ver Finds Northern Riots
her Racial Nor Extremist
Vote Looms Decisive in So
By DON McKEE 11 Southern states, and particu- mated registration at 1.5 mil- Florida's Negro vote has risen Latest estimates
Associated Press Staff Writer larly during the past two years. lion; it might be well above that in four years from 163,128 tc ers In Alabama ir
ATLANTA - Simple arithmetic Negro voters now number more this year alone, especially by Ne- 240,616, but the percentage o u1 in Negro regicent
gives President Lyndon B. John- than two million, compared to groes. crease has been one point-from
so a strong hand in most of the 1.1 million four years ago. White Negro leaders estimate the Ne- this year total 1.95 ilregistration i
South on the basis of a Negro I ti erttl19 ilo n
vote which is nearly twice the voters. total about 13.6 million in gro vote on Georgia from 250 ,-million.
000 to 275,000l, or 16 to 18 per [Florida.
size it was four years ago. the 11 states from Virginia to cent--the highest of any South- South Carolina Negroes have Low Regist
Registration of both white and! Texas. ern state. It is a huge jump over increased their balloting power. Mississippi, with
Negro voters has been heavy in the, Vote Democratic the estimated 9 per cent of 1960 Estimates put it at 10 to 15 per that is 42 per ce
when the Democrats carried Geor- cent of the 772,000 voters. The the lowest Negro
With the exception of Missis- gia by a conclusive margin. ,Southern Regional Council esti- estimated at about
Tvteight stroglym ithe Negro In the balance of the Southmates Negro voters comprise more !000 or about 5.6 per
vote might strongly influence elec- white registration generally has than 10 per cent of the North
tion results in the South. Di kept the racial ratio fairly steady. Carolina electorate. In Louisiana,
Martin Luther King, Jr., a Negro :strength remains a
J17age T alks leader, has said few if any Ne- cent, little changed
groes will vote Republican this 7 kansas has about
year.I W /t.A AThui1111 l ij1 in its more than
at a
between July 18 and Sept. 7.
Lesson Gained.
Draving a lesson from the dis-
turbances, the FBI chief recom-,
mended that local police receive
better training in riot-control.
With their lack of experience, "it
took many hours and in some
instances days to mobilize enough
force locally or from outside to
cope with the riots," he reported.
Johnson responded by ordering
the FBI to make riot-control train-
ing available to all police depart-
ments In the country. The Presi-
dent also directed the Defense
Department to increase National
Guard riot - control t r a i n i n g
throughout the country and to
make that training available to
local police forces.
While racial tensions contribut-
ed to the city rioting, Hoover
said, none of the disturbances
was a race riot "in the accepted
meaning of the phrase."
"They were not riots of Ne-
groes against whites or whites
against Negroes," he reported.
"And they were not a direct out-
growth of conventional civil rights
No Group Involvement
Hoover made short shrift o'
charges that the riots were insti-
gated by the Communist party of
other organizations.
In all cases, mob violence was
"dominated by the acts of youths
ranging in age up to the middle
The FBI chief blamed what he
termed "the breakdown of re-
spect for law and order among
young people" in part on "an
immunity to public exposure for
serious offenses and often the ab-
sence of punishment of any kind."
Riot Areas
The riots investigated by Hoov-
er's ,men occurred, chronological-
ly, in New York and Rochester,
N.Y.; ,Jersey City, Elizabeth and
Paterson, N.J.; Dixmoor, Ill.; Phil-
adelphia, and the seaside resorts
Policemen down a rioter in Philadelphia this summer during
one of seven riots investigated by FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover.
His report, released yesterday, found them without racial or
communist instigation. Responding to Hoover's report, President
Lyndon B. Johnson directed local police and National Guards-
men to undergo riot-control training.
of Seaside, Ore., and Hampton } vidual police officers in the face
Beach, N.H. of provocation appears to be re-
Except for the violence in Man- markable and was widely praised
hattan's Harlem and the Bed- by the press and public in the ci-
ford-Stuyvesant neighborhoods in ties-involved," he said\
Brooklyn, each of the city riots
"was an escalation from a minor
incident, normal in character," Atican Seeks
Hoover said.
DETROIT (R)-General Motors If the Negro vote, now compris-
and the striking United Auto ing about 13 per cent of the elec-
Workers yesterday set up a quick torate, goes solidly Democratic a
resumption of negotiations for a expected, Johnson will need only'
contract agreement to get the 40 to 45 per cent of the whitei
corporation's paralyzed car plants vote to carry such pivotal states'
back into production. as Georgia, Florida, North Caro-
General Motors and United lina and South Carolina.
Auto Workers President Walter Republican strategy aims at
P. :Reuther announced that talks, carrying the South's 27 per cent
suspended since Friday when more of the electoral college votes as
than a quarter million workers fthe nucleus of victory against the
walked out, will start again at 2 tso
r V!!U 1\GW.7 ilVUllUU!!
Intensive registratic
Virginia has pushed
power to 12 per cent
By The Associated Press I higher.
ATLANTA -Lester Maddox, who closed his. restaurant last
month to avoid serving Negroes, opened a cafeteria yesterday in the Texas has about
building which once was the Pickrick Restaurant. ed at 375,000-a n
He says his cafeteria does not cater to interstate travelers, and in the past year al
a sign at the entrance emphasizes this. One of the important points per cent of Tenness
in the government's case against the Pickrick was the argument Negro.
that he was involved in inter-<">
state commerce.
Mob Activity
Hoover recounted a similar pat-
tern of escalation in each riot.
Each incident was triggered by
"violent interference with the po-
liceman on the scene, followed by
the gathering of a crowd."'
Either because of further dis-
turbances or "the exhortations of
rabblerousers," the crowd was
swelled by the arrival of youths
"looking for excitement or viol-
ence or worse."
Crowds became increasingly un-
ruly as mob spirit swept through
them. .Efforts' by police and oth-
ers to disperse the crowd failed,
Hoover continued, and "complete
defiance of the law and the rights
of others grew and fed upon it-
Halt Riots
But "in almost all cases only
massive and vigorous police action
or the arrival of state police or
the National Guard finally brought
about a termination of the riots
and the restoration of law and
order," Hoover said.'
Hoover dismissed charges that
the riots stemmed from "excesses
by the police."
"Indeed, the, restraint of indi-
Christian Ties,
Race Equality
man Catholic Church took'major
steps yesterday. to promote Chris-
tian unity and racial equality.
Pope Paul VI, his cardinals and
bishops met in the Apostolic Pal -
ace yesterday and voted sainthood
for 22 African Negroes martyred
in the nineteenth century, a'
canonizationdemonstrating that
the .Roman Catholic' Church rec-f
ognizes no color line.
At the same time, a Vatican mis-
sion under Augustin Cardinal Bea,
the Pope's top Christian Unity
Expert, carried the head of St.
Andrew to Patrai, Greece from
Rome where it has been for 500
years, in a gesture of good will
to orthodoxy.
In other Vatican actions, Arch-
bishop John Carmel Heenan of
Westminster, England, vice-presi-
dent of- the Vatican's Christian
Unity Secretariat, vowed that ef
forts woud be made to strengthen
a watered down council declara-
tion of he Jews to make it "satis-
factory to our Jewish brothers.
P .. ody.Democrats. Thus, the Negro vote{
p.m. today. looms as a possible obstacle to WASHINGTON -A Senate
The UAW walked out in its this. subcommittee is checking into
"selective" GM strike at 10 a.m. Lack Records reports of "snooping" by govern-
Friday, the union deadline, after ment agencies, through use! of
failure of negotiators to agree on' The problem of analyzing voter monitored telephone conersations,
a new three-year contract. registration is hampered by the concealed microphones, two-way
lack of official bookkeeping; most mirrors and other devices.
Both the union and corporation of the states no longer list voters
have indicated a preference to by race and estimates often vary
negotiate without federal media- by several percentage points. MOSCOW -Cypriot Foreign
tion, although Reuther, a day.Minister Spyros Kypianou said
before the strike deadline, had Georgia, for example, has no yesterday he hopes to sign a mili-
prop ose d arbitration. General 'official central compilation of vot- tary aid agreement with the Soviet
Motors rejected the proposal. ers. The secretary of state esti- Union within the next few days.
We are very sorry but The M4ichigan Daily
made a mistake. The coupons from the Thos
son's Restaurant ad have been honored e
thotgh there was an error. We regret that
-Michigan Daily Business
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