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September 27, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-27

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Seventy-Fifth Year
Are ree, 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MIcH. NEws PHONE: 764-0552
printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Each Time I Chanced To See Franklin D.
George Lincoln Rockwell: No Middle Ground
by H. Neil Berkson




27, 1964


-Mrs. Elly Peterson: The
Best in Many a Moon?'

wherever he goes.
It's rather sad to see this insignificant, diseased
footnote to contemporary American history draw atten-
tion as far out of proportion as his own mind. Whether
he's being deported from some country, expelled from a
Senate hearing room or booed off a speaker's platform,
Rockwell manages to maintain himself in the nation's
Although powerless and lacking any credence, he
raises violent emotions from those who once knew Hitler
and now see his perpetuation. Ironically, Hitler's disciple
evokes the same irrational hatred, the same irrational
action upon which he himself trades.
HAVING EXTENDED Rockwell an invitation to
speak on campus, the Michigan Union is now witnessing
the depth of feeling against this man. Many Jewish mem-
bers of the community-and some non-Jews-are exert-
ing heavy pressure on the Union to withdraw its invita-
tion. This is unfortunate, for they have necessarily dis-
torted the question in order to make their point.
Those who would keep Rockwell away fear to give

him dignity; but dignity has an internal source-the
external trappings of a University setting cannot provide
it to a hollow man.
They claim this is not an issue of freedom of speech.
It is, but more important, it is an issue of the freedom
to listen. Society already grows sterile from attempts to
circumscribe the range of ideas.
WE MUST MAKE a choice: do we allow all ideas
to come before us, depending on our own Judgment to
evaluate them, or do we allow some arbitrary authority
to determine what is credible and what is not? There is
absolutely no middle ground.
Milton, perhaps, had an answer. "And though all
the winds of doctrine were let loose to play upon the
earth, so Truth be in the field, we do injuriously, by
licensing and prohibiting, to misdoubt her strength. Let
her and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put
to the worse in a free and open encounter? Her confut-
ing is the best and surest suppressing."
The reaction against Rockwell is understandable,
even if most of us cannot share the memories of those
who lived with the Third Reich. But Rockwell is not at

issue. His ideas, his actions remain paltry. Coming here,
he is little more than a helpless tool being used to
enunciate the very values against which he rails.
EARLY LAST WEEK the Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs established a committee to work
with Vice-President for Business and Finance Pierpont.
SACUA has been interested in such a committee-similar
to those which work with other vice-presidents-for
some time, but it has been unable, until now, to find a
capable faculty member willing to chair the group.
Pierpont's office has been a target of varying de-
grees of criticism-particularly in the last year. Some
of this must be expected. The business and non-business
parts of an operation will always be in conflict. Never-
theless, some faculty members feel the business office is
too wrapped up in its own red tape.
Chances are, the problem runs both ways. The fac-
ulty has some justifiable grievances; Pierpont does too.
If the SACUA committee works, it should provide a new
line of communication which will give both sides a better
understanding of each other.

Z PETERSON, Republican senator-
candidate, spoke yesterday at a
- Republican Campaign School. It
regrettable event.
prisingly enough, the first period
[evoted to "How to Answer Anti-
rater Arguments." The answer, evi-
r, is that the press has been malign-
ie presidential candidate. With ap-
tly unfailing maliciousness, report-
rist and distort the arguments pre-
I by Mr. Goldwater.
act, according to certain high offi-
in the state Republican Party, Mr.
rater's comment about defoliating
ees In Viet Nam had been out-
isly misinterpreted. Mr. Goldwater
een asked at a press conference
1e ,would approach the Viet Nam
ion and the fourth alternative he
ited was a "possibility" but one
he, personally, "would not use."
6as the tactic of using tactical nu-
1veapons for defoliation.
SAME SITUATION is apparently
.e in regards to social security and
11 rights. All simply distortions by
ess. The only question to be asked
fthe press is so anxious to misrep-
the candidate. Why aren't the
Lonally Republican papers support-
r. Goldwater? In fact, why has the
ay Evening Post, certainly a
h Republican magazine, suddenly
d to endorse Johnson rather than
ater? Perhaps they recognize a cer-
lement of truth in the "distorted
aper articles."
:matter of fact, these officials went
protest that the usual "contradic-
and inconsistencies attributed to
oldwater" were also due to the dis-
is of the press. The press, they
ued to claim, picks certain unquali-
oldwater statements and then when
aust rectify their errors, it appears
[r. Goldwater is being inconsistent.
G because of the newspapers that
ike Keating and Javits have re-
to endorse Mr. Goldwater? Is it
e of the press that George Rom-
as felt compelled to say, "I accept
oldwater's nomination, but I do
dorse it?"
[APS THIS ATTEMPT to soften the
her flagrant criticisms of Gold-
would not have been so bothersome
lad not been for Mrs. Peterson's
ign speech delivered soon there-
Mrs. Peterson pleaded for party
Her major criticism was that she
eary of the Republicans who want
port Romney but not Goldwater,
o want to support Goldwater, but
imney." She went on to claim that
as an "excuse" on the part of Re-
ans to do nothing.
Irg could more distinctly demon-
Mrs. Peterson's total lack of com-
sion of the political situation. That
uld refuse to admit that there are
:ical differences between Goldwater
>mney and that she could further
those responsible voters who judi-
consider the nominees of being
is evidence of certain inadequacies
ATTITUDE of party solidarity is
ticularly contradictory to Mrs. Pe-
s closing statements wherein she
I she would be "above party loy-
a her decisions if she were elected
gress. Apparently, she feels that
ualty and independent thought
exercised only once the Republi-
lave safely gained their majority
But if Americans are to vote, not
arty platform, but for the individ-

ual candidate, certainly Mrs. Peterson's
anger at vacillating Republicans is to-
tally unjustified.
But it was not only the opinion on par-
ty unity that was disturbing. Mrs. Peter-
son has worked many years with the Re-
publican Party. As a matter of fact, she
says she has been a Republican all her
life. It would seem that one so involved
in politics as Mrs. Peterson would be very
familiar with national and international
issues and be for the Republicans be-
cause she happens to support the policies
that they advocate. But strangely enough,
when asked about particular issues, Mrs.
Peterson replied that she had an investi-
gating committee which looked into vari-
ous issues for the facts and helped her
to decide upon her platform.
THIS IN ITSELF is admirable. A can-
didate should keep himself as well in-
formed as possible. But when asked about
her stand on right to work laws, Mrs. Pe-
terson replied ' that there was not yet
an official stand and that her investigat-
ing committee was going to continue do-
ing research on the matter. The right to
work issue is an old one, and it is ap-
palling to think that a candidate for the
U.S. Senate would be unable to pass
judgment about this issue. The only ques-
tion is: why is Mrs. Peterson a long-lived
Republican, if she is not even sure about
her agreement or disagreement with their
stand on right to work?
Mrs. Peterson's evident lack of compre-
hension' of vital issues was particularly
evident as she attempted to deride her
Democratic opponent, Senator Philip
Hart. What was the first thing Mrs. Pe-
terson did? She wanted to find out what
the newspapers' response to Senator
Hart was. With an unfailing sense of di-
rection, she went straight to the Detroit
Free Press and found its opinion, that
Mr. Hart was "almost nice enough to be
effective." She then found this view was
shared by small town papers. And then,
when Mrs. Peterson called 25 people from
a list of registered Republicans, she found
that 15 didn't know who the senator was
-which might say something about the
level of awareness of certain Republicans
in this state. Such was her initial attack
on Hart.
BUT BY FAR the most obvious exam-
ples of Mrs. Peterson's flimsy position
came when she attacked Mr. Hart's leg-
islative record. She said that she had
thought it would be a good idea to exam-
ine where he stood so she might explain
why she was opposing him. Her final
analysis revealed that Mr. Hart had "no
record." This apparently means that he
had "not introduced any legislation for
the state of Michigan but he has put his
name on some bills, which anyone can
do." Mrs. Peterson then went on to at-
tack the senator's support of the Sleeping
Bear Dunes' Bill, and his rejection of a
federal aid to education bill because of
an amendment of which he didn't ap-
This meant, to Mrs. Peterson, that Hart
had no record! She conveniently ignored
the civil rights issue, the medicare issue,
the poverty issue and picked out a few
non-descript, relatively unimportant as-
pects of Hart's policies. This certainly
doesn't indicate a responsible, intelligent
and well informed candidate.
MRS. PETERSON apparently thought
her strongest point was that it was
necessary to have once again a senator
that represents Michigan. How Hart was
failing to do this, she, of course, never
mentioned. Most of her time was spent
telling of her campaign trips and how

she planned to return from Washington
every two weeks so, she could maintain
an "open door policy." Modern means of
communication, like letters, are appar-
ently unacceptable to Mrs. Peterson who
wants to keep that "grass roots touch."
If this is indeed one of the "best
tickets we've had in many a moon," as
another speaker said, the Republicans
have had some pretty rough times.
Not Quite

Pilot Project Failure Overlooked in College Plan


To the Editor:
CURRENTLY, there is a great
deal of discussion concerning
the benefits of a residential col-
lege. Jeffrey Goodman comment-
ed in Thursday's Daily that Prof.
Theodore Newcomb had stated
that the residents will be ensured
"informal, repeated interaction on
a personal, meaningful level".
We would like to take issue with
both Mr. Goodman and Professor
Newcomb. In 1962, as freshmen,
we were forced into the research
for such a program, then titled
the "Pilot Project." We were giv-
en no explanation as to the reason
for the research or what it entail-
ed us personally to do. We were
told that we would be a housing
ulNot De
received by an enthusiastic
Hill Auditorium audience% last
night. The trio, composed of pian-
ist Jamal, bassist Jamil Sulieman
and drummer Chuck Lampkin
played two sets, the second of
which maintained a high level of
Jamal's piano style has changed
considerably in recent months. His
great popular reputation is based
on popular tunes like "Poinciana,"
in which his basic approach is an
alternation of certain cliched
figures and silence, all superim-
Posed over a constant rhythm pro-
vided by bass and drums.
LATELY HIS playing h a s
evolved into a more traditional
modern approachrooted in Bud
Powell. and Art Tatum. His tech-
nique, utilizing both jazz and
classical devices, is impeccable,
but much of his playing lacks real
depth. Much of the time ne ap-
pears merely to be trying to please
his audience, which he certainly
accomplished last night.
The dichotomy in Jamal's at-
tempt to remain "popular" and at
the same time evolve a more per-
sonal style was shown in his play-
ing' of "Poinciana." Here he re-
peated virtually note fornote his
recorded performance of several
years ago, appearing to enjoy this
"act" which he probably has per-
formed many times over. A real
creative jazz musician (Miles
Davis, Dizzy Gillespie, Thelonious
Monk, for example) wouldn't con-
sider doing this even if he were
able. A creative artist tries to im-
prove, not repeat. It is merely the
difference between entertainment
and art, and jazz at its best is a
genuine art form.
--Lee Yates,

unit that, in conjunction with a
men's housing unit, would have
the majority of freshmen classes
with members of the project.
Special sections were thus provid-
ed for this experiment.
WE FOUND, without exception,
that extreme competition between
house members, and in particular
between roommates themselves,
made living very uncomfortable.
With those upperclassmen who
were fortunate enough not to have
to participate in these special sec-
tions, no enmity resulted. How-
ever, at the end of the semester,
it was found that so many room-
mates were dissatisfied with.their
present living accommodations
that a miss change-over in living
conditions resulted. It is also in-
teresting to note that 60 per cent
of the women in the project
pledged sororities that year, thus
removing themselves from any
further connection with the dor-
mitory system. (This figure is in
direct contrast to the normal
12 per cent pledging in other
houses of the dormitory).
Due to the nature and personal-
ity of the house "director," many
of the girls were classified as.
"misfits, dissenters, and under-
miners of House Government,"
mainly because they could not
agree with- or tolerate the use of
"second grade psychology" em-
ployed by the directors of the pro-
ject. For example, if our house
"director" felt that a girl was
lacking in house spirit, rather
than directly pointing this out to
the girl, she would 'compliment
the girl extrusively on how much
house spirit she possessed, think-
ing that this girl would improve
her house spirit so that it was
compatible with the compliment.
FURTHERMORE, q u e s t i o n,-
naires were passed out to us at
the end of the year, which re-
quested us to evaluate the Pilot
Project. To our knowledge, not
one person on either corridor in
the women's house gave it a fa-
vorable review. We were also told
that our opinions would be par-
ticularly helpful in determining
whether or not a residential col-
lege would be established. (We
were told about the residential
college plans at the end of the
year.) This leads us to conclude
that our opinions were considered
invalid by our house "director"
and/or the head ofthe project.
Since such a program would in-
evitably produce these results, as
has been demonstrated, we can-
not understand the 'University's
persistence in pursuing such an
illogical and perverted program.
-Jacquelyn F. Wagner, '66
-Susan K. Graham, '66
Room Rates
To the Editor:
I CAN NO longer just sit here
reading in my Daily how nice
the administration is being to the

people in the converted rooms.
For the third time I have read on
the front page that ". . . the
University is adjusting rates for
those in converted doubles to $10
under the ordinary double rate...'
This gives your readers a gross
misconception of what is actually
happening. The true story is that
a single room is listed at $960 a
year and a small double (a room
converted from a single in a
previous year) is listed at $865 a
year. We people in the singles
converted to doubles pay $10 less
than the people in regular dou-
bles, true; however, this is still
$25 more than the list price for a
small double.
The University is receiving $50
more for a room half the size and
you make it sound like it is losing
$20. That is $70 a room times 74
rooms or ,$5,180 worth of mis-
representation! (Not to miention
the same story on the converted
--Murray Yoffee, '68
To the Editor:
MR. THOMAS Rasmusson's let-
ter relative to socialism in
The Daily on Thursday, Sept. 24,
makes one wonder whether Mr.
Rasmusson will achieve his law4
degree in 1966 unless he becomes
more familiar with the rules of
evidence. Saying a thing is so, as
Mr. Rasmusson did, does not make

it so. It is incumbent upon Mr.
Rasmusson (1) to prove that the
Socialist Labor Party proposes
"replacing the civil government of
the republic with industrial un-
ions," and (2) that the actual
proposal of the Socialist Labor
Party which Mr. Rasmusson has
distorted is an insane idea not to
be taken seriously.
The Socialist Labor Party, in its
literature and through its mem-
bers and speakers, provides the
evidence as to why it is sncially
perilous to retain capitalism and
its form of government. All
wealth is produced by labor, man-
ual and mental. Under capitalism,
labor power is a commodity 'the
price of which is determined by
the necessities of life, commonly
spoken of as "the cost of living."
Unlike other commodities, the
worker creates new values, addi-
tional products, after he has pro-
duced the equivalent of his price,
i.e. the value of his labor power.
** *
the tools and means of produc-
tion do not pay workers for the
values which workers create over
and above the value of the labor
power of the workers. The surplus
value which workers create but
can not buy must be sold if cap-
italists are to profit from the labor
of their employes. Foreign markets
are sought by capitalists. Compe-
tition between national segments
of the capitalist class for the
shrinking markets of the world
lead to wars.

The markets of the world shrink
because of the constantly increas-
ing disparity between that which
workers produce and that which
workers are able to buy with their
wages. Preparations for war as
well as actual war have provided
capitalists with temporary markets
for surpluses which workers can
not buy. But such markets are ob-
tained largely by expansion of the
national debts of the various gov-
ernments of capitalist nations.
Pump priming by public works,
relief, etc., provides the capitalist
economy with other shots in the
arm, also to the tune of mounting
government debts.
* * *
perpetuate a social system, capi-
talism, which is based on the ex-
ploitation of the labor of the ma-
jority of society only aggravates
the peril which is inherent in
capitalism. Is it, then, so insane
to urge that the tools of produc-
tion be made social property and
that a functional government,
Socialist Industrial Government,
be established in order that goods
may be produced for use to assure
that each useful member of sp-
ciety shall receive the full social
value of his labor? This is the new
idea which the country needs and
for which the Socialist Labor
Party persistently agitates, Mr.
Rasmusson to the contrary.
--Ralph Muncy
Chairman, State Central
Socialist Labor Party

. I


The Week in Review
Two Masks. and Many Faces

Assistant Managing Editor
Assistant Editorial Director
THIS WEEK the University
might have donned both tragic
and comic masks-tragic for the
dismal prediction that the present
condition of residence halls crowd-
ing will continue into next year;
comic for the auspicious awarding
of a $5 million federal grant for
the construction of a new dental
school building.
The prediction of overcrowding
next year came Moonday from Res-
idence Halls Business Manager
Leonard Schaadt, the first Uni-
versity official to brave such a
public estimate.
Schaadt's saw the influx of 600
additional freshmen next year
above this year's total freshman
class. Present University housing
facilities, even with the comnple-
tion of the planned 600-man Cedar
Bend housing project, will not
keep, pace with next year's ex-
panded enrollment figures,
Schaadt indicated.
* * *
TO DATE, Vice-President for
Business and Finance Wilbur K.
Pierpont, Vice-President for Stu-
dent Affairs James A. Lewis,
Assistant Director of Admissions
Byron G. Groesbeck and Residence
Halls Manager Eugene Haun have
made no comment on Schaadt's
By the end of the week, how-
ever, Lewis and Registrar Edward
Groesbeck had released the latest
figures on housing and enrollment.
From Lewis' office came a report
indicating 832 dormitory resi-
dents, as of last week, occupied
rooms to which the University
added an extra man this fall-
148 in converted doubles, 684 in
converted triples.
Groesbeck's announcement re-
ported a record fall enrollment of
29,103-an increase of 1,715 over
last fall.
Perhaps in response to Schaadt's
prediction, Groesbeck stressed the
continuing upward trend of en-
rollment which began with the re-

missions policy" which would
agree to admit students providing
they agree to wait until the winter
term, when enrollment tradition-
ally drops, to begin school.
In addition, Pierpont and Lewis.
reportedly discussed the plan pro-
posed by Interfraternity Couniil
President Lawrence Lossing, '65,
which would allow this fall's fra-
ternity pledges above the fresh-
man level to break their residence
hall contracts and move directly'
into fraternity houses if they
* * *
OFFICIALS ARE also consider
ing a plan requiring, all freshmen
with homes in or near Ann Arbor
to live at home. Lewis to date has
refused comment on the proposal.
Finally, administrators are let-
ting no new graduate students'
into the residence halls.
While all these proposals are
good ones and should win en-
dorsement by the officials, they"
are only the bastard children of
What is needed, and what ad-
ministrators of a university which
predicts an enrollment of 47,00
by the year 1975 must do, is con-
struct a long range plan to com-
fortably accommodate the con-
tinuing spiral of enrollment at
this institution-with the elimina-
tion of any overcrowdinig in the
dorms. If the continuing enroll-
ment expansion is predictable,
why can't plans for accommodat-
ing it be concrete?
* * *
IN WASHINGTON this week,
the University won additional
federal monetary aid for student
loans and building construction.
On Monday, President Lyndon
B. Johnson signed into law a $7
billion appropriation bill which
represents the first federal invest-
ment in undergraduate'and grad-
uate classroom construction.'
The bill will increase the na-
tion's largest general loan pro-
gram-the National Defense Edu-
cation Act-by several million
dollars and boost student loans at
the University to $700,000 for the
year. Nearly 2000 University stu-

grant, a type unprecedented in
United States history, will allow
the' dental school to expand its
undergraduate enrollment f r o I
350 to 600.
It represents the actions of a
forward - looking federal govern-
ment, making some attempt at
last to accommodate enrollment
of upcoming generations in pro-
fessional schools. More planning
of this sort and mutual coopera-
tion between the federal and state
governments and institutions of
higher education is needed , to
make the job complete.
STUDENT organizations mean-
while continued and expanded
plans for extending University fa-
cilities for invited outside speakers.
Despite this week's barrage of
letters to The Daily registering
campus discontent about the
scheduled October address of
George Lincoln Rockwell, head of
the American Nazi Party, Union
Executive Vice - President J o h n
Grant announced the Union is
moving ahead with plans for the
Many letter writers contended
that while the University should
in no way obstruct Rockwell's
freedom of speech, it should not
dignify his remarks by a special
invitation to use University fa-
The answers of those responsible
for the invitation seem to be based
on the assumption that students
should have the right to decide
what they will or will not hear.
Inviting Rockwell to speak here
will certainly guarantee this right.
How students use it and whether,
in fact, it was extended with wis-
dom seem matters for individual
* *. *
Romney, Sen. Everett Dirksen (R-
Ill), and Democratic gubernator-
ial candidate Neil Staebler are
secheduled for the next two weeks.
The University's upcoming speak-
er program is controversial and
promises variety.
As does the cultural season in

On Tour

ig Editor Editorial Director
TZMAN.............Personnel Director
,ARD ...............Sports Editor.
ATTINGER .... Associate Managing Editor
NY .......Assistant Managing Editor
3EATTIE ...... Associate Editorial Director
ND ........ Assistant Editorial Director in
Charge of the Magazine
[AND ..........Associate Sports Editor
NER .............Associate Sports Editor
ALLER ................Contributing Editor
BUTCHER . ........ Contributing Editor
'OWLE........Contributing Sports Editor
[TORS : David Block, John Bryant, Jeffrey
Robert Hippler, Laurence KirshbauM.
NIGHT EDITORS: Gail Blumberg, Rob-
ton, John Meredith, Leonard Pratt, Bar-


BusinessStaf ft

QV. EORE RONEYintroduced

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