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January 07, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-07

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See Editorial Page


Sir i4rn


Warmer today
with light winds

Seventy-Four Years of Editorial Freedom


VOJL. LXX.V, No. 86





k7,a..raiua.l1 c:1t;

Liberal Strength Blossoms

Ford Moves to Front Ranks

Special To The Daily
1 have shown their new-found
strength during the past week's
or efforts to organize the 89th
Congress by making significant
changes in the traditional rules
and folkways of the House of
Representatives, an institution
always conservative in terms of
its internal organization.
The formerly powerful House
Rules Committee, chair ed by
the venerable Howard Smith
(D-Va), has now been stripped
of much of its power, while at
the same time the power of the

speaker has been increased.
By House rules all legisla-
tion must go to the Rules Com-
mittee which determines the
length of debate, number and
types of amendments allowed
and other necessary technical
rules before the legislation can
reach the floor.
Grant Rules
Now, however,- the Rules
Committee can no longer in-
definitely hold up bills by re-
fusing to grant a rule allow-
ing legislators to come to the
floor, a favorite device used by
Judge Smith to stymie liberal
efforts in the past.

Instead, the speaker has ac-
quired the power to force bills
out of the Rules Committee 21
days after they have been be-
fore that committee without a
rule being granted. A similar
device was used with some suc-
cess during 1949-50, but was re-
pealed after large Republican
gains in the election of 1950.
Along the same lines, the
speaker may now bypass the
Rules Committee when it is
necessary to resolve differences
between House and Senate bills
dealing with the same subject.
When this occurs, a conference
See LIBERAL, Page 6

Special To The Daily
WASHINGTON - University
alIu mn us Gerald Ford, 35,
moved to the front ranks of
Republican leadership by de-
feating House minority leader
Charles Halleck of Indiana this
week. The immediate result was
a younger, more articulate
spokesman for the Republican
Party in Congress. Members
hope that Ford will help
conjure up a more positive im-
age among the electorate than
did Halleck.
Although it is clear that no
overt connection exists between

the move to oust Halleck that
to remove Republican. National
Chairman Dean Burch, some
congressmen think that Hal-
leek's. defeat may provide an
impetus to a change in party
leadership of the National
Fu rt he r implications of
Ford's victory are difficult to
access at this point, but ob-
servers in Washington do have
far-reaching expectations. In-
stead of House Republicans
merely opposing everything "on
principle" that the Democrats
propose, the minority plans to
put forth alternative programs

in the future. Most supporters
think that Ford is little differ-
ent from Halleck ideologically,
but they do believe that he will
be more receptive to their
Of more significance than
policy changes are the expected
differences in the organization
of House Republicans. Repre-
sentative Tom Curtis (Mo)
stated that the shift in leader-
ship "had nothing to do with
Ford as an 'individual." He op-
posed Halleck because he be-
came convinced that no mean-
ingful restructuring of the Re=.
See FORD, Page 10


Board-Iof Education Members Predict


Fund Request

Unv~if ication by


New Head
InI a surprise mrove, regents of
the University of California re-
placed Edward Strong as chan-
cellor of the Berkeley campus.
Strong was given an indefinite
leave of absence for medical rea-
sons. In action Dec. 18, the regents
reaffirmed their ban of on-cam-
pus recruitment of members and
fund-raising for what they termed
"illegal" off-campus activities.
The regents voted to "under-
take a comprehensive review of
university policies with the intent
of providing freedom on campus
consistent with individual and
group responsibilities. A commit-
tee of regents will be appointed
to consult with students, faculty,
and other interested parties and
make recommendations to the
board." In addition, the regents
stated that they were not trying
to limit free expression consistent
with the First and Fifth Amend-
ments of the Constitution or to
punish students for illegal off-
campus activities.
The new chancellor, Martin
Meyerson, worked fast to prevent
demonstrations. He issued a set of
campus rutles which allowed open
discussion on the steps of the ad-
ministrationi building, Sproul Hall
and whichi estabished hours and
places where students can set up
tables and receive donations, dis-
tribute literature, and recruit for
causes. He also reduced the period
for advance notification of a
speech by an off-campus speaker
for 72 to 48 hours.
The Free Speech Movement,
which earlier staged demonstra-
tions protesting limitations on
students' campus .activities, has
not yet announced plans for any
demonstrations in reaction to the
regents' move.

Flint Plans Remain Same

Managing Editor
Despite a report urging a
to expansion at the Univers
! Flint College, the Univers
plans for Flint remain unchan
Administrators said at the
cember Regents' meeting that
dents are already being admi
and faculty hired for Flint's
freshman class, which will e
this fall. Flint currently eni
only juniors and seniors.
One official, however, said1
if further opposition to the F
plans materializes, the Unlver
might take a second look at
plans. But he noted that the
pansion program, which her,
fore has progressed with relat
ly little dissent, has progresse(
the point where turning back
be painful.
Coordinating Council
The opposition to making F
a four-year branch came fror
group of out-of-state educator
a report to the Michigan Coo:
nating Council for Public Hig
Education. Heading the; five-i
group was Provost Emeritus E
vey Davis of the University
The Davis report was concer
with expansion of higher edu
tion in' general and branches
large universities in particular
was cool to the idea of setting
branches at all, and decla
strongly that if any are to be
tablished it should be done c
within the framework of a stv
wide master plan for higher e
The report's specific recommi
dation on Flint followed both
these lines. If Flint is expan
to four years, it sai, the cot
"should be given complete auto
my as soon as size of enrollmr
justifies it." But preferably,
University should "postpone
offering of a lower-divisional p

gram at Flint," the report main- statement -- but the statemer
tained, would likely be simply a reitera
halt Why? tion of present plans, Niehuss pre
ity's University reaction to this ad- dicted.
ity's vice was equally chilly. University Another potential source of 0p
ged. President Harlan Hatcher told the position remains. The "blue-rib
De- Regents he found the Davis rec- bon" Citizens Committee on High
stu- ommendation on Flint "puzzling. er Education, a group named b
itted No argument or rationale is given Gov. George Romney to study th
first for this postponement - simply state college system, will releas
inter the statement that we should its oft-postponed report soon. I:
Trolls wait." it will be that influential group'
President Hatcher termed the opinion of branches-and possibl
that Flint expansion plans "sound and some specific views on the Flin
Flint in perfect order., expansion.
rsity Regent Eugene B. Power of Ann Bigger Hurdle
tits -Arbor blasted the report's advo- If the "blue ribbon "report 01
ex- cacy of further studies being made poses the Flint plans, this woul
eto- before branches are established,. be "more serious," Niehuss admit
ive- "There's nothing in the report as ted. But he cautioned that th
;d to to what to do with the students steps already taken would be har
will who will be knocking on doors to undo. "Dean (David) Frenc]
within the next three years." (Flint College's chief administra
No Authority tor) tells me he already has ac
"lint Power, one of the coordinating cepted 100 freshmen-good one:
in a council's founders, pointed out too. I don't know what we woul(
s in that this group of state college tell them."
)rdi- officials is "not a decision-making The branch issue has been;
ghee body. It is a consulting group hot one in recent years. Mucho
man whose primary purpose is to get a the controversy crystallized in 196,
Oar- broader point of view." when the University began think~
of Furthermore, he said, the coun- ing publicly about establishin
cil hasn't yet approved the Davis another branch, this one in t12
ned report. "It was received and re- thumb area of Michigan.
aca- ferred to the various institutions Unexpectedly vitriolic reactioi
sof for whatever they want to do with arose from many quarters-com
rIt it. munity colleges, other state uni,
rup "The question of branches is versities and proponents of an aI
ared still an individual decision," Pow- ternative plan for thumb area co:.
es- er added. lege expansion.
Drnly After the meeting, University Watch and Wait
ate- Executive Vice-President Marvin The University backed off.I
du- L.. Niehuss said the University's now will await the formulation o:
response to the Davis report, for a statewide college plan by thf
ien- the moment, will be no response. new state Board of Education be.
:of Official Answer fore deciding what to do in th(
ded If the coordinating council ap- kSaginaw-Bay City-Midland area
lege proves the report, it probably will Niehuss said.
no- ask the University for an official The University is not the onl3
lent reply. Niehuss explained. In that state institution continuing with2
the case, the administration and Re- program despite the Davis re-
the gents would probably discuss 'Flint port. Michigan Technological Uni-
pro- again and give the council a See PLANS, Page, 10

at 0'a t r i
h3 #
se f
he PRESENT AND PROPOSED METHODS of handling budget re-
rd quests from Michigan's 10 state-supported colleges are shown
h above. The top diagram illustrates the method now in use. The
a- lower diagram shows the method proposed by key members of
e- the Board of Education. In this plan, individual requests are
I, sent to the board for revision and then go to the governor as
Id a single request.
19 ounilRealtorsCls
)On Building Ordinance
The struggle between Ann Arbor City Council and local realtors
will' come to a head Monday with a public hearing on the recently
It passed ordinance limiting the height of Ann Arbor structures to
of15 stories.
le The ordinance places a moratorium on the issuance of buildingj
ipermits for structures over 15 stories at least until the public
a, hearing. If council then passes te~
ordinance at second reading it N e yH ad
iy will remain in effect until a spe- a valstdyofheadssebuldat i
_- the central business district is W y e T c
i- cmpleedW aynrcomendeion
.are made. rnInn.-re"

System May End
Budget Fi ghting
Fill Notes Group Will Only Advise
Governor and Legislature Thiis Year
Michigan's state colleges and universities soon will be re-
quired to submit their budget requests to the State Board of
Education, which will review them and forward them to the
governor as a unified package. This system, confirmed by
LeonFill and Charles Morton, two members of the recently-
elected Board, marks a radical change from request proced-
ures now used.
Under the present system, the 10 individual state colleges
and universities each submit separate budget requests to the
governor. These are then altered to conform to the governor's
opinions and sent to the Legislature for action. The system is
fraught with lobbying and in-T f


Like Action-Filled Work? Join The Daily

Council's Action
Ann Arbor developers John
Gunn and C. A. Carver Jr. had
planned to build a 24-story struc-
ture at Liberty and Thompson.
They termed council's action
which forced them to scrap plans
for the building as "that of unin-

Are you the wild, carefree fun- iormea ~Uiayman co1uncimen Uiiwnot
loving sort? Do you yearn to cutI took this action to the detriment
classes, have mad parties and of the city."
stay up 'til 2:30 in the morning? The pending ordinance passed
Then The Daily's the Place Forj council at first reading 9-1 with
You.C Fifth Ward Councilman Bent F.
As a matter of fact, The Daily's Nielsen voting against it.
the Place For You even if you The height limitation stemmedk
don't happen to be the wild, care- from a recent meeting of building
free fun-loving sort as witness consultants and city officials.
the sparkling group shown here. First Ward Councilwoman iMIS.
There are three staffs at The Eunice Burns, who presented and
Daily: recommended a 14-storyilnt-
-The editorial staff (for thosei tion, emphasized that no one ob0-
who think they can write),. jected to height as such but said
-The sports staff (for those' the limitation should be imposed
who've given up getting on a teama until a study could determine
but figure writing about them is! where high-rise structures could=
the next best thing) and be built.
-The business staff (who've Mayor Cecil 0. Creal said that,
given up more intellectual pui'- as far as a veto of the ordinance°;
suits and fallen back on making is concerned he would con-iider
money,) it very closely, depending on .eei-
And the best thing about them ing of the council as well as
all is that they've all got room for feeling of people in the ariea,


The new presidents of Wayne
State' University and Michigan
Technological University are plan-
ning' curriculum and enrollment
These plans were revealed in
interviews shortly after the recent
appointments of William R?. Keast
as the next president of WSU and
Raymond L. Smith at the new
president of Michigan Tech.
Keast, serving now as the aca-
demic vice-president of Cornell
University, asserted that "Michi-
gan needs three big universities
of high quality and I am sure the
Legislature will treat Wayne as
fairly as it does the 'University
and Michigan State."
Among the expansions which
Keast is anticipating is a larger
graduate school,~ a revitalizing of
the WttSU medical center, the pos-
sible creation of a fine arts col-
lege and a rise in enrollment.
Realizing that this growth and
an increase in quality costs mon-
ey, Keast hopes to secure from
the Legislature appropriations

fighting in both the gover-
nor's office and the Legisla-
ture. According to many, thef
system is responsible for the
great competitiveness and
bitterness surrounding Michi-
gan education. f
A coordinated system of budget
requests would hopefully end the
budget lobbying and allow MIqhi-
gan legislators to make allocations
based on well-informed analyses
rather than lobbyist pressures by
removing responsibilities for the
requests from the individual
schools and giving them to an im-
partial board. Such a coordinated
system on a voluntary basis has
been under study by the Michi-
gan Coordinating Council for Pub-
lic Higher Education, a voluntary
group composed of high adminis-
trators from the 10 state-support-'
ed schools, for some time.
Submit Budgets
According to Fill, individual col-
leges will be required to submit
their budgets to the Board for re-
vision and approval as soon as the
fiscal year '66-'67. The revised
requests will, then be combined
into a single educational request
for submission to the governer.
The Board could thus prove to
be either a boon or a burden to
state colleges. If the Board, as well
as the governor and the Legisla-
ture, cuts funds from the colleges'
requests, funds for higher educa-
tion in the state will undoubted-
ly decrease. Members of the Board
have often indicated, however,
that they will back increased mon-
ey for higher education; the Board
will thus probably be in the po-
sition of a defender of the col-
leges' requests before the Legisla-
Fill emphasized that this will
not be the case with current ap-
propriations requests for fiscal '65-
'66. This year, he said ,the Board
will probably act only as a media-
tor between Gov. George Romney
and the Legislature.
Budget Staffs
Fill noted that the Board's lack
of an extensive administrative
staff will make reliance on the
individual colleges' financial staffs
necessary at first. He foresaw an
independent Board budget staff as

Mtate Board:
New Power
In* Education
Michigan's new :State Board of
Education has been injected into
the state's educational picture as
a powerful third element between
the traditional pair, the individual
colleges and the Legislature. It is
illustrating powers of its own in
the present unified budget issue
and is highlighting' new-found
powers of other influential groups
in the state.
One important aspect' of the
new Board's powers is that it has
caused a shift in the center of
influence in the state's educa-
tional pattern. Traditionally~ the
"great powers" in the state have
been the University and Michigan
State University.
-But now, three influential mem-
bers of the Board, Donald Thur-
ber, Leon Fill and Charles' Mor-
ton, are from the Detroit area.
This fact plus the Detroit-Demo-
cratic influence in the Legislature
have given Wayne State Univer-
sity much greater influence in
state education circles than it had
The all-Democratic Board itself
is currently experiencing a shift
in influence stemming from the
last state Democratic convention.
Sources have indicated that Don-
ald Thurber, seemingly the logical
choice for chairman of the Board
considering his .past experience as
Regent of the University, has
fallen out of favor with state
Democrats because of his. actions
just prior to the last convention,
This is supported by his nomina-
tion by the convention for only a
two-year as opposed to an eight-
year terrta on the Board and by
a reported attempt to remove him
from the ballot altogether.
In his place have risen two
other Detroit Democrats, Morton
and Fill. They are both popular
in the state and especially in their
party. If either of them attain
powerful positions in the Board,
the Board may assume a more
Detroit-inclined attitude.

: <




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