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January 20, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-20

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WEDNESDA, 20 JANAR- -96-T , -I- -AN-.-IL

o e GOP Policy
British Alert Malaysian Planes 'GO o
"Body Studies
Request Russian UN Payments Fall Voting

Gemini Spacecraft Passes Major 1T

Soviets Give
No Response
To Proposal
appealed to the Soviet Union yes-
terday to take the lead in mak-
ing a financial contribution that
would put the United Nations on
the road to solvency and avoid!
a U.S.-Soviet showdown over Gen-
eral Assembly voting rights.
The initial response from the
Russians was not encouraging.
Comment from other UN diplo-
mats indicated that no agreement
on the financial crisis was in sight.
Lord Caradon, British minister
of state, made the appeal in a
policy speech to the 115-nation
General Assembly-his first since
his appointment as his country's
chief UN delegate.
Voluntary Fund
He declared that if a voluntary
fund was established to save the
United Nations from bankruptcy
"We ourselves would be prepared
under suitable conditions to make
a contribution."
He said Britain would do so in
an effort to get general agree-
ment to enable the United Nations,
to end the deadlock over voting
rights, and to go forward "to face
the tasks of the future, tasks
which we are anxious to tackle
without further delay."


The Soviet Union, France and
14 other UN members are in that
classification for failure to pay
UN peacekeeping assessments. The
two big powers contend the assess-
nents are illegal because they were
approved by the Assembly instead
of the Security Council.
Lord Caradon told a reporter he
was confident that if the Soviet
Union would heed the British ap-
peal "France will not hold back."
In his speech the British dele-
gate upheld the United States po-
sition that Article 19 cannot be
shelved in any settlement of the
He said it would be a betrayal


"We appeal to the Soviet Union of the high purposes of the United
to give the lead so that all can Nations "if we were to make our
join in a common effort to make first act an abandonment of the
that possible," he added. "If it principles of the scharter which
does so, we believe that others will we are all pledged to support."
rally in support." Delay
Any Action Lord Caradon said the, delay thus
He said that he could not far in Assembly procedures has
imagine "any action which would caused "harm' beyond calculation"
rightly win greater prestige than but that the delay was 'better
such a gesture from the Soviet Un- than breakdown."
ion right: now." Since the Assembly opened on
In addition Caradon noted, Dec. 1, it has operated under a
"Equally, I can imagine nothing no-vote truce. It has not come to
which would more rightly earn grips with any of the approxi-
a continuous and mounting con- mately 90 issues on its agenda.
demnation than to throw this Alex Quaison-Sackey of Ghana,
opportunity away." the Assembly president, said it is
A top Soviet delegation source his intention to go ahead with
commented that Caradon's speech election of chairmen of Assembly
represented "only one position." committees and vice-presidents
The source pointed out that the next Monday.
Soviet Union had agreed to make The United States was describ-
a voluntary contribution under an ed as hopeful of avoiding a show-
Asian-African plan that would down on Article 19, but determin-
waive application of Article 19 of ed to insist upon its application
the UN charter, which says that any time a recorded vote is taken-
any member two years in arrears and voluntary contributions have
on assessments shall lose its As- not taken debtor nations out of
sembly vote. the two years in arrears column.

Both Britain and the United
States take the view that a show-
down is preferable to postponing
the session again for any extended
Red China Calls
U.S. Bombings
TOKYO (')-Red China charged
yesterday the United States air
strike at Communist supply and
reinforcement lines in Laos Jan.
13 was wanton bombing and a
"direct aggression against Laos."
The attack on the Pathet Lao-
controlled area by American fight-
er-bombers "is a grave move tak-
en by the Johnson administration
of the United States to expand its
direct armed aggression in Laos
in flagrant violation of the Ge-
neva agreements," the Chinese
Foreign Ministry declared.
The charge was made in a state-
ment broadcast from Peking by
the official New China News Agen-
The American targets were in
the Ban Ban area along Route 7,
a key segment of a road and trail
network that feeds both the Path-
et Lao in central Laos and the
Viet Cong guerrillas in South Viet
Nam. Two of the U.S. jets were
shot down. Both the pilots were
picked up by helicopters.
U.S. government sources said
14 F-100 Supersabres and F-105
Thunderchiefs took part in the
The Communists again insisted
that 24 jets were involved.
"Since the United States direct-
ed the Laotian rightist faction to
stage the military coup d'etat in
Vientiane last April, U.S. imper-
ialism has incessantly sent its air
force on reconnaissance and
bombing missions over the liberat-
ed (Pathet Lao) areas of Laos
and carried out armed interference
in Laotian internal affairs," the
Chinese statement said.
Word has leaked also out re-
cently of C-47's, military models
of the DC-3, being armed with
multibarrel machine guns that can
loose several thousand rounds a
Several C-47's are said to have
been fitted with these devices for
combat duty.
One was used early this month
around Binh Gia in operations
against the Viet Cong units that
inflicted on U.S.-supported Viet-
namese ground troops their worst
defeat of the war.
AP photographer Forst Faas
was bedded down with a para-
troop battalion on a rubber plan-
tation in that area 40 miles east of
Saigon when a blast like a ship's
foghorn resounded through' trees.
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Attack Seen
As Possible
Monsoon Rains Slow
Troop Movements
SERIAN, Malaysia () - British
Royal Navy Air Force jets are
scrambling several times a week
"when our radar picks up Indo-
nesian air activity along the bor-
ders," a military source said yes-
Some military men said pri-
vately that the Indonesians, com-
manded by Indonesian President
Sukarno, might try to launch an
air attack against the main area
defense base at Kuching, 37 miles
north of here.
"So far the Indonesian planes
have turned back just short of
the border-but there always could
be the first time and we are on
constant alert," the source said.
Intelligence Reports
On the ground, Kuching intel-
ligence reports, the Indonesians
have at least 5000 men along the
western Sarawak border. Three
thousand have moved in within
recent weeks and another 3000 are
reported on the way, these sources
The monsoon has hindered the
reinforcement of Malaysian for-
ward posts and border positions.
Helicopter flights carrying men
and supplies have been grounded
for hours each day because of rain
and low visibility.
However, British intelligence re-
ports say, the downpour, which
usually deposits two inches of rain
a day, actually is helping the In-
donesians by swelling rivers and
making them more navigable for
vessels carrying troops and sup-
Britain so far has boosted to
10,000 the, number of men sent to
Malaysian Borneo to meet the In-
donesian threat.
A planeload of Gurkhas arriv-
ed from Hong Kong yesterday to
complete the airlift of these rein-
British Sources
British officers in Serian say
an Indonesian attack could come
within a week but think late Feb-
ruary or early March more likely,
as that is when the monsoons end.
"We know the Indonesians are
preparing for something big," a
British officer said at this for-
ward headquarters, 15 miles from
the jungle border.
"A land attack could come any
time. However it seems more like-
ly that the enemy would wait for
the monsoons to taper off before
launching an overland attack of
any size.
Some Indications
"But there are some indications
that some sort of action could
come in the next few days."d
, Britain's incoming chief of the
general staff, Sir James Cassels,
waded through ankle deep mud on
a final inspection of North Bor-
neo defenses against Indonesia.
Cassels flew to forward jungle
posts where British troops have
carried out a buildup.

publican Party's 1964 election loss-
es in Michigan, with former Sen.
Barry Goldwater's presidential
candidacy cited as much to blame,
may not be overcome for a gen-
eration, a GOP spokesman said
The Ripon Society of Cambridge,
Mass., a private GOP research and
policy group, took that position in
a report to the Republican Na-
tional Committee.
The report said the effect of the
election losses were of the mdi-
cated severity despite Republican
Gov. George Romney's "stunning
individual victory."
In addition, the researchers' re-
port said:
"Michigan GOP fund-raiser Ar-
thur Summerfield diverted so
much of Republican funds to
Goldwater that Romney washleft
to 'shift for himself' and that
r 4 t


Romney's victory was 'no doubt'
due to his 'conspicuous disinter-
est' in the Goldwater-Rep. Wil-
liam Miller presidential ticket.,
Romney refused to endorse Gold-,
water. He won support for 'stand-
ing up to Goldwater'," the report
Michigan Republicans might not,
have lost three seats in Congress
had the party put up a candidate
other than Goldwater for Presi-
dent, it concluded.
It also concluded that Michi-
gan's legislative redistricting un-
der the one-man, one-vote prin-
ciple-ordered in the Senate by
a "Democratic-controlled State
Supreme Court"-led to loss of
Republican majorities in both
The Ripon Society, in the Mich-
igan section of a 124-page report
titled "Election '64," also said
Goldwater's candidacy contributed
to Elly Peterson's defeat by Dem-
ocratic Sen. Philip A. Hart. It
said, however, that Hart "prob-
ably" would have won anyway.
Touching on the Romney and
Goldwater campaign policies in
Michigan, the party researchers
"From the outset it was ap-
parent that Sen. Goldwater had
written off Michigan and that
Gov. George W. Romney had writ-
ten off Goldwater.

manned Gemini spacecraft suc-
cessfully survived a suborbital
test flight yesterday, ending
months of frustration for United
States man-in-space plans and
clearing the way for astronauts
Virgil I. Grissom and John W.
Young to ride a similar capsule
into orbit in April.
After the spacecraft had been
retrieved from the sea and se-
cured on the deck of an aircraft
carrier at the end of its 19-min-
ute flight, Grissom told a news
"There are a lot of happy peo-
ple here today. But I doubt any-
one is happier than John and I.
We now see the road clear to our
flight and we're looking forward
to it."
Clocklike Precision
Everything worked with almost
clocklike precision on the flight,
the final unmanned mission
scheduled in the Gemini program,
Sitting in for the astronauts were
a pair of electronic "black boxes"
which automatically° activated
some functions which astronauts
will perform later.
A Titan 2 booster rocket rose
from here at 9:03 a.m., only three
minutes behind schedule. It pro-
peled the 6900-pound spacecraft
to an altitude of 105 miles and
drilled it back through the sear-
ing heat barrier of the atmos-
phere at a peak speed of about
16,600 miles an hour.
After its descent, the space
chamber parachuted safely into
the Atlantic Ocean about 2150
miles southeast of the launching
site, 24 miles from the optimum
target zone where the recovery
ship Lake Champlain was station-
Excellent Condition
The capsule was reported in ex-
cellent condition.
"There were no cracks or breaks
in the heat shild and the space-
craft structure appeared sound,"
reported operations director Chris
Kraft. He said data radioed from
the Titan 2 and the capsule indi-
cated all systems worked as plan-
Kraft and Gemini Program Di-
rector Charles Mathews said about
17 days would be,' required to
completely analyze the data. They
said that on the basis of first-loot:
information they foresee no trou-
ble that would hold up the first
manned mission in April.
Grissom, 38-year-old Air Force
major who made a 15-minute
suborbital space flight in the Mer-
cury Program, and Young, 34-
year-old Navy Lieutenant Com-
mander, have waited several
months for their chance to fly.

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press;
TOKYO - Japanese Foreign Minister Etsusaburo Shiina said
yesterday he has the impression that both, the United States and
Britain are counting on Japan to mediate the Malaysian issue.
Shiina made the remark on his'return from a 10-day visit to the
United States and Britain, where he conferred with government lead-
ers on issues relating to peace in Asia.
NAIROBI, Kenya-Indonesian Deputy Foreign Minister, Mrs.
Supeni, arrived from Cairo yesterday to explain to Kenya's leaders
her country's withdrawal from the United Nations.
* * * *
NORFOLK, Va. - The first group of dependents to head for
Guantanamo Bay after the lifting of the ban against them were dis-
appointed yesterday when a 24-hour delay in departure was an-
Weather caused a delay in operations of military air transport
service aircraft, and none was available for the flight to the United
States naval base on Cuba's southeastern shore.
Last March President Lyndon B. Johnson ordered that the base
phase out its dependents to achieve garrison status. The order had
resulted from a water shut-off by Cuba Premier Fidel Castro.
A 5th Naval District spokesman said that MATS plans to fly
900 dependents to Cuba within the next six weeks at the rate of four
flights a week.
ENUGU, Nigeria-The World Council of Churches yesterday an-
nounced it will set up a working committee for formal consultations
with the Roman Catholic Church.
The significant ecumenical breakthrough came after years of
behind-the-scenes planning, sources said.
It is planned as a purely consultative body which "would not be
able to make any decisions," said a report approved by the council's
100-member central committee.
Unofficial talks have been taking place for years between the
Vatican and such high council officials as General Secretary William
A. Visser T. Hooft.

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