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September 24, 1964 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-24

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Congo Blasts Try
To Halt U.S. Aid
African Nations Try To Stop Help;
U.S. Ambassador To Meet Tshombe
By The Associated Press
The Congo angrily denounced yesterday an attempt by other Afri-
can nations to persuade the United States to hal- its aid to the rebel-
lion-torn country. It announced it can no longer conform to the
decisions of the group of nations which made the attempt-the Orga-
nization of African Unity (OAU).
U.S. Ambassador G. McMurtie Godley immediately flew to Ka-
tanga for talks with Premier Moise Tshombe.
Godley flew to Elizabethville by military plane and continued by
road for Jadotville, where Tshombe was on tour. It was expected the


would take Place in the
.mining, town during the


World News
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW - The Soviet Unior
claimed yesterday it has taken a
major stride in controlling nuclear
reactions for peaceful purposes.
The official news agency Tass said
Soviet physicists have found a
method of heating a plasma with a
density of more than a billion
electrons per cubic centimeter tc
a temperature of several million
* .
BONN-West Berliners will be
allowed to make holiday. visits to
relatives in Communist East Ber-
lin under An agreement that Chan-
cellor Ludwig Erhard's government
accepted yesterday.
* * *
WASHINGTON-Vicious parti-
san debate erupted in Congress
yesterday over whether Sen. Barry
Goldwater is advocating military
policies that might lead to war.

Before Tshombe left for the Ka-
tanga .interior , he wired Kenya
Prime Minister Jomo Kenyatta
protesting the OAU move..
President Joseph Kasavubu told
Guinean diplomat Diallo Telli, the
organization's secretary-general,
that by deciding to send a five-
nation mission to Washington tc
try to halt U.S. aid, the OAU
"is allowing itself to raise; doubts
over whether the Congo is an in-
dependent nation."
"In the face of this flagrant
and deliberate violation of the
charter of' the organization of
African unity, it is no longer pos-
sible for the Congo, as a sover-
eign nation, to conform with that
organization's decisions," Kasavu-
bu said in a telegram to Telli.
Meanwhile, the U.S. told the
FOAU that -it could not receive its
delegation, reportedly leaving for
Washington today.
"We could not agree to discuss
our aid to the Congo without the
participation of the Congolese gov-
ernment at whose request our aid
is given," State Department Press
Officer Robert McCloskey an-
McCloskey said the State De-
partment has asked Attwood "to
indicate to the commission that
if the government of the Congo
is willing to participate in such
discussions, U.S. representatives
will be prepared to meet with rep-
resentatives of the government of
the Congo and of the OAU com-
mission at a mutually agreed time
and place and on the basis of a
previously agreed agenda."
In telling the OAU that the
Congo could no longer abide by
its decisions, Kasavubu pointed
out that American trucks, planes
and radio equipment were reach-
ing the Congo in accordance with
a bilateral agreement which the
Congo had signed "as a sovereign
state, in. conformity with interna-
tional laws."
A U.S. embassy spokesman said
that no weapons were being sup-
plied to the Congo by the United

A uto Talks
Snaggfed on
By The Associated Press1
United Auto Workers Presidenti
Walter Reuther commented yes-
terday that discussions with Gen-
eral Motors on non-economic mat-
ters-the main stumbling block to
a settlement-are making no prog-
ress as the negotiation period
nears its end.1
Non-economic issues include dis-
agreement over such items as
grievance procedures.
Reuther remarked that the un-
ion is one day closer to a strike at
GM rather than to a new labor
contract with the world's top auto-
The UAW has fixed 10 a.m.
(Ann Arbor time) Friday as a
deadline for a mass walkout at
GM's 129 plants in 71 cities. In
addition, a second deadline hasi
been set the following Friday for
settlement of more than 18,000
outstanding local at-the-plant de-
"There has been no progress in
our negotiations on non-economic
issues," Reuther said, "and unless
we make meaningful progress;
there will be a strike."
'Less Promising'
The UAW chief said the climate'
at the GM bargaining table was
"less promising and less hopeful"
for avoiding a walkout than it
was at a comparable stage in talks
with Chrysler.
The Chrysler settlement, which
set the economic pattern for the
entire industry, was announced
less than an hour before a strike
deadline was to expire.
Reuther said he was prepared to
bargain around the clock begin-
ning this morning in order to
reach an agreement before the
The major non-econoimic road-
blocks to a GM agreement include
production quotas, working con-
ditions, disciplinary layoffs and
time allotted union representatives
for discussion of grievances.
General Motors, said Reuther,
does not come up to the standards
prevailing at both Ford and Chrys-
ler on these issues.
Same Package
In its economic proposal, GM
has offered the UAW virtually
the same package which the union
accepted from Ford and Chrysler.
This encompasses higher pen-
sions, longer vacations, additional
holidays, increased wages, and im-
proved hospital and medical cov-
Reuther said that details of
some fringe benefits must still be
worked out at GM, but he indicat-
ed that there was little disagree-
ment over the basic economic

Democrats, GOP Differ on 'State of theStd

Associated Press staff Writer
Michigan voters who bother to
study the platforms adopted by
the Republican and Democratic
state conventions last weekend
might be more confused than con-
With the possible exception of a'
statement on extremism in both)
platforms and some virtually non-,
controversial subjects, the twoi
parties differ over the state of
the state in large detail.
And even on the issue of ex-
tremism there were some dif-I
The GOP statement, in fact,E
came under attack in the pre-!
resolutions committee as being
open to interpretation as an in-
sult to the GOP presidential nom-
inee, Sen. Barry Goldwater.
At the San Francisco conven-
tion, Goldwater said "extremism
in the defense of liberty is no
vice," and Gov. George Romneyt
failed in an attempt to get an
extremism plank into the national
The statement adopted by Mich-
igan Republicans is virtually the
same Romney amendment reject-
ed at the national convention. It
"Human dignity cannot thrive1
in an atmosphere of unreasoned
"We respect responsible criti-
cism and dissent but repudiate
the efforts of irresponsible ex-
tremist groups to discredit any
party by their efforts to infiltrate
positions of responsibility, or to
attach themselves to its candi-
The Democratic platform says:
"Unlike the. Republican party,
the Democratic Party of Michigan
condemns and repudiates all forms
of extremism, whether from the
right or left, including the extreme
tactics of such organizations as
the Communist Party, the Ku
Klux Klan, and the John Birch'
On the subject of agriculture,
the Republicans say:
"A major Republican concern
has been the protection of both
the consumer and the producer of
agricultural products. . . . New
legislation was enacted to apply
necessary regulative procedures to
modern dietary dairy products and
soft drinks, egg processing,. chem-
ical sprays used in vineyards and
cattle brought into this state."
Republicans say the adminis-
tration has worked tirelessly to
promote the potential of Michigan
as a Winter-Water-Wonderland,
with higher appropriations for the
tourist council and regional coun-


rectly benefited the working
people of this state."
Democrats insist "Republican-
dominated legislatures have ig-
nored the plight of the low-paid
worker, the migrant worker, the
unemployed, the worker who be-'
comes sick or is injured on the
The GOP platform says that
under a Republican administration
Michigan has "reversed the de-
cline of industrial growth and
jobs "which marked the 14 years
of Democratic Party control.
Democrats, in their "jobs and
wages" plank, say Michigan's
current prosperity can be traced
directly to the economic policies
of the Kennedy-Johnson admin-
On the subjects of health pro-
grams, youth problems and human
rights the two major parties ap-
pear in substantial agreement on
goals-if not on means and meth-
ods. ;
Democrats promise a coord-
inated health program, integrat-
ing federal, state and local ef-
forts, and stepping up mental
health aid.
Republicans pledge to build a

Democrats deplore what they
call the lax attitude of Gov. Rom-
ney "who even has refused to
support the appropriation of ne-
cessary funds to carry out the
recommendations of his own con-
.,«.,.,;.,,- , c+LI i nnm m irc


servation study commission." mdlmna hat rga
Republicans say the legislature based on treatment within the
sponsored minimum wage, con- community wherever possible, and
struction safety, and economic ex- state a belief that every Michigan
pansion laws "which have all di- citizen should have access to com-
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petent mental health, medical and
hospital attention.
Democrats say that total ef-
forts to enhance the opportunities
for youths should be moved for-
ward vigorously on such programs:
as reduction of school dropouts,
new scholarship and loan pro-
grams and special programs for
culturally-deprived children.
Republicans pledge to encourage
local and state programs to pro-
vide the leadership and motiva-I
tion for all young people to con-
tinue their education, to plan for
their own futures and to accept
the responsibilities of members of
On human rights, Democrats
promise a total effort toward the
"elimination of every last remain-
ing vestige of discrimination in
our society."
The Democratic platform adds:
"We recognize, however, that

efforts to achieve full c
can never be realized
provide opportunities fo
zens to have decent job
education and health c
"The Johnson admini
War on Poverty, with
pledge our fullest cooper
coincide with our own
the field of civil'rights.
Republicans endorse t
of the national party fo
plementation of the Civ
Act of 1964 and all o
rights statutes. The G
form goes on:
"We further pledge
implement the civil ri
vision of our new state
tion at the state, local ar
levels to eliminate disci
on the basis of race,
color or national origin
cation, housing, employ
portunities and access





Ballets de Paris
Hill Auditorium
TUES., SEPT. 29, 8:30
--Citizen. News, Los Angeles
"This typically Parisian revue is a lighthearted blend of ballet, jazz,
night club and music ball diversions and it makes a glittering
package."' -Margaret Harford, Los Angeles Times
"Miss Jeanmaire's vibrant and typically French voice and her fasci- C
nating, sophisticated movements were something to hear and see.
The Company is about as eyefilling and diverting as one could wish .
for; it is, in fact, not to be missed."
-Blain Hightower, Pasadena StarsNews
"The most inspired musical shows to play here in many a year.
There hasn't been dancing like this anywhere before in the United
--James Powers, Hollywood Reporter
"Roland Petit's choreography is zestful, imaginative and often
exotic as he combines ballet with revue."-Dy r
-Daily Variety
"Credit Yves Saint-Laurent with the visual beauty and glitter; his
costumes establishi some sort cf record for lavishness."
-Margaret Harford, Los Angeles Times
"Miss Jeanmaire and the company is part of the international ex- 4@
R+' change between the United States and France-if Zizi was only the +91
k French President, .relations between the two nations would be
sweetness and joy." -Sidney Miller, Valley Times
"Petit has created the solid framework of the show, with a Parisian
music hall format that combines classical and modern terp motifs
with a one-woman song and dance performance of tour de force
proportions. Petit provides a showcase of inventive and clever
numbers that move with pace, precision, style and grace."Vi
--Shaw, Variety
"Zizi and Roland Petit made a triumphant. return to the Greek 4
Theater-the capacity audience acclaimed (La Revue Parislenne)
with profound applause-it will bring gasps of delight and smiles
of pleasure in scene after scene,"
--John G. Houser, Herald-Examiner
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local branch of an independent national organization




L . . r
Countr'y i:..
dglitiij'1 : '
$89 .



* To pinpoint the real issues in this vital campaign.
* To alert the electorate to the compelling necessity of a sweeping victory for Johnson-Hum-
phrey on November 3.
* Preparation and distribution of informative and intelligent material on the candidates and
on the domestic and international questions that SHOULD decide the election.
* Establishment of a Speakers Bureau.
" Use of local news media to reach ALL the voters of this area.
We need YOUR time. We need YOUR money. Effective political action requires both.
Complacency never won an election. WORK can!


Savoir faire demands a
boldly squared moc like
this., Wear it whenever
the theme is casual, and

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