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February 28, 1965 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-02-28

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Ct Tt\TT! ! ,T ' 2lS tPt it'Cfv na r

TIlE MTCHlE~4N n~trv L'~ r~iu'~ A ~bO ~',.W,, ~

1t' 'U l l , ' 2 r l BRUARY 1965


M1ichigan's Past Preserved

The Week To Come: a Campus Calendar .Fl PQ~v. i rh

MONDAY, MAR. 1 ture on "Poverty and Justice: A
2 p.m.-Prof. Sheldon Cherney, Conservative View" in Rackham
director of the Michigan State Lecture Hall.

In the Rackham Bldg., Room
160, Joe Louis' scrapbooks stand
on a shelf near the papers of
Frank Murphy, a former Federal
Supreme Court justice and Mich-
igan governor. Gray boxes hold-
ing the complete correspondence
of Gov. G. Mennen Williams for
his 12 years in office fill the room
next door.
These papers and documents be-
long to the Michigan Historical
Collections, headed by Prof. F.
Clever Bald of the history de-
Bald and his staff of nine col-
lect and arrange the archives of
the University and gather papers
which contribute to a knowledge
of the state of Michigan.
Students of American history
use these resources. People eager
to trace geneological ties visit the
collections. There are manu-
scripts, ledgers, and journals.
There are diaries, letters, and
newspapers. There are maps and
Where do they come from? A
great deal is sent to the collec-
tions upon request, but a huge
amount is the product of searches
through musty attics and bleak
Bald said that though many
people do not consider the letters,
personal diaries, or journals of
their predecessors to be at all in-
teresting, they may, in fact, pos-
sess great historical value.
The Staebler Papers, for ex-
ample, dug out of a store base-
ment, covered with black soot,
provide insight into the business
life of the late 19th and early
20th centuries.
The ledgers, journals and cor-
respondence reflect, among other
things, transportation trends in
Ann Arbor. The. Staebler family,
for instance, first sold bicycles,
then the unsuccessful trimoto, and
eventually went into the automo-
bile business.
A 1901 excerpt from the day-to-
day papers of Staeblers and Sons,
had this to say of the trimoto:
We can not climb our hills
even here in the city. I can not
get from the store to my resi-
dence without pushing up the
hill. On the level and easy
grades the machine does all that
can be desired for that amount
of money; in fact we would pre-
fer it to several machines we
lave seen costing considerably
more. But getting stuck on a
hill here in the city and having
a crowd collect around you
hurling all sorts of remarks at
you is more than we can stand.
Bald was unable to resist boast-
ing a bit about the collections'
large number of papers and books,
once the property of former Uni-1
versity presidents. The libraries
of University founders John Mon-
teith, a Presbyterian minister, and
Gabriel Richard, a Catholic priest,
sit with dignity in glass cases in
Bald's office.
The collections also have presi-
dential reports to the Board of
Regents from the last century,

University American Language and
Educational Center, will speak to
students studying French who are
interested in language study in
Europe this summer, in Rm. 3050
Frieze Bldg.
3 p.m.-Prof. Cherney will speak
to students studying Spanish who,
are interested in studying in!
Spain, in Rm. 3050 Frieze Bldg.
4 p.m.-Prof. Chia-Shun Yih,
of the Engineering College will
lecture on "Large-Amplitude Mo-
tion of Nonhomogeneous Fluids
II: Wave Motion" in 311 West En-
4:15 p.m.-George Levinger of:
Western Reserve University will
lecture on "What's in a Relation-
ship? Studies of Bond Strength in I
Marriage," in the Social Work'
Aud. of the Frieze Bldg.
4:30 - Cherney will speak to
students studying German who
are interested in studying in Ger-
many, in Rm. 3050, Frieze Bldg.
8 p.m.-Russell Kirk, columnistz
for the National Review, will lec-

8:30 p.m. -- Rosalyn Tureck,
pianist. will perform in Hill And.
8:30 a.m.-Registration for the
Community College Counselor-
Student Conference will begin in
the Rackham Bldg.
4 p.m.-C. B. Anfinsen of the
National Institutes of Health, xkill
lecture on "Molecular Structure,
and the Function of Proteins" in
the third level amphitheater of
the Medical Science Bldg.
4:15 p.m.-Louis Slobodkin. an
author and illustrator of couldren's
literature, will speak on "Cn'atng
Children's Books" in the Mlati-
purpose Rm. of the UGLI.
8 p.m.-Dore Ashton, art erit ,c,
will lecture on "American Drt yv-
ing. in the Architecture Aud.
8 p.m.-Raymond D. Gastil, of
the Hudson Institute, will lecture
on "Arms and Defense" in Rm.
1057, Mental Health Research I:-

Kresge Hearing Research Insti-
tute, will lecture on "The Paradox
of the Middle Ear Muscles," in
Rm. 2501 E. Medical Bldg.
7:15 p.m.-The Physical Thear-
apy Club will meet in the Con-*
ference Rm. of the Universvty
7:15 p.m.-The Sierra Cluo will
present two films, the "Wilder-
ness Alps of Stehekin and "The
Gooney Birds" in Rackham Am-I
8 p.m.-Erskine Caldwell, noted
author, will speak on "Out of the
Caldwell Workshop" in the Michi-
gan ballroom.
8:30 p.m. - Joseph Knitzer,
violnist and Arthur Loesser,
pianist, will give a recital in Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
3 p.m.-A research seminar in
Hospital and Medical Systems,
will discuss Investment in Health"
in Rm. 69, Business Administra-
tion Bldg.

cinema's Aesthetic Role

There are many different kinds
of films. A film can be a medical
aid, revealing the inner-most se-
crets of the human body. It can
be the key to a hobby or a pro-
fession. It can be an escape from
reality for two hours, or an in-
tellectual stimulant. But a film
can also be an art. and it is this
function which will be explored in
the Third Ann Arbor Film Fes-
tival. March 11-14.
Co-sponsored by the University
Cinema Guild and the Ann Arbor
Dramatic Arts Center. the Film
Festival has been described as a
"film-maker's festival," whose
main purpose is to encourage the
work of the independent director
and promote the concept of the
film as art.
International Competition
This year's festival will feature
an international competition of
experimental and documentary
film. The competition is open to
all 16mm films, including works
in progress, that evidence a high
regard for the film as a creative
medium. There are no limitations
as to length, subject matter, year
of production, or country of
The festival is structured so
that two programs will be given
each evening, and the awards will
DIAL 8-6416

total $600.00, plus any nunber of
purchase prizes made annually by
the Cinema Guild.
The film's jury will be headed
by Village Voice critic and editor
of Film Culture, Jonas Mekas.
Juror at the last Brussels' In er-
national Experimental Film Fes-
tival, Mekas has also produced
and directed several films, includ-
ing "Guns of the Trees" and
"The Brig."
Showings Elsewhere
Following the screenings in
Ann Arbor, additional showings
will be arranged at leading in-
stitutions throughout the country
with most participating institu-
tions offering a minimum of two
$100.00 awards to be made by a
jury of their choice. Thus far,
additional screenings have been
scheduled at the Detroit Institute
of Arts, the Milwaukee Art Cen-
ter, Kent State University, and at
the Cinema Theater in Los An
Tickets for the Festival are nog
on sale at the ticket -lesk of the
Architecture Aud.
DIAL 5-6290

LOOKING BACKWARD into time through documents of Mich-
igan history is F. Clever Bald, head of the University's Michigan
Historical collection. With a staff of nine, Bald maintains one of
the state's major historical collections.

R-26-lrhn C hinnan T.iffla qvm.

5:;;-tn- uniago Ix e m-
WEDNESDAY. MAR. 3 phony. Thor Johnson, conductor.
4 p.m.-Merle Lawrence of Lie will perform in Rackham Aud.

appraising faculty members. Bald
said he had read some of these,
but that they were "very dull."
Medical Works
On the top shelves of Bald's
office are thin notebooks, with
hard, brown covers. These are
medical theses, written from 1850-
1878 when it was the custom to
have the medical students submit
30-page theses on some aspect of
their studies.
Much of the jargon of those
years is out of use now, and al-
though Bald has encouraged Uni-
versity doctors and scientists to
explore these papers, there is little
response. Bald grinned and attri-
buted this to the fact the scient-
ists of today are so "future orient-
ed" that the past holds' little
For the American history stu-
dent interested in research there
are reports and letters of the
Michigan State Grange. There are
letters and diaries of Michigan
soldiers of the Civil War, as well
as sets of correspondence disclos-
ing strong abolitionist feeling.
For less serious study, the let-
ters and diaries of University stu-
dents are available-letters ask-
ing for money, letters voicing dis-
content with the University.
'here are faculty papers andj
first copies of the Ann Arbor
Courier, one of the first Ann Arbor
papers. And there is a picture of
the football team in 1902. "They
look like a bunch of thugs," Bald

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Use of This Column for Announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered student organiza-
tions only. Forms are available in Room
1011 SAB.
Graduate Outing Club, Tobogganing
and/or hiking, Feb. 28, 2 p.m., Rack-
ham, Huron St. entrance.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan, for which The
Michigan Daily Assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication.
Day Calendar
University Players Children's Theatre
Production-"King Midas and the Gol-
den Touch": Trueblood And., 2 p.m.
School of Music Degree Recital -
Dennis Sweigart, pianist: Recital Hall,
School of Music, 4:30 p.m.
Cinema Guild-Jean-Luc Godard's
"My Life to Live": Architecture Aud.,
7 and 9 p.m.
General Notices
Annual Community College Counselor-
Student Conference: This is to invite
you to attend the Annual Community
College Counselor-Student Conference
on Tues., March 2.
The Conference format will be as fo-
lows: Interviews with students who en-
tered the University of Michigan in
1964, will be held between 8:30 a.m.
and 11:45 a.m. in the Rackham Bldg.
Coffee will be served In the Assembly
Hall with key University representa-
tives available for consultation be-
tween 10 a.m. and 12 noon. Following
the morning session, a luncheon will
be held in the Michigan League. The
speaker will be our new vice-president
for student affairs, Dr. Richard Cutler.
The afternoon program will include a
panel presentation with discussion in
the student personnel area. Dr. Peter
Ostafin will moderate the panel.
We have scheduled individual in-
terviews for new transfer students. We
have indicated in our letter to them
that they should be excused from class
if there is a conflict with the inter-
view. However, if the instructor is giv-
ing an examination or has some other
compelling reason for the student to
attend class, he may come to Rackham
for his interview anytime during the
We would also invite you to make
any suggestion that would help us make
this Conference more successful and
meaningful to all.
Michigan Marching Band: All mem-
bers of the Michigan Marching Band
who will be available to play for the
March 6 basketball game with Min-
nesota are requested to inform John
Jay, 665-5991, before Wed. evening,
March 3. All volunteers are to report
to the field house by 3:30 p.m. on the
day of the game dressed in suits, ties
and dark shoes. Enter through the
north end doors to receive admission
Thomas Spencer Jerome Lectures for
1965: The Department of Classical Stud-
ies presents the Thomas Spencer Je-
rome Lectures for 1965. Lily Ross Tay-
lor, professor emeritus of Latin at Bryn
Mawr College, will give a series of four
lectures on "The Roman Assemblies and
the Hannibalic War to the Dictatorship
of Caesar." The dates and titles are as
Tuesday, March 9-"Preliminary Pub-
lic Meetings in the Forum, on the
Capitoline, and in the Circus Flamin-
Thursday, March 11-"Voting Meth-
ods and Places of Assembly of Centur-
ies and Tribes."
Tuesday, March 16-"The Thirty-five
Tribes and the Procedure in the Tribal
Thursday, March 18-"The Centuri-
ate Assembly in the Light of New Evi-
The location and time for each lec-
ture will be Angell Hall, Ad. A, 4:15
Fall Orientation Leaders: Opplica-
tions for Fall Orientation Leader posi-
tions are now being accepted in the
student offices of the Michigan Union
(2-5 p.m.). Deadline is March 8.
Student Government Council Approval 1
of the following student-sponsored
events becomes effective 24 hours after
the publication of this notice. All
publicity for these events must be
withheld until the approval has be-
come effective.
Approval request forms for student-
sponsored events are available in Room

lIj r% '4dFI /I-L U ~LLC lIIN4
11011 of the SAB. ns Analysts: Econ. Studies, Research Engl., Lib., Guid. Counsel., Girls PE
Men's Glee Club, Annual Spring Glee & Hktg. & Forecast. Also Sales Rep- Latin, Span., Bus. Ed., Home Ec., J.H
Club Concert, March 27, 8:30 p.m., Hill res., some sales exper. pref. Several lo- Math.1
Aud. cations. Medinah, Ill. (Lake Park H.S.) -
TUES., MARCH 2- Engl., Engl./Speech, Span./Fr., Latin/
Hopwood Awards: Students planning Allstate Insurance Co., Southfield, Engl., Span., Bus. Ed., Girls PE, Boys
to enter the Hopwood Contest are re- Mich.-Degrees in Econ., Educ., Gen. PE (MA) Coach Gym, U.S. Hist., World
minded that transcripts of fall term Lib. Arts, Law, Math, Psych., etc. for Hist., Counsel., Biol./Phys. Sol., Math,
records are due in the Hopwood Room positions in insurance claims and sales Ind. Arts, Home Ec.
by March 1. & mgmt. trng. Throughout Mich. Ypsilanti, Mich.-Elem., J.H.-Eng-
Cook County Dept. of Public Aid, lish/Soc. St., aMth, Vocal; H.S.-Soc.
National Teacher Examinations: Ap- Chicago-Men & women with degrees in St., Machine Shop, M.H.
plication blanks are available in Room Gen. Lib. Arts, Poli. Sci., Soc. & Soc. Chicago, II1.-All Fields.
122 Rackham Bldg. for the National Work as Soc. Work Trainees. Scholar- WED.., MARCH 10-
Teacher Examinations. The next ad- ships available for advanced study. Ypsilanti, Mich.-See Tues., March 9.
ministration of the test will be on International Paper Co., N.Y.C.-De- Chicago, Ill.-All IFelds.
Sat., March 20, and applications must grees in Gen. Lib. Arts & Nat. Res. Albion, Mich.-Elem., Engl., Ind. Arts!
be received in Princeton, N.J., by (Wood Tech.) for territorial sales 10- Math, Sci., Soc. St., Girls PE, E.M.R.,
March 5. cated throughout U.S. . T.M.R., Sp. Therapy., Hosp. Homebound,
-- -Carson, Pirie, Scott Co., Chicago - V.T.
F'i""Men & women with degrees in Gen. Lib. Portage, Mich.-Elem. K-6, Span.,
Forei t stto 'S Arts. Econ. & Psych. for merchandis- Girls PE, Lib., Art, Vocal; Spec. Ed.-
iug retailing & mgmt. trng. Engaged J.H. M.H., V.T., Elem. Em. Dist.; J.H.
The following are the foreign visi- or married women not eligible. -Engl./Soc. St., aMth, Sci., Health/
tors programmed through the Interna- Sturgis Newport Business Forms, Inc., Edi. (man), Art, Vocal, Fr.; H.S.-
tional Center who will be on campus Sturgis, Mich.-Majors in Gen. Lib. Sp./Debate, Engl./Latin, . Engl./Journ.,
this week on the dates indicated. Pro- Arts, Econ. & Lib. Sci. for Territorial Engl., PSSC Physics/Math, Econ/Govt.
gram arrangements are being made by Sales Trng. Various locations (p.m. Bus., Fr., Coach Wrest./Gym, Slow
Mrs. Clifford R. Miller. International only). Learn.
Center, 764-2148. WED., MARCH 3- Maracaibo, Venezuela-Elem. 1, 3, 4
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brown Hart- American Institute for Foreign Trade. 5; J.H.-Sci, Spanish.
shorne, inspector of schools, Depart- Phoenix, Ariz.-Offers intensive grad THURS., MARCH 11--
ment of Education, Johannesburg, Un- ~tdy in world commerce, languages Walled Lake, Mich.-Elem. K-6, Vo-
ion of South Africa, Feb. 22-27. and major areas in preparation for cal, Art; Sec.-Girls PE, Math, Bus. Ed.
S. G. Wilkinson, head, Research De- posts in international bus. mgmt., gov- Instr. Music, Home Ec., Sc., Ind. Arts
partment, Herald Sun Television, Mel- erment service, etc. Men & women Engl., Art, Lib.
bourne, Australia, Feb. 28-March 3. with degree in any major field. Niles, Mich.-Elem., Vocal; J.H. -
Prof. Abden Ramon Lancini, direc- Housing & Home Finance Agency, Counsel. (man & woman), Lib., Span./
tor, Museum of Natural Sciences, Cara- Wash., D.C.-Men & women with ma. Fr., H.S.-Engl., Bus. Ed., Math, Soc.
cas, Venezuela, Feb. 28-March 3. jogs in Arch., Land. Arch., Planning, St. (MA), Spec. Ed.-M.R.
Econ., Geog., Gen. Lib. Arts, Bus. Ad Anaheim, Calif.-Gr. 7-12--Art, Bus.
Events M ond ay & Engrg - Positions in Econ., Mgmt. Ed., EMR, Engl., For. Lang., Health Set.,
j ITrng., Personnel, Public Admin., Acctg. Home Ec., Ind. Arts, Lib., Math, Music,
Institute on the Control of Infec- Civil, Constr. & Sanitary Engrg. Vari- Nurse, Photo., Sci., Girls PE, Rem.
tions in Hospitals-Registration, Rack- ous locations. Read., Spec. Ed.-Deaf, Part-sighted.
ham Bldg., 9 a.m. Wells Fargo Bank, San Francisco - Parma, Ohio-Elem. K-6; Sec.-Eng-
Men & women. BA & MA's in Econ., lish, Math, Counsel. (men & women).
Choral Union Series Concert-Rosalyn Gen. Lib. Arts & Soc. Sd, for positions Spec. Ed.-Slow Learn., Ortho.; Psychol-
Tureck, pianist: Hill Aud., 8:30 p.m. in banking & mgmt. trng. Throughout ogist.
__ _No. California. Birmingham, Mich.-Elem. K-6, Self
Dept. of Engineering Mechanics Sem- Merrill, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Con. & Team, Art, Fr., Lib., Vocal,
Inar-Chia-Shun Yih, professor of fluid Smith, N.Y.C.-Men & women. Lib. Arts Instr., Read.; Sec.-Art/Soc. St., Engl./
mechanics, "Large-Amplitude Motion of degree, esp. Econ. Trng. Programs An- Geog., Comm., Counsel. (woman), Engl,
Nonhomogeneous Fluids II, Wave Mo- lude Junior Exec., Sales & Securities. Fr./Span., Girls PE (swim), Home Ec./
ti" 31 W i THURS., MARCH 4- Art. Home Ec., Ind. Arts, SMSG Math,
n: W.E ne g .Corning Glass Works, Corning, N.Y, Gen. Cci., Diag., V.T.
Symposium on American Poverty - -BA's & MA's in Econ., Geol., Hist., FRI., MARCH 12-
Russell Kirk, "Poverty and Justice: A Math, Physics & Chem. Positions in Kanakee, II1.-Elem. K-6; J.H. -
Conservative View": Rackham Lecture Personnel, Prod., Territorial Sales & Sci., Boys PE, Lang. Arts, Math; H.S.-
Hall, 8 p.m Prod. Dev. Many locations. Engl., Soc. St., Math, Bus. Ed., Sci.,
Social Work Colloquium: George Lev- Counsel. (BA & 3 yrs. exper.), Nurse,
inger, Western Reserve, "What's in a EDUCATION DIVISION: Soc. Worker, EMH, Phys. Hdcp.
Relationship?": Mon., March 1, 4:15 The following schools will interview Lexington, Mass.-Elem., Lib., Read.
p.m., Social Work Aud., Frieze Bldg. new teachers for 1965-66 the week Math; Spec.-gr. 6, Lang, Arts/Soc. St.;
beginning March 8. 8th Grade-Engl., Soc. St., Math, Sci.,
MON., MARCH 8- Fr., Art, Music, Ind. Arts, Home Ec.,
P /acen t tiMunster. Ind.-Elem. 4-6; Sec.-Eng- PE; H.S,-Biol., Chem./Phys., Fr./Span.;
lish, Soc. St., PSSC Phys. or Chem. J.H.-Gen./Earth Sci.
ANNOUNCEMENT: Study, Math, Ger., Ind. Ed., Bus. Ed., Cleveland, Ohio (Cuyahoga County
Foreign Service Officer Exam-Dept. Lib., Head C.C./Tr. (exp.), Asst. 8/9 gr. S.D.)-Elem. K-6, 7/8-Math/St., Eng-
of State & U.S.I.A. announce joint all Ftb./7th gr. Bskt., Speech, Drama (with lish/Soc. St.; H.S.-Engl., Engl./Dr.,
day exam to be given May 1 in Ann Ar- listed subjects). Engl./Hum., Engl./Speech, Phys.; H.S
bor & regional centers, Age 21-31 or Clarkston, Mich.-Elem., Sec-Math, -Math, Biol., Chem., Guid., Ind. Arts
juniors if 20. U.S. citizen 71 years Engl., Ind Arts, Music, For. Lang. Oak Lawn, III.-Elem. K-6, Rem. Read..
(spouse must be citizen). Application Flat Rock, Mich.-Elem., J.H.-Art. Lib., Sp. Corr., M.R., El. Fr, Girls PE;
I deadline March 15. Next exam Dec. 4. Shop. Bus./Soc. St., Math; H.S. - J.H.-Lang. Arts, Sci., Math.
Applications & details at Bureau. Guid./Home & Family (woman). Los Angeles, Calif.-Elem. K-6, Agric.,
Dearborn Heights, Mich. (Fairlane Bus. Ed., Engl., Girls PE, Home Ec.,
PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS: Bureau Sch. Dist.)-E. Elem., L. Elem., Spec Ind. Arts, Math, Biol Sci., Phys. Sci.,
of Appointments-Seniors & grad stu- Ed.-Speech, V.T., Type A. Soc. St., Span., Spec. Ed.
dents, please call 764-7460 for appoint- North Brunswick, N.J.-Elem. K-6; SAT., MARCH 13-
ments with the following: J.H.-Math, Engl.; Spec. Ed.-Neurol. Los Angeles, Calif.-See Fri., March
MON., MARCH 1- Impaired, Sp. Therapy; Sch. Psych.- 12 (will be in the Union).
Pan American World Airways, N.Y.C, will see other fields. To make appointments, call 764-7462,
-Men. Degrees in Foreign Languages & TUES., MARCH 9- Bureau of Appointments, Education
Gen. Lib. Arts for positions in Sales Crestline, Ohio-Elem. K-6; H.S. - Div. Additional information available
Mgmt. trng. and transportation. Soc. St., Phys. Scl., Biol./Gen. Sci.. at 3200 SAB.
Olivetti Underwood Corp., N.Y.C. - --. ---
Degrees in Gen. Lib. Arts, Bus. Admin. -
& Engrg. for Mgmt. Trng., Territor-
lal Sales and Tech. Service. SalesI
throughout U.S. «The Aniericait public* IsC OIPOSe
Trans-World Airlines, Inc., N.Y.C. -
Men & women. Various degree levels in f1ircyh of 1/el of ge/lills"
many fields including Econ., Bus. Ad..
Poli. Sci., Geog., Lib. Arts, Statistics. -G3S
Math or Engrg. Sciences for positions
AUH NDENO f}well, at least those who attend' '

The film makers
who brought you
TOM JONES now take
pride in presenting...


Shows at 1,3,

5, 7, 9 P.M.

red Kohmapro.i

1965=6 6 Calendar
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the official University calendar for
next year, as approved by the Regents at their February meeting.
Fall Term
Orientation begins Mon., Aug. 23
Registration begins Wed., Aug. 25
Classes begin Mon., Aug. 30
Labor Day (holiday) Mon., Sept. 6
Thanksgiving recess, 5 p.m. Wed., Nov. 24
Classes resume Mon., Nov. 29
Classes end Wed., Dec. 8
Study days Thurs.-Sat., Dec. 9-11
First Day of Examinations Mon., Dec.'13
Last Day of Examinations Sat., Dec. 18
Graduation Sat., Dec. 18

"It's Phenomenal!
* * (Highest Rating!)
-WANDA HALE, Daily News



Eves. & Sun. $1.25 HELD OVER
Shows Start at f 3RD WEEK
1:00-3:00-5:00 Dial
7:05 & 9:15 0 'W 662-6264

Winter Term

Orientation begins
Registration begins
Classes begin
Recess begins, 5 p.m.
Classes resume
Easter Sunday
Classes end
Study days Sat., Mon
First Day of Examinations
Last Day of Examinations
Spring-Summer Term
Classes begin
Memorial Day (holiday)
Spring half-term ends
Summer half-term Registration 1
Summer half-term begins
July 4th (holiday)
Examinations W
Full term and Summer half-term end

Mon., Jan. 3
Mon., Jan. 3
Thurs., Jan. 6
Wed., Mar. 2
Mon., Mar. 7
Sun., Apr. 10
Fri., Apr. 15
n., Tues., Apr. 16, 18, 19
Wed., Apr. 20
Tues., Apr. 26
Sat., Apr. 30
Mon.-Wed., May 2-4
Thurs., May 5
Mon., May 30
Thurs.-Fri., June 23-24
Fri., June 24
Mon.-Tues., June 27-28
Wed., June 29
Mon., July 4
Ted.-Thurs., Aug. 17-18
Thurs., Aug. 18

George Bernard Shaw
8 P.M., March 4, 5, 6
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre
Box Office open 10 A.M.-5 P.M.
Mail orders to P.O. Box 1993
Thursday, $1.50
Friday & Saturday, $1.75

Presented by the EMU Players
for reservations: HU 2-3453






March 3-7

8:00 P.M.

Quirk Theatre $1.25

1 f
I You Must See Jean-Luc Godard's
*i 1
i 1.. . also1

Petitioning for General
Information and petition forms






802 Monroe
Monday Noon Lunch 25c

The Academy Award-Winni

ng Short n




I YI A tI CC F'^kJIL.Ilr A9" 7....--JA0










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