theory and scale analysis to de-
termine a system of job evalua-
tion for all civil servants for the
Israeli government to aid in de-
termining the salary for each

The overall rule for determin-
ing the level of a job was the
amount of control the individua
had over his work, as expressed
in three different ways:
-How detailed the guidelines
for his work are;
-The amount of subordination
to the supervisor; and
-The amount of time under su-
"This may be one of the most
important current practical appli-
cations of scale analysis," Gutt-
man said.
In his current research, Gutt-
man is attempting to study the
relationships between tests meas-
uring analytical ability and tests
measuring achievement ability
His studies utilize the new non-
metric computer technique he de-
veloped this summer before leav-
ing Jerusalem, which is operation-
al on the University's IBM 7090
Neirmi-in P

The Week To Come:
A Campus Calendar
2:30 p.m.-The University Musi- 3 p.m.-David Halberstam, Pu-
cal Society will present Handel's litzer Prize-winning New York
"Messiah." The University Choral Times correspondent, will speak
Union, conducted by Lester Mc- on "The Reporter in Vietnam"
Coy, and the University Symphony in the Rackham Ampitheater.
Orchestra will take part in the Haberstam is a 1955 graduate of
program. Harvard College, where he was
7 p.m. and 9 p.m. - Cinema editor of the Harvard Crimson.
Guild will present "Los Olvidados" 1 8 p.m.-Charles Morgan, Direc-
in Archil cture Aud. tor of the Southern Regional Of-
MONDAY, DEC. 7 fice of the American Civil Liber-
8 p.m.-The Women's Research ties Union, will speak in Rm. 100,
Club will present Mrs. Phyllis ; Hutchins Hall, Law Quadrangle.
Halladay speaking on "Water, a 8:30 p.m.-The School of Music
Basic Problem in Changing Af- Dedication Series Faculty Recital
ghanistan" in the West Confer- presents Jerome Jelinek, cellist, of
ence Room of the Rackham Bldg. t h e Stanley Quartet, playing
8:30 p.m.-The music school suites for the violincello by Jo-
s will sponsor a Composers Forum hann Sebastian Bach in the Rack-
. featuring works by student com- ham Lecture Hall.
posers in Recital Hall, North THURSDAY, DEC. 10
- Campus. The composers who are 7
- to be featured are Richard Toen- 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. - Cinema'
sing 68G Laurie Efrein '69M, Guild will present Sternberg's
'6 "Anatahon" in Architecture Aud.
Russell Peck, '66M, and Daniel 8:30 p.m. - T h e University
Perlango, '66M. Choir, and Orchestra, conducted
by Maynard Klein, will give a
: public concert of Christmas music
in Hill Aud. The free concert has
been an annual event for the past
(1neW R lPates 15 years.

DYFFC.A.L BU L ET.:..v........".
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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan, for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices sLould be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication.
Da Calendar
School of Music Recital-Piano Ma-
jora: Recital Hall, School of Music,
4 p.m.
School of Music Degree Recital-Stan
SHale, violist: Recital Hall, School of
Music, 8:30 p.m.
Band Meeting: The Michigan March-
ing Band will hold a meeting regarding
Rose Bowl plans this afternoon at 4:30
p.m. in Harris Hall. All members are
requested to attend.
General Notices
PhysicaltEducation-Women Students:
Women students who have not com-
pleted the undergraduate physical edu-
cation requirement should either reg-
ister for it the second term or re-
quest an administrative defer until
Term IIIA. Administrative defers are
available by petitioning in Office 15,
Barbour Gymnasium, and, if granted,
will permit a student to wait until the
outdoor season to complete the re-

to attend the Health Service between that will be interviewing at the Bu-.
January 4 and 9. reau of Appointments for prospective
teachers for 19$5.
Women's Research Club Meeting: Mrs. TUES, DEC. 8--
Phyllis Halladay will speak on "Water, Southfield, Mich.-Elem. K-$; J.H.-
a Basic Problem in Changing Afghani- Math, Girls Phys. Ed.
stan," Mon., Dec. 7, West Conference Detroit, Mich.-All Fields.
Room, Rackham Bldg., 8 p.m. Port Leyden, N.Y. (Lewis County
Schs.)-Now-Speech Ther., Sch. Pay-
summer Intern Program Meeting: chologist; Jan. 25-Chem./Gen. Set.;2
For all students interested in summer Sept. 1-Elem., Spec. Ed., MR., Art,
work in Washington, D.C. This meet- Home Ec., Rem. Read., JH English.
ing is intended primarily for those whoW'
did not attend the October meeting. ED., DEC. 9--
To be held in Multipurpose Room, Un- Farmington, Mich. (Clarenceville P.S.)
dergrad LIbrary, 4 p.m., Tues., Dec. 5. --Elem. K & 6, vocal, Art, PE (man
or woman), Library; H.S. Engl./Speech.
s Garden City, Mich.-Start Feb. 1 --
i en t (Kalamazoo, Mich.--Start Jan. 25 -
Bureau of Industrial Relations Per- Elem., J.H.-Biol., Math, Bus; Ed.;
sonnel Techniques Seminar - Howard Sec. Couns.; Elem. Couns., Spec. Ed.-
Peck, Hewitt Associates, Illinois, "Com- Type A, PE (man or woman).
municating Employe Benefits Effective- THURS., DEC. 10--
ly": Michigan Union, 8:30 a.m. Grosse Ile, Mich.-Elem.-Art, Lib.
(9/65); J.H.-Lib., Vocal & Instrum.
Engineering Mechanics Seminar - Music; two positions to combine-Ind.
David R. Jenkins, assistant professor Arts, Fine arts, Home Ed.. Gen. Set.
of engineering mechanics, "A Non- Katonah, N.Y.-2nd Sem. - Home
Linear Problem in Parametric Excita- Ec., Elem.-3rd Grade, School Psych.
tion": 311 W. Engrg., 4 p.m. Wayne Mich.-Feb. 1-Elem.-2, 3, 4;
J.H.-Sci., Ind. Arts, Engl.
School of Music Composers Forum- FRI., DEC. 18-
Recital Hall, School of Music, 8:30 p.m. Fairfield, Conn.-For Sept. 1965 -
Elem. K-6, PE, Reading; J.H.-Engl.,
PlaCement Soc. St., Sci., Math; H.S.-Bus., Eng-
' 1lish, Fr./Span., Chem./Gen. Sci., Math,


Hebrew University in Jerusalem,
American born, Guttman went.
to Israel before the founding of;
the new state in 1948. Part of
his work there involved morale
studies of the Israeli underground.
He also helped found the Is-
rael Institute of Applied Social
Research, which began as a vol-
unteer group in the underground;
army. With the development of ,
the state of Israel, it expanded
to provide research services to theE
Israeli government and to pub-a
lic institutions much like the Uni-
versity's Institute for Social Re-
Apart from applied research, t
Guttman has continued his inter-7
est in general methodology. In thet

LA.' qI/ E iuqU'Y.i.vL t A.ti 0' v(., UElA %,'Ut.. Elv IU/OYt
Socialism, Utopianism
t P
By CYNTHIA MILLS ture requires organization along
industrial lines.
Early exponents of socialismi
and those who consider it outside Muncy explained that once so-
of the framework of capitalism cialism has been achieved, work-
are unrealistic; they are Utopians, ers will create a socialist industrial'
Ralph Muncy, chairman of the union, then national, and finally
State Centralist Committee of the a Socialist Industrial Union Con-,
Socialist Labor Party, said re- gress.
cently. World Peace
At a discussion entitled, "Who He linked the establishment of
Is the Utopian," sponsored by the socialism with social realism and
Newman Center, he said that so- world peace. "The times call for
cialism is no longer a dream. The social realism and the socialist
necessary elements are present reconstruction of society if pro-
to make it a realistic solution to gress is to be the law of the future
the problems facing the world, he as it has been of the past," he
added. asserted.

7 p.m. and 9 p.m. - Cinema French and German Screening Exam-
Guild will present Henry James' inations for Doctoral candidates will
"The Heiress" in Architecture be administered on Thurs., Dec. 10
Aud. from 3-5 p.m. in Aud. B, Angell Hall.
Doctoral candidates must pass the
SUNDAY, DEC. 13 screening examination before taking
7 p.m. and 9 p.m. - Cinema the written test in French or German,
Guild will present Henry James' unless they have received B or better
"The Heirss" n Arhiteturein French 111 or German 111. Those
Aude Heiress" In Architecture who fail may take it again in February.
Candidates are asked to bring their
own No. 2 pencils.
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching departments wishing
to recommend tentative Dec. grad-
uates from the College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts, for honors or
high honors should recommend such
wstudents byforwarding a letter (in
1 two copies: one copy for Honors Coun-
cil, one copy for the Office of Regis-
tration and Records) to the Director,
Honors Council, 1210 Angell Hall, by
3 p.m., Mon., Dec. 28, 1964.
Teaching departments in the School
of Education should forward letters
directly to the Office of Registration
and Records, Room 1513 Administra-
tion Bldg., by 8:30 a.m., Wed., Dec. 30,
fps 1964.
All Teacher's Certificate Candidates:
Everyone receiving a teacher's certifi-
cate must secure a health statement
in the junior and senior years. This
service will be free during the Janu-
ary registration period only. There will
be a charge at all other times. Plan

7 p.m. and 9 p.m. - Cinema
Guild will present Sternberg's
"Anatahon" in Architecture Aud.

S U UNCUE1r , ENToc.
Peace Corps Placement Test will be
held Mon., Dec. 7. at 3 p.m. at the
downtown Post Office at Main &
INTERVIEWS: Bureau of Appoint-
ments-Seniors & grad students, please
call 764-7460 for appointments.
TUES., DEC. 8-
New York University Law School,
N.YC.-Will interview any students in-
terested in N.Y.U. law program. Finan-
cial aid available including scholar-
ships and loans. Brochure available at
Bureau. Seniors should apply now.
Pitney-Bowes, Inc., Detroit - Sales
Repres. Immed. opening for male grad
with a min. of 2 yrs. sales exper. Resi-
dent salesman for Ann Arbor area.
Emery Air Freight Corp., Metro. Air-
port, Mich.-Sales Repres. Trainee. Male
grad for immed. opening for sales
of transportation service. Exper. not
req. Western Mich. territory..
Ingersoll Rand Co., Detroit - Sales
Engrs. BS in ME or Rel. Engrg. field
or exper. In mechanics. Under 35 yrs,
for leading mfgr. of pneumatic & elec.
power tools.
For further information, please call
764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB.
212 SAB-
Attn.: Students Interested in Camping
-The director of Summer Placement
Service is going to a meeting of camp
directors Jan. 27-30 in Kansas City.
Those who want their yellow or blue
application cards shown to these di-
rectors from Wis., Minn,, Ill., Mo., &
Kansas, be sure to bring cards in to
Rm. 212,

Make Appointments Now.
For additional information and ap-
pointments, contact the Bureau of Ap-.
pointments, Education Division, 3200
SAB, 764-7462.
Use of This Column foq Announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered student organiza-
tions only. Forms are available in Room
1011 SAB.
Canterbury House, Sunday snack, dis-
cussion, "Church and Synagogue," a
dialogue between Christianity' and Ju-
daism, Sun., Dec. 6, 7:45 p.m., Canter-
bury House, 218 N. Division.
* * *
Graduate Outing Club, Hiking and/or
tobogganing, .2 p.m., Dec. 6, Rackham,
Huron St. entrance.
Guild House, Sunday Evening Sem-
inar: "History of Christian Thought,"
Rev. Edwards, Dec. 6, 7-8 p.m.; Mon-
day noon luncheon discussion, Rabbi
Harold White, "Anti-Semitism in Mod-
em Germany," Dec. 7, 12-1 p.m., Guild
House, 802 Monroe.
La Sociedad Hispanica, Tertulia Lunes
de 3 a 5, 3050 Frieze Bldg. Cafe, con-
* * *
+Lutheran Student Chapel, Worship
Services, Sun., Dec. 6, 9:30 and 11 a.m.

Regents Get Gifts, Grants
Of More Than $280,000

Prof. John Dempsey of the
ProrJhn Demusptsey iencehe Refuting the need for a Marxist
Dearborn campus poltical science social revolution, Dempsey sug-
department, contended that Marx- gested that the widespread evils
ism today is Utopian because of of capitalism-in Marx's period are
its tenet that the achievement of no longer present. In fact, Marx's
a Utopia on earth is possible. In criticisms of capitalism helped
contrast, the Christian attempts eliminate many of those evils, he
to achieve Utopianism, but does observed.
not believe it can actually be
realized on earth, he said. When asked whether this revo-
Feasibility lution could take place without
Discussing the feasibility of violence, Muncy replied: "Abso-
socialism, Dempsey said that it is lutely." He cited the fact that it
basic to Marxism that man is a 15i constitutionally legal for the
product of his environment-thus citizenstof the UnitedaStates to
man is perfectable. If one could change their present government
achieve this 'perfection,' there upon finding it unsatisfactory.
would not be any evil, he ex-l


(Communion at 9:30); Sunday evening
EDUCATION DIVISION: program, 7 p.m .,Lutheran Student
The following is the list of schools Chapel, Hill and Forest.

The Regents accepted $283,876.63
in gifts and grants at their No-
vember meeting.
Largest single grant of the 73
received was $163,795.10 from the
Estate of Roy S. Campbell for
the Michigan Alumni Fund.
The Lilly Endowment Inc., In-
dianapolis, Ind., gave $18,000 for
the Lilly Endowment Fellowship
in pharmacy.
A grant of $13,381.73 was given
by the American Cancer Society,
Michigan Division, Lansing, for
the Cancer Research Institute.
The Alfred P. Sloan Foundation,
New York, gave $11,350 for the
Sloan Foundation Graduate En-
gineering Fellowships.
$7,179 was given by the Ameri-
can Medical Association Education
and Research Foundation, Chi-
cago, for its fund.
A total of $5,140 was contribut-
ed by the Lockheed Leadership
Fund, Burbank, Calif., for the
Lockheed Leadership Scholarship
and for a supplementary scholar-
Alden B. Dow, Midland, gave
$5,000 for the Institute for Social
Research building fund.
A partial distribution of the
University's share of the Gladys
K. Olsen estate amounted to
The American Cancer Society,
New York, gave $4,200 for the
American Cancer Society Fund.
Securities amounting to $3,579
were accepted from the estate of
Bessie White Kenyon to establish
the Herbert A. Kenyon and Bessie
W. Kenyon Trust Fund. The in-
come will be used to purchase
books relating to the theatre,
stage and drama.
The A. H. Robins Co., Inc.,
Richmond, Va., contributed $3,250
to establish the Robins Co. Ulcer.
Study Fund.
$3,000, was also received from
the Parke, Davis and Co., Detroit,
to establish the Analgesic Re-
search Fund.

Another $3,000 was given by the
estate of Francis L. Ware in full
payment of thebequest in her will
to establish the Frances L. Ware
Cancer Research Fund.
General Motors Corp., Detroit,
gave $2,700 for the Flint College
General Motors Scholarships.
$2,505 was given by miscellan-
eous donors for the Actuarial
Science Program.
$2,500 was received from the
Humble Oil Education Foundation,
Houston, Texas, to establish the
Humble Oil Education Foundation
Three gifts of $2,000 were re-
ceived. They were from Consum-
ers Power Co., Jackson, for the
Thermonuclear Fusion Genera-
tion fund; Lloyd Brothers, Inc.,
Cincinnati, Ohio, for the Electro-
lyte Research fund; and the
Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey,
for the Robert G. Rodkey Grad-
uate Fellowship and Scholarship
Fund in banking and finance.
$2,000 was also given by the
Upjohn Co., Kalamazoo, for the
Upjohn Research in Optics and
Spectroscopy fund.
The Institute of Electrical and
Electronics Engineers, Inc., New
York, granted $1,200 for the Elec-
tronic Computers Transaction Ed-
itorship Fund.
Mr. and Mrs. George Harnik,
Tokyo, Japan, gave $800 to estab-
lish the Louis F. Ferri Memorial
Student Loan Fund for needy


"I simply do not believe that
man is perfect or can be made
that way," he said.
Marxists' Failure
The failures in practice of the
attempts to institute Marxism
suggest that Marxism is incor-
rect, he said. It has failed either
because it needs revision and
amendment or because its basic
assumption that the motivations
of all Marxists are purely noble
is false. "I tend to believe in the
truth of the latter."
Referring to present day social-
ism, Muncy said that it is real-
istic, while the early socialists
were unrealistic. Those elements
necessary for it to exist are pres-
ent, he added.
Basic Tenets
He outlined four basic tenets of
socialism today: j
-The means of production must
be socially owned. This does not
necessarily mean political owner-
ship by the state;
-Production must be carried
on for use, not profit as in cap-
-Goods and useful services
must be so distributed that each
useful servant or worker gets the
full value for his labor; and
-The current economic struc-

ti rr rw rrn rr rrrrrr.%+. uinminininin rrrrrmm rmm
* U
1 1 ,
1 p
! 1
1 !
"The Young and the Damned" is a vicious battle f
1 of desperate adolescent gangs driven by fear, hate
* and hunger to fight blindly and with a vengeance.
! It was filmed with alarming realism, no punches
t pulled, by Mexico's award-winning Luis Bunuel,
* director of the surrealist experiment, Un Chien
Andalou, shown at the CINEMA GUILD earlier this
r 1
One of the ,most powerful of the classic films of *
* juvenile delinquency, it won the Grand Prize for
direction at the Cannes Film Festival.
1 !
1 !
! 1
! 1
rr rr rr r a rr rrr rr rr rrrirni rr rrr rr

Lookig For A Unique Gift For Christmas?
for parents--relatives--friends
only aauilable at the U of M
"White Tie and Tails" In the Fishbowl
- "On Tour" 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

I ___

0 Mendelssohn Theatre-Mon. thru Fri. 10-1, 2-5


The New York Times.
Pietro Germi's

DIAL 5-6290
Shown Today
at 7 and 9 P.M.

This Show
Will Not
Play Matinees
some Saturday or
women Sunday
can't help
themselves N.. .

RONNIE & The ietsters
Wed. & Fri. 9 p.m.-1 :45
215 S. Ashley

mere would always be men in her life...
all kinds of men...and always Philip to
come back to ...to degrade and despise.


" .

Continuous from 1 o'clock Saturday and Sunday




DIAL Shows at 1 :00
662-6264 3:00-5:00-7:00 & 9:00



:. R . ;

" s.

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