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November 15, 1964 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-11-15

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Conant Hits E4


\ Y /M 1R\ /! M' Ywa/

Associated Press Education Writer
James B. Conant loosed a harsh
attack on the "educational estab-
lishment" yesterday and urged the
50 states to get together on a na-
tionwide educational policy.'
Conant, president emeritus of
Harvard University, emphasized'
he was not speaking of a national
educational policy, to be establish-
ed and directed by the federal
Paraphrasing the 18th century
French leader Talleyrand who

said war is
left to the
lared, ". ..
composed o
istrators an
tion is notr
And it is
said, which
Conant se
book to be
"Shaping E
"Let the 5
to 20 of the

World News Ro

By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Agreements
tightening military links between
the United States and West Ger-
many-on strategy, weapons and
production-were signed yester-
day by the two nations' defense
Secretary of Defense Robert
S. McNamara and German De-
fense. Minister Kai-Uwe von Has-
sel initialed four documents which
wrapped up the results of the
meetings of the two men and
their staffs. A communique said
these meetings "reflected the
close and continuing German-
American military relationship."
dent Lyndon B. Johnson and two
cabinet members talked yesterday
of getting health care and bigger
social security checks for the el3
derly and launching "Operation{

The new
that forced
seven young
the armyo
Amal Gab
Nasser's Un
One reporte
coup in 1958
of the civi
ward union
pany., with
or lawoff, s
cipated addi
morrow and
ity it will
The when;
layoffs willx
row mornin
The comp


Birthright" for the young. offs to strike
Secretary of Labor W. Willard Workers Un
Wirtz pictured the next 60 days four of them
of financial and legislative plan- for Ford'sf
ning by the administration as complex. Th
providing "an extraordinary op- have idled 2
portunity for really a magnificent'

He described Operation Birth-
right as an effort to keep college
and factory doors from slamming
in the faces of half a million of
the 3.5 million boys and girls who
will reach 18 in 1965. Details still
are vague.
* * *
BRUSSELS-An agreement ap-
peared close in the European
Common Market early today on
meeting the late President John
F. Kennedy's challenge for a
worldwide attack on barriers to
As midnight passed, ministers
and delegates were still arguing,
but spokesmen said a final deal
was in the making on just what
tariffs the six members were
ready to have cut in two, as
the late President urged, and
which ones must remain as they
The French who had been
standing firmest for a long list
of exceptions to the tariff cut,
were reported making concessions
on machinery-the major item in
the dispute..
KHARTOUM, Sudan--Gen. Ib-
rahim Abboud, who ruled Sudan
as a military dictator for six
years, has been forced to resign
as president and army comman-
der, an authoritative source re-
ported yesterday.

Cong has t
war in thej
convoys and
seize relief
flood victim
coast, Unite(
reported yest
With the
provinces mo
ed 7,000, th
ported hopin
apparently f
to turn over
for propagau

ducation Policies
too important to be enter into a compact for the cre-
generals, Conant de- ation of an 'interstate commission
an unofficial body for planning a nationwide educa-
f public- school admin- tion policy,'" Conant wrote.
d professors of educa- The Sort of Persons
now well suited to es- This commission, he said, could
olicy for our public be made up of "distinguished cit-,J
izens of each state who are not bli
cy-Establishing educators." Conant suggested C
just such bodies, he they might be "the sort of per-
do most of the policy- sons one finds on boards of trus-
today, tees of our most famous universi- be
ut forth his views in a ties."
published tomorrow He said he wouldn't exclude an ag
dlucational Policy" alternate scheme which might in-t
0 states, or at least 15 lude some educators.
more populous states, The book is not Conant's first w
blast at the "establishment"-to de
which he acknowledges he once Po
I belonged-but it is the strongest. m
d He urges that the six regional
accrediting agencies be "discred-
ited," and the influence of such s3
organizations as the National te
civilian government Education Association be mini- th
him out also released mized.al
g officers accused by Thus, the new volume seems sh
of favoring President certain to stir up even more of the w(
del Nasser's United bitter arguments which have long'
nited Arab Republic. raged between various branches of ce
d reason for Abboud's the education profession. co
8 was to halt the drift The distinguished educator and tr:
lian government to- scientist found much to criticize v
r of the Sudan and in the policy-shaping organiz- b
ations of Illinois, Indiana, Penn- ga
* sylvania and Texas. ag
-Ford Motor Com- Best Public Education er
59,000 idled by strike "Leaving New York City aside
aid yesterday it anti- for the moment," he wrote, "I pe
tional furloughing to- would be prepared to go so far as th
there was a possibil- to say that if one could imagine ed
be knocked out of combining California's master fa
production by the plan with New York's Board of
Regents and its commissioner of1
education, we would have an ex- ye
and where of the next ample of American public educa- sl
be determined tomor- tion at its best." em
g, a Ford spokesman Conant took his strongest pub- th
lic stand ever on the education of by
any blames 34,900 lay- Negro children.-
es by the United Auto The issue of segregated schools,
ion at seven plants, both de jure and de facto, he said,
n key parts producers "should be transferred from the
far-flung automaking local level and the courts as far as
le strikes themselves possible.
4,100. "The state, by legislative reso-
* * * lution or by the action of a power-
-The Communist Viet ful and respected state board (ofZ
urned from guerrilla education) should declare that the'
jungles to attacks on public schools as far as possible
should be (racially) comprehen-
Ihelicopter airlifts to sive schools."
supplies for 700,000 vecho.
is along Viet Nam's Conant also said, "The power of
is aong iet am'sthe state to establish school dis
d States aid officials tricts is a fundamental fact that
merday. must be brought out into the
death toll in five open. ..
unting to an estimat- This approach will probably get
e Viet Cong are re- a very cool reception from those
ig to seize the goods who staunchly defend the long-
or their own use, or exercised right of each community
to the flood victims to draw its own school district
ida purposes. boundaries.
embersihip Meeting
ov. 16 7:30 p.m. Rm. 3B Mich. Union
n Leaders:
WILLIAM LIVANT-Mental Health Research
F. CHARLES MOSKOS-Dept. of Sociology
)D GITLIN, PAUL BOOTH-Coordinators of }
the Peace Research & Educ. Project
VJJ: . '
s erved you during

rbor ..
he company we keep:x
s Evelyn Pierson .
e Stella Fagin
'e Saybury
)turi )w i nc.
n Arbor

eanne L. Noble has turned in the
ueprint for the nation's first Job
orps training centers for women.
She hopes the first contract will
signed by Feb. 1 to launch resi-
ential centers where 6,500 girls,
ge 16-21, can be helped to break
e dead-end chains of poverty.
And she's recommending that a
oman be named as a Job Corps
eputy director with a voice at
olicy-making levels, where wo-
en are not now included.
Worked Five Months
Miss Noble, an associate profes-I
r of New York University's Cen-
r for Human Relations, handed
e government her resignation
ong with the 40-page guideline
.e and her staff of experts have
orked five months to prepare.
They spell out how the women's
nters are to be operated under
st-reimbursed government con-
acts with local groups and indi-
duals - such as universities,
ards of education, women's or-
nizations, youth and welfare
encies, industry and private op-
Hardly a detail has been skip-,
d, even down to the suggestion
at stamped postcards be provid-
enrollees so they can notify
milies of their safe arrival.
Not Fragmented Efforts
Miss Noble, who worked for two
ars with groups aiding Harlem
um youngsters, has placed main
iphasis on helping the girls in
is project as a whole and not as
fragmented efforts.
-.7: ------

Blueprint Ready for Job Corps Centers for Women


Associated Press Writer

this sunday
10:30 a.m.--REBECCA
calvin malefyt
gordon larson
(dutch new guinea)

The Job Corps, enacted by Con-
gress as part of President Lyndon
B. Johnson's drive against pover-
ty, was amended at the request of
Rep. Edith Green, (D-Ore), to in-
clude women, who were described
as "the poorest of the poor."
Miss Noble's task force, in gath-
ering statistics, reports that one-
fourth of all poor families are
headed by women, and that girls
drop out of school in greater num-
bers than boys.
Whisper in a Whirlwind
There are almost half a million
girls in the United States who are
poverty-stricken potential partic-
ipants in this job corps program
set up for 6,500 of them. "Only a
whisper in a whirlwind," Miss
Noble notes.
Among its basic decisions, Miss
Noble's group determined that
there would be no rural camps for
women. They feel the girls will

University Reformed Church
East Huron by Rackham

- -.:

fare better in city residential cen-
ters, where they can be given
homemaking and vocational train-
ing and take part in cultural and
job opportunities that the cities
have to offer.
No center will have more than
250 enrollees. That means there's
room for a minimum of 26 cen-
ters across the country under the
proposed program.1
Matching Amount
Girls can enroll for up to two
years and get paid when they
leave, at the rate of about $50 a
month. They can send home de-
ductions of up to $25 a month and
the government will add a match-
ing amount.
With a national staff standing
by to advise, it is hoped there'll be
enough local inventiveness and
community participation to help
Job Corps girls help themselves
out of poverty.


Miss Noble, one of the nation's
best known Negro professors, has
brought enthusiasm to the job of
planning centers to train under-
privileged girls. She was named
to the temporary task force job
las June by Poverty Program Di-
rector Sargent Shriver. She comes
from the South-Albany, Ga.
Importance of Mission
Miss Noble found working on
this government project exciting
but said there were bureaucratic
pitfalls. For example, she said
some of her staff, who worked 10
and 12 hours a day, didn't get any
pay in four months. "I had to
keep reminding them of the im-
portance of the mission." Besides,
their quarters were moved four

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A more secure permanent job
setup would help insure the suc-
cess of the project, Miss Noble
She has also turned in the
names of four or five persons she
thinks would qualify to head the
women's job c e n t e r project."
They're nationally known educa-
tors who have had experience
working with underprivileged, de-
pendent and minority groups.
Miss Noble wouldn't name them,
and she ruled herself out as a
Miss Noble also proposed a na-
tional advisory committee made
up of experts from among a group
of 100 women leaders who came
here recently at their own expense
for a two-day Job Corps planning

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