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October 07, 1964 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-10-07

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By Judith Stonehill

Hall Revisits Quiet Cave'

Prof. Donald Hall of the Eng-
lish department went to England
in July 1963 to visit friends and to
retreat into his "quiet cave' in a
country he loves."
His cave was Thaxted, a small
village. 40 miles from London,
where Hall went for a year four
years ago as well. This past year,
Hall was on sabattical and a
Guggenheim Fellowship.
By August 1964, when he re-
turned to Ann Arbor, he had
finished a book of poetry, nearly
finished a book on Henry Moore,
and visited such noted English
poets as Ted Hughes, Thom Gunn,
Christopher Middleton, John Wain,
Donald Davie, Geoffrey Hill, Eliza-
beth Jennings and John Heath-
Better Perspective
Living in Thaxted gives him a
better perspective on himself and
his country, he said. Although his
own poetry "does not change ac-
cording, to where he writes, his
ideas about poetry and poets are
affected by talking to his English
Hall's poet friends in England
live differently from his poet
friends in America; few of the
young English poets teach in the
British universities. Greater out-
lets for literary journalism in Eng-
land enable many of them to live
by their writing, doing book re-
views for journals or programs
for the British Broadcasting.Com-
"When I was at Oxford in 1951-
53, the poets were like football
players here-celebrated people,"
Hall said.
Poetic Influence
According to Hall, a common
opinion in England today is that
"American poetry is better than
English poetry." Many young
English poets are strongly in-
fluenced by American poets, es-
pecially by William Carlos Wil-
liams and Robert Lowell. "These
English poets are fascinated by.
original techniques, so they look to
America," he explained.
Hall's accomplishments during
this year abroad include "A Roof
of Tiger Lilies," a book of his
poetr to be released in November,
and "The $50 Bill," a short story
scheduled appear in "Esquire."
"Fear Goldwater
Hall also noted a change in the
politalcal climate of England. "The
Cam UIPus
Noon - Tom Turner, associate
secretary of World University
Service International in Geneva,
Switzerland, will speak on "WUS
projects in Africa" at the Guild
House, 802 Monroe St.
3:30 p.m.-Felix Candela, archi-
tect, will speak on "Concrete Shell
Structures" in Architecture Aud.
7 p.m.-The Ann Arbor Civic
Ballet will hold auditions at the
Sylvia Studio of Dance, 525 E.
8 Djn.-The APA will perform
in "War and Peace" by Erwin
Piscator in Lydia Mendelssohn
8 p.m.-The University Players
will perform "Gideon" by Paddy
Chayefsky In Trueblood Aud.
8:30 p.m.-The Stanley Quartet
will give a recital in the Rack-
ham Aud.1
4:10 p.m.-Prof. Will Herberg
of Drew University will speak on
"Existentialism: Religious and
Atheistic" in Rackham Aud.
8 pm.-A panel discussion en-
titled "Students Challenge Will
Herberg" will be held in the South
Quad League.. ,
8 p.m.-The APA will perform in

"The Hostage" by Brendan Behan
in Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
8 p.m.-The University Players
will present "Gideon" by Paddy,
Chayefsky in Trueblood Aud.
8:30 p.m.-Antonio and the Bal-
lets de Madrid will perform in
Hill Aud.

sex." The students at the new Uni-
versity of Sussex were unrestrain-
ed in stating their opinions of
contemporary poetry and he loved
it there, he said.
One of Hall's most memorable
experiences in England was a
poetry reading at the American
Embassy in London. He partici-
pated in a memorial program for
Theodore Roethke, Robert Frost,
William Carlos Williams and e.
e. cummings.
The Beatles made a great im-
pression on Hall and his family.
For Christmas 1963 they received
a Beatle calendar. "I had big plans
of introducing the Beatles to the
United States," Hall said.
In addition to traveling in Eng-
land, Ireland and Scotland to read
his poetry, Hall did more than 20
broadcasts on the BBC. Among
other things, he was a "highbrow
disc jockey" of poetry, talking
critically about poems and then
illustrating his remarks with an
actor's reading of a poem.
"I love England, it's a good
cave," Hall said. Thaxted provided
the familiar, friendly surroundings
Hall wanted in order "to get away
from it all."

BoardBa cks
Plan To Let
Pledges Move
(Continued from Page 1)
found about 400 more qualified
freshmen this fall than last year,
but was able to build no new
dormitories to house them.
The board yesterday also unani-
mously approved a motion from
two student groups relating to the
residence hall situation. Maxine
Loomis, '65, president of Assembly
Association, and John Eadie, '65,
president of Inter - Quadrangle
Council, made the motion, which
proposed that the board "strongly
recommend to the Regents
that future admissions policies be
commensurate with University fa-
cilities for both housing and edu-
cating students." The motion arose
from motions passed recently by
both IQC and AHC concerning
dormitory rates and conditions.
The board unanimously also ap-
proved a motion deploring van-
dalism in the residence halls.
Lewis proposed at the close of
the meeting that the board make
provisions for circulating its
agenda well in advance of its
meetings. He also proposed that
-a regular monthly meeting date
be set. Until now, the boartd has
met on an intermittent basis. The
board adopted the proposal.

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
in a series of six articles giving
sketches of the opinions and back-
grounds of the candidates current-
ly engaged in the Student Gov-
ernment Council election campaign.
"The betterment of student life
on campus should be the single
overriding goal of Student Gov-
ernment Council." This is the
belief of Rachel Amado, '67, a
candidate in the current SGC
She adds that although this
goal is an obvious one, it is often
hindered and obscured by the
jungle of red tape surrounding the
week-by-week mechanical opera-
tions of Council.
House Director
Of Barbour Dies
Mrs. Mildreth Kretzschmar, resi-
dent director of Betsy Barbour
house, died Monday morning in
University Hospital.
Mrs. Kretzschmar, director of
Barbour since 1962, came to the
University in 1956. She had work-
ed on the staffs of Couzens, Mark-
ley, Stockwell and Mosher-Jordan
Halls before taking the Barbour

Amado Stresses SGC Goal

Miss Amado cites SGC's hand-
ling of student grievances this
semester as an example of Coun-
cil's inefficiency. "Several of the
student complaints, s u c h as
crowded conditions in classes and
residence halls, required immediate
and decisive action.
"But instead, the grievances
were subordinated to committees
for analysis. By the time these
committees eventually report back
to Council and action is taken, the
urgency of the issues will have
abated, and SGC's action will be
ineffectual," Miss Amado com-
She believes that Council must
strive to determine student opinion
accurately, and with this knowl-
edge establish a strong liaison be-
tween the administration and the
student body. "And in addition to
this communications function,
SGC must also serve as an active
pressure group to promote stu-
dent interests and opinions," Miss
Amado added.
She attributes much of SGC's
ineffectiveness to laziness and lack
of direction among many Council
members in recent years.
Miss Amado has been active .in,
Junior Panhellenic Society this
past semester as president of the
Delta Delta Delta pledge class.


English used to ask what was the
difference between a Republican
and a Democrat. Now they can
tell. They are terrified of Barry
Goldwater," Hall said.
English university students im-
pressed Hall as being "more pas-
sive andk less argumentative than
American students, except in Sus-

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'child Buyer'
To Run in N.Y.
John Hersey's "The Child Buy-I
er," adapted by Paul Shyre will
be presented by the Theatre Guild
in New York this November as a
result of its performahce by the
Professional Theatre Program last
spring, Prof. Robert\C. Schnitzer,
executive director of the PTP an-
nounced recently.
The PTP production, the New
Play Project for 1964, was viewed
by seven New York producers, five
of whom offered bids for produc-
tion. Hersey accepted the bid of
Warren Caro who was acting for
the Theatre~.Guild.
"The Child Buyer" is the eighths
play created by the PTP in less
than two seasons which will be
seen in New York. "This is a strik-
ing reversal of the former theatre
trend from New York westward,"
Schnitzer said.

(Continued from Page 1)
This will be particularly true
in the trial pre-registration since
demand for the summer courses
is seen as uncertain.
Numerous surveys have been
taken which are not binding. The
pre-registration plus down pay-
ment will give the colleges an op-
portunity to prepare for the
course demand, Groesbeck said.
In return, the student will also
be saving the three days used for
registration. His only responsi-
bility will be to go to his college's
office to pick up a final schedule
before the semester opens.
This is expected to be only a
formality of notifying the college
that he is there, Groesbeck said.
j May Be Altered
There is a possibility that the
schedule will have been slightly
altered, but this should be rare,
he said.
However, he emphasized "it is
imperative that students in resi-
dence who plan to come for the
spring-summer term, sign up in
the next semester."
Failing to do so, they will have
to register late through the de-
partments. They will not be per-
mitted to go to Waterman, Groes-
beck said.
In the gym, about 500 graduate,
transfer and freshman students
will be registering May 3-4 for
either the full term or first half-
Another Step
The changes in registration are
another step in the University's
transition into full-scale tri-term
An eight man faculty group,
chaired by the now-Dean of the
literary college William Haber, in
1961 recommended year-round op-
erations as an effective means tp
meet enrollment pressure.
One of its recommendations was
the introduction of a classification
system prior to registration week.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an:
official publication of the Univer-I
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial£
responsibility. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3564 Administration Building before
2 p.m. of the day preceding publica-
tion, and by 2 p.m. Friday for Satur-
day and Sunday.
Day Calendarj
Symposium on the Mathematical
Theory of Optimal Control - RackEam
Bldg., 9 a.m.
Dept. of Anatomy Seminar-F. Clarke
Fraser, McGill University, Montreal,
"Experimental Studies on the Forma-
tion of Cleft Lip": 2501 East Medical
Bldg., 1:10 p.m.
special Cinema Guild Free Showing-
Fritz Lang's "Metropolis": Architecture
Aud., 7 and 9 p.m.
Speech Assembly-Prof. Edgar E. Wl-
lis, Dept. of Speech, will speak on
"Broadcasting with a British Acent,"
Rackham Lecture Hall, 4 p.m.-
(Note: The above corrects the erron-
eous statement given in the weekly
Calendar for Wed., Oct. 7.)
Open House: Student tea at the home
of President and Mrs. Hatcher from
4 to 6 p.m., Wed., Oct. 7. All stu-
dents cordially invited..
Physical Education-Women Students:1
Women students taking required physi-
cal education who were medically de-l
ferred for the first half of this semes-
ter should report to Office 15, Barbour
Gymnasium, to sign for their winterk
activityRegistration will be held from
8 t a.m. to noon and 1-5 p.m., Wed.,
Thurs. .and Fri., Oct. 7-9, innBarbour
Gymnasium. Upperclass students who
wish to elect physical education class-
es may do so on Thurs. and Fri.
mornings only, Oct. 29-30, Main Floor,
Barbour Gymnasium.
Ceramics Exhibition: "Designed for
Production: The Craftsman's Approach,"s
an exhibition of contemporary ceram-
ics, textiles and metalwork circulatedF
by the American Federation of Arts,
will ,open today at the University of
Michigan Museum of Art. The Museum
will resume its evening hours at this
time, remaining open from 7 to 9 p.m.'
on Wednesdays, in addition to the reg-
ular daily hours of9 to 5 and 2 to 5
on Sundays.-t
Flu Shots: There will be a "flu clinic"
at the Health Service, Wed., Oct. 7
from 8-11:30 a.m. and 1-4:30 p.m. The
charge is $1 for students and spouses
and $1.50 for faculty, staff and spouses.
General Notices
Annual Open Enrollmeit Period
Blue Cross-Blue Shield
Campus-Office of Staff Benefits. Hos-
pital-Personnel Office. Union-Business
Notice to Employes of All University1
Enrollment Period will be held in theR
above locations from Oct. 1, 1964,1
through Oct. 15, 1964.
New applications and changes to exist-
ing contracts will be allowable. Any
family member, eligible for coverage,
may be added at this time, including
those children over 19 who are income
tax dependents.
No new applications, changes or addi-
tions will be accepted after this enroll-
ment period, other than for new em-
ployes or approved thirty-day changes
until October of 1965.
School of Nursing: Advance classifi-
cation will begin on Tues., Oct. 6. De-
tails are available in the lobby of
the School of Nursing.
U-M Blood Bank: The Red Cross Mobil
Unit will visit the U-M Blood Bank
on Mon., Oct. 26, and Tues., Oct. 27, on
the third floor of the Michigan Union
between the hours of 9 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Members of the University staff (ex-
cluding students) who wish to join
whether in person or by proxy can
contact the University Personnel Of-


flce, 764-7286, to schedule an appoint- held until the approval has become ef-
ment. - fective.
Teaching Lecture: Dr. Stanford Erick- Approval request forms for student
son and Dr. Frank Koen, Center for sponsored events are available in Rm.
Research on Learning and -Teaching 1011 of the SAS.
(U. of M.), will speak on "Introduction VOICE, University of Michigan Chap-
to the Human Aspects of Learning ter of Students for a Democratic So-
and Teaching," Room 1400 Chemistry ciety. Meeting of campus committee,
Bldg., Wed., Oct. 7, at 8:30 p.m. Oct. 7, 7:30 p.m., 3rd floor Conference
Room, Union.

Announcing the Vulcans Scholarship:
$200 awarded to an undergraduate engi-
neer once a year on the basis of schol-
arship, activities, character, and need.
Apply in Room 268 of WestEngineer-
ing. Deadline: Oct. 16, 1964.
Student Government Council Approval
of the following student-sponsored
events becomes effective 24 hours after
the publication of this notice. All pub-
licity for these events must be with-
Use of This Column for Announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered organizations only.
Forms are available in Room 101 SAB.
* *
Alpha Phi Omega, Regular meeting,
Oct. 7, 7 p.m., Room 3B, Michigan Un-
American Society for Public Adminis-
tration, Topic: "Economics of the War
Industry"; speaker: Dr. Kenneth Bould-
ing, Econ. Dept. and Conflict Resolu-
tion, Oct. 9, 4 p.m., Graduate Outing
Ann Arbor Friends of SNCC, Speakers:
Stokely Carmichael, SNCC staff, and
Mississippi summer volunteers, Thurs.,
Oct. 8, 8 p.m., UGLI Multipurpose Rm.
* * *
Deutscher Verein, Kaffeestunde. Trav-
el film: Upper Bavaria, Oct. 7, 3-5 p.m.,
3050 Frieze Bldg.
* * *
Guild House, Noon luncheon discus-
sion, Oct. 7, 12 noon, Guild House,
802 Monroe St. Speaker: Tom Turner,
associate secretary for WUS Interna-
tional in Geneva, on "Critical Needs
and Developments in Africa."
* * *
Le Cercle Francais, Le Baratin, le 8
Oct., le Jeudi, 3-5 p.m., 3050 Frieze
* * *
Newman Student Association, Panel
discussion, "Meter Et Magistra vs.
Conscience of a Conservative," Oct. 7, 8
p.m., 331 Thompson.
* * *
University Lutheran Chapel, Chapel
Assembly meeting, Oct. 7, 8:30 p.m.;
Midweek Devotion, Oct. 7, 10 p.m., 1511
* * *
Voice, U. of M. Chapter of Students
for a Democratic Society, campus com-
mittee meeting: "U. of M.: Problems
and Possibilities," 3rd floor confer-
ence room, Michigan Union, tonight,
7:30 p.m. All welcome.
Voice, Young Democrats; Students for
DeBerry and Shaw. Panel: "Stopping
Goldwater," speakers: Todd Gitlin, Mike
Grondin, Peter Signorelli, Oct. 8, 7:30
p.m., Michigan Union, Room 3D. All

1-- --- -- - .1 . . 1,

The Mary Louisa Hinsdale Scholarship
amounting to $214.40 (interest on the
endowment futd) is available to unaer-
graduate single women who are wholly
or partially self-supporting and who do
not live in University dormitories or
sorority houses. Residents of Hender-
son House and Oxford Housing may
apply. Girls with better than average
scholarship and need will be considered.
The Lucile B. Conger Scholarship and
Margaret H. Waterman Scholarship are
offered to undergraduate women on the
basis of academic performance, con tri-
bution to University life and financial
need; the stipends are variable.
The Julia Henning Conger Memorial
Fund Scholarship to cover tuition costs,
will be available to a resident of the
Grand Rapids area, who is a woman
student admitted for undergraduate
study at the University. Equal weight
shall be given to financial need, citir
zenship, and academic performance.
The Laurel Harper Seeley Scholarship
is announced by the Alumnae Council
of the Alumni Association for 1964-65
The award is $210 and is open to both
graduate and undergraduate women. It
is awarded on the basis of scholarship,
contribution to University life and fi-
nancial need.
Application blanks are available at
the Alumnae Council Office, Alumni
Memorial Hall, and should be filed by
Nov. 1, 1964. Awards will be granted
for use during the second semester,
1964-65 and will be announced Nov. 20.
Doctoral Candidates who expect to
receive degrees in December, 1964, must
have at least three bound copies (the
original in a "spring binder") of their
dissertation in the office of the Gradu-
ate School by Mon., Nov. 2. The re-
port of the doctoral committee on the
final oral examination must be filed
with the Recorder of the Graduate
School together with two copies of the
thesis, which is ready in all respects
for publication, not later than Mon.,
Nov. 30.
/ Lecture: Dr. Hans Bethe, phyicist,
winner of the Atomic Energy Commis-
sion's Enrico Fermi Award, will speak
on "Disarmament and Strategic Stabil-
ity" at the fourth annual Dewey F.
Fagerburg Memorial Lecture, sponsor-
ed by the Michigan Memorial-Phoenix
Project, Wed., Oct. 21, 8 p.m. in Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
This Week: Wed, through Sat., 8 p.m.,
Trueblood Aud. (Frieze Bldg.), the
University Players, Dept. of Speech, pre-
sent Paddy Chayefsky's exciting Bibli-
cal drama "Gideon." Box office open
12:30-5 p.m. daily next week, 12:30-8
p.m. performance nights. Tickets: $1.50
and $1.00.
Tickets also available at that time
for all individual performances of the
University Players. Next production ir
Moliere's 'The Imaginary Invalid."

Lecture: George Lincoln Rockwell will, TUES.. OCT.,13 (p.m. only)-
speak at H111 Aud. at 8 p.m., Tues.,
Oct. 13 Mead Johnson & Co., Evansville, Ind.
Doctoral Examination for Abdel Aziz -Seeking degree majors in Chem.,
Ahmed El - Dakhakhny, Industrial Econ., Engl., Lib. Arts, Poli. Sci.,
Health; thesis: "Settling Velocities of Speech & Pharm. Positions in foreign
Fibers in Air," Thurs., Oct. 8, 1540 trade, mgmt. trng., market research,
School of Public Health, at 3 p.m. merchandising, personnel.
Chairman, W. A. Cook. WED. & THURS., OCT. 14-15-
United States Coast Guard, Wash.,
Linguistics Dept. Doctoral Preliminary D.C.-Men for Officer Candidate School.
Examinations: The dates for the doe- Degree in any major field. Train for
toral preliminary examinations for the general duty officers at Yorktown, Va.
Linguistics Dept. are Fri. and Sat., Nov THURS., OCT. 15- .
6 and 7. Any student who wishes to Libbey-Owen-Ford Glass Co., Toledo,
take a prelim this semester must no- Ohio-Seeking majors in Arch., Ohem.,
tify the departmental office of his in- Mktg. & Physics. Positions in sales,
tention to do so and which exam he R. & D., & Plant Tech. Control. Vari-
wishes to take before Oct. 1. ous locations in the U.S. (a.m. only).
Candidates are asked to bring their Argonne National Laboratory, Ar-
own No. 2 pencils. gonne, Ill.-Men & women in all levels
of Math, PhD in Chem., Biochem., &
Pa m ,Physics. Positions in statistics, R." &
.,a 0 G1 en D. Pref. U.S. citizen. Located in Ar-
gonne, Ill, and Idaho Falls, Idaho.
TEAHER Pl CEMho: n MichigangService Bureau Corp, Detroit-De-
have vacancies for the fall semester in Data Processing Sales. Canadian citi-
1964: zens may apply. Located in Detroit &
Detroit, Mich. (Redford Union High) throughout U.S.
-High School English; starts Nov. 1. Women's Army Corp, Wash., D.C. -
Plymouth, Mich.-Half-time Phys. Ed. Representatives will be in the Fishbowl
man or woman-2 whole days or 5 to provide information to Jr. & Sr.
half days., women about opportunities in the
Cassidy Lake, Mich. (Cassidy Lake W.A.C. Special program for Jrs. - a
Tech. School)-Phys. Ed. and recrea- preview of Army life. Be sure to stop
tion for boys. & visit with the representatives.
* * * ,FRI., OCT. 16-
For additional information contact Household Finance Corp., Chicago, Ill.
Sthe Bureau of Appointments, 3200 SAB, --Degree majors in Econ., Ed., Engl.,
764-7462. 1 Fine Arts, Lib. Arts, Journ., Law, &
i Speech for positions in management


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United States Information Agency
Interviews: Mr. Carter will be available
for group interviews Wednesday morn-
ing in the Bureau of Appointments,
as well as at 4 p.m. If students who
are scheduled at 4 p.m. prefer to
come in the morning, please call the1
Appointments-Seniors & grad students,
please call 764-7460 for appointments
with the following:

D. W. Zimmerman Manufacturing
Co., Toledo, Ohio-1. Mktg. Mgmt. As-
sistants, grads with mktg. or tech.
bkgd. Some exper. 2. Field Sales Reps.,
Engrg. or Mktg. bkgd., exper. desirable,
but willing to train.
* * *
For additional information, please call
764-7460, General Div., Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3200 SAB.



Ends Thursday
Shows At

Suspenseful Sex Mystery!.

The University Players,
Dept. of Speech




------------- --





8:00 P.M. Trueblood Aud., Frieze Bldg.
thru Oct. 10. Box Office open 12:30-8:00.
Prices: $1.50 & $1.00 (Weekend 25c more)

r _ .





American Premiere!
by Tostoy-Piscator
Directed by Ellis Rabb

by Brendan Behan


The Ann Arbor Civic Ballet
invites you to audition Wednes-

President and Mrs. Hatcher cordially invite the

Directed by Stephen Porter







yY.... :.


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