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September 12, 1964 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1964-09-12

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British Laborites
Present Platform
Opposes Independent Atomic Arms,
Favors Red China UN Membership
- - - By The AssociatedPress
The Labor party yesterday presented a general election platform
based on the pooling of the West's nuclear arms and the strengthen-
ing of the United Nations as a potential world government.
Domestically, the party-which seeks a return to power after
13 years out of office-called for the re-nationalization of steel,
the "purposive planning" of the nation's economy and the eventual
integration of Eton and other private schools into the nation's school
The platform, a document called "The New Britain," was the
first of the campaign. Prime Minister Sir Alec Douglas-Home's Con-

Alert Malaysian Army;
Police Seize Leftists

servatives were expected to issue
Douglas-Home announces the '
election date. Sources said the
r date would be Oct. 15.
Labor party leader Harold Wil-
son introduced the platform by
calling it a plan for a "social
democratic revolution." But the
platform contained few surprises
and was mostly a restatement of
previous Labor policy.
The Labor platform did not say
flatly that Britain should -scrap its;
nuclear deterrent, but it made the'
following points:
-It called for the re-negotia-
tion of the Nassau Pact which pro-;
vides for the sale of American
Polaris mi'ssiles for use in British
-It opposed ;both an independ-,
ent British nuclear deterrent and
the American planned multi-later-,
al nuclear force.
-It called for the integration of;
"all NATO's nuclear weapons un-
der effective political control so
all the partners in the. alliance.;
have a proper share in their de-
ployment and control.";
The platform urged UN member-;
ship for the People's Republic -of
China. It also called for UN spon-;
. sored summit conferences and said,
"for us, world government is the
final objective-and the United
Nations the chosen instrument."
Goldwater Hits
Court, Johnson
CHICAGO (JP)-Sen. BarryGold-;
water trained his campaign sights
yesterday on an "arm-twisting.
President" and a Supreme Court
of "raw and naked power."
He said they threatened to throw
the United States system of gov-;
ernment out of balance and pro-
duce "a breakdown in liberty." '
Winding up his first stint of
intensive campaigning, the Repub-
lican presidential nominee scoffed
at the polls that showed him be-
hind in the race for the White
House. Goldwater declared he will,
carry President Lyndon B. John-
son's home state of Texas.
It staples
term papers and class notes, photo-
graphs, news items, themes, reports.
I. : :

.theirs next week shortly after
World News
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-Calvin Gross, city
superintendent of schools, yester-
day condemned the school boycott
called for next Monday and Tues-
day by opponents of the system's
school integration program as
"reprehensible and destructive."
ALEXANDRIA-Leaders of the
Arab world ended Iast night a
weeklong second sumnit session
with pledges to begin Jordan Riv-
er projects in defiance of Is-
raeli threats of armed retaliation.
* * *
LANSING - Michigan will be
ready to participate in the na-
tional anti-poverty program as
soon as the federal government is 1
ready to pay for it, Malcolm Lov-
ell, Jr., Gov. George Romney'E
special assistant for coordinating
the program, said yesterday.
* * *
EAST , LANSING-Secretary of
Agriculture Orville Freeman pre-
dicted yesterday that farm in-
comes would drop 40 per cent if
Republican Barry Goldwater wer:
elected president. Freeman, at-
tending a Democratic-sponsored
meeting at Michigan State Uni-
versity, said that without wheat
and feed grain programs American
farm income would drop from
$12.5 billion a year to $7.5 billion.
* * *
HURON, S.D. - Sen. Hubert
Humphrey winged into his native
state yesterday for a <sentimental
journey through his old .stomping
grounds and to make political
mileage against Sen. Goldwater.
Humphrey, the Democratic Vice-
Presidential nominee, lashed at
Goldwater's record of farm legis-
lation and economics-and also
said the Arizonan's criticism of
the civil rights bill sounded like

SINGAPORE (P)-Police arrest-'
ed about 40 leftist politicians and
labor leaders yesterday in an ef-
fort to throttle further racial viol-
ence during a huge anti-draft
demonstration expected today.
The swift, predawn raids in this
city came as the government arm-.
3d itself with extraordinary pow-
ers to deal with Indonesian and
Zommunist infiltration with quick
trials and severe sentences.
Emergency legislation adopted
'unanimously by the Malaysian
Parliament in Kuala Lumpur, the
capital, put the country on the
same wartime footing as during
the successful but bitter 1948-1960,
battle against guerrillas in Malaya.
The national call-up for mili-l
tary service is aimed at bolster-
ing Malaysia's defenses to meet
the threat from Indonesia.
In asking for approval of the.
emergency powers, Prime Minister
Tunku Abdul Rahman praised thet
specter of new Indonesian raids
one the Malaysian mainland, sim-
ilar to seaborne and paratroop as-a
saults in the past weeks.
Rahman warned that the out-
lawed Malaysian Communist Par-
ty, smashed during the 1948-196C
emergency, was trying to make
comeback under the umbrella of
Indonesian President Sukarno'.
"crush Malaysia" campaign. 1
The emergency powers give the
government blanket authority to
rewrite the laws: arrest, speedily
try and punish persons threaten-
ing the nation, and order the deatY-
sentence when necessary.;
Sending Ships
. Britain, meanwhile, announced
it is sending four warships fromE
its Mediterranean fleet to Singa-1
pore, where the British maintaint
a huge naval installation. The twc
destroyers and two frigates arel
due in about a week.
The : British Defense Ministryl
also disclosed that nine aircraft

Start New
DETROIT (P) -Showdown bar
gaining between the Ford Motoi
Co. and the United Auto Workers.
union began yesterday amid indi-
cations that an agreement might
be reached within a week.
Armed with a Chrysler agree-
ment estimated to be worth 54'
cents an hour. for each worker
over the next three years, UAW
President Walter Reuther asked
Ford to match the settlement or
better it.
The agreement with Chryslei
was announced Wednesday. .just
before a scheduled walkout oa
about 74,000 UAW members.
Traditionally, the first contract
settlement in auto labor negotia-
tions sets the pattern for the rest
of the industry. But the UAW has
insisted that working conditions
must be improved at Ford and
General Motors-the other mem-
ber of the automotive big three-
before a contract will be signed.
Reuther said most of the week-
end will be taken up by meetings
of experts on both sides trying
to figure out technical details o'
the union 'demands. The UAW
chieftain, who led the Chrysler
drive, said he would return to the
bargaining table Monday.

By The Associated Press
BOSTON-The Democratic Par-
ty went to work yesterday to
patch an internal quarrel in Mas-
sachusetts and to survey its op-
ponents and the "white backlash"
in Georgia in the wake of recent
primaries in those two.states.
In Massachusetts, Democratic
party leaders closed ranks behind
Lt. Gov. Francis X. Bellotti, who
bucked them and Wrested the par-
ty's gubernatorial nomination
from incumbent Gov. Endicott
Complete unofficial returns from'
Thursday's primary election gave
Bellotti 363,243 votes to 335,620
for Peabody.
Both Peabody and Sen. Edward
M. Kennedy (D-Mass), who had
voiced strong support for the gov-
ernor, urged the party to back
Bellotti against former Gov. John
A. Volpe, who won the Republi-
can nomination for governor
without opposition.
During the campaign Kennedy,':
office sent letters to the senator'.
campaign workers urging them to
aid Peabody.
'The Volpe-Bellotti contest wil'
mark the first time in Massa-
chusetts history the two major
parties have backed sons of Ital-
ian immigrants for governor.
Bellotti, 41-years old, rebound-
ed from a crushing defeat suffer-
ed at the state pre-primary con-
vention last June, when Peabody

including four Vulcan bombers
had been moved to Aden to bring
them closer to Singapore. Britain
completed the airlift of a 500-man
anti-aircraft regiment to Singa-
pore from Germany Thursday un-
der its pledge to defend the year-
old Malaysian federation.'
British Gurkha troops and New
Zealanders are trying to mop ur
the remnants of a 50-man Indo-
nesian paratroop force which
landed in the Labis area,. 105
miles southeast of Kuala Lumpur
Sept. 2.
Indonesian leaders, meanwhile
continued the hot-cold propagan-
da war against Malaysia.
The official Indonesian news
agency Antara quoted Indonesia'.
armed forces chief, Gen. Abdu
Karis Nasution, as saying that his
country would not start "an open
war" against Malaysia. Foreign
Minister Subandrio, however, way
quoted as saying that the "crush
Malaysia" campaign was an "ab-
solute necessity."

Dems Survey Primary Res

The voting was conside
reading of very strong anti.
son feeling in Georgia by a
SEN. EDWARD KFNNEDY political figure, James H. G
Albany, former state Dem
won the convention endorsement chairman who now is supp
by a margin of more than 3 to 1. Republican Barry Goldwater
As incumbent governor and en- "I think the elections sho
dorsed candidate, Peabody had the dlefinitely t h a t conserv
backing of nearly all party leaders. whether of the Goldwater t
Bellotti described Peabody a not, is very strong," Gray
the candidate of the political boss- ; He said that local issues, hc
es, using the line, "The politicians were of great importance ir
will vote for Peabody. . .the peo- races.
ple will vote for Bellotti." j The biggest surprise was t
Bellotti and Peabody both arc position vote which was enco
serving their first two-year terms. I ed by freshman Rep. Cha:
Trace Defeat Weltner in Atlanta's 5th Cc
Somhe observers felt Peabody's sional District. Weltner sai
defeat could be traced to his first when he voted for the civil
year in office when he became in- bill he had anticipated "su
volved in a series of emotionally tial reaction against it."

.":r. r 1 .J. " J 1 'J.V.'NJJr 'rJ L^Jy V:" ti +.y}}}}}}:i"N}:i'Y.":i Y:f"}y)'.}}VJ Ji'N "Y. V'J. "". y """ y "J".. "J. AY JJ."
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e e e e e e e x e

it tacks
notes to bulletin board, pennants
to wall, shelf paper, drawer linings.

it fastens
party costumes, prom decorations,
school mooiects. posters, stage sets.-

NatonalSCUrity genCy
is a totally unique organization
.and offers Creative researCh opportunities in
the art and science of sophisticated COmmunications On-Campus Interviews
. dling terminal equipment, more effective for Mathematicians and En-
There is absolutely no other organiza- speech band-width compression . .. andgnerwll ehed at.
tionl like it . .. no other organization doing scores of similar advances.gneswi b hedat.
the same important work, or offering the Consult your Placement Of-
same wealth of opportunity for imaginative 2. By the very nature. of "secure" com-
thinkers in the Liberal Arts, as well as the munications, assuring the continuing in- fice for dates.
Physical and Engineering Sciences. vulnerability of U.S. communications
The National Security Agency is a major through cryptologic procedures and tech-
research arm of the Department of Defense, niques. Because cryptology and its crypto-
but its influence and responsibilities are far gr-aphic counterpart are not taught else-
broader. It works closely with many indus- where, mathematicians, scientists-and all~
trial and research institutions; it has special others with appropriate intellectual curios- 2 Z.o:
access to scientific information at universi- ity-will be taught this challenging new
ties and other Government laboratories; discipline right at NSA. Work in this field - ::.:::. ....~
and it enjoys close consulting arrangements may involve specially-designed computers, -&""~..~
with scientists of commanding stature. NSA television, computer-to-computer data *~Y ...~
staff members enjoy all the benefits of Fed- links, and edp programming. (Even music, ~.
eral employment without the requirements philosophy, or the classics may be useful
imoe by the Civil Service system. prerequisites for cryptology!) .. .
What does NSA do that warrants 3. Translating written data, and presenting
this unique stature? the crux of the material in meaningful "
NSA approaches the subject of sophisti- form. This is the home of the linguistics. .......
aed communications from these original expert anda t anguages graduate-enab
mos ofhisor her particular gift, and
1. Creating secure communications sys- quickly expand f amiliarity with other
els and devisn pecia refnentsfon he tnall that NSA does, there is seldom ..
~ . .s:+..:..X. ,.::s .
computers & edp systems that will increase any existing precedent. Only NSA pioneers
our handling capabilities. This means that in secure communications on this broad a
Communications Engineers, Computer De- scale, so only NSA offers the college gradu
sign Specialists, Mathematicians, Program- ate the best chance to make immediate use
mers, and Systems Analysts, all contribute of his disciplined thinking . . . without
to the design of antennas, transmitters, re- years of post-graduate experience. All these s h l
ceivers, and terminal equipment ... to ex- features - together with its weliinstru-fc odt..
periments using new semiconductors, mag- mented laboratories, libraries, and profes
n ntil , superconductive devices,etc., sional staff of piat in amazinglycuio -
access to scientific information at universi- ity-w,.A £.ib augtthschlenigne {Y ,n..A"w, ; , 'tn'

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