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October 21, 1964 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-21

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Food Drive
At Colleges
Collegiate Press Service

Stirs Controversy

'Megalopolis' Redefines
Role, Importance of City
By ROBERT JOHNSTON characteristics found in this area
I can be found in areas of all de-
"Megalopolis," a book by Prof. veloped countries, he said. To a

WCC Plans

Across Campus

Collegiate Press Service Seemingly unscathed by criti-
cism of his outspoken article on
OTTAWA--A chaplain at Carle- extra-marital relations, Rev. Ger-
ton University, whose views on ald Paul has written a second ar-
premarital sexual relations arous- tide for the student newspaper,
ed a nationwide controversy in tcefrtesuetnwppr
Canada recently, will cntineasn The Carleton, criticizing outdated
university chaplain. religious teaching.

ONoon - Sen. Philip Hart (D-
Mich) will hold a press confer-
ence on the Midwest Water Pol-
By LAUREN BAHR lution Laboratory. Officials will
be there to discuss functions of
Womens Conference Committee, the laboratory in Room 5114 In-
at their meeting Sunday, decided I stitute of Science and Technology
to sponsor a housing panel to Bldg.
explain to the women on campus 4 p.m.-Prof. Philip E. L. Smith
the different types of living that of the University of Toronto will
are available to them. 'speak on "Prehistoric Rock Draw-


8:30 p.m.-Odeon Partos, direc-
tor of the Rubin Academy of Mu-
sic, Tel-Aviv University, will speak
cI n The Problems of the Contem-
porary Israeli Composer" in the
Recital Hall, School of Music.
8:30 a.m.-Nathaniel Stewart of
the Alliance for Progress will speak
on "How to Plan a Middle-Man-
agement Development Program"
at the Union.

I VTTTT . A T"1T.IT DT-TT A rrl,- TT-;+-A

PHILADELPHIA - The United Jean Gottmann, redefined the
States National Student Associa- role and the importance of the
tion is asking the nation's college city in today's society and in do-

students to skip one meal next
month in order to send food to
indigent Negroes in the South.

ing so defined a new type of city
and added a new word to the com-
mon vocabulary.



A six-man committee represent-?
ing the United, Anglican and Pres-
byterian churches of Ottawa,
which sponsor Dr. Paul at Carle-
ton, said this week it will "pro-
pose no action" on the matter.
The committee made the an-
nouncement after meeting to dis-
cuss an article Dr. Paul wrote for
The Carleton, which appeared un-
der a headline "Premarital Sex
Can Be OK."
In a statement to the press the
committee said, "The views ex-
pressed by Dr. Paul are his own,
not the officials views of the spon-
soring churches. They do reflect,
however, an aspect of the current
debate on sexual morality which is
taking place within the church.
At the same time, we regret cer-
tain lapses of taste and weak-
nesses in the presentation of the


The program, called Thanksgiv- Gottmann, who has alternated
ing Fast for Freedom, calls for between posts at the University of
students with prepaid meal con- Paris and the Princeton University
tracts to abstain voluntarily from Institute for Advanced study, dis-
one dinner meal on November 19, cussed world reaction to his book
the money being used to buy food. yesterday in Aud. D. The geog-
raphy department and the archi-
Different Campuses tecture and design college spon-
Student governments at indi- sored the lecture.
vidual schools are being asked to Study Groups
direct the drive on their campuses. After World War II, Gottmann
Last year, an estimated 17,000 said, responsible study groups pre-
students at 42 schools participated dicted that the centers of such
in the fast. Some $10,250 was Iprincipal cities as New York and
raised and used to purchase more London had reached their growth
than 80,000 pounds of food at limit and were about to decline.

large extent the development of
the Boston-Washington Megalo-
polis is setting the pattern for the
development of this new type of
urban settlement around the
world, Gottmann added.
Politicians Halt Change
While many bemoan the "de-
cline of the central city," they
are actually refusing to recognize
its new function, Gottmann point-
ed out. "Politicians naturally try
to stop changes in the make-up
and operation of their constituen-
cies. New York, for example, has
passed new zoning laws that try
to preserve the old manufacturing
industrial order rather than rec-
odgnizenthe new white collar ori-

The purpose of the panel is to
discuss the types of housing avail-
able-honors housing, residential
college, coed housing and the pilot
project, the advantages and dis-
advantages of each type and how
each type contributes to the in-
dividual's education.
Three Districts
The panel is scheduled for
November 8 at 2:30 p.m. and is
divided into three districts:
-The first district is at Helen
Newberry for girls from Pi Phi,
Alpha Xi Delta, Alpha Epsilon Phi,
Zeta Tau Alpha, Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Delta Delta Delta, Phi
Sigma Sigma, Betsy Barbour,
Helen Newberry, Martha C6ok
and South Quadrangle.

ings from Egypt: Implications for 9 a.m.-5 p.m.-The Office of Re-
North African Art" in Aud. B, An- ligious Affairs will hold inter-
gell Hall. views for students wishing to par-
4:10 p.m.-Paul Tillich, theol- ticipate in a private seminar with
ogian of the University of Ohi- Prof. Paul Van Buren of Temple
cago will speak on "Grounds for University in Rm. 2210 SAB.
Moral Choice in a Pluralistic So- ' 2:15 p.m.-Dr. Clinton Desoto of
ciety" in Rackham Aud. Johns Hopkins University will
8 p.m.-Prof. Hans A. Bethe of speak on "Spatial Paralogic" in
Cornell University will speak on Rm. 1057 Mental Health Research
"Disarmament and Strategic Sta- Center.
bility" for the fourth annual Dew- 4 p.m.-Prof. Peter Newman of
ey F. Fagerburg Memorial Lecture Johns Hopkins University will
'in .Rackham Lecture Hall. speak on "Foreign Investment and
8 p.m.-Office of Religious Af- Economic Growth: The Case of
fairs will present a student forum East Africa" in Rm. 301 Economics
in discussion with Paul Tillich on Bldg.
"Contemporary Man in Search of 7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild pre-
Identity" in the Union Ballroom. sents experimental films in the



'U' Glee Club
Hosts Belafonte
Harry Belafonte will perform
Nov. 2 at 8:30 p.m. in Hill Aud.,
sponsored by the Men's Glee
The Glee Club will use the
money it receives to help finance
a 14-day trip to the West Coast
next spring, during which time it
will perform for alumni clubs.
Tickets go on sale Monday, Oct.!
26, at the Hill Aud. box office.
Belafonte will begin his first
college tour appearance in the
United States in more than a dec-
ade when he appears at Hill Audi-
torium, November 2. He sets out
with the distinction of, still being
the only artist to have ever ap-
peared at the World's largest the-
atres for longer engagements and
larger audiences than any other
performing artist.


A spokesman for the six-man
committee which met to consider
Dr. Paul's article said, "The im-
portant thing is for Dr. Paul to
get back to work."
'Help More Than Harm'

wholesale prices. "Since then 150 skyscraper office
The food, mostly preserved meat buildings have been built on Man-
and dried milk, was distributed to hattan alone.
600 families by the Council of Fed- "The function of the large me-
erated Organizations (COFO), tropolitan area is changing and
which directed this summer's vot- these changes were not taken into
er registration drive in Mississip- consideration in making predic-
pi. Each family received a one- tions," Gottmann said.
week supply. "A dynamic metropolitan labor
Jointly Sponsored market which once attracted in-
The program, directed by NSA, dustrial and manufacturing plants
is jointly sponsored by the Unit- is now becoming white collar ori-
ed Youth Council, NSA, and the ented. What economists once call-
Northern Student Movement. It ed secondary activities - offices.
has been endorsed by Roy Wilk- laboratories, adult recreation and
ins, executive secretary of the Na- other service functions-are now
tional Association for the Ad- the main functions of the central
vancement of Colored People; city," Gottmann explained.
James Farmer, national director Functions Congregate in Cities
of CORE; Jahn Lewis of the Stu- Strong forces tend to pull these
dent Non-violent Coordinating functions into the central city, he
Committee, and Nobel Peace Prize said. The wants and needs of the
winner Martin Luther King. white collar labor market and of
Last year food was shipped to company and government offices
families in six Mississippi towns. and related services are so inter-
The fast's sponsors hope towex woven that they naturally congre-
pnd the program. Plans present- gate in and around one area, Gott-
pandtheproram Plas peset- annsaid.
ly call for shipping part of the He said that the outstanding ex-
food to the McComb area, where ample of such an area lies be-
a number of Negro churches and tween the New Hampshire sub-
businesses were destroyed recently urbs of Boston and the Virginia
during a period of racial unrest. suburbs of Washington, D.C. It
Other than the McComb area, was to this conglomeration of cen-
the Council of Federated Organi- tral cities, expansive suburbs and
zations hopes to distribute food even small farms that Gottmann
to as many destitute areas in the applied the name Megalopolis.

Meanwhile, the middle class ex-
odus to the suburbs is interpreted
as abandonment of the city, but
when the Megalopolis concept is
applied in looking at the situation,
the trend to this new Megalopoli-

tan settlement pattern Is clear, -The second district will bet
Gottmann said. "The Boston- located at Gsmma Phi Beta soror-
Washington Megalopolis gained ity house for girls from Gammat
5.5 million population from 1950 Phi Beta, Sigma Kappa, AlphaF
to 1960 and, at that time, included Phi, Collegiate Sororis, Kappa Al-
20 per cent of the national pop- pha Theta, Chi Omega, Alpha
ulation in less than 2 per cent of Omicron Pi, Stockwell Hall, Ox-
the country's continental land ford Residence, Mary Markley and
area." Henderson House.
-The third district will be lo-
Recognition . cated at Alice Lloyd Hall for girls
Megalopolis as a type of urban from Delta Gamma, Alpha Chi
development must be recognized Omega, Delta Phi Epsilon, Kappa
and understood as a new and fast- Delta, Sigma Delta Tau, Alpha
growing settlement pattern Gott- Delta Pi, Alpha Gamma Delta,
mann said. Only then, when its Alice Lloyd, Couzens and Mosher-
many problems of government, Jordan.
transport and efficiency have been ____

8 p.m.-The PTP presents the Architecture Aud.
APA in "Judith" at Lydia Men- 8 p.m.-The PTP presents the
delssohn Theatre. APA in "Judith" in Lydia Men-
8 p.m.-Visiting Prof. Julio delssohn Theatre.
Cesar Caillet-Bois will talk in 8:30 p.m. - The Paul Taylor
Spanish on "La poesia Argentina Dance Company will present a
contemporanea," at 3050 Frieze special lecture-demonstration at
Bldg. Rackham Aud.
S - -NT




The article said, in part, "only
if we are certain the sexual re-
lationship will help more than
harm our partner, in the long run
as well as in the immediate en-
counter, are we justified in pre-
marital sex."
In Dr. Paul's latest article, oa*
"that old time religion," he said
much of what passes for religion
today, belongs to the past. It is
'grandpa's religion,' taken in here
and there with a hurried stitch,
,but 'grandpa's religion' is just the
same. And gradnson is not at all
happy with grandpa's hand-me-

can Premiere!

solved using technology already
available, can it provide the "bet-
ter life" it and our highly devel-
oped, expanding economy have
made possible."
Gottmann emphasized that the
Boston-Washington Megalopolis is
not completely characteristic of
other Megalopolis-type areas that
may develop. "The problems of this
new urban pattern can be solved.
in many ways, depending on the
public policy formulated by poli-
ticians and the voters."
The pattern, however, remains;
the same, he said.1
DIAL 8-6416

down," he adds.

1 South as possible.

But the

same Megalopolitan

DIAL 5-6290
Shows at 1,3, 5, 7 and 9:10 P.M.
Come on daring,
zyou're cut in on
the theft of
the century
J've got
r> .: <t>what it

. . . sv. t. W. ~ .{..".
w.. . .....,,.s'r"' ". ... .. ...,..; ............::..::..;.. ; .;..... .:: :v:¢
..} .... .. . . . . ...S

by Brendan Behan





Directed by Stephen Porter
"Mad 6 Mirthprovoking!"... N.Y. Times
"freewheeling, Bawdy, Poignant".
New Yorker
WED. 8 P.M.

. °
" .

by Jean Giraudoux
Directed by Ellis Rabb
by the great French author of "Madwoman
of Cha Iot," Ondine TgerattheGates.
SAT. 5 P.M. & 9P.M.
SUN. 3 P.M. & 8 P.M.

.................... ........... .. ............................ iYii

... ....: r'"v~v.i ......:...................:..:............: i?'??]. ~.}..5;.. . . . . .

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan, for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on Request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication.
Day Calend ar
Museum of Anthropology Lecture -
Philip E. L. Smith, University of To-'
ronto, "Prehistoric Rock Drawings from
Egypt: Implications for North African
Art": Aud. B, Angell Hall, 4 p.m.
Office of Religious Affairs Levture -
Paul Tillich, theologian, University ofj
Chicago, "Grounds for Moral Choice1
in a Pluralistic Society": Rackham Aud.,
4:10 p.m.
Dewey F. Fagerbury Memorial Lecture
-Hans Bethe, physicist, "Disarmament
and Strategic Stability": Rackham Lee-

I Finley, Barbara Nadal, Suzanne Nal- clobutenes," on Oct. 22 at 4 p.m. in Graduate Fellowship Office. Room 110
burg, students; N. Patrick Murray, as- Room 1300, Chemistry Bldg. Rackham Bldg. Applications for June
sistant coordinator of religious affairs, or September 1965 and supporting cre-
"Contemporary Man in Search of Iden- dentials should be filed with the Cen-
tity": Michigan Union Ballroom, 8 p.m. American Chemic Socetyecture ter by Dec. 15, 1964.
______ Dr. A. K. Levine (General Helephone
Professional Theatre Program - APA and Electronics Labs.), will speak on Fin
Repertory Company in Brondan Be- "Principles and Applications of Las- al Payment of Fall Semester Fees
hanrthe otage" MnBrendelssoh- ers, on Thurs., Oct. 22, at 8 p.m. in is due and payable on or before Oct. 30,
han's "The Hostage: Mendelssohn Room 1300 of the Chemistry Bldg. 1964.
Ther,___'If tees are not paid by this date:
S1) A $10.00 delinquent penalty will be
School of Music Dedication Series Coming Nov. 4-7, 8 p.m.: In the True- charged
Lecture-Oedoen Partos, guest lecturer, blood Aud., Frieze Bldg., the University 2) A "Hold Credit" will be placed
"The Problems of the Contemporary Players of the Dept. of Speech present against you. This means that until pay-
Israeli Composer": Recital Hall, School the classical satiric French comedy, meant is received and "Hold Credit" is
of Music, 8:30 p.m. "The Imaginary Invalid," by Moliere, cancelledc
translated by the English actor-play- (1) Urades will not be mailed
Lecture: The Spanish department will wright Miles Malleson. Box office open! i)Trades will not be ailed
sponsor Visiting Prof. Julio Cesar Call- 12:30-5:30 daily beginning Nov. 2, or () Transcripts will not be furnished
let-Bois speaking on "La Literature Ar- mail orders to University of Michigan 13) You may not register tor future
let-oisspeaingon "a Lterauresemiesters.
gentina Contemporanea," 3050 Frieze Players, Dept. of Speech, Ann Arbor.,u.1.sWs.
Bldg., Wed., Oct. 21, at 8 p.m. Ticgets $1.50 and 1.00 for the Wed. and ( A Senior may not graduate with
Thurs. performances, $1.75 and 1.25 for his class at the close of the current
Research Club: There will be a meet- Fri. and Sat. semester
ing for members of the Research Club 3)3 The Dean of your school or college
of the University of Michigan Wed.,sCll be given a list of delinquent ac-
oct 21 at$ 8nv prsm. in the Rackham East West Center Graduate Scholar- (.Mits.
Amphitheatre. Prof. R. C. F. Bartels ships: Information and applications for Payments may be mae in person. or
;lll speak on "The Computer-What It these scholarships in fields having par- mailed to the Cashier's Ottice. 1015 Ad-
Is and What It Does" and Prof. War- ticular relevance to the Asian and Pa- ministration Bldg., before x:30 p.m., Oct.
ren E. Miller will speak on "Computers cific areas may be obtained in the 30, 1964.
and Elections." The Council will meet
at 7 p.m. in the East Council Room.



General Notices

ture Hall, 8 p-m _ _Special Lecture: Prof. R. Criegee, di-
Office of Religious Affairs Student ' rector, Organic Chemische Institute
Forum-Paul Tillich, theologian, Uni- (University of Karlsruhe, Germany), will
versity of Chicago; James Helm, Marion speak on "Valence Isomerization of Cy-
University Musical Society


and his
1taitian Dance
K:. Companq
"lean-Leon Destin6
is not only a splendid dancer
but also an astute
Y choreographer and first-rate
rector of a first-rate ensemble."
WALTER TERRY, N.Y. Herald Tribune
SAT., OCT. 24, 8:30



"Village Festival"; Baptism of the

Drum; Slave Dance; Yoruba Bakas; Witch Doctor;
Bal Champetre: Contredance, Limbo and Banda;

rrni IMRIA Pl \ aa - AfME



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