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January 24, 1965 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-24

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Challenge Studies Red China

The Week To Come: a Campus Calendar

Do University students under-
stand the culture and politics of
Communist China? Challenge, a
student organization was revived
this semester to educate students
who do not.
Each semester, Challenge pre-
sents speaker and discussion
programs on one theme. This
semester's is Red China. The pur-
pose of the group is to stimulate
thought about its theme, and to
direct energies towards a creative
Throughout the semester, Chal-
lenge sponsors two main types of
--Lectures on the topic by
prominent visitors to the campus

or by prominent members of the
University community who often
present alternative views;
-Smaller, informal discussion
groups in living units between
residents and faculty members.
Theme of Seminars
The theme of this semester's
seminars is "The Challenge of
Communist China." So far, Prof.
Kenneth Boulding of the econom-
ics department and Lindsey Grant
of the state department, have
spoken. Future speakers include:
William Skinner of Cornell Uni-
versity, Allen Whiting of the state
department, Mark Cancall of
Harvard University, Prof. Alex-
ander Eckstein of the University's
economics department, and Prof.

John Fairbanks, of Harvard Uni- The Gilbert an
versity. ty directors, All
This year's Challenge is a re- and Morton Acht
vival of a program started in 1960 nounced the cas
by Richard Whitemeyer. A grant man of the GuE
of $5000 a year from an indepen- be presented Ma
dent foundation in Detroit ,:ub- April 3. They a
sidized "The Challenge of Emerg- tiet, '65, as Lieut
ing Nations." Challenge continued dely; Nicholas Ba
four semesters thereafter, pre- fax; John L. Hen
senting topics of nuclear disarm- Meryll; James N
ament, civil liberties, and higher Lieutenant Mer'
education. A University grant of Straight, '65, asJ
$3000 supported these Challenge liam Moore, '68, a
programs. Ironically, the fifth bolt; Dolores Mai
program, "The Challenge of sie; Susan Morris
American Morality" met with stu- be; Kathleen Ki
dent apathy and the series ended. Dame Carruthei
Drach, Grad, as
New 'Challenge' Correll as Headsm
"This year's Challenge," one of * *
the spokesmen of the new group, Prof. Charles3
David Hewson, '65, says, "differs botany departmer
from the Challenge of three years search titled "O
ago. This year's is related to a Evolution of Seed
particular area of study within $28,300 grant fro
the University. We therefore have Science Foundati
a larger base of faculty to speak
at our discussion groups. There is
also regular communication be-Ti
tween the students and faculty I UU'Ie
on our central topic."

d Sullivan Socie- effective Jan. 1, is for a period of
an D. Schreiber approximately 42 months.
er, '66, have an- *
t list for "Yeo- Electronic data processing in
ard" which will college administration was the'
arch 31 through theme of a field trip to St. Louis,
re: Thomas Pe- Mo., for 27 Michigan educators
enant Cholmon- recently.
tch, '66, as Fair- Prof. George Hall, director of
kel, as Sergeant the Midwest Community College
Vlartin, '65M, as Leadership Program, situated at
yll; S t e p h e n the University will coordinate the
Jack Point; Wil- trip for Kellogg Fellows from the
as Wilfred Shad- University and representatives
rtin, '66M, as El- from several Michigan communityI
Grad, as Phoe- colleges.
mmel, Grad, as T U s f ty
.rs; Mary Ann Two University faculty mem-I

thur W. Barber, deputy assistant ing for students interested in the
secretary of defense for arms con- University's program at the Uni-
trol, who will speak on "The versity of Aix, Aix-en Provence,
Economic Implications of Defense France. Prof. Jean Carduner, past
Spending" at the Mental Health director of the program, and Prof.
Research Institute. Michel Benamou, next year's di-
8:30 p.m.-The Musical Society rector, will discuss the University
will present a special recital by program. There will be slides and
Arthur Rubinstein, pianist, in Hill comments by former students at
Aud. Aix.



8:30 p.m. - The Professional

Berkeley Professor Accepts
Drop of Journalism Classes

hers have contributed articles to
the first issue of the Fulbright
B. Beck of the Review published in Athens,
nt will direct re- Greece.
rigin and Early Prof. Marvin Felheim of the
gPlants " with a English department wrote an ar-
m the National ticle on Robert Frost. Felheim
ion. The grant was a Fulbright lecturer at the,
' University of Athens when Frost
died. Konstantinos Lardas of the
English department also contri-
Or~ p buted translations of poems by
7 ~Greek poet and Novel Prize win-


The University of California at
Berkeley recently struck journal-
ism from its list of undergraduate
majors denouncing it as "neither
a science nor an art."
At least one, professor in the
University's journalism depart-
ment refused to be irked. "It's
only a crack," Prof. William E.
Porter said, refusing to take the
denouncement seriously.
Porter believes the current up-
heaval in journalism at Berkeley
is deceptive. Along with the an-
nouncement that journalism was
being dropped, there was supposed
to be a simultaneous announce-
ment establishing a new, accele-
rated journalism program on the
graduate level, he said.
Unfortunately, the California
school's literary college dean
"jumped the _ gun" by only an-
nouncing the dissolution of the
undergraduate p r o g r a m, thus
leaving Berkeley with no journal-
ism at all, he said.
Two Reasons
Porter offered a two-point ex-
planation of Berkeley's action:
-Journalism at Berkeley, in
sharp contrast to the department
maintained at the University of
California at Stanford, has always
been weak. It has never been de-

veloped nor even been encouraged,
to develop.
-Berkeley, just like any other!
institution of higher learning in
a democratic society, has a right
"to teach what it wants to teach
and to abandon what it wants to
He went on to say that no mat-
ter what action is taking place on
the West Coast, it "doesn't have
any implications for the future of
journalism education" at this uni-
versity or any other.
Upholds JournalismI
'There is a place for undergrad-
uate training in journalism,"
Porter said in response to the
Berkeley dean's "crack." "Jour-
nalism education is essentially a
liberalizing discipline for the in-
tellectual development of stu-
The growing role of the mass
media in society and its ever-in-
creasing "influence on public at-
titudes and public decision-mak-
ing" make such a varied education
necessary, he said.

Challenge, 1965 edition, 1 fi- Needs IN egro
nanced by $3000 a semester from
President Harlan Hatcher's spe- A Negro actor is needed for a
cial fund. This money Pays for small but important role in the
the speaker's travel expenses, avant-garde play, Chez Torpe,'
honoraria, and publicity. Staff hIcha wille oey he Uni-
members of Challenge work vo- eshich will be offered by the Uni-
untarily. Successful this year are versity Players Feb. 17-24.
untril. Sccesfu ths yar re The American Premiere produc-
the nine biweekly discussion Lion of this new play by French

ner, G. Seferis, and another Greek
poet, Nikos Gatsos. Lardas was
in Greece in 1962-63 on a Ful-
bright grant.

2 p
sor a

groups of about 15 members each.------------------------COME
Members discuss the speakers' playwright Francois Billetdoux is Skin
viewoints dascus iependent being directed by Prof. William R. the N
viewpoins as wel as independn McGraw_ of the speech depart- 4:
series of topics of their own ment.w of H1
choosing. met.Herb'
The play is set in a small Euro- anist
Both David Hewson and I, pean inn, whose guests have come
William Cummings, '65, treasurer from many parts of the world prese
and spokesman of Challenge seeking relief from their loneli-'songs
points out," are seniors and will ness. HalI
be graduating in May. Challenge Tsilla Mamaduo, a young Afri- H
has a solid core of membership, can law student, will contribute Gid
and we encourage anyone in- to the international scope of the Guil
terested in the group to come to 'production. "Into
see us at 2538 SAB. We have tried Those interested in auditioning Aud.
to create an awareness of Corn-I for the role should contact Prof. 8:3
munist China this semester. We McGraw in 2527A Frieze Bldg. moni
hope that something new and as (764-5388), or leave word at the I Herb
exciting will emerge as the Chai- i speech department office (2020 the f
lenge of next semester." Frieze). Serie,

* * *
p.m.-"Challenge" will spon-
lecture entitled "From Mar-
g Communities to People's
nunes" by Prof. G. William
ner, of Cornell University, in!
Michigan Union Ballroom.
5 p.m. - Professors Ralph
ert and Eugene Bossart, pi-
, of the music school will
nt Schubert's Fourteen Lie-
and Hugo Wolf's humoristic
at the Rackham Lecture
and 10 p.m. - The Cinema
d will present D. W. Griffith's
lerance" in the Architecture
0 p.m.-The Berlin Philhar-
c Orchestra, conducted by
ert von Karajan, will give
fourth concert in the Extra
s at the University of Michi-

gan at Hill Aud.
4 p.m.-The Department of En-
gineering Mechanics Seminar will
sponsor Prof. S. J. Jacobs of the
engineering school who will dis-
cuss "The Taylor Column Prom-
lem," 311 West Engineering.
7:30 p.m.-Voice Political Par-
ty will sponsor documentary tapes
on the recent Berkeley protest
in the Multipurpose Rm. of the
8:30 p.m - The Piano-Vocal-
Chamber Music Ensemble will per-
form at the Recital Hall, School
of Music Bldg.
4:15 p.m.-The first of four pan-
el discussions focusing on the
problems and prospects of teach-
er certification programs at the
University will be held in the Uni-
versity Elementary School Aud.
7:30 p.m.-Prof. V. Ayoub of the
anthropology department and Dr.
M. Shokair will discuss "The Role
of the United Arab Republic in
Today's World," in the Multipur-
pose Rm. of the UGLI.
8 p.m.-University of Michigan-
Bendix Systems Division Seminar
on Arms Control will present Ar-

4 p.m.-The zoology department Teatre Program will present the
will suonsor T. H. Hubbell, di- Play of the Month-"Beyond the
rector of the Museum of Zool- Fringe" in Hill Aud.
ogy, and Prof. L. C. Stuart of FRIDAY, JAN. 28
the zoology department in a sem- 4:15 p.m. - Prof. J. E. Keith
inar on "The Organization for Smith of the Mental Health Re-
Tropical Studies: What Is It? How search Institute will speak on
Does It Operate? What Does It "Baysian Stimulus Programming"
Have to Offer?" in Rm. 1400 in Aud. C.
Chemistry Bldg. 7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild will
7:30 p.m.-A. H. Hosny, cultur- present the Marx Brothers in "A
al attache of the United Arab Re- Night at the Opera" in the Archi-
public Embassy in Washington tecture Aud.
will discuss "The Cultural Charac- 8 p.m.-The speech department
ter of the United Arab Republic" will sponsor the University Players
in the Multipurpose Rm. of the Production of Anton Chekhov's
UGLL "Uncle Vanya" at the Lydia Men-
8 p.m.-B'nai B'rith Hillel Foun- delssohn Theatre.
dation will sponsor Prof. Carl Coh- 8:30 p.m.-Lynne Bartholomew,
en of the philosophy department, pianist, will perform in the Re-
Dearborn Campus, speaking on cital Hall, School of Music Bldg.
"Reflections on the Religious SATURDAY, JAN. 30
Foundations of Democracy," at 7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild will
Hillel, 1429 Hill St. present Dostoyevsky's "The Idiot"
8:30 p.m.-The music school will at the Architecture Aud.
present the Stanley Quartet re- 8 p.m.-The speech department
cital-Gilbert Ross, violin; Gus- will present the University Players
tave Rosseels, violin; Robert Production of Anton Chekhov's
Courte, violin, and Jerome Jelinek, "Uncle Vanya" at the Lydia Men-
cello, in Rackham Lecture Hall. delssohn Theatre.
THURSDAY, JAN. 28 8:30 p.m.-Musical Society Ex-
4:10 p.m.-The Museum of An- tra Series Concert will feature the
thropology will present a lecture Berlin Philharmonic conducted by
by Edward Lanning of Columbia Herbert von Karajan, at Hill Aud.
University on "High Civilizations SUNDAY, JAN. 31
of Ancient Peru" in Aud. B. 4:30 p.m. - Leslie Breidenthal,
7 and 9 p.m.-Cinema Guild will bass baritone, will perform at the
present the Marx Brothers in "A Recital Hall, School of Music Bldg.
Night at the Opera" at the Archi- 7 and 9 p.m.--Cinema Guild will
tecture Aud. present Dostoyevsky's "The Idiot"
8 p.m.-The speech department in the Architecture Aud.
will sponsor the University Players 8:30 p.m.-School of Music Kap-
Production of Anton Chekhov's pa Kappa Psi recital will fea-
"Uncle Vanya" at the Lydia Men- ture wind and percussion instru-
delssohn Theatre. ments at the Recital Hall, School
8 p.m.-There will be a meet- of Music Bldg.



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DIAL 8-6416
Best Foreign Fim."
-Bosley Crowther, N. Y. Time;
-rGmon E GMNYSw

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan, for which The
Michigan Daily Assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3654 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication, and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication.

Day Calendar
School of Music Degree Recital-John
Schaeffer, organist: Hill Aud., 8:30 p.m.
School of Music Recital-Piano Ma-
jors: Recital Hall, School of Music, 4
School of Music Recital-Ralph Her-
bert, baritone; Eugene Bossart, pianist:
Rackham Lecture Hall, 4:15 p.m.
Cinema Guild-D. W. Griffith's "In-
tolerance": Architecture, 7 and 9 p.m.

Challenge: Dr. G. William Skinner,
"From Marketing Communities to Peo-
ple's Communes: Continuity and
Change in Rural China," 2 p.m., Michi-
gan Union Ballrooi.
Students Interested in Harvard Divin-
ity School: The Rev. Eugene Patterson
will be available for consultation on
Mon., Jan. 25, from 12 noon to 5 p.m.
in Room 3532 SAB. Call 764-7442 for an

must be completed by March 1. Un-
dergraduate students who have com-
pleted one or more full semesters with
an overall average of 3.0 or better
are eligible to compete. Financial aid
is a factor in making these awards.
Applications for the Following Schol-
arships are available in office of
alumnae secretary, Alumni Memorial
Hall; they must be returned by Feb.-12,
1965; recipients will be announced at
League Recognition Night, March 1,
The Lucile B. Conger Scholarship is
offered to in-state, undergraduate worn-

Continuity and Change
in Rural China
Prof. of Anthropology at Cornell University
Sunday, Jan. 24-2 p.m.
Michigan Union Ballroom
Co-sponsored by the Michigan Union


Use of This Column for Announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered student organiza-
tions only. Organizations who are plan-
ning to be active for the Winter
term must be registered by Jan. 29,
1965. Forms are available in Room 1011

en on the basis of academic perform
Dept. of Anthropology: Donald J. ance, contribution to University life
Tugby, "Socialization in an Indonesian 'and financial need; the stipend is
Society," 4:10 p.m., Fri., Jan. 29, Aud. variable.
D, Angell Hall. The Margaret L. Waterman Scholar-
ship is offered to undergraduate wom-
German Make-up Examination will be en on the basis of academic perform-
held Thurs., Jan. 28, 7-9 p.m. in Room ance, contribution to University life,
1088 Frieze Bldg. Please register in the and financial need; the stipend is var-
office of the Department of German no lable.
later than noon, Wed.,Jan. 27. The Luan Peckinpaugh Scholarship is
offered to out-of-state undergraduate
The Martha Cook Bldg. is receiving women who have successfully completed
applications for Fall, 1965. Present their freshman year and have a dem-
Freshmen and Sophomore women may onstrated financial need the stipend
apply. Please telephone NO 2-3225 for is variable.
an appointment. The Mary Louise Hinsdale Scholar-
Lectureships Still Available under Fli ship, amounting to approximately $180
(itrs onas the;deg 9ie endomn fn)i
bright-Hays Act: A list of lectureships(Itrsonhendw ntfd)i
abroad in the period ending July, 1966, available to undergraduate single wom-
en who are wholly or partially self-
may be consulted in the Graduate supporting and who do not live in
Fellowship Off ice, 110 Rackham Bldg. University residence hails or sorority
houses. Girls with better than aver-
For the benefit of those who cannot age scholarship and need will be
find a seat in the UGLI, or would considered.
rather study elsewhere, a study hall is The Laurel Harper Seeley Scholarshi
held regularly from 7 until 10 p.m.
Monday through Friday in 25 Angell is open to both graduate and under-
Hall, and also in 321 Angell Hall when aduate womenholarsip, contribunde
the need arises. A monitor is present,' to University life and financial need,
and smoking is not permitted. the stipend is variable.
Applications for General Undergrad- The Lucy E. Elliott Fellowship is
uate Scholarships will be available at open to women graduates of any
the Scholarship Office, 2011 SAB, be- accredited college or university. It may
ginning Mon., Jan. 11. Applications (Continued on Page 5)

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Prices This Show Only
Eves, & Sunday $1.50
Week Day Matinees $1.25


Gamma Delta, Supper, 6 p.m.; 6:45
p.m., speaker, Rev. Eberhard from De-
troit's Innercity Mission, Jan. 24, Uni-f
versity Lutheran Chapel, 1511 Washte-
naw. *
Graduate Outing Club, Hiking and or1
Tobogganing, Jan. 24, 2. p.m., Rackham,1
Huron St. entrance.E
x *
Guild House, Monday noon luncheon,
"Trends and Directions in Social
Work," Prof. Sidney Bernard, Jan. 25,t
12-1 p.m.; Presentation, discussion,
"Christian Thought," Jan. 24, 7-8 p.m.,
Guild House, 802 Monroe.
** *
La Sociedad Hispanica, Tertulia,
lunes, 3 to 5, 3050 Frieze Bldg. Vengan
C* * ~
Lutheran Student Chapel (National
LutheranaCouncil), Sunday Worship
Services, Jan. 24, 9:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.
(Holy Communion at 11); Sunday eve-
p ing program, 7 p.m., "The Church's
Interpretation of Sex, Dating, Pre-
marital Relations, Planned Parenthood"
with Pastor Henry Yoder, leader, Luth-
eran Student Chapel, Hill St. and
South Forest.
Voice Political Party is sponsoring
a prgoram on Mon., Jan. 25, 7:30 p.m. in
the UGLI-Multipurpose, in which tapes
of the Berkeley demonstrations will be
played. Speeches by Mario Savio will
be headl_ tanes of the dmonstrtin sti

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