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October 21, 1964 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-21

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Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedorn

&t 1J

Partly cloudy with
showers in the evening

I Tii


MHEFC To Channel Funds

Seek To Spread Education Information

Michigan's Higher Education
Facilities Commission will serve
as the funnel for federal funds to
the University for the construc-
tion of undergraduate buildings.
The commission, set, up under
Title I of the Higher Education
Facilities Act, has the power to
allocate $10.2 million to communi-
ty colleges and private and public
HRC Could
A C"O"n

institutions of higher learning. The ficials hope to receive money for
grant, by the federal government, the construction of the addition to
is based on the per capita income the graduate library.
of the inhabitants of Michigan. Apply Directly
University officials have not as The University will apply direct-
yet decided for which project the Ily to the United States Office of
capital outlay program they will Education for funds for the addi

apply. However, when the decision tion to the libra
is made, the University will ap- "The federal
ply for the maximum amount Thpl fuderolI
available, which is one-third of salycostot
the cost of the project, Richard al cost of the
Schwartz, capital program analyst, that is availabhe
raw lquest will pr
The Higher Education Facilities Schwartz said.
Commission will meet on October Plans for th
29 to draw up .the state plan for library are nea

government will
ne-third of the to-
project. We will
maximum amount
e. However, our re-

By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUM Radock stressed that currently
Special To The Daily ,the booklet is the only joint tang-,
IEAST LANSING-An influential ible effort to justify greater state
EASTLANSNG-n inluenialexpenditures on state education.
group of representatives from state
supported universities met here 'Warbabies'
last night to consider ways of Called the "Warbabies" it points
acquainting state legislators and out that the state - supported
citizens with Michigan's higher schools educate 80 per cent (or
education needs. more than 140,000) of Michigan's
The gathering of information university population.
officers, alumni leaders, and legis- And the pamphlet warns of a
lative liasons resolved'to update future population onsurge to the 1
an informational pamphlet which
was issued by the schools last year.

attempt to promote joint educa-
tional efforts between the 10 state
institutions-and to resolve con-
flicts between them.
Intense competition for students,
territory and money has marked
intercollegiate relations in the
state in recent years. Some legis-
lators have said that the schools,

campus which wilt crowd facilities by making Lansing an arena for
and require more faculty, their appropriation battles, have
The Coordinating Council was lost money for higher education as
formed a few years ago in an a whole.

The competition has also pro-
duced calls for compulsory state-
wide control of higher education
by a "super-board." By restoring
voluntary harmony among state
schools, its founders hope, the Co.
ordinating council call avert the
disputes while getting the school
what they need.

robarn Ly e cut,"
e addition to the
ar completion and

Tf O'.UIe tU A1irLtl 1okiclo1Vtr f;_

TT7 7


te allocating the funds, required by officials are expected to apply for GENERAL KHANH nancial support for the population
the terms of the act. This plan the needed funds as soon as the explosion on state college cam-
O n Its O w n will describe how the commission plans are finished Schwartz add- N ej P VO~r puses. Hassn
0 11', fl.plans to draw up its list of piorki- ed. .EL(IV tJ Hears Plans
ties and how'much money it plans Third ProvisionEThe group here also heard plans
By JULIE FITZGERALD to grant to those institutions There is, in addition, a third T o"/ " announced to hold a legislative
"If the State Civil Rights Com- which qualify. ,Provision of the Higher Education T O I tar breakfast next Monday in Kala-
msinde'tatwhn ek The state plan will then have Facilitis At. This provision con- , mazoo. ,ne
wweekto be approved by the United cerns loans for construction, ac- T At this meeting, members of
on the cases of alleged discrim- States Office of Education. quisition and rehabilitation f In Viet N am university governing boards will
ination, at the Parkhurst-Arbor- Also included in the HigherEd- facilities to universities and grad- ,Ltell 60 state legislature candidates
eucation Facilities Act, is the pro- uate centers. of the thinking which prompted
ations Commisn d l pvision granting federal funds to It is not known, however, wheth- SAIGON (A')-Military men will more than $175 million in fund
action independently of them," universities for the construction of er or not the University will be keep a powerful hand in the gov- requests by the state schools.
graduate facilities. It is under eligible for loans under this por ernment of South Viet Nam under The University is seeking $55.7
commission's meeting last night. this provision that University of- tion of the act, ( a provisional constitution released million, highest of the ten institu-
Cowley didn't specify what ac- yesterday as a step toward civilian, ions.4
tion .the commission would take rule. Significant
but said another complaint had EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: The constitution, drafted by the Last nights gathering was view-
been filed with' State CRC on al- 17-man high national council, sets ed as significant for its attraction TTdA I
leged discrimination by Cutler- up a security council including of alumni leaders.M o d O f A
Hubble, Inc. Ines L am bda C hhigh brass with broad authority to Robert Forman, associate ge-
Cowley said he met with the handle military affairs of this eral secretary of the Alumni Ass-
State CRC to explore the three Communist-menaced nation. ciation, represented the University. N
alleged discriminatory actions of ForThe " P arty authority ranges from the Explaining the significance,
manager C. Frank Hubble, but Io a io s atht to establish martial law to Vice-President for University Re-
that nothing was decided. power to "proclaim cease-fires ord
Most Recent Complaint By JOHN MEREDITH negotiate in the war situation." group agreed "there is a need for Call Missons Illegal
Most recent complaint was fil- an interpretation of higher edu-
Comromsej ctio'sproblems to the alumni". In.Cogo Middle Es
ed by a Negro who claimed he was The executive committee of Interfraternity Council last night The security council's structure ation's Attractive Means
denied an apartment there be- fined Lambda Chi Alpha $700 for holding an unregistered party at is a compromise between pressure' With their wide-spread state UNITED NATIONS A) - Soviet
cause of his racen d which alcoholic beverages were present. for a strictly civilian regime and distribution, alumni are consider- chief delegate Nikolai T. Fedo-
The other two complaints date The committee also ruled on an appeal by Sigma Chi concerning demands of Maj. Gen. Nguyen ed an attractive means for reach- renko said yesterday that despite
back to last springs test of the disciplinary action taken against that fraternity last April, reducing Khanh, the caretaker premier, for ing and activating public and the change in his government the
citysair H n g Ord nane.- Sigma Chi's fine from $700 to $570 with $240 suspended. legislative opinions. Soviet Union still refuses to help
Bunyan Bryant, Grad, was alleg- In the Lambda Chi Alpha decision, $300 of the fine was suspended edt. "We will try to get alumni pro- pay for United Nations peace-
'edly refused an apartment at decisione$300 of the fal eetro 95 h rtrie was supede The document said the chair- grams infused with a perspective keeping in the Congo and the
Parkhurt-Arbordale because of his until the end of the fall semeste, of 1965. The fraternity was further man will be the chief of state, with gher edc a tie I Middle East.
race. required to submit a letter of the premier as deputy chairman. al Waren ufthe neenig's A U
At this time the validity of the apology to Harold Swoverland, a The others will be the armed presiding officer said. clearnthat the U.S. is still deter-
ordinance was questioned with University investigating officer, forces minister and the chief of He is head of the state's influ- mined to demand that the Rus-
the creation of the State CRC un- for mistreatment he received staff. Two of the four members ential voluntary group of state in- sians lose their General Assembly
der the new constitution. from Lambda Chi Alpha mem1 ers will be military men and possibly stitutions, the Michigan Co-ordi- vote unless they start paying be-
Appeal Ruling while investigating the party. three if the present chief of state, nating Council for Public Higher fore the assembly convenes.
An appeal of Municipal Judge Attitude Responsible Maj. Gen. Duong Van Minh, is Education. Asian, African and Latin Ame-
Francis O'Brien's unconstituton- .Aiu.snsereappointed in the new civilian. N Stesian
ality ruling is now in Circuit Court. "The attitude indicated by this regime. No steps were taken specificall a y expect majority of the
Two for'mer tenants. Alan Jones mistreatment was to a consider- Informed sources said Khanh, to launch alumni programs last UN ership f mther oups
and Daniel Gray, say they werte able extent responsible for the size who apparently will step down night. But the representatives here wu eecretryGenra U
evicted from their apartments in of the fine," IFC Executive Vice- ifrom the premiership as scheduled heard a presentation on would give Secretary-General U
August, a week before their leases President Stephen F. Idema, '65, before his Oct. 27 deadline, is ex- other states do to inform citizens ant a formal request today or
were due to expire, because of their pointed out. pected to be named armed forces of higher education's financial ingrbewpostpone from o
sympathy with the Congress of Soeln eotdtauo minister. In that position, he pre- ineed posponed rom Nov. 10 to
~, Swoverland reported that, uponmistrInhapotoher- needs. Dec. 1 to allow more time to break
symathy E ith thebeing admitted to the fraternity sumably would have control over This was given by Relations Di- the U.S.-Soviet deadlock.
Useful To Meet house, he was forcibly restrained the chief of staff. rector James Jordan of Iowa Uni-!
Thsefus oM eet from going to the basement where European Style recto as ord n i Unchanged
The Housing Committee of thevestwhhaheddctzni- Forkoolnwmnih
HRC reported to the commission the party was in progress. Otherwise, the blueprint seems formation programs using alumni Fedorenko told newsmen, with
they feel it would be useful to When the Lambda Chi Alpha to call for a conventional parlia- in Iowa and Indiana. reference to peacekeeping fi-
meet with the owners of the apart- president appeared and escorted mentary government of European. - nances, that our position on this
ment to explain the situation. him to the basement, members ofsTye.infestton msistyasadnd principled1
In other business, Assistant Di- the house again attempted to hold' The formation ministry said soviets r~ a"d""hage, s expressed
rector Richard Simmons, Jr. said him back by grabbing his arms the constitution took effect at i the Security Council."
10 persons. had gained employ- STEPHEN F. IDEMA and pushing him against the wall once. But there still was no formal He said in the council Oct. 9
ment through the aid' of the con- of the stairwell. transfer of the reins from Khanh's that the Soviet Union would not
administration. pptis d a ta "the Sventnon oulnorth
mission's Job Placement Bureau unregistered pledge formal held Tdem stution pay one cent-one kopek" for the
sno sE a } on April 11. University investiga_ The constiution is provisional Congo and Middle East operations
sntion of the party revealed bcthot until a permanent constitution is MOSCOW (R) - Experiments because they were illegal.
a ls onth, rte n h rionsumthp artynaled bthe drawn up next year by a still-to- with a new system of economic First Statement
He also reported on the group' Ns consumption of alcohol and the be-created national assembly. regulation based on capitalist- Fedorenko's statement to news-!
of . youths in the city who are New Offforene of the ho a con Legislative Arm style profits have been approved men on the financial question was1
presently unemployed because or woorhe rlouse, a r non-co- Until the assembly is set up, the by a top Soviet economic organ, the first he had made since Nikita
a lack of training or because of Student Government Council munal area where girls are not high national council will act as the newspaper Izvestia said yes- Khrushchev was replaced last
the influence of their peer groups. will hold officer elections today allowed. a legislative arm of the govern- terday. Thursday by the new premier
Jobs Available at its meeting at 7:15 p.m. All Adjustment ment. With the appearance of the The new system, first proposed Alexei N. Kosygin, and the iew'
Simmons emphasized there are executive positions are open: The adjustment of the earlier, assembly, it will become a senate. two years ago by Prof. Yevset G. Communist Party first secretary,
jobs available but no agency set president, executive and admin- fine was based on a decline of 12 The constitution skirted the Liberman of Kharkov University, Leonid Brezhnev.
up to channel the youths into em- istrative vice-president and treas- men in the fraternity's active issue of whether the assembly is was also ordered put into effect The Soviet delegate spoke with
pWoyment. + urer. Current, President Thomas membership since last spring. The to be elected or appointed. in a number of consumer goods reporters after a half hour talk
He said a counseling system for Smithson, '65, announced yester- size of the fine had been deter- United States Ambassador Max- plants around the country. with Thant which he said was de-
high school dropouts and gradu- day his intention not to seek re- mined in part on a basis of the well D. Taylor met separately with The announcement appeared to voted to UN personnel questions.
ates is needed in the community election. number of men in the house. Minh and Khanh, presumably as signel an important victory for He declined to give the Soviet po-
Cowley added that the Conference Following the elections two "The fine was levied after the' part of continuing efforts by the the Liberman proposals. They had sition on postponement. He said
on Religion and Race is planning hours will be devoted to discussion last house bill for the spring se- United States to get some sort of been much criticized and discuss- that when there was a proposal
a volunteer counseling program. of rules governing student organ- mester and therefore the active a -stable government which is able ed in the Soviet press. for such a move "we will study it."
The commission heard a report izations. The discussion will pre- membership at that time could to handle the war effort. The move also appeared to in- Fedorenko also said he expected
on City Council's program for in- ceed passage of a revision of the not have been assessed," Idema Some diplomats described the dicate the adoption by the new "our foreign minister" would at-
creased code enforcement. The booklet University " Regulations explained. "It is the policy of the provisional constitution as better Kremlin leadership of a policy of tend the assembly.
council is taking steps to improve concerning Student Organizations committee to levy fines according than expected, in view of weeks of greater liberalization o f t h e Asked if Andrei A. Gromyko is
housing conditions in multiple engineered by Sherry Miller, '65, to the number of members who political infighting, but still short Soviet Union's tightly controlled still foreign minister, he replied,
dwellings. and Diane Lebedeff, '65. actually will have to pay." of what was hoped for earlier. economic administration. "Of course-what a question!"



chev Reported



Hint Leaders
Stop Attacks e
On Ex-Chief
Communists from
European Nations
Influence Decision
IuCOPENHAGEN () - Reports
from Moscow yesterday said Nikita
Khrushchev was under house ar-
rest in sight of the Kremlin tow-
ers but that the new Soviet rulers
had called off their attacks on his
performance as premier.
A Communist correspondent for
NIKITA KHRUSHCHEV a Danish newspaper said adverse
t reaction from most European
r Communist parties forced the
F orei ners Kremlin leaders to call an abrupt
halt to the anti-Khrushchev tir-
Views ToId dThe Communist newsman and a
(1s liberal Copenhagen correspondent
quoted informants as s a y i ng
WASHINGTON ()-The United Khrushchev, whose political down-
States Information Agency re- fall was announced last Friday,
ported yesterday that many, for- had been moved with his wife
eign newspaper editors, comment- into a four-room flat near the
ing on Red China's nuclear explo- Kremlin.
sion, want "expedient action to! First Indication
bring her into the community of This was the first indication of
nations." Khrushchev's fate since the an-
"Som y h ihe nouncement that he had resigned
to admit Peking to the United because of his age, 70, and poor
Nations" the USIA said. health, and that Leonid Brezhnev
Surveys of foreign press opin- had taken over as Communist par-
' ur ady by heinfrmssopn-ty secretary and Alexei Kosygin as
ion were made by the information premier.
agency on the Chinese test blast Before the sudden announce-
and the. shakeup i the Soviet ment of his ouster Khrushchev
government. They are being dis- had been staying at his vacation
tributed to officials in the agen- villa in the Crimea.
cy and other interested govern- Last Saturday, Pravda, the Com-
ment authorities. munist official newspaper, open-
Blame K;ed up on Khrushchev, accusi4g
Press reaction to the replace- him of "hair-brained scheming,
ment of Soviet Premier Nikita S. immature conclusions and actions
Khrushchev, USIA said, showed divorced from reality, bragging,
that commentators abroad "are phrase - mongering, commandism
surprised, puzzled, and concern- and unwillingness to take into ac-
ed." count the achievements of science
Its report added, "Many com- and practical experience."
mentators ... believed Khrushchev Uneasiness
was removed because he symbol- In the meantime, however, un-
ized problems and failures-the easiness and dismay became ap-
Sino-Soviet rift, agricultural dis- parent among Western European
asters. Other editors feared that a Communists and also in the East
'hard line will replace Khrush- at the sudden demise of Khrush-
chev's 'peaceful coexistence'. chev's political star.
"Many believe the Sino-Soviet In Milan last Sunday, Luigi Lon-
split, which Khrushchev personi- go, chief of Italy's huge Commu-
fied on the Soviet side, was the nist party, told a rally "the way
paramount issue." in which comrade Khrushchev has
Press and radio comment abroad been replaced leaves us worried
on the Chinese explosion, USIA and critical."
said, -generally expressed confi- Expressions of bewilderment
dence that "there is no immedi- grew among Communists abroad.
ate threat of nuclear annihilation Paid Tribute



PTP Makes Major Contribution to Ann Arbor

The Professional Theatre Pro-
gram's presentations of "War and
Peace," "The Hostage," "Judith"
and "Man and Superman" are
"acts -of courage," Prof. Richard
Burgwin of the speech department
said last night in a symposium.
Sponsored by the Union Cul-
tural Affairs Committee and the
PTP, the symposium included
Robert Schnitzer, Executive Direc-
tor of the PTP, Prof. Burgwin,
Professors Donald Hall and Mar-
vin Felheim of the English De-
partment and Sidney Walker, an
actor in the PTP. It's purpose was
to discuss the nature of the PTP
nrngram in Ann Arbor this fall.

problems and spiritual values in
magnificent language and pro-
vides a challenging intellectual
"The theatre in Ann Arbor is
not to be equalled anywhere,"
Hall said. He especially praised the
recovery of "Judith" and "War
and Peace."
Schnitzer praised Walker's act-
ing and'said that Walker repre-
sents the calibre of the entire
company. "He is a scholar who
knows the theatre," he said.
'U' in Business
Burgwin raised the question,
"Why 'should a university be in
the professional theatre business?"
His suggestion was that the uni-
v-,ci., s i72,fiind if nnt3 mpn


the administration play
bringing the PTP to Ann
while Felheim argued tM
PTP is the result of a lo
perience of dedicated people

-but the most optimistic see an
immediate and serious threat to
the world's shaky atomic equilib-
The agency said some writers
abroad speculated that the Chi-
yed in nese nuclear test may have been
Arbor, related to the ouster of Khrush-
hat the chev. Some also foresee the possi-
ong ex- bility of "the new nuclear China
e trying browbeating its Asian neighbors."

to start theatre here but who
failed because of lack of funds.
"It is not all administration,"
Felheim said.
'Too Good'
Walker criticized Ann Arbor
audiences for being "too good."
This is a fault of all American
audiences; Americans consider
theatre-going a formality, a social
event, he said. He blamed the
lack of reaction of American
audiences during performances on!
the high cost of theatre seats.
fiurinsaid that Ann Avhr l

Stalinism Back,
Goldwater Says
Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz) de-
manded a tougher foreign policy
line last night, saying recent in-
ternational developments mean a
return to something more like the
Stalin regime with its fierce op-
nosition to the West

Israel's Communist party paid
tribute 'yesterday to Khrushchev's
leadership and asked Moscow for
"more information" on his ouster.
The Norwegian Communist par-
ty organ said Khrushchev did not
deserve "to be thrown into the
gutter." The paper questioned that
age and failing health were the
reasons for his retirement.
Peter Schaeffer, correspondent
of the Danish Communist newspa-
per Land Og Folk, reported that
meetings in plants, state institu-
I tions and other places, during
which "strong attacks" were
launched against various Khrush-
chev policies, "have been stop-
He added:
"Well-informed Soviet sources
say that the reason for this li
the very critical reaction express-
ed by a number of Communist
parties in East and Western Eu-
rnnp, Tn Anva 2,.M~ a f a h


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