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September 24, 1964 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-24

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... ..T W O.. .... ... ..... .. .. ..

School To Offer Student Tour

Prof. Claude A. Eggertsen of the,
educationschool announceds re-
cently that his department has
developed a student study tour to
England which will take place'
from May 5 to June 2, 1965.
The program has been specially
designed to take care of a larger
number of students than the 15'
a semester who can take part in:
the University's current programi

with the University of Sheffield
which sends students abroad for
a full semester.
A cross section of 75 to 90 pri-
mary, secondary, special education
and graduate students will be able
to take part in the new program,
Eggertsen said.
International Understanding
He described the programs as
"an imaginative and creative use
of the split term" which attests to
the School of Education's growing

Freshman Influx Sets
MSU Enrllm Hgh

EAST LANSING-The first of,
Michigan State University's ex-
pected 30,000 students begin ar-
riving this weekend when more
than 6,000 freshmen come to cam-
pus for Welcome Week activities.
Classes begin Oct. 1.
Doubts Value"
Of 'U' Senate'
(Continued from Page 1)
explains. "These organizations are
designed to allow faculty to put
aside their individual professional
Involvements and look with some
detachment at how the whole pic-
ture fits their ideals."
Thus he "gives little weight" to
those who charge the present fac-
ulty structure with inaction. "In-.
action per se does not justify crit-
icism. If there is no cause for
action, it is healthy.
"Those very people who com-
plain about inaction will not take
more responsibility for' action-
mainly because action on a Univer-
sity-wide scale would conflict with
their professional goals," he says.
But whether the Senate func-
tions as criticizer or participant,
Wellman thinks structural reor-
ganization would be of highly du-
bious value.
His essential tenet is that the
committees through which the
Senate works must have an orien
tation that is meaningful to the
faculty sitting on them. The vol-
unteers the committees attract
.must be interested in the group's'
specific concern and able to take:
a broad view in their deliberations.
Yet many of these essentials
would be missing from a 65-man'
Assembly which met as a matter
of course and dealt with routine
topics, Wellman feels.
Basically, not all those at the
meeting could have the immediate
interest in and knowledge of the
specific concerns at hand. The
Assembly would be valuable only
if there were some continuing
piece of business toward which
everyone's attention could be di-
rected over a long time period.
"You won't get satisfactory fac-
ulty discussion .simply by con-
vening a large group and suggest-
ing that now we ought to talk
about this or that," he explains.
And if the Assembly would be
too large for all of its members to
be intimately involved with mean-
ingful problems, SACUA would be
too small under the proposed re-
"SACUA functions best as a
clearinghouse for receiving and'
referring problems and recommen-
dations suggested by its commit-
tees. This is a function which its
members perceive and are glad to
"But SACUA's benefit to the
University would diminish if the
body were cut to nine men, because
there would be 10 fewer people
drawn into analysis of University
Issues," Wellman explains.

This year's enrollment compares
with 27,597 last year, when MSU
ranked as the nation's eighth
largest university.
Two new six-storydormitories-
Akers and Fee Halls-will be ready
to house nearly 2,500 students.
MARQUETTE-Northern Mich-
igan University has been awarded
a federal grant of $297,000 for an
experimental program to aid high
school dropouts from rural areas.
The project will bring 100 high
school dropouts from rural areas
of Mackinac, Schoolcraft and
Baraga counties to the campus to
receive individual educational at-"
tention and vocational training.
DETROIT--Academically orient-
ed bandits took the entire receipts
of the first day of registration
from Wayne State University re-
The robbers apparently entered
Wayne during the early evening
and mingled with students in reg-
istration lines. When the build-
ing closed, they pulled a gun on
the night watchman and a cashier
and stole $135,000.
* * *
PRINCETON, N.J. -Princeton
has doubled its number of coed
undergraduates this year, giving
the school a total of ten female
Last year the admittance of five
young women broke a two-century
tradition at Princeton. The girls
are among 25 students spending.
their junior year at the univer-
sity's cooperative program for
critical languages..
* * *
ITHACA, N.Y.-Ithaca Codliege
ha.s initiated a new program that,
will soon permit students to dial
lectures that they missed or want
to hear again.
As of Sept. 1965, all lectures to
30 or more students will be taped
and filed at an electronics com-
munication center, an educationa
magazine reported recently.
To use the service, a student
only has to dial a code number
on a telephone linking his dormi-
tory room with the center.
* * *
BERKELEY, Cal.-All women at
the University of California,
Berkeley, will be allowed out until
1 a.m. on week nights under a
new university ruling liberalizing
women's closing regulations.
Lower class undergraduate wom-
en previously have had to be at
their living quarters by 11:30 p.m.
* * *
GAINESVILLE, Fla.-Eventual
abolition of Florida A&M Univer-
sity, a state Negro college with
some 2,000 students, was proposed
recently to the University Board
of Control.
Florida A&M would be phased
out of the university system when
it began serving less than a ma-
jority of the Negroes enrolled in
the rest of the system.
The school was desegregated
recently under federal law, but no
white students attend. Only a
handful of Negroes attend other
state universities.

commitment to the idea that
teachers everywhere ought to have
better understanding of at least
one other country at first hand.
The aim of the program is to
provide the participating student
with a deeper understanding of
our own system, he explained.
By seeing another system in
action-for instance, that of the
British, which is very highly selec-
tive at the = secondary level-the
student will be able to form a
valuable basis of comparison with
our own system of education.
"Having the basis for such a
comparison makes the education
student more !mature overall in
his attitudes," he added.
In London this summer, six
members of the School of Educa-
tion faculty will direct the activi-
ties of the students, Eggertsen re-
marked. The 75 to 90 students
will be broken up into groups of
ten to 20.
One group will be especially in-
volved with the lower primary
grades, another with the upper
primary, a third with language,
literature, and social studies at the
secondary level, and a fourth with
sciencerand mathematics at the
secondary level.
A fifth group will be specifically
concerned with special education,
and a sixth will be formed for
graduate students concerned with
administration and curriculum of
primary and secondary British
Besides visiting schools, the
students may be able to participate
in classroom activities, Eggertsen
said. On Tuesday through Thurs-
day nights of each week, all the
students will meet in one group
for lecture discussions by promi-
nent English educators.
Individual practicing teachers
from various levels in several Lon-
don schools will also serve as con-
The University students will ar-'
rive in London by chartered plane,
Eggertsen commented. Explaining
expenses, he added that this cost
will not go past $220. Housing will
consist of rooms in one or pos-
sibly two hotels, and will cost
about $200. Under the special pro-
grams rate, tuition for four hours
credit will be $90 for the in-state
student, $290 for the out-of-state
Students taking part in the tour
will prepare by meeting once
every two weeks during the winter
term for discussions about English
schools and society.
Both graduate and undergradu-
ate students will enroll for a
comparative course in "Contem-
porary Education in the British
Undergraduate students will
have an additional course titled
"Cooperative Study Work Pro-
gram," an observation and ex-
perience course, Eggertsen said..

played at the University Art Museum. The show is the first in
a series of programs scheduled for the next year that will include
a variety of exhibits of contemporary art forms.
Modern Display Series

The University of Michigan
Museum of Art has arranged a
program of exhibitions covering
a wide variety of techniques in
painting, drawing and the applied
arts by contemporary American
The exhibitions will run from
Oct. 1964 through August 1965.
The first show of the fall sched-
ule, "Medieval Art," is now on dis-
play daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.,
Sunday from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.
U' Announces
Airport Leas e
General Motors Corp. has signed
a long term lease with the Uni-
versity hangar and office space
at Willow Run Airport, Univer-
sity officials announced recently.
The officials pointed out the
significance of the GM lease as
a first. step toward transition of
Willow Run from an airline air-
port to a general aviation and
industrial facility.
Several other corporations and
the Federal Aviation Agency
Flight Standards District Office
will continue their activities at
the airport.
The University obtained Willow
Run from the federal government
in 1947. It has reserved land and
building space for governmental
and industrial research carried on
by its laboratories" at the airport.
Officials anticipate that airline
activities still being carried on ati
Willow Run will be moved as soon
as facilities at Metropolitan Air-
port are completed next year.

and Wednesday from 7 p.m. to
10 p.m.
The major exhibition of the year
will be "New Techniques and Ma-
terials in Painting," consisting of
about 100 works by relatively un-
known artists.
Beginning Oct. 10 and continu-
ing until the end of the month, a
180 object show, "Designed for
Production: The Craftsman's Ap-
proach," will beon display.
In November and early Decem-
ber, the museum will feature an
exhibition of "Contemporary
American Drawing" from the
Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum.
Also' scheduled for November is
an exhibit of "Projects in Archi-
tecture and City Planning" by
Prof. Reginald F. Malcolmson,
dean of the architecture school.
A museum class exhibition,
starting on Dec. 6, will close out
the fall schedule.
Displays set for 1965 include an
exchange exhibition with Cran-
brook, "William Blake: Poet,
Printer, Prophet," "Landscapes by
Eight Americans," and "23rd
Ceramic National."
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Refresh Yourself
You say the books have got you down? The research paper
due tomorrow at 8 is a blank sheet in your typewriter?
You're ready to sack out and it's only past dinner time?
Come to the CINEMA GUILD instead! Relax. Enjoy the best the
cinema has to ofter. Let the power and beauty possible on the
motion picture screen revive your tired senses.
The films shown at the CINEMA GUILD are guaranteed to
wake you up. Safer than pep pills and better for you too.
Refreshed, you can go home and finish that paper,, or still hit
the sack. In any case, it was more fun than math or Aristotle.


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