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March 03, 1965 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-03-03

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Eliemligan Bal
Seventy-Fifth Year

: Each Time I Chanced To Sec Franklin D.
Squeezing the University: What Will Be Left?
by H. Neil Berkson

WrethOpiionsreFr 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH.

NEWS PHONE: 764-0552

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Education Budget-Making
And State Politics.

place where state educational prob-
lems such as University involvement in
Flint should be thrashed out.
As far as the University is concerned,
the central issue is one of maintaining
educational standards. President Harlan
Hatcher summed it up in his official
statement before the Flint Board of Edu-
cation and the Regents. "Does the state
of Michigan wish to maintain its Univer-
sity in this critical period at its previous
and present level of distinguished serv-
ice?" Gov. George Romney's office has
apparently answered "No."
The arguments on why the "present lev-
el of distinguished service" could not be
maintained without the requested funds
are going to be rehearsed many times in
the coming weeks. The crucial problem is
one of maintaining the quality of the
faculty and, through additions, its abil-
ity to handle the current flood of under-
graduates and a soon-to-come flood of
prospective graduate students. ,
very valuable commodity. Those who
are able to supply it, faculty, are much
sought after. Salaries are spiraling. To in-
crease salaries and expand the faculty
at the same time to meet the "challenge
of numbers" is going to cost prohibitive
amounts. One professor-administrator
here has estimated that there are cur-
rently 200 faculty members ready to leave
if higher pay isn't forthcoming.
Unfortunately, the University's budget
request will not be decided according to
the validity of these educational argu-
ments. Neither will President Hatcher's
question on maintaining "distinguished
service" receive the deliberation it de-
Since such questions must be decided in
the political arena of the Legislature, the
determining considerations will be poli-
tical, not educational. When blood is shed,
sound, relevant rargument is always the
first to suffer. Politically, the University's
position does not have a great deal to rec-
ommend it.
THE LEGISLATURE'S preeminent con-
cern can be loosely defined as the
"general welfare" of the state as a whole.
This need by no means coincides with the

interests of the University argued in an
educational and not a state political con-
Three examples can be given. First,
while the University is making prodigious
efforts to increase its undergraduate en-
rollment, the increase, however it af-
fects the University internally and how-
ever much money it costs, pales beside the
statewide increase in undergraduate en-
One can argue that qualitative differ-
ences as well as quantitative differences
are important in undergraduate educa-
tion. Such an argument cannot be pur-
sued in the political arena of the Legisla-
ture with any hope of achieving care-
fully and intelligently deliberated conclu-
THE SECOND EXAMPLE relates to the
high costs of the graduate education
that the University is so proud of. The
pride is justified. But how does one ex-
plain away in political terms the fact
that in 1962 2,396 PhD's were employed
in Michigan, whereas at that time there
were 3,157 PhD's around the country that
were educated in the state. This is a
deficit of about 760. About three-fourths
of these received their degrees from the
University. In other words, much of that
money for high-cost, graduate education
is an investment in PhD's for California,
Massachusetts and other states.
Finally, it is going to be difficult to ex-
plain to a political body that the $6-8 mil-
lion that the University receives every
year for indirect costs of research is un-
related to the general funds budget ap-
propriated from Lansing. Administrators
apparently consider these funds irrele-
vant, for no mention of either the re-
ceipt or dispersal of this large amount of
money is made in either the financial
statement or the budget request.
GIVEN THE MANY unknowns about this
year's new Legislature operating under
a new constitution, forecasting must be
hazardous. But it does not seem likely
that the educational arguments for more
money for what is a distinctly national,
even international, university will fare
very well in the political arena.

THE UNIVERSITY is in the process of getting squeezed
on all sides, and no one is going to come out looking
very well. Externally, Lansing seeks to limit the quality
of operations here without limiting quantity. With few
individual exceptions the executive branch, Legislature
and State Board of Education are all competing to lead
the University in the wrong direction.
Internally, pressures for growth (particularly from
research-oriented units) conflict with pressures to "hold
the line" and even contract. And as Lansing remains
ambivalent, refusing to commit itself to any long-range
planning, the conflict rages unresolved.
THE GOVERNOR, elements of the board and in-
dividual legislators all want the University to stand still
so they can devote "time" (measured in years) to a
"study" of the entire structure of higher education in
the state. At this point it little matters that the gov-
ernor's "blue ribbon" commitee was supposed to have
been doing just that for nearly two years. This com-
mittee's final report, which has been delayed time and
again, is apparently going to be worthless.
If the enrollment situation wasn't so urgent there
would be time for another report by the new state
board, John Dale Russell or anyone else. The time, how-

ever, is no longer there. The crowded dorms and class-
rooms which seemed so burdensome last September will
seem spacious next fall, and more so the fall after that.
The University is going to suffer the heaviest crush of
freshman confusion in the next two to three years. Any
plans which place these years in limbo are simply
RECOGNIZING THIS, the University has been
been planning physical plant expansion since the Regents
purchased the first parcel of North Campus 15 years
ago. Moreover, since its establishment in 1962, the
Office of Academic Affairs has made exhaustive studies
of the expansion potential of each school and college
through 1975. Its projection of 50,000 students by that
year may not be satisfactory. but at least the Uni-
versity has a realistic framework within which to work.
It has a valid framework. that is, only if Lansing
will remove the incredible financial pressure to which
it has subjected the University since 1957. The University
has met its responsibilities where Lansing hasn't. A
"stop" order on Flint when the plans have been public
for over a year and 126 freshmen are already admitted
or a sharply reduced budget which is justified solely on
head-counting methods which are universally recog-

nized as misleading, only adds to Lansing's negligence.
THE UNIVERSITY will not nurture itself forever
in the atmosphere of tension in which it has been en-
veloped for eight years. The top faculty will go else-
where. the teacher-student ratio will rise and facilities
will grow even more overused. The institution will sur-
vive, but at what cost?
IF ITS ALWAYS darkest before the dawn, SGC's March
ritual will soon be the official harbinger of spring.
Nevertheless, a properly-conducted SGC election would
leave the Council without any means to publicize itself,
forcing Daily editorial writers to find evil elsewhere.
With everything, including the number of people who
should have been elected to office, still in doubt at this-
writing, only two thoughts arise:
-Whether or not the GROUP candidates (who grow
increasingly petty) are disqualified, the rumor that
Sherry Miller is "out to get them" couldn't be more
ridiculous. While her politics rarely coincide with mine,
Miss Miller has put in two hard years of productive
Council work and is somewhat less than vindictive;
-Gary Cunningham deserves congratulations, but
prayer might be more useful.

Disturbing Statistics

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Show State in the Lead
the Editor: In building an effective trimes-
-OUR EDITORIAL regarding ter system, faculty pay must come
Michigan State (Feb. 28) sug- first, not last.
sts that perhaps the light is -H. Paul Schwitzgebel, Grad
nally beginning to shine on Ann
bor. TidSd
Seditious as it may seem, MSU Thir Sid
indeed ahead of the University To the Editor:
many categories. The recently
blished "Profile of American QATURDAY'S DAILY had a front
olleges and Universities" lists page story concerning Profes-
nong others two which must be sors Molnar and Smythe of Brook-
rticularly embarrassing to the lyn University and their differ-
aize and Blue. They are fresh- ences of opinion over South Afri-
en admission standards and per- ca's racial policies at a recent
ntage of instructors with doc- NSA sponsored seminar. Unfor-
rates. Both show MSU with an tunately I did not attend that
ge. particular meeting, but The Daily
The University has been . and did such a fine job of summariz-
ill is an excellent institution. It ing the viewpoints, that I 'feel
s come dangerously close to qualified to comment.
aking itself a laughing stock As usual in today's controversies,
nong impartial educational ob- only two sides were presented-
rvers during the past 10 years, the left-wing side and the con-
wever, because of its paranoiac servative side. Smythe is opposed
titude toward its biggest com- to apartheid and suggests that we
titor. discuss the problem and its
* * causes-"Run to the conference
A LARGE UNIVERSITY must table," I suppose, which is the
a living, changing body that typical left-wing solution. Molnar,
apts itself to the unmet needs as a conservative, supports the
the times. MSU has taken the South African policy, implement-
1l in this respect and run away ed, of course, with "Bantustand"
th it. The University apparently -a policy of political racial sep-
s not. aration with "economic" ties.
Manv is the time I have been * * *

.,.... ..,. .... , .,.,. ,. _ .,r ....


"Oh, Oh! It Looks Like Another Major Policy
Statement Coming Up!"

Kirk Vs. Hayden on Poverty

RUSSELL KIRK Monday night gave a
Rackham Lecture Hall audience a
"conservative view" of poverty in Amer-
ica. During the "reactor panel" discussion
afterwards, Kirk and Thomas Hayden, a
former editor of The Daily, clearly indi-
cated their irreconcilable differences.
Hayden works for the Economic Re-
search and Action Project in Newark, New
Jersey. His chosen vocation consists in
organizing the poor, economically and
politically. His argument was that until
the poor are organized-and thus are able
to make their presence felt in American
life-the poor will continue to be short-
changed. Kirk argued that private char-
ity and church work should be used to
help the poor, not organization.
HAYDEN'S VIEW was much closer to the
truth than Kirk's. Several specific ex-
amples can be used to show that only
through organizing the poor can the basic
injustices of American society by cor-
The first example demonstrates the
need for economic organization. Some of
the most mistreated workers in the West-
ern world are the migratory harvest
workers of the American Southwest. Their
jobs provide no security, little chance for
advancement and only seasonal employ-
ment which they must follow back and
forth over large stretches of country.
Kirk's "private charity and church work"
have gone on among them for years.
Three years ago an effort by Detroit
labor interests to organize these workers
failed, partly because of the transitory
nature of their employment and the large
turnover in their work force. But the
main cause for the failure of this organiz-
ing effort was that employers fought it
tooth and nail with all their economic
resources. They knew that if the organiz-
ing succeeded, the workers would be in.
a unified economic position and able to

ganization, as the following examples
show. Appalachia continues to be a
wretched area of unemployment and des-
pair for millions of those who live there.
The coal companies, fighting a losing
battle in a declining industry, are too
busy looking out for themselves to care
about the workers they underpay and lay
The labor unions there have some pow-
er, but not the power to create jobs. Mass
population shifts and/or manpower re-
training are imperative to a solution of
Appalachia's problems; the only agency
capable of these things-the federal gov-
ernment-is not moving nearly quickly
Why is this? A great deal of the reason
is because the poor just don't get out and
vote. They can hardly expect help from a
government which did not need their
votes to get into office. If the poor make
themselves a unified political force, they
can expect more attention, for they will
have a bloc of votes to bargain with.
H AYDEN USED another example him-
self in the debate. The federal gov-
ernment subsidizes the owners of large
cotton interests in the Mississippi which,
through economic pressure, help main-
tain the structure of elite white suprem-
acy there.
If the federal government were truly
concerned with the interests of the poor
-both white and Negro-in Mississippi,
it would use its power there to stop this.
The only way out of this problem, Hay-
den argued, is to force the federal govern-
ment to do something by making the poli-
tical voice of Mississippi's poor heard in
the land. And this can only be done
through organization.
KIRK RAISED two interesting issues
after Hayden emphasized the need for
organization. First, he said, the poor are
very hard to organize-nerhans imnossi-

Both Diplomacy and Force

introduced to a University student
or graduate and met the same
response: "It's too bad you could
not have gone to Michigan." To
an ;MSU graduate this is particu-
larly annoying and frustrating.
It's also naturally resented. What
propaganda line is worth its
weight if it brings about so par-
rot-like and unthinking a state-
The statistics - may be discom-
forting but they are there. The
first step to erasing them is to
admit they exist. Should the Uni-
versity fail, it may well be that
we will bury you.
-Walter Nadeau
Faculty Pay
To the Editor:
editorial, "Summer Pay Scale:
The Faculty Is Wrong" in effect
says: since few courses will be
offered and the projected attend-
ance is low, the administration is
justified in offering the faculty
only 88 per cent of what it would
get for teaching any other term.
I suggest that students will not
enroll until there are adequate
course offerings. Courses will not
be offered without a faculty to
teach thom. A reduced salary scale
for teaching during the spring-
summer term will not attract the

third side be presented-the (true)
liberal or libertarian side. Prof.
W. H. Hutt of the University of
Cape Town has taken just this
position in a recent book entitled
The Economics of the Colour
Bar (Andre Deutsch, London,
His book fully documents the
liberal-libertarian thesis that gov-
ernment intervention in the free
market is the only method which
can achieve racial separation, and
that the policy of laissez-faire is
the only method of achieving ra-
cial harmony.
In South Africa the interven-
tions included: labor union em-
powerment, wage and hour restric-
tion, government labor arbitra-
Dion, and others--mostly inter-
ferences with the labor market.
As a solution, he recommends
removing the restrictions on the
labor market and on personal mo-
bility, while waiting to give Ban-
tus the franchise.
learn, along with his collegues in
the National Review crowd, that
yexcept for color, Negroes aren't
any different from white folks.
Professor Smythe should learn
that the only way to rid ourselves
of racial inequality is through the
policies of liberal-libertarian eco-
nomics-that is, through the pol-
icy of "laissez-faire, laissez pas-
--Thomas S. Anderson, '68

LTHOUGH it is hard on the
nerves to wait and watch the
Asian crisis without having a full
account from the President of his
plans, there are good reasons for
his not speaking out at this time.
The main reason is that the Presi-
dent is quite evidently following a
policy which combines diplomacy
and force.
Such a policy cannot be con-
ducted by telegraphing in advance
his punches and his political
moves. For at this stage in this
kind of diplomacy every party is
bound to reject every proposal
that any other party makes. In
the end, the less rejecting there
has been, the less disastrous the
situation is likely to become.
lieve, of the realities to picture
the President as having a clear-
cut choice between expanding the
war and negotiating peace. He has
expanded the war under rigid con-
trols, but he has expanded it. The
test of any extension of the war
is whether it produces a negotia-
tion. Since a peace cannot be dic-
tated in Asia either by the United
States or by China, the real ques-
tion is how, whether and when
the eventual negotiation can be
set going.
For the President to announce
that he intends to devastate North
Viet Nam by a rolling bomber
offensive would almost surely pre-
cipitate China, and probably also
the Soviet Union, onto the side of
North Viet Nam. It would be a
black day in American history if
the President adopted this line.

have worked with us if South Viet
Nam collapses. It must therefore
be a primary concern of any
American policy for a settlement
in Viet Nam to insure the protec-
tion of the lives of those whom we
have been helping in this war.
This would mean that there
should be no American withdrawal
before or during the negotiations
for a settlement.

In the meanwhile, we must do
what we can to find some kind of
stabilization among the warring
factions in South Viet Nam. To
find the combination of Buddhists,
Catholic, generals, bureaucrats
and students which could hold
South Viet Nam together for the
eventual negotiation is one of our
greatest preoccupations.
(c), 1965, The washington Post Co.

Let's Help Suffering
Ann Arbor Merchants

The Falling-Domino Example

THE TIME has come for the
University to cease its irre-
sponsible lack of concern for the
welfare of the Ann Arbor business-
men. Students have a voice
through their Student Government
Council, the faculty has a spokes-
man in the University Senate, but
local businessmen have no one to
stand up for their rights.
Recognizing this, the University
should establish a new office, the
Vice-President for Ann Arbor
Businessman's Affairs. The new
vice-president would take charge
of planning and implementing
means to help the struggling local
merchants make more money.
Naturally this would be a dif-
ficult job.
CONSTRUCTIVE action is need-
ed to eliminate economic injustices
norofo e' cain+ thn ,or!h nt

the realtors fight against flagrant
economic exploitation. All eight-
month leases should be abolished.
Instead, houses and apartments
should be sold to students. Why
should the harassed realtors have
to be bothered with an annual
search for new tenants?
Aid to local bookstores, widely
known for earning meager profits,
is a necessity. For example, out of
the kindness of their hearts the
bookmen offer as much as 30 per
cent of the original price for dog-
eared yellow-highlighted texts and
then sell them back for only 75
per cent. A 10-90 ratio would be
much more equitable.
EVENTUALLY, as the vice-pres-
ident's job grows, perhaps an en-
tire Office of Ann Arbor Business-
man's Affairs could be established,
situated in a facility near the

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