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February 11, 1965 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-02-11

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i I'17.,)f iii 1 illy ii li


U.S. Curbs Dollar Flow

L13J Warns
Russians on



Ask Review of Viet Nam

Lyndon B. Johnson imposed st
new curbs and asked new]
* yesterday to check the dollar
flow, in a special message toC
gress which pledged "an en
our balance-of-payments def
He clamped a deterrent tai
American bank loansabroad,
fective at once, and urgedC
gress to reduce to $50, retail v
Project for A
To Appalach
Gets Approva
ministration's $1.1-billion A
lachia aid bill was approved
terday by the House Public Wi
Committee on a top-heavy
Democrats on the comm
beat down 18 Republican am
ments during two days ofc
sideration behind closed door
approve the Senate-passed ver
without change.
It is designed to bolster
economy of depressed areas of
11-state region.
"I plan to ask the leader
to schedule it for House actio
quickly as they can," saidI
Robert E. Jones (D-Ala)
headed the subcommittee on
palachia. "I hope that car
next week."
Rep. William C. Cramer
Fla), ranking GOP member
the committee, said Repub
attempts to alter the bill
continue when it reaches
House floor.

ident the duty-free exemption for home-.
trong coming American travelers.
laws The tax on bank loans is the
out- same penalty tax-the "interest
Con- equalization tax"-now imposed
d to on Americans' purchase of for-
icit." eign stocks and bonds. Johnson
x on called for a two-year extension of
fo- the levy.
Con- But the biggest saving-"well
alue, over $1 billion," by Treasuary Sec-
retary Douglas Dillon's estimate-
* Uis expected to come from John-
izd son's call for a voluntary, concert-
ed clampdown by the United
States banking industry on long-
ia term overseas credits.
SJohnson asked antitrust immun-
ity for the cooperating bankers, a
device last used in the Korean
ad- war.
Similar restraint-without spe-
ppa- cific antitrust immunity -was re-
yes- quested by the President of in-
24-9 dustry leaders, to check the rising
24-9 flow of direct investment in Euro-
ittee pean plants.
end- Favorable responses came quick-
con- ly from top businessmen, and the
s to reaction of Congressional leaders
irsion wasc almost wholly favorable.
Johnson, pointing out the steady
the narrowing of the payments deficit
f the each year since 1961, told Con-
rship "The dollar is, and will remain,
an as as good as gold, freely convertible
Rep. at $35 an ounce."
who But progress has been too slow,'
Ap- and a sudden upswing in the defi-
n be cit in recent months thwarted
official hopes of reducing the gap
(R- to $2 billion in 1964. The year's
r on deficit was about $3 billion, John-
lican son said.
vill He presented a broad program
the to carry out the nation's "firm
determination" not just to narrow

but to wipe out the payments def- Protest Riot

While the Presidential program
was drastic, it stressed voluntary
measures and omitted several pro-
posals widely discussed in recent
Missing, for example, were the
bringing home of any troop units
from overseas; the suggested levy-
ing of a $100 "head tax" on each
American tourist going abroad;
and any move to boost domestic
interest rates to keep investment
dollars at home.I

WASHINGTON (P) - President
Lyndon B. Johnson warned Soviet
leaders through an unusual public
statement yesterday that continu-
ed attacks on the United Statesj
embassy in Moscow could damage
American-Soviet relations.
The statement, designed to un-
derscore official protests already
made here and in the Soviet capi-
tal, reflected growing tension be-
tween the world's two biggest1
powers, resulting from their in-
creasing involvement in the con-

flict in Southeast Asia.
{ "The President," said Press
v . Secretary George E. Reedy, "takes
,. a most serious view of the fact,
that police protection furnishedl
,p . the American embassy in Moscow
yesterday was wholly inadequate,{
despite prior notification to theI
Soviet government of an impend- 1
ing demonstration."
Press dispatches said that about'
f 1,000 screaming students splatter-
ed the U.S. embassy building with1
ink and broke a reported 200 win-
dows with stones and icy snow-j
1Photographs showed the Stu-1
dents being watched by Soviet
police, lined up at intervals in
front of the embassy.
Johnson's statement was not
written as a threat to break off
diplomatic relations, informants i
Vivian Sees Gloomy Rip

EDITOR's NOTE: This is the last This incident, described as typi-
In a series of articles describing cal in the rural hanilets of South
panel discussions of world affairs
held at the overseas Press Club at Viet Nam, was recounted and em-t
the beginning of this month. phasized by an Asian correspond-
ent at the seventh annual Collegev
By LAURENCE KIRSHBAUMI Editors conference held recently.A
special To The Daily Arnold Beichman, special cor-
NEW YORK-The South Viet- respondent of the New York Her-
namese peasants sensed it quick- ald Tribune, told the story to show
ly: a band of Viet Cong soldiers how the Viet Cong gathers sup-r
had entered their village. The port in the South.a
peasants assembled hurriedly to "He who does A will soon do
await the disaster. B," Beichman declared. "Soon, the
Would it be the women so fre- small commitments grow and the
quently sought by the maverick villagers, who are tired of fight-r
South Vietnamese bands also ming, become more active in sup-
roaming the countryside? Would porting the efforts of the Com-
the Communist-led invaders want munists."
a tax as a price for not molesting Asks Re-evaluation
the rice fields? Or would there be He cited the nail-boards as an
terrorism and bloodshed? example to support a re-evaluation
of American military tactics in
But the itruders were not hos- Southeast Asia. "If we withdraw,
tile; the Viet Cong had just one nw our influence throughou
request. They were well aware ofn Asia and Europe would be sghot
the "government's" punishments ered" he said.
for aiding the enemy, so theyter" elsa
weren't seeking assistance openly. Oter panelists ageed t
But, could the .villagers help by ases--nt oftatics n ete-
building nail boards, those small ryes-not withdrawal-is neces-
slabs of wood which were pepper- sary. Irving Brown, a member of.
sd with nalsnd uried beneth the International Confederation of
edFree Trade Unions and a United
the surface of the ground. When Saes TrerUnaivo the United
the barefooted South Vietnamese States representative to the United
army came to plunder the village isations. pointed out that "the U.S.
in search of Viet Cong. The Viet' is tranmg and sending out mil-
Cong spokesmangsmile. e tary personnel for a form of war-
Congvilpokesasmiled.dfare which admittedly is politi-
The villagers smiled back and cal."
in this way sealed their first if Beichman exemplified this point
minor, commitment to the Viet by noting that the great counter-
Cong. insurgents of this century, from
Mao Tse-tung of Communist Chi-
na to Che Guevara of Cuba, are
not military men-they are inter-
ested in social and economic re-
Y hts 7c tl rform, he contended.
Daniel Boone
"The United States hasn't been
Vivian said, "Some of the N grces in a war like this since Daniel
I talked to who were trying to Boone fought the Indians," Beich-
register found their jobs 'ad d's- man said. Another panelist, Ansel
appeared. Tenant farmers' leases Talbert of the Foreign News Serv-
somehow vanished. Mortgages be- ice warned that history can pro-
came not renewable. vide an important lesson on why
"No one "in Congress has made withdrawal would be inadvisable.
much effort to dramatize the par- He recalled the Geneva accord
ticulars in the situation," Vivian of 1954 where France and the
said, adding that he hopes his Communist Viet Minh established
speech will be a start. The other a truce at the 17th parallel, put-
congressmen on the trip will dis- ting the Communists on the North
cuss other aspects of the problem,; and French and other non-Com-
he said. munists on the South. France
gradually withdrew from the area
and, by 1956, South Viet Nam
was a full fledged independent
r17 oundu nation.
However, Talbert said, the gov-
ernment in Hanoi (North Viet
NIam) began a subversive cam-
ciated Press paign starting in the late 1950's,
Association for Neighborhood De- about the same time South Viet-
namese President Ngo Dinh Diem
,ral government in part for poverty was beginning to irritate his coun-
trymen with poor administration
nt's decision to allocate a $188,000 and nepotism.
use "there is a restitution owing to Geneva Agreements
Thereafter, apparatus for en-
als and residents had criticized the forcing the Geneva accords broke
ersity of Michigan and will be ad- down quickly and the U.S. began
ed emergency funds yesterday to Free to
ter attaching a compromise agree-
plans to close several veterans .hos-
Kosygin reached agreement with Students
s to be taken to strengthen that 25o to others

sending troops along with the aid
it had been pouring into the coun-
try since 1950.
"In the early 1950's, the French
wanted us in the area. Now they
;vant us out," Talbert added, allud-
ing to President Charles de
Gaulle's appeal for neutralization.
"But we won't gain anything by
removing our presence from the
area," Brown declared. He advo-
cated working through the trade
unionists movement in Saigon and
vicinity. "The trade unionists
movement is one of the last de-

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fenses of democracy," he said.
Panelists had other ideas for
boosting the U.S. influence in
Southeast Asia. Beichman ob-
served that "there is no fregom
of any kind in North Viet Nain-
and this should be publicized."
He said that the overall chances
of winning are slim and that the
U.S. must prepare for a long war.
The U.S. must keep fighting, he
said, because there are counter-in-
surgency wars taking place across
the globe-from Cambodia to Ven-

Cupid's ,d
°z Ch oice




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"The civil rights picture has
taken a turn for the worse lately,"
Congressman Weston Vivian (D-
Ann Arbor) said in a telephone
interview last night.
"Some people felt the 1964 civil
rights act would break the ice
for voter registration," Vivian de-
"If the judges would enforce
the law, perhaps it would be suf-
ficient. But the courts don't seem
to be doing that."
He and several other congress-N
men recently returned from Selma,
Alabama, the scene of an intensive
voter - registration drive led by
Rev. Martin Luther King.

federal elections, and another for
those registered for state and iocai
contests. In accordance with thel
civil rights law, local authorities
apply federal standards to qual-
ification for the former and the
state's for the latter.
"In this way, the local authori-
ties maintain the discrimination
they've always had in the local
election, which are often the most
crucial," Vivian commented.
Turning to economic retaliation
against voter-registrant hopefuls,
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Address House
Vivian revealed he will make a By The Asso
House speech tomorrow pointing YPSILANTI-The Willow Run
out the forms of economic inmtlni- velopment Tuesday blamed the fede
dation used against Negroes who! in the Willow Run area.
try to register to vote. And it defended the governmen
"Serious consideration of addi- antipoverty grant for the area beca
tional legislation on civil rights us,
legislation is now underway," Vi- SoeYslniTwhp fci
vian disclosed. "Pressure may be Some Ypsilanti Township offici
satisfactory in producing a more grant, which was made to the Univ
expeditious behavior on the part; ministered by WRAND.
of local authorities, though."
He noted that "Congressional WASHINGTON-Congress vot
opinion conflict" on whether leg- keep farm price supports going, aft
islation or an amendment to the ment to postpone until after May 1:
federal constitution will be neces- pitals and agricultural research stat
sary to supplement the 1964 civil *
rights law. .Reports have hinted MOSCOW - Premier Alexei
that President Johnson may seek North Viet Nam yesterday on step
one or both. I country.
Inforcement Problems in However, a joint Soviet-NorthI
Discusging the difficulties ii" - Mocwwamidntnend a
volved in enforcing the 1964 law Moscow, was mild in tone and m
to the fullest, Vivian noted that U.S. action.
federal judge Daniel Thomas' or-x
der barring the Dallas co-nty WASHINGTON-President Lyn
board of registrars from using a formal three-member committee yes
complicated literacy test and to fair and equitable disposition" ofi
process at least 100 applications Gulf coast dock strike.
daily when in session came eight ---
hours before the group of con-
gressmen arrived in Selma.
"I wouldn't claim that our visit
had anything to do with the order,
but it didn't seem to discourage
it," Vivian said.
He noted that the order did not
stipulate the number of days each
month registration had to be open.
This omission was bitterly criti- condi
cized by King's associates in Sel-

Ja e gff#1t

Vietnamese communique, issued in
ade only routine denunciations of
idon B. Johnson appointed an in-
sterday to recommend by Friday "a
remaining issues in the East and

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'Double Book'
Vivian added that there were
problems with wording in the 1964
law and with the "double book"
system still used in a few South-
ern communities, including Si lmna.
He explained that one book wiil
contain voters entitled to vote in

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