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Malcolm X Buried as Police Mingle New Issue
To Protect Church from Bombing ses in
NEW YORK 1P)-Thousands of agency-somebody has got to group had anything to do with Clay, a Muslim member. S teel V ote
populati n Bom-
0.0Growth by % by Areas 1964 WEST NORTH EAST NORTH NEW
mourners turned out yesterday for
the Muslim funeral service of
Malcolm X, assassinated last Sun-
day. A heavy detail of police
mingled with mourners inside as
well as outside the church, which
anonymous telephone callers hadE
threatened to bomb.
The solemn ceremony was;
broken by applause at one point
when a speaker said Malcolm hadi
died "on the battlefield, not in
bed" in a quest for human equal-
ity and dignity.
"Harlem can't take much more.{
Civil rights-anti-poverty-soc&alI
make a change here or there will
be real trouble," one mourner said.
Malcolm, though still a Muslim,
had broken with the Chicago bas-
ed Black Muslim movement to
form his own black nationalist or-
Malcolm's followers have blam-
ed his slaying on this rival anti-
white group, which is led by Elijah
Muhammad. Malcolm broke with
Muhammad last year, after 12
years as his most effective spokes-
Denies Killing
Muhammad denied that his
Malcolm's killing. However, one
of those under arrest for the
murder is Norman 3X Butler,
identified by police as a Black'
Muslim "atenforcer" or muscle
Muhammad sent out word he
would skip a scheduled appearance'
at the sect's national convention
in Chicago yesterday because of
an asthmatic condition.
He had defied reported assassins
Thursday by appearing publicly
at the convention's opening where
he warned:
"We will fight you if you fight
us. You are inviting your own
doom if you try to snuf out the
life of Elijah."
The sect leader had been sched-
Checks Report
A police guard at Muhammad's
mansion checked the reported
asthmatic condition with one of
Muhammad's guards, who said
Muhammad was quite well, but
declined to confirm the reported
change of schedule.
Malcolm X had predicted his
own murder on many occasions.
He was shot as he started to ad-
dress some 400 of his followers
last Sunday and died before he
could be taken to a nearby hos-
Elijah Muhammad, now holding
his annual convention in Chicago,
claims that Malcolm's group seeks
his death as revenge.
There were some whites present
for Malcolm's services in the Har-
lem church. However, Negro wom-
en constituted the majority of
those attending.
PITTSBURGH (A>) - With ne-
gotiations for a new $basic steel
contract expected to resume in
Pittsburgh March 8, one crucial
question remains in the uncertain
steel picture: who will lead the
United States Labor Depart-
ment officials in Pittsburgh said
yesterday that no matter how
close the final vote in the steel-
workers election battle between
incumbent president David Mc-
Donald and I. W. Abel, union sec-
retary-treasurer, the man with the
most votes will probably take
office June 1. McDonald is top
man until then.
The union's international tell-
ers have been busy for a week
behind closed doors tallying the
votes of more than 600,000 steel-
uled to appear again late yester-
day to deliver an address and
watch a boxing exhibition by
heavyweight champion Cassius
A nticipate i
TO Seizures
United States reaction was antici-
pated yesterday to Indonesia's re-
cent expropriation of U.S.-owned
rubber plantations and further
threats against U.S. Information
Service facilities.
' E
States Losing population Fastest growing states ncrease in 1964 faster* Added over 1,000,000 in 10 years-
AP Newsfeatures
Report Due May 1
There is no indication when
J. . Raction' they will finish the job, but they
must report the results by May 1.
Regardless of who the tellers
i it p ones to declare winner, there are sure to
bedprotests of voting violations
filed by both sides. These could
The expectation grew-despite end up in the courts.
the confusion which surrounded Negotiations, meanwhile, will be
Indonesia's motives-as Secretary goti on sburghi wi a M
of State Dean Rusk conferred with srike deadline staring both sides
key aides on the events, in the face. The union has so far
-Associated Press
A BLACK MUSLIM PRIEST chants an Islamic prayer over the
grave of Malcolm X, the assassinated Black Nationalist leader,
in a Westchester, N.Y., cemetery yesterday. Malcolm X's widow
mourns at the grave.
atcher S upports Unit
For Humanities. Arts
NL ational
Rouidu p
By The Associated Press
States Chamber of Commerce
recommended last night a $5.7-'
billion slas hin the $112.3 billion
of new spending authority it said
Congress is being asked to approve
this session.
The chairman of the chamber's
government operations and expen-
ditures committee said a reduction
of this size can be made "without
impairing essential services."
It was unclear whether Indo-
nesia's action ordering its own
management teams to take over
the operations of the rubber plants
was for a temporary period or
longer. But the expropriation de-
cree was interpreted by U.S. Con-
sul Theodore Heavener to be tem-
porary until agreements are nego-
tiated with the companies by the
Jakarta government,
It was reported that if the Amer-
ican managers did not yield, the:
plantations would be subject to
attack by the Communist-dom-
inated Rubber Estate Workers Un-
Officials in Washington said In-
refused to agree to an extension.
There were predictions last week
by some members of the AFL-CIO
executive committee that Secre-
tary of Labor Willard Wirtz might
seek to void the election and get
the courts to order a new one.
The Labor Department denied
there had been any contemplation
of such a move. Industry and un-
ion sources called such talk pre-
If the -secretary of labor were
to act under the Landrum-Griffin
Act, quick solution would not nec-
essarily result.
C. W. Halloran, labor-manage-
ment director in the department's
-Associated Press
THE UNITED STATES is now seeing a slowdown in its population boom. Although population is still
increasing, the rate of increase is smaller than previously, according to the Metropolitan Life Insur-
ance Co. The distribution of the population has also shifted, with California now being the most
populous state while Iowa and West Virginia have lost in population.
Sm'aller vPopulation Rise Cited
By RICHARD F. NEWCOMB has been steady for ten years. Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, North
Associated Press Newsfeatures Writer By regions, all parts of the Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska
The "population explosion" may United States grew steadily in the and Kansas.
be sputtering out as far as the 110-year period, though at varying Nevada Fastest
United States is concerned. rates. The Pacific states-Wash- Among the individual states
ington, Oregon, California, Alaska Nevada was the fastest growing
To be sure, the nation's popula- and Hawaii-maintained the high- in 1964 with a rate of 6.3 per cent.
tion is still expanding at a healthy est rate, 2.5 per cent. The slowest Arizona was next at 4.1 per cent,
figure. In 1964 the growth was growth, .4 per cent, took place in followed by Florida (3.1) and
2,640,000, lifting the total popula- the West North Central states- California (3.0).
tion to 193,450,000. Over the 10-year period, seven
But that rise, 1.4 per cent, was states added more than 1 million
less than the annual average in- See Econom y in population, with California far
crease of 1.6 per cent over the past in the van (5,403,000 increase).
ten years. For the third straight . The others in order, and their in-
year, the U.S. birth rate declined Los1HO 3creases: Florida 2,170,000; New
in 1964. The total last year was "York 2,147,000, Texas 1,964,000,
4,045.000 the smallest number for MIAMI BEACH OP)-The AFL. New Jersey 1.323,000, Ohio 1,187,-
any year since 1953. CIO executive council warned yes. 000 and Illinois 1,181,000. Cali-
As to the distribution of popu- terday the nation's booming econ. fornia is now clearly the nation's
lation over the United States, that pmy threatens to lose its steam most populous state, with an esti-
too ischanging this year unless act mated 18,357,000 people. New
changing.i yar nlssCongress Yrwhcaachlthercr
Of the 50 states, only eight grew swiftlYorkwhich had held the record
at a faster rate in 1964 than they wiyuntil'1964 now has a b o u t
It urged legislation to halt the uil 94 o a
had during the 10-year period flight of United States capita' 18,054,000.
January 1955-1965. according to Rabrofn d t ew lita- egardless of population, the
figures of the Metropolitan Life abroad and to pump new life in- Metropolitan reports that 1964 was
Insurance Company. They were to the economy at home. an excellent health year. Infant
Vermont, Rhode Island, South In pointing to economic troll- mortality dropped to about 24.2
Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Mis- ble signs, the council said "Th per 1,000 live births, a new mini-
sissippi, Arkansas and Alaska, and beneficial impact of the tax cut on mum. The previous low was 25.2
(Continued from Page 1)
Johnson's special advisor on the
arts, said to the panel.
The recent government concern
for the arts and humanities re-
flects longheld worries within the
academic community. In recent
months concerned people hav(
gained the ears of politicians with
warnings that federal stress on
1 1
\ J
fitting underline, defined
with the easy-going comfort
of "E-Lace-Tic" stretch lace
curved over the bodice.
Formfit/Rogers own finer
nylon tricot, with a rich
flourish of lace edging the
hem. White or Black. Style
4027. Short, 32 to 38. Aver-
science exploration and research j WASHINGTON - President
has imperiled exploration of the Lyndon B. Johnson said yesterday
fundamental ideas and values on the 14-week-old effort to combat'
which United States society rests. poverty through neighborhood
In calling for federal action, Youth Corps has had "truly an
ho xt v(-r. many educators, artists impressive beginning" and is al-
t and politicians fear any large- most halfway to its initial goal ofI
scale governmental involvement in aiding 150,000 young people.
the creative process. Johnson auplauded the program
Yale University President King- as Secretary of Labor Willard
man Brewster feels it would b3 Wirtz announced 15 new Youth
better to confine the government's Corps projects in 12 states,
role to financing the assembly of
documents, unpublished writings
and othersscholarly materials and Id eolo
them on his own.
To calm the fears of excessive By HENRY S. BRADSHER
governmental intervention in the Associated Press staff Writer
creative process, the designers of
donesia's first deputy premier and Pittsburgh office, said he could re-
foreign minister, Dr. Subandrio. call no instance where the courts
had said the Jakarta government had voided the election in an in-
intends to take over the U.S. In- ternational union, although sev-
formation Service libraries. eral have gotten to court.
News reports from Jakarta, how- Lengthy
ever, indicated Subandrio did not Halloran said these procedings
make it clear whether all would are a lengthy procedure. Most un-
be closed, ions who have gone into court
Three libraries are now closed have settled their differences long
Threeis limie aces towa sd before any judge did it for them.
there is limited access to a fourtl-Under the Landrum-Griffin Act,
at Medan, while a fifth library in the secretary af labor can step in
Makassar has remained open unti only after the protest machinery
now. within the union has been ex-'
the District of Columbia. The
other states either matched their
10-year growth rate in 1964 or fell
Going Down
Two states are actually losing
population. Iowa's population last
The Jakarta news reports quot-
ed Subandrio as saying the Medan
library would be closed.
hausted and only after a protest month was estimated at 2,754,000,
has been made directly to the a loss of 2,000 since the previous
Labor Department. January. West Virginia's decline
consumers is wearing off, the ac
cumulation of steel inventories
will probably end by mid year
home building is leveling off and
there is a danger that tight mon-
ey and higher interest rates may
be imposed in a mistaken venture
to counter the balance of pay-
ments deficit."
It urged a special $2 billion
federal program to create jobs in
a wide variety of public works.
The council also recommended 2
series of special programs to de-
velop depressed areas, but ever
these measures will not be enough
to insure continued economic
growth and provide jobs for th'
rapidly swelling labor force, th-
council said.
in both 1962 and 1963. The cur-
rent rate is only about half what
it was 25 years ago.
Death Dying Out
General mortality also droppe.*
in 1964, to a crude death rate or
9.4 per 1,000, compared to 9.6 the
previous year.
As a consequence of the post-
World War II baby boom, the
number o: persons under 21
jumped sharply in the period
1955-65, from 61.2 million to 79.2
million. The number-of those in
the middle years, 45 to 64, and
those over 65 also increased sub-
stantially, but the population at
age 21 to 44 increased only by 3
per cent, to 57.5 million at the end
of 1964.
Nationality Split Russia, China
lacked the undeveloped resources
and space that Stalin had avail-
able to exploit.
the new foundation have turnee
m rnod< of lh, NSF, which is
run by a board of professional
scientists and thus shielded from
,ongressional or presidential con-
* Olga shapes a flattering,
youthful profile for you
r feather - weight fiberfill*
. . . lovely, clipped nylon lace
* all Lycra band and fully
adjustable stretch - straps for
MOSCOW - Thirty-five years Mao still seems to need Stalin's
ago, two widely separated devel- Mosilsest edSai'
ago, t tartewdtrends which have brand of coercion, rather than the
opments started treshK e current Soviet carrot of consumer'
combined to produce a Kremlin incentives. Preaching what has
call for a meeting here tomor - worked for him-with little con-
row of 26 Communist parties. w
Focused through the magnify-
ing glass of Communist ideology,
the trends have produced the in-
flammable heat of controversy be-
tween Moscow and Peking which
surrounds the meeting.
One development was the in-
troduction of an industrialization
drive in the Soviet Union of Josef
Stalin. The other was Mao Tze-
tung's effort to create his own
form of peasant-based Commu-
nism in China after Stalin spurn- z
ed him.
Industrialization has given the
Soviet Union an advanced econo-
my with problems of relative pros-
perity that have led Russia to
modify the Marxists maxims of{
early Communism and experiment
with profit-motivation.<
Consumer Economy
Industrialization h a s a l s co
brought the Soviet Union to th'
edge of a consumer economy. This JOSEPH STALIN
has led to the assertion that it is
better to set a prosperous exam- cern over the effects of nucleai
ple for non-Communist countries war on a relatively primitive econ-
than to risk Soviet wealth helping omy-Mao has pushed revolutior
them become Communist. as the example for non-Commu-j
Mao, on the other hand, achiev- nist countries.
ed power through guerrilla war- For Communists, ideology and
fare in a heavily populated, im- interests are intertwined: theory
poverished country. When he be- shapes action, but the need for ac-
gan running mainland China, it tion also shapes theories.
China and the Soviet Union
have also found their national'
interests diverging, a phenomenon
going back well before the Rus-
sian Revolution. With a diverg-
ence in their interpretation of
Communism inevitable, the na-
tional divergence has been inten-
sified, bringing the bitterness of
i religious controversy between
true believers in irreconcilable
Stalin Denounced
The dispute began to come to
light in 1956 when former Pre-
mier Nikita S. Khrushchev de-
nounced Stalin, saying Stalin's
memory and ways were outdated
in an industrialized Soviet Un-
ion but still necessary for China'.,
different conditions.,
The dispute worsened sharply
in 1959 when the Soviet Union
apparently worried that a reck.
lessly militant China could drav
it into world war, backed out ofI
its promise to help Mao make nu-+
clear weapons.+
Mao, in turn, began acting more
like a nationalistic Chinese thar
an internationalist Communist by
renewing historic territorial claim.
on the Soviet Union.
Leads to Meetings
The ideological side of this strug-
gle led to 1957 and 1960 confer'-
ences of world Communist par-
ties, and an open exchange of ac-
cusations began in 1963. Moscow
and Peking were split, with each
trying to lead other Communis'
parties after it.
Last Aug. 10, the Soviet Coin-
munist party paper Pravda issued
the call for efforts "to overcome
the existing difficulties and pre-
vent a split." It said 26 Communist1
parties should meet in Moscow I
Dec. 15 to prepare a confer-
ence of the more than 80 parties
in the world about the middle of
this year.
Meeting Postponed F.Y.. U
China and its supporters open-
ly opposed the meeting, and after
Khrushchev's ouster, the new So-yPAvNeAMtJhET
viet leaders postponed the meet-
ing until tomorrow.NYork
Their present talk of unity doe New York-London-NewY
not hide unchanged basic con-
troversies with Peking. The tac-
tical agreement between Moscow
and Peking in criticizing the Unit- LEAVE JUNE 2-RETURN AUG. 17
ed States role in Viet Nam has
not affected the ideological un-
derpinnings of this controversy.
It has, however, shown up the na-
tionalistic underpinnings in the
difference between Russian tall Call JIM PODELL 761-1635
of defensive aid to Hanoi and f
Chinese talk of offensive terms.
A Symposium on American Poverty
t it
JONAS MEKAS. Critic and Film-maker,
' .