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August 28, 1964 - Image 18

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The Michigan Daily, 1964-08-28

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gas Housing Unit, Like 'U' Residential
loge, Aims To Unite Living, Learning

academics-oriented living
odelled on the residential
concept will adorn the Uni-
of Texas campus starting
Led College House, the unit
ttempt to offer educational
tion outside the classroom.
ts will meet and dine with
ors and hold seminars and
lans," a Daily Texan/article
idea behind College House
to that behind the residen-
.lege scheduled to open here
ear. Essentially, the motive
make better academic use
potentially most significant
ig experiences outside the
om-the student's living

lege will attempt this by includ-
ing living, eating, study and some
classroom and-lecture facilities in
one building or a series of small
Excluding only formal classroom
facilities, Texas' College House will
place strong emphasis on weekly
lecture series, faculty "house .fel-
lows" who will eat and talk with
House residents, informal seminars
and student presentations, exhibits
and a library of current periodi-

Smith feels that "something has
to be done for the student who
excels in one area but is average
in others. This large midsector has
no place to receive intellectual
stimulation. This student has to
select himself and rise out of the
anonymity and anti-intellectual-
ism of dormitories, fraternities,
sororities and cooperatives," the
Texan states.
Creative Individuals
Thus minimal selection stand-
ards will be employed for students
wishing to liye in College House.
Smith said that "strict selection
requirements would frustrate one
of our goals. We are interested in
the' creative individual, the student
who wants to learn and contrib-
ute." Residents of the House will
be from all areas of study and all
class levels.
The statement of purpose for
College House further emphasizes

that it is an experiment, but one
hoped to be successful enough for
imitation on a large scale.
Thus Texas views College House
in the same way that the residens-
tial college is viewed at the Uni-
versity. "It will be a well-primer,
extending the reach of academics
far beyond the classroom. If noth-
ing else, College House will be a
somewhat revolutionary experi-
ment for the University. Hopeful-
ly, this block of houses will be-
come a prototype of the Univer-
sity living unit," the Texan states.
Privately Owned
The new unit is owned by a
private corporation, though Smith
and resident students will manage
it. It has full sanction from the
Accommodating almost 115 stu-
dents, the House will be co-educa-
tional. Smith explains that "when-
ever a female is present, conver-
sation always tends to take more
constructive lines."
Applicants 'were asked to pro-
vide information on their majors
and their reasons for choosing
that field, their opinions on aca-

demic achievement, their general
academic goals, their grade points;
specific reasons for wanting to live
in College House, hobbies, employ-
ment, travel, extra-curricular or-
ganizations and awards.
Investment in Students
Initiation of the unit is part of
Texas' growing interest in self-
improvement. As Smith explained,j
"in order to grow, the University
needs to invest not only in better
faculty and facilities, but in bet-
ter students.'
"A state university which has
grown from a substantially third
class one to such a competitive
position has undergone a change
in the type of student it recruits.
T'his change is less noticeable
than the change in. ranking."
The basic idea behind College
House and other residential col-
leges is an old and widespread
one, the Texan notes The uni-
versities of Bologna, Paris and
Oxford, in the twelfth and thir-
teenth centuries, were organized'
as residential colleges.
Never Raised
Contemporary examples exist at1
Rice and Harvard Universities,


Just as important in the think-
ing of those behind College House
is the opportunities it will offer
to average students. According to.
graduate student Don Smith, who'
will direct the House, Texas' hon-
or programs allow only a portion
of students to have contact with
the better professors, books and
I special programs.

where students living together
have opportunities to raise ques-
tions at meals or informal con-
versations with resident faculty
members. Many of these questions
would never be raised or ;get an-
swered in the classroom, the
Texan states.
Opportunities for a fuller aca-
demic life are seized through
other means in universities in
France and Italy, however. There
students generally open and util-
ize channels of communication for
themselves, and the student hostel
often becomesa center for dis-
sent, discovery and academic
Asian History
Course Here
First in Nation
The University this fall will be-
come the nation's first state-sup-
ported university to offer a course
on the history of the world's cur-
rent trouble spot, southeast Asia.
The history class will be one of
several new courses offered by
various, departments during the
coming academic year.
Others are:
The health aspects of air pol-
lution, in the public health school
and engineering college;
The history of Chinese thought
and 20th century thought in Eng-
land, in the philosophy depart-
Conflict systems, in the eco-
nomic department using the facil-
ities and materials of the Center
for Research on Conflict Resolu-:
Seven courses in the psychology
department, all for juniors and
seniors: including psychological
phenomenology, psychodiagnostic
testing with children, psychology
topics in factor analysis, mathe-
matics of factor analysis, ego;
psychology, developmental psy-
chology, and orientation to social

ring, Learning Facilities
University's residential col-1

Se, Higi
Russians Drop Last Year
Of Secondary Training,

,-- - -

MOSCOW-The Soviet Unionj
recently announced a reduction of1
its 11-year system of primary andl
secondary education to 10 years.
The change is part of a new
educational policy intended to
speed the entry of young people
t f
PORTLAND, Ore. - Faculty
members at Reed College will no
longer be required to sign the
loyalty oath required by Oregon
law. The college's attorney, Wil-
liam Wyse, said "Oregon schools
and colleges actually are violating
the United States Constitution by
requiring the oath, because the
outlawed Washington oath (re-
cently voided by the U.S. Su-
preme Court) and the Oregon oath]
are almost identical."
COLUMBUS-Ohio State Uni-
versity will begin an honors pro-
gram this fall. Designed to draw
top students to the university, the
program will offer honors scholars
special privileges such as scholar-
ships for the needy, access to they
graduate stacks, and individual at-
tention from counselors.
* * *
MINNEAPOLIS - University of
Minnesota senior Jack Mogelson is
organizing Yellow Cab Co. work-
ers to strike for increased wages.
and improved working conditions.
A part-time cab driver himself,
Mogelson and several others per-
suaded his union, Teamsters Local,
958, to vote down the existing
company contract and then vote
approval for the strike.
States Department of Health, Ed-
ucation, and Welfare has estab-
lished its third Learning and Re-
search Center at the University of
Wisconsin. About $2.5 million
will support initial research to de-
termine what factors make study
easier for the individual.
MILWAUKEE-The University
of Wisconsin will give academic
ice this fall. Under a ne pro-
gram the volunteers will g t spe-
cial financial aid and study op-
portunities, including more than
40 graduate fellowships, assistant-
ships and scholarships.

into the labor force: The Soviet
government announced earlier this
year that the four-year to five-
year period of higher education
would be reduced by one year.
A decree of the Soviet Com-
munist party and the government,
made public recently, said the
transition period to the new sys-
tem was to be completed by the
end of the 1965-66 school year.
The decision meant in effect that
the Soviet Union's long-range goal
of achieving 11 years of universal
compulsory schooling by 1970 had
been dropped.
Since the school year 1962-63,
the Soviet Union has had eight
years of compulsory education,
from age 7 to ,age 15.
About 40 per , cent to 50 per
cent of the graduates of eight-year
schools have been taking full-time
jobs and continuing their educa-
tion at evening classes. The others
have moved on for an additional
three years in so-called polytech-
nic day schools in which a fourth
to a third of the school time is de-
voted to shopwork and other forms
of industrial training.
The one-year reduction was
made in the period of polytechnic
Explaining the significance of
the decree, the Educational Min-
ister of the Russian Republic,
Yevgeny 1. Afanasenko, said in an
interview with the Tass press
agency that the curriculum ad-
justments would involve mainly a
reduction in the time spent in in-
dustrial training.
He said the experience -of the
last few years had shown that
one to two years of shop training
was sufficient to prepare students
in industry,
Many Experiments Tried
Soviet education has had a his-
tory of considerable experimenta
Between 1919 and 1931, the
basic school in the country pro-
vided nine years of noncompulsory
polytechnic education, with stress
on industrial training.
A reform in 1931 established
10-year schools, with seven years
of attendance compulsory. Poly-
technic training was de-emphasiz-
ed but never dropped.
Another' education reform, in
1958, raised the compulsory school-
ing period to eight years from
,seven, with the transition to be
completed by the fall of 1962,
and extended the 10-year course
to 11 years, with renewed em-
phasis on industrial training in
the senior classes.
Copyright, 1964, The New York Times








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