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January 23, 1965 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1965-01-23

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I444ba i1

Possible freezing rain
changing to snow through tonight



LSA Dropout Rate Falls

Demonstration by 600 Students

Substantially fewer literary col-
lege students were asked to leave
the University at the end of last
semester than after the fall se-
mester in any of the past few
years, according to statistics re-
leased by the office of the college's
associate dean,

In spite of an enrollment in-
crease of approximately 600, the
number -students asked not to re-
turn (including some later read-
mitted) this semester dropped to
299-a decrease of 103 from the
previous fall term.
Furthermore, the percentage of
students below a C average de-

MSUGroup To Push
Residential College
The establishment of a self-contained residential college for
Michigan State University will be recommended in the report of the
faculty committee charged with investigating the feasibility of such
a project, MSU Assistant Provost Herman King revealed yesterday.
The report will be issued next month. Before the recommenda-
tions can be effected, they must be approved by the MSU Board of
Trustee Warren Huff noted yesterday, however, that the MSU
Board of Trustees was "close to the idea of residence colleges and
-. quite enthusiastic about them."
Huff predicted that MSU will
use "some kind of formula in-
volving the concept of the semi-
9 autonomous residential college" as
a basic pattern for their future

clined 1.5 per cent from 1963, and
the percentage of students who
dropped out because of academic
difficulty wasi cut almost in half,
as only 1.4 per cent were forced
to leave.
Freshmen Statistics
However, the percentage of
freshmen who left the University
because of poor academic per-
formance increased .2 per cent
from the corresponding figure a
year ago, even though statistics
for the same two periods reveal
a decrease in the number of fresh-
men with less than a C average.
James Shaw, administrative as-
sistant to the associate dean of the
literary college, said that "no
meaningful interpretation of the
fall statistics can be given until
figures for the entire academic
year are recorded."
The associate dean's office also
released a report prepared by the
college's Administrative B o a r d
listing and evaluating final aca-
demic statistics for the school year
running from September 1963
through August 1964.
Earlier Increase
According to this report, the,
percentage of academic dropouts
was 6.1 compared to 5.1 for the
1962-'63 academic year; reversing
a fairly consistent five-year down-




.British Pc
For Walker
LONLDON OP) -- Patrick Gordon
Walker resigned yesterday as Bri-
tain's foreign secretary after two
humiliating failures to win a seat
in Parliament. He was replaced
by Michael Stewart, 58, who has
been education minister in Prime
Minister Harold Wilson's Labor
Party government.
Gordon Walker's loss of the
House of Commons seat from the
Dreary East London suburb of
Leyton-until Thursday consider-
ed safe for the Labor Party-was
a staggering blow to Wilson's gov-
t A political crisis seemed pos-
sible just three months after,
Labor came back to power after
13 years of Conservative rule.
Jubiliant Conservatives predict-
ed Wilson might have to dissolve
Parliament, where Gordon Walk-
er's defeat reduced his razor-thin
majority to three votes, and call
new elections perhaps as early as
the spring.
Stewart's appointment means
Britain has had three foreign min-
isters within three months-Con-
servative R. A. Butler, Gordon
Walker and Stewart.
Stewart is a former teacher
with an Oxford University back-
ground. He has been described as
a strong all-around member of the
Labor Party team and a possible
future prime minister.
He has a reputation as a de-
bater in the Commons, where he
sits as member for the London
District of Fulham.
Gordon Walker said:
"I am now going to have a brief
rest and then set about earning
my living. I have all my life served
the Labor Party and this I will
A Conservative exulted in the
House of Commons that Wilson's
government was in power thanks
only to the uncertain support of
the nine Liberal Party votes in
Liberal leader Jo Grimond noti-
fied Wilson that his party will
support the government only
when it agrees with its policy. He
specifically said in a radio broad-
cast that the Liberals will vote
against the Labor Party on the
controversial issue of the nation-


_. a

growth. ward trend. Statistics for the
Quick Construction freshman class reveal a similar
After the formal approval of pattern, as the freshman academic
the plans for the residence col- dropout figure rose from 7.0 to
lege by the Board of Trustees, the 8.8 per cent.
college could be built in about 18 However, the report discounted
months, Huff claimed. the possibility that increased pres-
The chairman of the faculty sures of the newly instituted tri-
committee, Prof. Carl Gross, of mester system caused the higher
the education school, remarked attrition rate.
yesterday that MSU has been "The trimester doesn't seem to
moving in the direction of the res- be an adequate explanation for
idence college concept for the last the statistics," Shaw commented.
few years. He pointed to MSU's "The percentage of students with
coed residence halls which con- a grade average below C, the
tain classrooms and faculty of- number of students with incom-
fices as examples of the devel- plete grades and the over-all
opment of the self-contained col- freshman grade-point average all
lege concept at MSU. were consistent with records from
One of the main differences be- trimester were hmicyear.oIf the
tween the residence college being dropotincreasesatstics in
considered by his committee and dropout increase, statistics in
consdere byhis ommtteeandthese areas also should have risen
the residence halls already built is correspondinglyd"
that the proposed college would r n
"center around a basic theme." Levelling Off
Gross explained that this theme "It is very possible," Shaw add-
would be interdisciplinary in char- ed, "that the declining trend in
acter. For example, ,the college academic dropouts has reached a
might center around artistic crea- plateau, and that figurestwill con-
tivity or the natural sciences. tinue to fluctuate in the area
Self-Contained around 5 or 6 per cent.
A residence college centered "The statistics for the past few
around one theme would be more years probably reflect a steady im-
self-contained than would have provement in the ability of stu-
been otherwisr n ossilrine the dents admitted to the University.

-Daily-Richard Cooper
"LOWER MOVIE PRICES-we shall not be moved" and "We shall overcome" were two of the songs picketers outside the Michigan
Theatre last night used to supplement their chants against the recent movie admission price rise at the three Butterfield theatres
in town. One bearded protestor keeps himself warm in the cold and rain with a cup of coffee while his fellow picketers continue march-
ing with signs asking, "Why were prices raised during vacation?"
PLUS AND MINUS: PBicketers Brave Cold et
CoolRecetion or To Support Stay-In Efforts

Revision in Gradtng
A proposal to include plus and minus grades in the literary college
grading scale got a cool reception at a meeting of the literary college
steering committee yesterday.
The discussion was prompted by a letter sent to Associate Dean
James H. Robertson of the literary college by a professor. The letter
emphasized the trouble with grading the student on a strict A-B-C-
D-E scale without benefit of pluses or minuses. The professor, Robert-
son said, wrote that it was very hard to mark a student if he was 'on
the borderline between two grades.
Roger Price, '65, chairman of the committee, said, the addition of
the plus and the minus will only "raise more problems than it solves."

Thirty students, defending free enterprise,'fair prices and student
action, braved cold, rain and sleet last night as they bravely spent
four hours picketing the Michigan Theatre.
The students carried signs bearing such titles as "Inflation With-
out Representation Is Tyranny" and "Break the Butterfield Barons."
But as the evening wore on and the rain continued, students and signs
became rather pathetic looking. Hairdoes flopped, ski parkas were
drenched and paint covered everything in thin, long dribbles.
The students screamed and sang till finally the voices sounded
vaguely reminiscent of sand paper, Shouting "We're in economic
power" and "We beat Hoag," the'

Set Meeting
With Theatre
Picketers March and
Sing Outside Michigan
While Others 'Stay-In'
More than six hundred students
went to the Michigan Theatre at
6:30 p.m. yesterday, paid their
$1.50 and stayed to see "'Mary
Poppins" a time and a quarter to
protest the recent movie price
Student Government Council
called the "stay-in" Wednesday
night to demonstrate student sup-
port for a meeting between SGC
and the W C. Butterfield, Inc.
representatives in Detroit, now
scheduled for Monday.
At the same time, pickets from
Voice Political Party, the Inde-
pendent Socialist Club and the
Young Democrats marched in cold
and rain in front of the Michigan
and State Theatres. The State
Theatre was boycotted. No dem-
onstrations were held at the Cam-
pus Theatre. All three theatres
are owned by . the Butterfield
Many Leave
About 1000 people watched the
6:30 p.m. show with the 600 pro-
testors and left when it was over.
Only about 100 bought tickets for
the 9 p.m. show.
During the 15-minute intermis-
sion inside the theatre, the stu-
dents waited patiently. There were
a few outbursts of "The yictors"
and rhythmic clapping.
Student leaders termed the
"stay-in" "very effective." Picket
leaders vowed that students would
continue their protests by boy-
cotting the State and Michigan
Theatres tonight.
The picket leaders said that they
were carrying the demonstrations
further than SGC had urged be-
cause they feel "that SGC will be
in a better bargaining position if
demonstrations continue." We
need more than one demonstration
to get a reaction from Butter-
field," one student said.
'Having Fun'
Gerald Hoag, manager of the
Michigan Theatre noted that the
students were "having their fun."
Asked if prices would be lowered,
he replied: "No, there is no
The protest was watched by two
representatives of Butterfield
Theatres' central offices in De-
troit. Two Ann Arbor policemen
also observed the proceedings.
The 25 pickets at the State
Theatre urged students and Ann
Arbor residents to boycott both
evening shows. Charles Herbert,
manager of the theatre, said that
several hundred tickets were sold
for both performances, "a better
than usual turnout for a show at
the end of its run on a rainy
As many of the "stay-in" stu-
dents emerged from the Michigan,
the picketers were singing: "Lower
movie prices-we shall not be
moved." The picketers stopped
marching, lowered their signs, held
hands and sang, "We shall not be
As the lobby of the theatre be-
g'an to fill up with people coming
out of the movie after the "stay-
in," Steven I. Grossbard, of the
political science department, ad-
dressed the gathering. He asked
the students to go to their classes
on Monday and urge their profes-
sors to talk about the demonstra-
tions and "the need for action
He cited the need to urge the

University and the City Council
to aid the students.
'Not a Game'
"This is'not a game," he em-
phasized. "Students must act now
or else it will be to late to halt
the rising prices" not just for
movies, but for books and apart-
SGC President Douglas Brook,
'65, and Council member Thomas
Smithson, '65, will represent SGd
at the meeting Monday in Detroit.

college's facilities would be spe-
cially constructed to fit the theme.
The proposal for MSU's resi-
dence college differs from the Uni-
versity's residence college in that
it "probably will not have facul-
ty living within the complex,"
Gross noted.
Associate Dean Burton D. Thu-
ma, of the literary college, direc-
tor of the University's Residence
College, commented yesterday:'
"We think the residence college
concept has merit; presumablyf
many colleges will experiment with
Hannah's Speech
Although the idea of establish-t
ing a residence college at MSUt
was first suggested by the school'st
Committee on the Future in 1959,
the concept was brought to the
fore this year in a speech by MSU
President John A. Hannah thist

But, the 6.1 per cent dropout
figure is among the lowest, if not
the lowest, of all state supported
schools in the country, and may
indicate a level of academic fail-
ure caused by immaturity or mal-
adjustment that cannot be im-
proved upon."
Other Explanations
Shaw also listed two other pos-
sibilities that the 1962-'63 year,
which showed an exceptionally
high level of academic perform-
ance, was an oddity and that the
1963-'64 statistics merely indicate
a return to the norm.
Conversely, he suggested that
the most recent figures might be
the exception to the rule, and
that records for the present school
year will again reveal a decrease
in academic losses.
He emphasized, however, that
these explanations are specula-

Says Churchill
Losing Ground
LONDON (A') - Sir Winston
Churchill slipped closer to death
last night after three days of no
change in his condition.
In the 17th medical bulletin
since the 90-year-old statesman
began his struggle against death,
Churchill's personal physician,
Lord Moran, said:
"Sir Winston has had a restful
day but there has been some de-
terioration in his condition."

Dorr Views Part-Time Fees

'Increase Pettiness'
Price agreed with Jon Davis,
'65, who said that any addition to
the grading scale will only in-
crease "the pettiness" of students'
feelings towards grades.
Paul Bernstein, '66, believed
adding the new grade classifica-
tions would make the entire sys-
tem "more accurate." If "more
teachers were as thoughtful as the
one that wrote the letter desiring
the change," then adding the plus-
es and minuses "would be valu-
able," he said. But, he didn't be-
lieve the teachers are thoughtful
It was mentioned at the meet-
ing that Harvard places pluses
and minuses on the transcript but
doesn't use them for figuring a
student's grade point average.
Many of the members were in
favor of this idea.
Opposes Plan
Ken Verosub, '65, was against
the proposal entirely because
"when graduate schools examine
a transcript, they look for the
overall picture and not specific
grades in specific courses."
However, . a Student Govern-
ment Council subcommittee will
take a survey next week of stu-
dents' reactions to adding the
plus and minus to the grading
system, according to Judith Gold-
stein, '67. The date for the survey,
to be taken at one of the campus
libraries, has not as yet been set,
she said.
Other points discussed at yes-
terday's meeting were suggestions
to be submitted to the student
committee concerning the Resi-
dential College curriculum, an ex-
tension of exam time from two to
three hours and a request for stu-
dents to evaluate the question-
naires that the co-ordinating com-!
mittee compiling the course eval-
uation booklet have circulated.
Advisory Body

students drew considerable reac-.
tion from the Ann Arbor resi-
Mixed Reaction
When asked if they were in
sympathy with the student action,
answers from Ann Arbor resi-
dents ranged from, "Yes, defin-
itely" to "I don't understand what
they're complaining about, prices
are always going up."
Several Ann Arbor residents
were asked if they thought the
increase in prices was justified.
One answered, 'I don't know. I
don't really think about things
like that."
Husband Pickets
A woman, carrying a six month
old child, when asked if she plan-

At Berkeley
The University of California
rIegents failed yesterday to take
any action in the continuing poli-
tical controversy at the Berkeley
In their only action affecting
students directly, the Regents re-
affirmed an earlier resolution
which stated that they would not
intervene in any legal proceed-
ings against Berkeley students re-
sulting from the long series of
demonstrations and sit-ins last
November and December. This
"non-interference" resolution was
originally passed Dec. 18.
The next Regents meeting will
be Feb. 19. A number of issues still
await action-but the possibility
of further trouble in Berkeley's
free-speech controversy depends
on whether the Regents are able
to arrive at a re-interpretation of
their policy up to the present time.
Regents' Policy
Their policy of attempting to re-
strict outside political action at
Berkeley as well as other campus-
es of the sprawling University of
California is considered the root
of last year's trouble.
Meanwhile, nearly 800 students
arrested in the mass sit-in demon-
stration at Berkeley's administra-
tion building December 3 are fac-
ing trial at the Berkeley Muni-
cipal Court beginning January 6.
The court is planning to hear
100 cases daily. There are several
motions for dismissal of the charg-
es before the court, and these will
receive a ruling before the trials
Legal Action
Prof. Jacobus Ten Broek, an
expert in constitutional law at
Berkeley, entered a brief Thurs-
day calling for dismissal of the
fr~a. nL nr c,1v~trA oan-d+1t

According to several deans in the various colleges of the Univer-
sity, the part-time tuition fee schedule is arbitrary and discriminatory.
They claim that, while many students commute and use University
facilities less, they still have to pay the same fee as students living
on campus.
Speaking for the traditional policy of the Fee Committee, Harold
Dorr, dean of state-wide education and the committee's chairman,
said that the cost of the facilities made available to a part-time
student and the administrative expense of processing him are the
same as those for a full-time student.
Total Fee
The student does not pay a specific number of dollars per credit
but rather pays a total fee based on classroom, teaching and facility
expenses, Dorr explained.
"We assume the use of campus facilities by part-time students
to be the same as for regular students and do not charge fees on a
per credit hour basis," Dorr said.
The deans opposed to the present fee structure claim that it tends
to drive many qualified students elsewhere because of the high tuition

Butterfield offices in Detroit
watches the proceedings.
ned to stay-in said, "No, I'm just
here because my husband is
A few minutes later, her hus-
band came, patted the child on
the head and asked, "Veronica, do
you want to go picket another
theatre now?"
During the intermission, stu-
dents began waves of rhythmic
applause, booing and hissing.

Fee Structure
The fee structure, bast revised in 1962, is as follows:
In-State 4


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