Will Replace Need
To Use Waterman
SNew Students Who Can't Sign Up
In Advance To Pass through, Gym
The office of registration and records has developed a
system whereby students can both choose and register for
their courses a semester in advance, Registrar Edward Groes-
beck said yesterday.
Currently, they can only pre-classify for courses, pass-
ing through the maze at Waterman Gym to register.
The new system starts a trial run in February for stu-
dents attending the spring-summer term. If successful, it
will be in full operation next fall when students are setting
up their winter term schedules. For the trial run, Groesbeck
_ _
S irA6
74D. il
Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom
VOL. LXXV, No. 33
Brings C ha
In Socialism:
"Complete change-not reform
-will make this land of ours a
paradise-a heaven on earth so-
ciety," Eric Hass, Socialist Labor
presidential candidate, said last
night. Hass advocates a new "so-
cialist society."
Charging that, "there are no
solutions to America's problems
under outmoded capitalism," Hass
said the present system is in-
adequate to cope with automation.
As long as industry is owned
privately, "it will be a catastrophe
for the working class," he said.
Hass went on to state the three
evils of our American society:
racism, poverty and unemploy-
estimated 5500 students, pre-
paring for either the first half
or entire spring-summer term,
will take part.
They will pre-classify with their
counselor then go to a specified
place in the Administration Bldg.
to fill out an exact schedule and
other forms currently provided at
Waterman Gym.I
New students who could not pre-
register will continue to use Wa-
Related Policies
Groesbeck is recommending a
related policy whereby students
vii make a $40-50 down payment
on tuition at the same time. This
would be forfeited if the student
fails to come back, but guarantees
him a space, Groesbeck explain-
The remainder woild be paid
during the semester.
The new registration-classifica-
tion system will not affect stu-
dents who sign up this spring for
fall courses. They will register and
pay tuition .in Waterman before
the semester opens.
Explaining the theory behind
the new system, Groesbeck stress-
ed it will benefit both students
and administrators. "We want to
find out what students want-and
make provisions for them," he
See NEW, Page 2
ie ental Post
Still Unfilled
By Romny
Gov. George Romney has not
yet filled the vacant Regental seat
created by, the death of Regent
William McInally of Jackson
Aug. 22. i
A source close to the governor
said yesterday there is no indica-
tion when the appointment will be
made. He raised the possibility
that Romney will wait until after
the election to fill the seat.
Romney is reportedly favoring
Lawrence Lindemer of Stock-
bridge, a former law student here
and Republican state chairman.
However, the spokesman said there
has been some opposition from the
Flint area.
Citizens there apparently want
a . strong influence on University
'policy4making when the two-year
Flint College is enlarged into a
four-year institution next fall.
Not Scheduledl
The Regents are not scheduled
to meet again until Oct. 23. They
held their September meeting with
only seven members.
Regent McInally was one of
three Republicans on the gov-..
erning body. There are six Demo-
crats. 1
At the time of his death, Regent
McInally's colleague, Regent Eu-
gene B. Power of Ann Arbor, called
his loss "a serious blow to the
University, for he was liberal, ex-
perienced, able and interested."
Letldges Move from Dorms
On Alleged Vii
Board Urges
,Wage Raise
or Students
The Residence Hall Board of
Governors yesterday unanimously
approved a motion urging that'
the University raise the basic wage
rate for students working in the
residence halls to $1.25 an hour.
This would be about a 15 per cent
increase over present rates, and
would affect about 1000 students
working in the halls.
The proposal will be studied ini
coming weeks by the residence
halls business office, the Univer-
sity personnel office and Service
Enterprises, Inc., Peter Ostafin,
assistant to the vice-president for
student affairs, said last night.
Tle administration will decide
whether or not such a wage raise
would be advisable considering
current dormitory business condi-
tions, he said.
Prof. Frank Braun of the Ger-
man department, a member of the
board, presented the motion. It.
was seconded by Inter-Quadrangle
President John Eadie, '65.
Approval of the motion recom-
mending a raise in residence hall
wages comes on the heels of a
student labor shortage in the halls.
In addition, a student union was
recently formed to raise rates for
student workers.
The student union came as aa
result of action by an ad hoc
committee of Student Government
Council. The aim of the union is
to have power to negotiate with
administration officials regarding.
the wages, hours and working
conditions of student employes. It
is not affiliated.with SGC.
The SGC committee investigat-
ed student minimum wages at
other universities, and reported
that minimum wages at the Uni-
versity of Wisconsin and Michigan
State University are 25-35-centsa
an hour above those at the
Assembly House Council passed
unanimously Monday a motion
endorsing the student union. Pres-
ident of AHC Maxine Loomis, '65,
presented the motiorn requesting
that the group "endorse in philos-
ophy and action the plans pre-
sented by Barry Bluestone, '66,
for the student union." Bluestone
spoke to the council meeting later
to explain the purposes and func-
tions of the group.
He indicated that the presenti
American system of .reform is in-
adequate to solve the civil rights
In order to serve the best in-
terests of all the people the "ab-
solete" states should be done away
with. He proposed the substitu-
tion of a Union Congress, in which
the nation would be grouped in-
dustrially. "It would, then be the
duty of the government to decide
the amount of goods needed and'
produced," said Hass.
Great Fear
In the area of unemployment he
expressed great fear of automation
and quoted Supreme Court Jus-
tice William O. Douglas, "When,
the machine replaces man, who'
will own the machines and receive
the. profit?"
Hass said that if the machines
remain in private hands the out-
come will be a "catastrophe."
- He envisioned a "true and mean-
ingful brotherhood between men"
-when we own the industries and
services socially."
According to Hass the establish-
menu of a socialist society will.
create peace between nations. He
said that the conflict between
East and West is economic. Once
competition is abolished, there will
be no cause for conflict.
Stating that the American con-
stitution recognizes the need for
change, Hass explained that "we
must break away from outmoded
capitalism and establish new in-
-Daly-Algis Kaupas
BARRY BLUESTONE, '65, SGC member, spoke out against ad-
ministrative policy in a noon. rally yesterday on the Diag. Blue-
stone charged the University is failing to act upon student
grievances in areas such as housing.
Student ,Group ir
Grievances on Diag
Two hundred students, spurred by the recent protests at the
University of California, expressed their grievances against the admin-
istration and the state at a Diag rally yesterday.
The group, led by Barry Bluestone, '66, and Richard Horevitz, '67,
then went to University President Harlan Hatcher's house to present
their demands.
Bluestone called on the group to arouse a huge student protest
which could effectively force the administration to act on the griev-
ances./He emphasized that only the unified mass action of the stu-.
dents could bring about the desired changes, and he cited the effective
force of mass protest at the California school.
Bluestone said that the administration has placed the student
too low on its priority list.
"The University is ,an educational institution, not a factory, but
by not making new plans to provide for the influx 6f students, the
administration is not providing a decent liberal education for stu-
dents," he said.
"While dorm rates have gone 'Vp, student wages have stayed at
the same level so that this year student employes are- actually earning
less," he pointed out.'"We have 800 overcrowded students here this
year, yet the University has no plans for new dorms to relieve the
situation. Something is wrong here, and something must be done now."
Horevitz, chairman of Voice political party, called on the students
to come to a mass meeting at the Michigan Union today at 7:30 p.m.
in the third floor conference room. The meeting will be to form a
"student action league" to raise mass support for the grievances, he
A spokesman for the students said last night a group of students
currently in "doubled up" residence hall rooms plan to present an-
other list of demands to Residence Halls Director Eugene Haun. He
said the demands would be on a petition signed by more than 200
students living in residence halls.
Applies to
Those Above
First Year
Residence Hall Body'
Supports Proposed
Admiistration Action
The Residence Hall Board of
Governors unanimously supported
yesterday a plan to allow this fall's'
fraternity and sorority pledges
above the freshman level to move
out of the residence halls into
their affiliate houses.
The plan, which is aimed at
alleviating the current residence
hall crowding, will involve about
40-50 pledges, P e t e r Ostafin,
assistant to 'the vice-president for
student affairs, said last night.
If an upperclass pledge wishes
to move into his house, he must
petition to the residence hall con-
ference committee, a group of
residence hall administrative per-
sonnel. "The committee will re-
lease him from his contract if it
believes his new housing would
provide comparable study and liv-
ing conditions," Ostafin com-
Ostafin emphasized that the,
board approved the plan as a,
measure to be used this year only.
Administrators have not yet de-
cided whether to continue the
plan into next year, he said.
250 Over Capacity
At present, the residence halls
are serving about 250 more stu-
dents than their normal capacity.'
As a result, about 800 students are
living in rooms to which the Uni-
versity has added an extra man.'
If all pledges eligible moved out
of the dorms, about 50 rooms
would revert to their normal
Though the University is open-
ing the 600-man North Campus
Cedar Bend housing project next
fall, administrative officials have
predicted that due to a new influx
of freshmen, the residence halls
will be about as crowded then as
they are now.
The University, while holding
out-state enrollment constant, has
been admitting all in-state fresh-
men it thinks can do the work.
The present crowding resulted
from the fact that the University
See BOARD, Page 2
or ancestry."
First step1
Submission of an indictment
to the executive committee is the
first step in judicial proceedings.
The executive committee will
hold a hearing ;i the near future
to consider the Trigon case. The
specific date has not been set.
If Trigon is found guilty, it may
be deprived of all privileges that
are regulated by IFC.
These privileges include -such
things as participation in IFC
sponsored 'ush, social and intra-
mural programs.
Trigon has had a chapter at
the University since 1905. It is a
local fraternity with no national
Service to God
Founded by an Episcopal men's'
group, it still lists religious parti-
cipation and service to God as a
major goal. A description of Tri-
gon in this fall's IFC rush book-
let points out that, "although the
brothers come from widely varied
religious backgrounds," their com-
mon aim is to "live their religious
faiths rather than merely profess-
ing them."
The Trigon case is the first ac-
tion initiated by the IFC member-
ship committee, which was estab-
lished last fall.
Before formation of the IFC
group, fraternity membership vio-
lations were handled by a Student
Government Council committee.
This SGC group still has ulti-
mate authority over fraternity vio-
lations in that SGC membership
regulations apply to all student or-
ganizations on campus.
The SGC committee has ac-
cess to all records of IFC's mem-
bership body, and, if upon inves-
tigation the SGC group finds Tri-
gon in -violation of membership
rules, it can bring the matter be-
fore its membership tribunal. In
the end Trigon could conceivably
lose recognition as a campus or-
The membership committee,
however, is forbidden to divulge
information pertaining to cases
that might, be before it, and thus
the status of, Trigon in relation' to
SGC is not publicly known.
In other action at last night's
IFC meeting, Alpha Epsilon Pi was
fined $300 for conduct unbecom-.
ing a fraternity. Two hundred dol-
lars of the fine was suspended,
contingent on good conduct until
the end of the fall semester of
Delay Decision
On Autonomy
The state attorney general's
office reported yesterday it has
not reached a decision on a ques-
tion of college autonomy.
The issue was raised over a
legislative act this year which
allocates $31 million in building.
funds for the University and nine
.L . _ : _ _. . ...v _ , 0.'7 ... _ . ..
Opposed I
Local AAI
Committee Takes Action on
Of Anti-Discrimination Reg
The membership committee of Interfraternt
last night presented an indictment against Trigon
wording in the fraternity's documents on membersl-
Both IFC officials and the president of Trig
to discuss }details of the case. At the request of the
the indictment was submitted at a closed meeting
executive committee.
The membership committee acted under its
investigate violations of IFC membership selecti
tions which state that "member fraternities shall n
nate in selection of members on the basis of r
creed, religion, national originv
The University chapter
Apmerican 'Association of
sity Professors last night ,d
its firm opposition to the
affadavit requirement of ti
nomic Opportunity Act r
passed by Congress.
The requirement affect
student or professor receiv
nancial aid under the educ
programs of the act.
The meeting authorized
secretary Prof. Edward Sha
communicate the resolutior
Washington office of the a
tion, members-elect of C
and the executive departn
the United States.
The inclusion of the oatl
so-called anti-poverty bill h,
opposed by the national o:
the AAUP.
The disclaimer affadavit
that the applicant "does not
in, and is, not a member
does not support any orgar
that believes in or teach
overthrow of the United
Government by any illegal
constitutional methods."
Prof. Wilfred Kaplan
mathematics department ar
Algo Henderson of the ed
school, director of the Cer
the Study of Higher Edi
continued the meeting with
cussion of whether the sta
ference of the AAUP shoul
toward establishment of a P
coordination of higher ed
in Michigan.
Kaplan brought up questi
garding the new state bo
education, which has been
some coordinating powers.
It has the power to rece
quests for funds from a:
=ents'of education and t
mit its recommendations o
requests to the governor anc
He asked:
-How effective would th
ning of the new board be?
-What hope would there
successful voluntary plant
board of education have o
-What hope would th
ing voluntary planning mo
-Will the board present
get request for all state univ
directly to the legislature?
-Will the board have a
the, spending of money i
-Will the board have a
say rega'rding changes in
sity programs, in the studei
and in the faculty?
-How much political fo
the board be able to exert
r ~;
U' Expansion: Implcations Alternatives for LSA
SGC To Hear
Union Motion
Barry Bluestone, '66, will move
that Student Government Council
"recdmmend to the University ad-
ministration that it negotiate in
good faith" with the newly formed
Student Employes Union at to-
night's meeting.
The Employes Union, formed
three weeks ago to work for better
student employment conditions,,
will soon begin negotiations with
the University. It wishes to have
SGC support.
Administrators and faculty in
the literary college are deeply con-
cerned with how the college will
accommodate itself to growth.
Some question whether it should
grow at all.
Their concern stems from en-
rollment projections for 1970 and
1975 compiled by the Office. of
Academic Affairs. The OAA's fig-
ures assume the University will
continue to enroll its present pro-
portion of Michigan students who
attend state schools.
To maintain this proportion, the
University would probably grow to
over 42,000 on the Ann Arbor
campus 'alone and more than 50,-
000 overall by 1975.
ditional 21,000 or more students.
Many others feel that, even
were the University to secure all
necessary facilities in time, it
would become so big that its tra-
ditional academic quality would
be impaired. Some of these men
would slow growth down by tight-
ening admissions policies. Others,
accepting growth, seek less radical
means of alleviating its disad-
Among those accepting growth,
many consider that the University
has a moral obligation to help
educate they increasing number of
qualified high school graduates.
Larger Proportion
This number is not simply the
function of a booming population,
but also of the larger proportion of
high school graduates attending
cision the college makes on growth
will be tempered by those made in
all other colleges. Providing num-
erous "service courses"-from
freshman English to basic science
classes-to students in other un-
dergraduate colleges, the literary
{f college is considerably enlarged by
enrollment increases in the rest
S. v .....of the University.
While the implications of growth
continue to arise in discussions-
and will probably never be resolv-
f ed to everyone's satisfaction-the
college is proceeding with con-
crete plans for adjusting to the
Enumerating the plans, Dean
William Haber commented that
numerous new buildings 'will play
an important role. Eventually, the
literary college will occunv nace
include buildings for mathematics,
social sciences and psychology.
The opening of the residential
college-a small integrated living
ant learning unit-beginning in
1966 or 1967 will not only alleviate
pressures on the central campus
but provide opportunities for edu-
cational innovations. Three or four
additional residential colleges are
being considered for the more dis-
tant future.
A further factor which will as-
sist in absorbing more students is
year-round operations, scheduled
to begin with a full third semester
this summer.!
The University has already in-
dicated it will encourage students
to enroll for one or both of the
two half-terms to be offered with-
in the th imt,.m- 7tm a