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September 12, 1964 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-12

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Seventy-Fifth Year

"Spear - Hatchet - Poisoned Arrow -"

Chairman C'lani


Judic Proceedures

*oas 420 MAYNARD ST., Aw ARanom, MICH.

NEWS PHoNE: 764-0552

als printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staf f writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

SEPTEMBER 12, 1964


Exploring the Need
For Social Change

HIS SUMMER saw what are hopefully
the seeds of radical and pervasive social
aingle in America-the recognition by at
ast two representatives of the liberal
ovement of the essentially economic
uses of many of the probleis which face
nerica today. .
The main thrust of liberalism in this
>untry has recently been the Negro
eedom movement, a drive aimed in the
nig run at men's attitudes and in the
.orl run at the laws which those atti-
des generate. .
Now, however, a significant minority
liberals seem to understand more fully
at the Negro's struggle for the bare
renities of the good life is not an iso-
fed, independent phenomenon: rather,
is the first outward manifestation of
Lvoiced ills which stem from an econom-
order that is fast outliving its useful-
HAT ORDER had its beginnings when
men first set out to acquire the physi-
1 necessities of life from an essentially
rren and hostile environment. Personal
tiative was the key to survival, and
en as the division of labor developed
ere were continually ways in which an
tlividual could eke a better existence out
the land, the factory or the business.
[t was ini this spirit that men came to
e New World; there was so much to be
ne, yet so many opportunities, that no
e could excuse himself for not getting
ead. Indeed, those who would not ex-
se themselves got ahead-they earned
>re money, built better homes, sent
eir children to better schools. And they
parted to their offspring not only a
terial head start in life but the atti-
le that success was natural and emi-
ntly attainable.
[f1 the land and its opportunities were
h, yet they are not so rich that
eryone could end up, in the course of
tory, with the entrepreneur attitude-
with opportunities to fulfill that atti-
de. For as equality of opportunity grad-
ly became less viable under the con-
uences of the freedom to pursue one's
es, it was no longer a simple question
will. More and more, those who had
:i some initial success created condi-
ns-in housing, education, family life,
isumption and, most important, in the
tire of expectations for the future-in
icnh ard-won privileges could not but
inerited,, through no :fault of the
ieficiary. .
E OBVERSE, of course, was also true,
and it is from the development of this'
t that the poverty and deep alienation:
;oday's lower classes is so appalling.
he sons, through no fault of their
a, inherit the lack of power and the
s of motivation of their fathers.
Cen where there is enough for every-
and free access- to it, such a situa-
,. is intolerable. Large sectors of the
ulation are shiftless, unfulfilled emo-
ially, even if they do occasionally eat
i sleep well. They are free only in the
ited sense that they do not have to
rnnge for bread every day; in any
e, they have neither the desire nor the
ortunity to participate in the vital de-,
ins that. govern their lives. Ultimate-
they depend on the benevolence of
se who control the production and
ribution of goods and services.
ntil perhaps the middle of this cen-.
r, however, even this was not all a
1 had to worry about. Not only were
opportunities for acquiring the amen-
; of life limited by the lack of eco-
iic power; not only did the lack of
1omic power breed a lack of economic
ivation; - but there would not have

n enough to go around even had the
'er and the will to acquire existed.
W, HOWEVER, we are faced both{
vith a more highly developed maldis-.
ution of power and will and, for the.
time in history, with the industrial'
acity to produce in superabundance.
technological upheaval that began'
z the Industrial Revolution has con-
ed its geometric pace; now we have
ed the computer-not only to run the
kerless machines but to replace num-
Ls so-called white collar jobs as well. 1
deed, the age of superabundance isj
vet fully unon us.-It will nerhans take

national product. But the coming of that
age, if society remais as it now is, will
find huge numbers of men at all levels
without the economic ability to partake
of the new abundance because they have
no jobs. Or, not too much better, men
may. have 'guaranteed incomes but no
psychological ability to make something
fulfilling of their new-found leisure.
Initial manifestations are already clear,
and it is becoming increasingly impossi-
ble to recognize the signs without at the
same time noticing how 'ill-suited the so-
cial structure is for handling what the
signs forecast..
* sponsible for the growing glare of pov-
erty and for the new realization that the
roots of the Negro problem-economic
disinheritance-are the roots of poverty
in general.
When white men are being displaced
from their work, only frustration and
backlash can result from the Negro's de-
mand for jobs. Without the income from
jobs and without a voice in governing
economic processes, neither the Negro
nor the poor white can afford or acquire
adequate housing-and housing in a place
other than the urban ghetto. With the
political impotence that is a function of
economic position, neither white nor Ne-
gro can get or utilize decent education.
When at least 40 per cent of the na-
tion's families earn less than $4000 a
year, when untold millions of others are
alienated from a relatively unreceptive
political process, when vital economic de-
cisions can be made by a handful of men
-not ibecause of the innate laziness or
ignorance of the dispossessed but be-
cause of an inherited social standing that
allows neither the development of ini-
tiative and skill nor their effective use-
then it is hard to claim America is the
land of opportunity.
which characterized the nation's be-
ginnings has turned around to breed free-
dom for only a few, it is time for some
kind of change.
At present, control of the burgeoning
forces of automation is both the most
dangerous and potentially the most use-
ful tool of the future. Dangerous if that
control continues to reside in a few pri-'
voterhands. Usefil becauseautomation
at last promises the capacity to distribute
equitably the fruits of human labor and
to pay for the massive social improve-
ments-in education, housing, recreation
and the like-which will breed the will
and ability to utilize abundance well.
Control of automation, however, re-
quires nationalization, and nationaliza-
tion, if it is to be effective, must be ac-
companied by direct citizen participation
in economic decisions. Such participa-
tion, in turn, cannot be effective unless it
is carried out by immediately-concerned
local and regional bodies, while still co-
ordinated at the national level.
THE PRECISE DETAILS of the solution
will come only after long study, found-
ed on open dialogue. But the general out-
line of what is needed must be put forth
now, as indeed is happening among vari-
ous liberal groups.
Significant among these is the Eco-
nomic Research and Action Project of
Students for a Democratic Society.
Launched this summer, ERA is an ef-
fort to organize poor whites around com-
mon economic grievances. While the
grievances are at first necessarily nar-
row and minor, it is hoped that the orga-
nization created will serve as a founda-
tion for a broader class-and eventually

Equally as important is the Ad Hoc
Committee on the Triple Revolution, a'
group of noted liberal scholars who have
studied the problems and potential ofj
automation. Their provoking statement
calls for abolishing the link between jobs
and income in favor of a guaranteed in-
BOTH THESE GROUPS are new, and
both have a long way to go before
they will command any kind of follow-
ing or accomplish significant changes.
Indeed, their biggest stumbling block is

On Making Commitments

HERE IS a serious fighting in
three widely separated places
-in Southeast Asia, in Cyprus and
in the Congo-and in different de-
grees we are much .involved in all
of them. ,
Our armed forces are directly
involved in Southeast Asia. In Cy-
prus our diplomacy is deeply in-
volved. In the Congo we are much
concerned, though, fortunately, we
are not now involved at first hand.
The common factor in all three
situations is that they are the
aftermath of the breakdown of,
the old imperial systems-the
French system in Indo-China, the
At the Michigan Theatre
witty script make the cinema
adaptation of Tennessee Williams'
"Night of the Iguana" a success-
ful picture - almost. Neglected
character development and a mis-
directed final scene spoil an ab-
sorbing movie-and your evening;
if - you have become interested
in the film's thematic develop-
Richard Burton plays a dis-
graced Episcopal minister who has
come to "the end of his rope" as
a tour guide for a busload of Amer-
ican ladies in Mexico. In gesture.
and facial expression as well as
in delivery, Burton clearly portrays
the conflicting "fantastic" and
"realistic" sides of the character's
As an idealist who has never
lived the life of a natural woman,
Deborah Kerr matches Burton's
performance. Except . for some
mumbled lines in an important
scene, Ava Gardner also performs
well, portraying the .woman who
has buried her soul and turned to
the sensual side of life.
, ,* ;
ON THE WHOLE, clear delivery
by Burton and Miss Kerr, and.
generally by the whole cast, takes
handsoe advantage of a.witty
script. For example, Burton de..
fines statutory rape as "when a
man is seduced by a girl under
The neglected character devel-
opment occurs in the role of the
sensual woman portrayed by Mis.
Gardner. Just before the end of the
movie she displays a previously
unhinted selflessness. At this point,
her love for Burton becomes clear,.
and we see her as a woman with a
spiritual, as well as a sensual
side. However, these spiritual qual-
ities appear so late in the movie
nd so unexpectedly that they seem
to be out of place. She remains
for us essentially sensual, and her
actions seem to spring from her
* * *

British system in the Eastern
Mediterranean and the Belgian
system in Central Africa. Without
even intending it, indeed while
wishing it had not happened, the
United States has been sucked into
all three situations..
The end of the empires has left
a vacuum of power which the,
liberated peoples have not yet
mustered the strength or found
the political maturity to fill with-
out foreign aid. The cold war is in
large part a conflict about whether
the vacuum shall be filled by Mos-
cow ors Peking or Washington,
* ': ,
THERE IS no certainty. that
there will not be other theaters of
disorder in Asia, Africa and the
'Americas. Indeed, the chances are
that there will.be others. Wherever
and whenever a new theater of
disorder appears, whenever there
is a new revolutionary civil war,
there will be a powerful suction
pulling the United States to inter-
vention, and there will be power-'
ful pressures here at home to push
us to intervention.
As the United States comes near
to having a'nionopoly of the dis-
posable military- power in the
Western world, we cannot. afford.
to become totally engaged in any
one theater or to commit all our
reserves in one place. For that
reason our intervention, when it
cannot be avoided, must be limit-
ed, 'measured and always directed
to a political solution rather than
to a military victory and uncon-
ditional surrender.
' * *' .
THUS, it is a vital American
interest to safeguard its strategic
mobility. We could lose our mo-
bility if we become hugely. com-
mitted in one theater and let our-
selves become engaged in a total
war, say on a long land frontier.
in South Asia. If ever, even for
the noblest ideological reasons, we
let ourselves be entrapped in such
a war, our position in the world as
protector of the interests of the
West would be gravely shaken.
We are very powerful. But we
are not so, powerful that we can
commit all our reserves. The role
which we have to play in this
period of history cannot be sus-
tained if we do not use a shrewd
and prudent diplomacy toecon-
omize the use of military force..'
In applying these principles to
Southeast Asia, we have to remem-
ber that the only great military.
force China possesses is her
enormous army and that in a
serious conflict she would be
bound to use it by attacking ad-,
jacent countries which we have
promised to defend. It would be
wishful thinking to suppose that
NVo Checks
ANCIENT prescriptions such as
"a government of laws, not of
men," have clearly lost their hold
on the majority of the Supreme
Court justices. The Court, created
as a check on those in the exec-
utive and leislataiv ebranches of

China, though it can be hurt
fearfully, is entirely helpless. And
here at home we must not, there-
fore, ask American soldiers to
fight an impossible war. We must
make our readiness to negotiate
an accommodation as credible as
we make our readiness to retaliate
against aggression..
* ,* *
EVERYONE realizes that if,
notwithstanding NATO and the
United Nations and our own dip-
lomacy, Greece and Turkey go to
war, the Western alliance will be
deeply shaken. As the United.
States has the only mobile reserve
force in the Eastern Mediter-
ranean, American responsibility
for maintaining a balance of
power in Europe will be increased.
Since we are carrying 'virtually
the whole burden of maintaining
a ;balance o f' power in Asia, we
cannot afford lavishly to over-
commit ourselves by signing blank
checks on our military power We
have signed too many of them
(c) 1964, The washington Post Co,
G; ie e 7
'A tis tic
At the Cinema Guild
Y INTENTION rather than
accident, S e r g e i Eisenstein
completed his patriotic epic "Alex-
ander Nevsky" in 1938, a year of
tension and uncertainty between
the Soviet Union and Germany.
Charged with nationalistic fer-
vor, the film commemorates the
victory of the .Prince of Novgorod
over the Teutonic Knights in the
legen 1ary battle on the ice of
Lake Chudskoye in 1242. Never-
theless, the film . is much more
than a mere propaganda vehicle.
Much of its childlike charm de-
rives from the sense it conveys
of a fairytale history.
Even more strikingly than the
settings, the characters, as por-
trayed, are creatures of the view-
er's imagination: Nikolai Cherkas-
sov's Alexander is uncommon even,
among .heroes,. "with' the halo of'
genius surrounding his head"; the
Livenian Knights personify bru-
tality and cowardice-shifty eyes
peering through slits in grotes-
quely horned helms, contrasting
with the open-faced honesty of
the Russian peasants.
* * *
HOWEVER, IT is the music
that makes the film a unified
work of art. Serge Prokofiev col-
laborated very closely with Eisen-
stein in setting the film to music
(and vice versa); Nestyev writes
that "the music not only illu-
strates, but leads the action." In
"The Film Sense," Eisenstein calls
attention to the "congruence of
the movement of the music with
the . . . visual contour:" i.e. as
the eye follows the pictorial com-
positional line of a scene, Pirko-
fiev's score provides a precise

To the Editor:
column by William Cummings
has made me painfully aware of
the obscurity, confusion and mis-
understanding which surround, I
presume, many campus organiza-
tions and particularly Joint Ju-
diciary Council, in which I retain
special interest. Mr. Cummings'
concern for the procedures per-
taining to University automobile
regulations is certainly worth
thoughtful consideration, but to
fully appreciate and evaluate his
comments I .feel clarification of
misused and misinformed reer-
ences is imperative.
An examination of some of his
statements about JJC is in order:
1) "I know some may recall
that the Joint Judiciary Council,
a student judiciary body, is seen
every month ruling on eases of
violation of these laws."
Automobile regulations and their
enforcement are handled by a sub-
sidiaryrjudicial body composed of
one. permanent member and 1 or
2 rotating ,members of the coun-
cil who meet, not monthly, but
weekly as a Driving Court. JJC as
a whole is neversinvolved in the
operations of this court, the ra-
tionale being that a small, con-
tinuous group can most effectively
handle driving cases.
Policy procedures and interpre-
tation of automobile regulations
are .certainly the. concern of all.'
JJC members, but the area of pro-
posals and planning is clearly dis-
tinguished from that of actual
practices. The Council may choose
to alter the techniques employed
in Driving Court, 'but it does not
interfere with the mechanism of
decision by the Court unless in the
form of a formal appeal.
2) ".r. . people may claim that
the .students have thereby
chosen the laws"
Indeed, Joint Judic does exercise
considerable influence in policy
formation involving parking prob-
lems, as it does in the areas of'
women's regulations, standards of
conduct and all other aspects of
student experience which right-
fully and legally fall into the
range of a student judiciary.
3) ". . . the JJC, as with all
student governments, is in a
precarious position . . . If the"
JJC refuses to rule on traffic'
violations because it objects to'
the rules defining violation, then
the OSA can charge non-
cooperation and reverse the
whole process toward increasing
student participation In Univer
sity government. Thus the JJC's
cooperation can be understood as
one small facet in a much larger
struggle for power."
First, let us remember that JJC;
is not a "student government" but
a judicial body. Second, JJC has
never, and I hope never will be."
in the "precarious position" Mr.
Cummings describes. The Council
maintains independence and ob-
jectivity as regards OSA and all
other University offices during
sessions with students. JJC is not
a "facet"-large or small-of a
hierarchical struggle forpower as
Cummings assumes, but rather
constitutes a crucial and function-
al ink in a horizontal chain f
University administration, legis-
lation and regulation. The very
ns ture of its name "Judiciary
Council" suggests a dual role, not
solely of judge, but of educator as
well. JJC is not a clearing house
for OSA loose ends but an in-
dependent, dynamic organism with
function, purpose and realm of in-
fluence as outlined in the Council
,* *a
MR. CUMMINGS is, naturally,
entitled to objecteto University
policy when he sees fit to o so,
but his protests should be founded
in fact rather than speculation,
perspective rather than proposi-'

tion. I lhope the preceding infor-
mation will enlighten not only Mr.
Cummings but numerous other
students who .may have perceived
structures or spheres of influence
derived from ambiguity and mis-
-Jacqueline Lupovich, 'G5
Chairman of .JJC

To the Editor:
complaining about the quality
of the housing facilities here at
the University. Some people feel
crammed into inadequate dormi-
tory space and deprived of their
I have found, though, that my
room is only slightly smaller than
the singles at other colleges I
have visited. The only problem is
that there are three people liing
in it rather than just one.
.I'm tglad I'm in s uch a good'"
situation. The University is not
only working on my academic
learning, but also on my social
life. The housing also inspires my
* * .' . ..
THE ROOM used to be a double,
and there are a few remnants of
that lo'vely period. For instance,
there ;were ornly two towel racks.'
in the room. The closets provided
a good sturdy coat hanger, which
we stretched from one rack to
another. Above the towel racks is
a built-in ~medicine cabinet. The
cabinet contains enough shelves
to allow each student to have two
shelves of his own. The shelf
spaces are exactly two and five-
eighits inches high. The 'smallest
bottles of pre-shave, after-shave,
mouthwash, tooth paste, and
shampoo we could obtain were
from two and seven-eighth to
four inches high. We still have
not figured out how to solve this,
but our minds have been made
active and our mental exercises
on this question should make us
more nimble in class. .
The rooi lacksrstorage ,space
other than that, in the closets.
Within these slender cubicles
someone has ingeniously built, a
set of drawers. When I arrived I:
found that 'mst of myt' clothes
that were not on hangers would
fit into the drawers. The rest. I
tucked neatly on the hat shelf
* * *
built low enough so that trousers
hanging from the hangers just
barely touch the top of the cab-
inet. Shirts, which happen to come
a little lower, cause a little trouble
with wrinkle.s, but I can just tell
people that I ironed them myself.
I will not be the best-dressed man
around, though, as long as my suit
and overcoat are filled with
wrinkles, and covered with dust
from the top of the cabinet. To
make a space to store other things,
such as books and files, we moved
the one lounge chair a few feet'
away from 'the corner and filled
two empty vodka cases with our
odds and ends.
The only time the room itself is
very crowded is when all three of
us are in it.In various places we
find evidence of ways in which
the last occupants solved the prob-
lems of limited space, but so far
we have been unable to do the
same. In several places on the
cream-colored ceiling are . dark'
footprints (size nine-B). There are
prints of the bottomns of pop'
bottles where someone has drunk
his cold 'pop while he had dirty
hands. When he set the bottles
down,.the condenisatia on onthe
coldbottles ran down to the cel-
ing, carrying the dirt with it.
Just to one side of thie.bole
prints are a large number of
violet spots, exactly the shade of
grape drippings on a white bib.
Apparently our forerunners liked
to eat grapes while they sat
around on the ceiling talking and
drinking pop.
TWO OF US in the room are
science majors and the third Is a
physical education major. We are
now attempting to derive'the rin-
ciples by which we, too,can learn
to live on the ceiling of our room.
When we succeed in our endea-
vors, the University will have
raised the standards' of American
science and knowledge of man's
physical capabilities, through its

challenging program of housing.
We may even have enough room
for us to do all the homework re-
quired for us to survive the year.
--John Dickey, '68




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"Call A Staff Meeting At Once, And Tell Them
To Tell Me What To Say I Said Yesterday"


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