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January 07, 1965 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-07

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ARTS and LETTERS by Judith Stonehill
PTP--Young, Successful

Music Students and Teachers To Hold Conference

Ann Arbor contradicts the pop-
ular notion that the Midwest is a
cultural wasteland. The Universi-
ty's Professional Theatre Program
and Musical Society brings nation-
al and international entertain-
ment to the campus throughout
the year.
Few people realize that the PTP
is a young organization because
it has been so successful. Begun
three years ago by Prof. Robert
Schnitzer, it is now a pace-setter
for other universities. This is the
only institution in the country
that houses a professional reper-
tory company for a university and
then sends that company to New
For the pst three years, the
Association of Producing Artists,
the repertory company, has pro-
duced such favorites as Shake-
speare's "Much Ado About Noth-
ing," Christopher Fry's "A Phoe-
nix Too Frequent," and Gorky's
"The Lower Depths."
This season's Fall Festival in-
cluded Shaw's "Man and Super-
man," Behan's "The Hostage,"
Tolstoy's "War and Peace," and
Girandoux's "Judith." "War and
Peace" and "Judith" open at the
Phoenix Theatre in New York this
State Tour
At the conclusion of each fall
season, the APA tours Michigan,
bringing professional theatre to
many towns for the first time.
The PTP also sponsors a Play
of the Month Series. This semes-
ter "Luther," "Oliver," "Beyond
the Fringe," and "Spoon River"
will be flown in from New York
for one-night stands.
To encourage the production of
good plays by contemporary play-
wrights, the PTP has launched a
New Play Series. In the spring
Miss Marcella Cisney, associate
director of PTP, will direct a new
play with a Broadway cast.
Last year "The Child Buyer" at-
tracted New York directors and
drama critics, and the play was
signed to open off-Broadway in
Prof. Schnitzer and Marcella
Cisney, his wife, have brought to
Ann Arbor a wealth of theatrical
expeience. Encouraged by Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher,
who believes that a large univer-
sity should be a regional center
for artistic activity, the "theatri-
cal missionaries," as Miss Cisney
refers to herself and her husband,
came to Ann Arbor to establish
the first extensive professional
theatre program subsidized entire-
ly by a university. ,
Schnitzer and his wife had well-
established careers before coming
to Ann Arbor. Miss Cisney was
the first woman televison director
Survey Finds
Many Support
Red China Tie
In a survey conducted by the
University's Research Center it
was reported that more than a
quarter of the American public is
ignorant of the fact that a Com-
Munist government runs the main-
land of China or that a war is
being fought-in South Viet Nam.
The report further revealed that
f large portion of the United
States' citizens is willing to deal
with Communist China and that
there is a strong national senti-
ment for reaching some kind of
compromise agreement in South
Viet Nam.
In fact, 95 percent of those in-
terviewed opposed United States
withdrawal from the United Na-
tions in the event that Red China
is admitted..
Losing Cause
Opinion was about equally di-
vided about the use of United

States forces in Viet Nam in the
event that the South Vietnamese
appeared to be losing.
A majority of those aware of
the existence of the Nationalist
Chinese on Taiwan favored United
States contacts with both groups.
Most people feel that Communist
control of the mainland was aj
reality. However, a large minor-
ity favored dealing only with the
The survey showed that "an
overwhelming majority of Ameri-
cans" opposed United Stated aid
to any Chinese Nationalist attack
on the mainland. Fear of a larger
war, involving Communist China
was the prime reason advanced
for this attitude.
Accor~ding to the survey, men
are better informed about current
events than women, regardless of
the amount of education.

bers of the Association of Performing Artists, depict Girandoux's
version of the Biblical story of Judith presented by the Profes-
sional Theatre Program. The APA recently opened at the Phoenix
Theatre in New York City with "Judith."

at CBS-TV and directed the cele-
brated Studio One. She has'direct-
ed three operas for the New York
City Opera Co. and as head drama
coach at Warner Brother's Studio
worked with Gary Cooper, Debbie
Reynolds, Lauren Bacall, and Gor-
don MacRae.
During the Brussels Fair, Miss
Cisney won a gold medal from the
Belgian government for arranging
music, dance, and drama pro-
grams involving more than 1000
American artists.
Schnitzer, as an ambassador for
American performing arts, served
as general manager of the U.S.
State Department-American Na-
tional Theatre Academy (ANTA)
Exchange Program.
He also served as director of
the President's Special Interna-
tional Program for Cultural Pres-
entation and sent 3500 American
artists abroad-among them Hel-
en Hayes, Leif Erickson, June Ha-
voc, and Helen Menken.
Emissaries from all over the
country have visited Ann Arbor
to observe this revolutionary Uni-
versity-professional theatre feat.
The Schnitzers, proud of their
success, tell their friends to "Give
my regards to Broadway, but tell
them I'm in Ann Arbor."
Musical Society
A much older organization on
campus, the University Musical
Society, had humble beginnings in
1854 as a church choir. Prof. Hen-
ry Simmons Frieze, then chairman
of the Latin language and litera-
ture department, and later acting
University president, served as or-
ganist and choir director of sev-
eral Ann Arbor churches in 1854.
A cultured gentleman from the
East, Frieze often induced East
coast musicians to stop off in Ann'
Arbor for performances.'
Music in Ann Arbor continued'
TODAY'' ;z.:Y>:? .. *

in this haphazard way until 1879,
when a group of choir members
in four Ann Arbor churches united
to sing the chorus from Handel's
Shortly after the first perform-
ance, the group, under the direc-
tion of Frieze, decided to expand
its membership and repertoire.)
They called themselves the Choral
School of Music
In the 1880's another cultured
musician came to Ann Arbor from
Oberlin College, Calvin O. Cady.
Associating with Frieze and other
'musicians, he opened studios call-
ed the Ann Arbor School of Mu-
sic. Under the suggestion of Frieze,
the Choral Union and the School
of Music became divisions of a
larger organization, the University
Musical Society.
The Society consisted of promi-
nent members of the University
and the community. Organized at
the same time as the music school,
the Society's purpose was to asso-
ciate the music of the University
with that of the community. It was
not a performing body, nor is it
today, but a group organized to
sponsor, direct, and manage the
activities of music programs in
Ann Arbor.
The number and range of con-{
certs grew steadily, until today,
under the direction of Gail Rec-
tor, the UMS sponsors several
programs each month, an annual
May Festival, and an annual
"Messiah" performance at Christ-
mas time.
Fifteen years ago the UMS fur-
ther expanded its activities with
an annual Chamber Music Festi-
val. These concerts take place in
February. And for the past two
decades an "Extra Series" of five
concerts has supplemented the
Choral Union Series.

Around 2,500 music teachers,
participating students, and otherst
from Michigan and surroundingt
states will attend the 20th annuali
Midwestern Conference on SchoolE
Vocal and Instrumental Music at
the University Jan. 15-16.
Keynote speaker will be A. Clyde
Roller, professor of ensembles,
Eastman School of Music, Univer-
sity of Rochester. He will discuss
"The Conductor and His Audi-.1
ence" at the 11 a.m. Friday gen-
eral session in Rackham Lectur
* * *
Three faculty members recentlyt
received National Science Founda-
tion research grants. Prof. Don- t
ald R. Mason of chemical andl
metallurgical engineering was1
awarded a grant for research on7
semiconductor materials.
In the department of oceano-
graphy and meteorology, Chair-
man Aksel Winn-Nielsen received
support for research on dynamics
and energetics of atmospheric
waves. Prof. E. Wendell Hewsonf
will carry out further research on
atmospheric diffusion in transi-
tional states.
In observance of the sesquicen-
tennial of the War of 1812, par-r
ticularly of the Treaty of Ghent,
signed on Christmas Eve, Clements
Library has placed on display
some of its resources for the study
of this period of history.
Though the holdings of the
Clements Library relating to the
War of 1812 in manuscripts, maps,
music, prints, pamphlets, broad-
sides and books does not com-
pletely cover the war, their sig-
nificance is in their uniqueness,
their authenticity aad their qual-
ity as representative parts sug-
gesting thekwhole, Director How-
ard H. Peckham say.
The final peace settlement was
signed on Christmas Eve, 1814.
The Commissioners and their
aides worked all day to ready the
copies. The copy on display is one
of six originals and was executed
by Henry Clay.
The Louisiana State Universityj
Press has published "Religion and
the Constitution" by Prof. Paul
G. Kauper of the Law School.
In the book Kauper examines
the controversial Supreme Court
decisions on religion. The book is
based on the Edward Douglass
White Lectures which Kauper de-
livered at LSU in the spring of
* *
Prof. Leonard K. Eaton of the
!architecture school has received
a grant from the American Coun-
cil of Learned Societies.
The Council, in a national com-
petition. awarded grants to 46
scholars for post-doctoral research
in the humanities and related so-
cial sciences. Eaton's research
project will be concerned with the
clientele of Howard Van Doren
Shaw and Frank Lloyd Wright.
Prof. Jerome W. Conn of the
Medical School was selected to re-
ceive the 1965 John Phillips Me-
morial Award of the American
College of Physicians.

Head of the division of endo-
crinology and metabolism, Dr.
Conn will be the first Michigan
physician to receive the award,
established in 1929 to recognize
"distinguished contributions in in-
ternal medicine."
*4 t *
Prof. Bradford Perkins of thej
history department has authored
"Castlereagh and Adams: Eng-I
land and the U.S., 1812-1823," his
third book in the field of Anglo-
American diplomatic history.
Perkins, who will present the
Commonwealth Fund Lectures at
University College, London, Eng-
land, this month, is a specialist in
the field of American foreign re-
lations a n d especially Anglo-
American relations in the early
19th century.
"Castlereagh and Adams," pub-
lished by the University of Cali-
fornia Press, is the third volume
of a trilogy on Anglo-American
relations. The other books are
"Prologue to War, England, and
the U.S., 1805-1812" and "The
First Rapprochement, England
and the U.S., 1795-1905."
Chosen as the spring officers
for the Gilbert and Sullivan So-
ciety were Ted Landers, president;
Thomas Friedman, '66, vice-
president; Thomas Levy, '64,
DIAL 662-6264
Shows at 1-2:55-5-7:00 & 9:10
COR Lesue
e - -
i~tevok H owarId
Natalie WIood
Henry Fonda
Lauren Bacall
C Mel Ferrer

treasurer: and Mary Ann Drach,
'65M, secretary.
Appointed as technical directors
were Bryan Crutcher, '65E, and
Al Carr. James Cutler, '67E, was
appointed business manager.
William O. VanDongen, '65. has
been appointed to command the
Air Force ROTC Corps of Cadets
this semester.
* * *
Vice-President of University Re-
lations Michael Radock has been

chosen to

direct the 12th annual
Week campaign, May

3 p.m. - Voice Political Party
will present William Mandel,
author of several books about the
Soviet Union, who will talk about
the House Un-American Activi-
ties Committee in the Multipur-
pose Rm. of the UGLI. A film
about the committee will also be
7 p.m. - Voice Political Party
will present William Mandel who
will speak on "Russia after
Khrushchev" in the Multipurpose
Rm. of the UGLI.


Subscribe Now!-Mendelssohn Theatre-Mon. thru Fri. 10-1. 2-5



2 p.m.-Challenge will sponsor
a lecture by Prof. Kenneth Bould-
ing of the economics department,
"China, Reflections of an Ignor-
amus" in the Multipurpose Rm. of
the UGLI.
7:30 p.m.-The Gilbert and Sul-
livan Society will hold a mass
meeting for the spring production,
"Yeomen of the Guard," in the
Union Ballroom. The meeting is
open to the public.
"Yeomen' is scheduled for pre-
sentation March 31-April 3.



rwmeinmmmmm ummmmmmmmu uininmmmm. ummmmminu *inwwmmmmmm ummmmininmminmu mmmmmmmmin. uinminmminmmminu minraninw
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And For OnlyHalf A Dollar Too?
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. w:::; ;. ...::
' a . h:. hr....a.. :,.. i" :;::k:: :;":.. fi... ... +a ::v:.: a2i :t £2ti, ira::;b:;>l: >i ::s: o- ar. :{.v..,v:.::v.::.."}::?": :%<"xx;,".,... ....:'::

You have- never seen it before!
A New torrent of emotions!
A New triumph of Film-Making
from Embassy Pictures
who brought you
"Divorce Italian Style" and
"Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow"
Joseph E. Levine
Sophia Marcello
Loren Mastrolanni
Italian . .i"

The CINEMA GUILD, and only the
CINEMA GUILD, has available the en-
tire collection of motion pictures, old and
new, from which to Choose its programs.
Thus only the CINEMA GUILD can pre-
sent the finest in domestic and foreign
films as entertainment for the discriminat-
ing moviegoer. The CINEMA GUILD is
not just an "art" theatre, however, but is
instead a showcase for all the great classics
that you have heard about but haven't
seen-and the newer pictures too, those
films that played last year that you might

have missed or want to see again


again. In addition, the CINEMA GUILD
is run by students for students and is
priced with students in mind: only fifty
cents. So, in order to find the best in mo-
tion picture entertainment, come to the
CINEMA GUILD, located in the Archi-
tecture Auditorium in the A&D Building.
There are two programs each week: one
Thursday and Friday, and one Saturday
and Sunday nights. Showings at 7 and 9
p.m. each night.




TION at the Father Richard Cen-
ter, 331 Thompson during Orien-
tation Week, January 6-10. Be
sure to be with us on
FRIDAY, Jan. 8
3:30-4:30-Tea with Newman


Thursday and Friday: Akira Kurosawa's RASHOMON
Saturday and Sunday: Charlie Chaplin's CITY LIGHTS
m U
* U


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