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November 15, 1964 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-11-15

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Seventy-Fifth Year

Each Time I Chanced To See Franklin D.
The Tab turn Theory' of Student Extremists
by U. Neil Berkson


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inions AreFree, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.
Will Prevail

NEws PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
U Sorority stem:
Time To Air Problems
SORORITY WOMEN have shown con- But here is where the problems start.
cern recently that the polished, clean- There is a large difference between pre-
cut image of their system is being marred senting information which allows people
and tattered by "unfavorable" publicity. (particularly prospective rushees) to form
The squabble with Student Government their own judgments about an institution
Council about filing membership selec- and presenting information which pur-
tion provisions last year, the demise of ports to give the final declaration on
one house this year and The Daily's that institution's merits.
report on three houses in "financial
trouble" have all bred negative senti- FAR TOO MUCH honey about sororities
ment, some influential sorority women already oozes from the public relations
contend. brochure which Panhel issued for rush
this year; that sororities stand for good
This attitude, whether justifiable or scholarship, good health and high ideals
not, can have the dangerous repercussion (as the national sorority code says they
of making a highly ilmage-conscous in- (stentoa ooiycd aste
stittio n ekng mohrgimage-conscious. In-should) is not very descriptive about the
stitution even more image-conscious. If system.
the members of sororities are sincere in s it.
their efforts to project the "true picture Nor is it very revealing for the average
of sorority life," they should stop think- lttleni ad onete rproblem
ing in terms of "publicity" and begin little is released on the major problems
openly airing the system's problems with which sororities face today: the pressures
openlyairingthe symereadineswtem'slemsitfrom the national alumnae, the inabili-
thesram sreadiness with which they sing t o form multi-religious memberships,
its prises.the injustices of procedures involved in
selecting members, the pressures which
SORORITY CONCERN about publicity seniors are exerting to live out.
was expressed in two different ways
this week. The first was a letter to The It is desirable that sorority women be
Daily submitted by a sorority girl. In concerned that their system is being pre-
ailyshesuimiedsorbyitiehavororiy ir sented to the campus properly. They
lt,,'she claimed sororities have acquired should realize, however, that "publicity"
a stigma of being small elite social groups in the terms they use it is tantamount
through publicity. to "whitewashing."
The second manifestation of sorority
concern was a private discussion held by jN THE LONG RUN, sororities' publicity
the sorority presidents and Panhel execu- practices only harm themselves. For
tive officers on Wednesday. Although the one thing, they lure girls into a four-
details were not released, reliable ob- year contract who tire of sorority life
servers noted widespread agreement long before it is over. For another, the
among the presidents for a carefully con- creation of stereotypes for the whole is
trolled news policy on what Panhel is accompanied by the development of
discussing and on sorority affairs gen- stereotypes for the parts. One reason
erally. The reasoning was that informa- Panhel rejected a more flexible rush
tion which exposes some of the ailments procedure this week was because the
of certain chapters casts a negative small sororities feared the stereotype
shadow on the health of the entire sys- images of "good" and "bad" houses would
tem. turn the latter into five-minute stopovers
for rushees en route to the former.
W AT UNDERLIES both the letter and The concern whether the public is pre-
the discussion is a feeling that the sented with the "real image" of sorority
sorority system is suffering from the life is a legitimate one. The sororities,
public's false perspective of what sorori- however, will do injustices to themselves,
ties are and what their problems are. their future members and the campus at
Hence, in the weeks ahead there will no large if they try to hide the black marks
doubt be further concern with projecting with sprays of whitewash.
a more "correct" impression. -LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM
German Reunification

IN THIS MONTH'S issue of Harper's magazine, Richard
Hofstadter examines "The Paranoid Style in American
Politics." While not using the term in a clinical sense, he
applies it to movements running from the "Know-Noth-
ings" of the 1850's through the contemporary delirium
of the radical right.
The chief element of this style is a conspiracy theory
of history. Some group-be it ethnic, religious, racial or
class-oriented-is always allegcd to be involved in a trea-
sonous, treacherous attempt to take over a government,
subvert morality, destroy religion or what have you.
The unique quality of modern "paranoid" move-
ments, according to Hofstadter, is that they focus on the
Establishment as the source of their problems. The
American government, for instance, is consciously
"throwing the country away." The government has all the
answers to problems; it merely refuses to use them
because it would much rather see problems prevail.
IT'S A LONG JUMP from the John Birch Society to
the University, but in a different form, the conspiracy
theory is popular with a small, vocal number of students
here. Conspiracy is too strong a word, however. This is
more of a "pablum theory."
The "pablum theory" frowns on the University ad-
ministration. To begin with, "vice-president" and "vil-
lain" both start with the letter "v."
Moreover, while students don't have the answers to
the problems they raise, they are convinced that the ad-
ministration does. Any attempt to consider such issues as

the University's size, the in-state, out-state ratio, teach-
ing versus research or housing, which doesn't provide
"immediate action," "clear-cut solutions" and "direction"
is both superficial and deceitful. The administration
could solve all questions if only it wanted to.
AT THE OTHER end of the spectrum, Inter-Quad-
rangle Council pats itself and the administration on the
back. IQC points with pride at permission to propose a
proposal pre-planned by the planners.
Lost in confusion, except for moments of comic pa-
thos, is any perspective of officialdom. The University's
bureaucracy makes mistakes. It perpetuates and nods
its collective head at some pretty bad situations. The
lower one goes, the worse the personnel are likely to be.
On the other hand, this bureaucracy is, if anything,
more human than most. It makes a concerted effort to
communicate beyond itself. It takes a fair amount of ini-
tiative in solving problems-not immediately, perhaps,
but eventually.
Instant oatmeal never has been, and probably never
will be, among its line of goods.
* * *
A BATTLE is quietly shaping up over the direction of
higher education in the state of Michigan. Round
two came this week when Governor Romney used the
Michigan Conference on Higher Education to blast edu-
cators for quibbling over funds. This has been a constant
theme of state legislators, who claim with much justifi-
cation that the state-supported colleges and universities

needlessly duplicate services in order to get higher
Round one came two weeks ago when the 10 state
schools, including 'the University, announced they would
submit a joint, coordinated budget request to the Legis-
lature beginning next fall. Strangely enough, the schools
have never been able to achieve such unity before.
NOT STRANGE at all. Before, there was no State
Board of Education about to come into existence whose
powers, as defined by the new state constitution, are an
open question. The constitution is so ambiguous that the
new board might decide to assume the role of coordina-
tion itself.
While Michigan educators have notoriously little
desire to work with each other, they have less desire to
cope with an outside force. Their unity drive is little
more than an effort to fend off the new state agency.
Round three is coming up. And all eyes are on the
eight Democrats who now compose the Board of Edu-
WHILE THE ELECTION is less than two weeks past,
it has already faded away. But one parting shot-
T.R.B.'s in the New Republic-deserves repeating. To
wit: "Normally in America there are two parties, a party
of Hope, and a party of Memory; a party of innovation,
and a party of consolidation. And so in election year the
Future debates the Present. But in this wasted year the
Present debated the Past."



in Review

U' Events:Lansing-Oriented

Assistant Managing Editor
Assistant Editorial Director
THE TOP University news this
week showed a definite Lan-
sing orientation.
Three of these important stories
-Gov. George Romney's ap-
pointment of Robert P. Briggs to
the Board of Regents, filling the
vacancy created by the death of
Regent William McInally in Au-
-Preliminary budget hearings
in Lansing between key Univer-
sity administrators and Romney
budget aides;
-Charges by Romney at a
speech before the Michigan Con-
ference on Higher Education that
state educators hurt fund alloca-
tions in 1962 by squabbling over
the division of state money.
scored this state-wide view of
University happenings this week.
The Romney-established "Blue
Ribbon" Citizens Committee on
Higher Education announced that
it will release its comprehensive
study of the responsibilities,
priorities and expansion moves of
the state's 10 institutions of pub-
lic higher education next month.
The report was expected this
And newly-elected members-
Democrats, all - of the State
Board of Education, created un-
der Michigan's new constitution,
predicted a response on their part
to the "crisis years" in state edu-
All of these events demonstrate
an increasing awareness of the
interdependence and cooperation
that must exist-and hopefully
will increase-between individual
institutions' and the legislative

A FORMER University vice-
president for business and fi-
nance, Briggs is University-edu-
cated and taught accounting in
the business administration school
from 1927 until 1945, when he
was appointed the University's
chief financial officer.
Laiu_'1ig sources expected Mc-
Inally's post to be filled before
the Regents' October meeting, but
apparently Romney waited until
after the elections in an attempt
to pacify party factions. Briggs
was an unsuccessful candidate
for the State Board of Education
.n the November election.
** *
ANOTHER significant step in
the complex process that culmi-
nates in the final legislative ap-
proval of the University's budget
allocation occurred this week.
This step-called by President
Harlan Hatcher "one of the most
friendly and understanding dis-
cussions ever held for this purpose
during my tenure as President"-
was a working session between
Romney's budget advisor, State
Controller Glen Allen, President
Hatcher and his three chief vice-
The session gives top University
officials the opportunity to justify
and explain the reasons for this
institution's budget request-this
year a staggering $55.7 million up
over $11 million from funds re-
ceived last year.
Despite working with a Demo-
cratic Legislature under a Repub-
lican governor, President Hatcher
remained optimistic about the
condition of the University's re-
quest. "The Democrats have al-
ways given higher education a
high priority in their platform
statements, and they should be
very sympathetic to the requests
of the state schools," he com-
mented earlier this week.
* * *
IN ROMNEY'S criticism of state
educators, he emphasized the ne-

cessity of the "educational vote"
-popular vote based on a legis-
lative candidate's approach to the
problems of higher education in
the state. Over 60 per cent of the
state's $1 billion budget is devoted
to education, Romney said.
* * *
TIED IN with Romney's desire to
influence appropriations through
the power of the vote is the at-
tempt of a cooperative group of
the state's 10 public higher edu-
cational institutions to coordinate
their fund requests for next year.
A united front of pressure from
the entire public higher educa-
tional system w ill implement
Romney's hopes andtmay even
convince the Legislature of the
serious financial situation of these
But a conflict between the co-
ordinating group-the Michigan
Coordinating Council for Public
Higher Education-and the new
State Board of Education seems
imminent. The state constitution
states the board should take the
role of "leadership and supervis-
ion over all public education."
And the eight Democrats elected
to the board seem eager to take
'that leadership.
One chief difficulty is the vague
wording of the constitution on the
Board's exact powers. Donald
Thurber of Grosse Pointe, elected
for a two-year term, this week
said a court test may be necessary
to determine the exact scope of
the board's power.
* * *
ONE ITEM closer to home: the
final decision on the proposed
merger of the student activities
units of the Michigan Union and
the Women's League is expected
this coming week. Last week the
Union Board of Directors met and
voted on the proposal, but that de-
cision won't be made public until
the League Board of Governors
meets this Thursday.

BILTHOVEN, Holland - German re-
unification is as old a subject as its
cause-the split of Germany into two
conflicting ideological 'camps after the
1945 Allied take-over.
Accordingly, discussion about split and
reunification has been going on for nearly
20 years without interruption. Politicians,
obervers and publicists have expounded
the subject without end; a whole new
generation has even been indoctrinated
to support one or the other of the pre-
valent viewpoints.
Yet somehow these two decades have
not failed to have some impact on the
attitude of the German public toward
the problem. Despite the constant reiter-
ation of the official German side, some
changes of opinion regarding reunifica-
tion are noticeable.
FEW OBSERVERS back in the late for-
ties imagined that a split Germany
could be such a prolonged affair. It was
taken for granted that reunification
vould come about automatically in due
with the removal of the occupying
es. Accordingly, public opinion in
-ermany, as polled in 1951, showed that
only 18 per cent of all West Germans
felt reunification to be the foremost
German issue. By comparison, 45 per
cent thought social and industrial im-
provement was the main issue.
West Germany was still in a deep
mess at that time. Large areas of Ger-
man cities were still in shambles and
the "Wirtschaftswunder," the industrial
miracle, was just about to get under way.
In those circumstances, it was under-
ttandable that German reunification did
not take major place in the concerns of
the public.

past to emerge as a new West European
industrial giant.
Housing, social security and employ-
ment were finally up to respectable stan-.
dards again for the great majority of
Wect Germans. Prewar conditions had
been matched and now were being ex-
AS THIS TREND progressed throughout
the late fifties, the question of re-
unification became steadily more impor-
tant to the German public, climaxing in
the 46 per cent major importance index
for 1960. But ever since, the trend has
reversed. The latest figures show that the
West German public once again attaches
most importance to social and industrial
improvement, while the reunification is-
sue is losing popularity.
It is interesting to note that this turn-
about preceded and continued through
the 1961 Berlin crisis. The crisis should
have been expected to produce more
concern than it actually did. Thus, in-
dependently of real political action, the
German public began to be weary of the
game. Seventy per cent agree today that
reunification is desirable; yet the young
and liberal elements of German society
are ever more inclined to accept (at least
temporarily) the status quo of a divided
The trend is inevitable. Psychologically,
it is impossible to maintain a sense of
urgency about reunification after a near-
ly 20-year status quo of division which,
moreover, appears to have no real chance
of changing radically in the near future.
PRIVATELY, German politicians tend
to agree with such reasoning; most
keep demanding reunification because
they hope to prevent an international
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"Same To You, Wise Guy"

Spirited Russian Dancers
DisplayhTechnical Skill
COMBINING A FLAWLESS classical technique with the dash and
sparkle of the folk tradition, the Raduga Dancers performed last
night in an evening of Soviet Dance which proved both exhilerating
and enchanting.
With a view toward exploring the wide scope of the Russian
dance, the program included classical ballet and folk dancing, with
dancers from the Bolshoi Ballet, Stanislavski Theatre, Georgian Folk
Ensemble and the Georgian, Latvian, Byelorussian and Uzbekistan
Ballets. Balalaika and Bayan (Russian accordian) music were played,
the latter accompanying a Russian folk singer.
THE FOUR DANCERS of the Georgian Folk Dance Ensemble,
brilliantly costumed in black and white cossack dress, were one
highlight of the program as. they stamped and whirled their way
through the traditional Georgian dance, "Rivalry," accompanying
themselves with the Bayan and drum.
Shamil Yagudin of the Bolshoi Ballet, known for his gravity-
defying high leaps, was, if anything, spectacular in his Ukranian
Dance "Hopak," an excellent vehicle for his talents.
THE CLASSICAL BALLET was noteworthy for its uniform
excellence. In all of the numbers-from traditional to modern-a
high degree of technical proficiency underscored a truly polished
performance. The selection of numbers, -nine" "'pas de deux" and one
solo, was excellent-widely varied in the style of dancing as well
as in the costuming.
The finest dancing of the evening was displayed by Eleanora
vlasova of the Stanislovski Theatre. Dancing with Yuri Grigoriev in
Pugni's "Esmeralda" and again in "Romance" by Shostakovitch, she
displayed an exquisite style, delicate and elegant.
' * * * *
AN EXCITING PERFORMANCE was seen in "Autumn" by Velta
Viltsin and Harald Rittenberg of the Latvian Theatre. They danced
particularly well together with incredibly light and even movements,
one step flowing smoothly into the next.
The performance closed with a nice touch as singer Ludmilla
Zikina finished her selections with a rendition of "Red River Valley,"
adding a warmth to the reception given the entire program.
-Gail Blumberg
Challenging Program
For the Arts Chorale
WHETHER or not music is a universal language is semantically de-
!1 batable,but that it is a universal delight will be shown by the Arts
Chorale, in concert tonight at Hill Auditorium.
The Arts Chorale was organized bec'ause of the need to make
available to students who are not in music school the choral oppor-
tunity formerly provided by the University Choir. Since the music
school's move to North Campus, the University Choir has been limited
to music school students. Schedule conflicts and transportation diffi-
culties made it impossible to unite the two groups.
Meeting twice a week since the beginning of the semester under
the direction of Prof. Maynard Klein, of the music school, "the chorus
has grown from a group of students with varying musical experience
who love to sing to an instrument capable of producing an exciting
Prof. Klein has expressed delight not only with the sound of the
group, but also with its enthusiasm.

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