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August 12, 1966 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1966-08-12

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Seventy-Sixth Year
e Opinions Are Free.
uth Will Prevail 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR, MICH. NEWS PHONE: 764-0552
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.


AY, AUGUST 12, 1966


Two Proposals for
More Student Participation

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THIS UNIVERSITY-=indeed, all univer-
sities--has frequently been criticized
for a lack of attention to its students. It
is a serious charge, and too often just. But
two ideas suggest that intelligent and
creative action by the University cannot
only help end this major cause of stu-
dent alienation but also mark a new start
on a whole range of university problems.
The first proposal would capitalize on
the idea of internships. For perhaps three
months some of the University's students
have been interns in the very formal-
or literal-sense, working for public fig-
ures or hospitals, making a small contri-
bution to their employers as they further
their own education in an often excit-
ing and eminently practical way.
BUT WHY MUST internships be restrict-
ed to summers or sutures? Why do
universities unconscionsly offer their stu-
dents simply the opportunity of helping
decide university issues, when they could
help. in the no less urgent or rewarding
ob of carrying out those decisions? Has
the University become so free from prob-
ems and so clogged with professors and
personnel that it has a manpower surplus?
Here the University could make a sig-
nificant stride towards student involve-
nent in its affairs by creating a wide
ange of schoolyear internships. Prefer-
ably but not necessarily paying positions,
hese internships could quite possibly sup-
>lement the University's scholarship pro-
;ram, and might involve anything from
assisting professors and departments to
working for administrators.
There is surely enough work to do; the
value of such experience to the student is
self-evident; and so is the contribution
such internships would make to the level
>f student sophistication-and to the de-
gree of student interest and participation
in the University's affairs.
ANOTHER PROPOSAL also concerns stu-
dent involvement in the University.
Without implying any criticism of the way
n which it is carried out, it can safely
be said that freshman orientation is phil-
>sophically a very sterile and deadening
:oncept. The time for refreshing reform
s long overdue.
Far from suggesting to the wide-eyed
ncoming freshman that the University is
oncerned about what he thinks the Uni-
rersity should be, orientation, in effect,
zow tells the student what the Univer-
;ity is-implying that the University is
nore or less immutable and that the stu-
Lent's place is to listen rather than to
peak, to absorb rather than contribute,
;o be informed rather than inform.

This criticism of orientation goes to its
symbolic and psychological deficiencies
rather than the information it conveys.
Needless to say, entering freshmen should
continue to get instruction about signing
up for classes, the significance of the
museums lions, and the tradition of the
engine arch.
BUT ORIENTATION, even though its
information is essential, suffers from
a mistaken philosophy. In orientation, the
University tells students what it expects
of them--but does not ask what they ex-
pect of it.
Yet, in the last analysis, whom is the
University for if not its students? Orien-
tation should be. not only for students,
but for Universityprofessors and ad-
ministrators, who should devote at the
very least a week at the start of each
semester to talking with students-par-
ticularly freshmen - to find out about
their expectations and hopes for the
"But I can't fit that kind of thing into
my schedule." Then what business do you
have having a'schedule in the first place?
Until students become a central concern
at the University as evidenced by atten-
tion not only to the affairs of students
but to the students themselves, orienta-
tion could well be replaced by a small
But as student orientation by faculty
and administrators supplemented. by a
new program of faculty and administra-
tion orientation by students, orientation
would constitute a-vital and significant
experience-and not only for students, for
that matter.
BOTH SUCH DUAL orientation and uni-
versity internships, while significant,
will scarcely exhaust the range of possi-
bilities for involving students in the life
of the University. And they are only
opportunities - meaningless unless stu-
dents take advantage of them. But unless
these and other such opportunities are
presented, the eventual alternatives are
the catastrophe of Berkeley -- or, far
worse, the deadening grip of student apa-
Some time ago President Hatcher told
a student convocation he regretted that
so many students found so few windows
to the University. Internships and a dual
orientation would open some more win-
dows-some very exciting ones-and the
University's interest in opening them as a
new academic year begins shortly will
have a.lot to do with the quality of Uni-
versity life in the years to come.
Editor, 1966-67

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God Died Because No One Needed Him

MUCH HAS BEEN said about
the alleged death of God; in
fact the issue itself has died. The
problem or question, however, is
not one of "where did God die"
but why did he die?
He died because many people
didn't need him anymore. That is,
they did not need him in the insti-
tutionalized form to which he had
been reduced. Marble statues, com-
mercialized services and other
representations of God became
God himself. Worshippers became
enchanted with their own image
as they knelt in their new suit on
Easter Sunday with the imported
mantilla modestly in place. The
church social moved into the pews.
THOSE WHO grew up in this
atmosphere and bothered to think
about it wondered who the mar-
ble represented. Why couldn't
they do something because a cler-
gyman said it was a sin? Who was
he to tell them how to run their
lives? "I never saw God, I don't
even know if I'd like the guy, who

And so it went. In an age of
materialism and machines individ-
uals seek their own identity, "their
own soul" and at times do it with
belligerence. The traditional im-
age of God threatens this "self-
made" image. So, God disappears.
Or, the ancestral God of the
family disappears. And in many
cases he is merely replaced by a
God of guilt rather than. one of
love or belief.
The God of guilt is in residence
when relatives, parents and the
like question the church-going
habits of their young. He doesn't
exist as an entity in his own
right; he exists for the sake of
BUT IN MOST cases he doesn't
exist at all. Everything he once
stood for - the creation of the
world, of the people who live in it,
the forces of nature, the Almighty,
all-merciful, all-loving judge and
father-is not accepted by modern
The accomplishments in space,
the sperm banks, man's control
over the forces of nature, the con-

tinuous plight of the majority of
mankind defy the ancient defini-
tions of God.
Man has almost made a god of
himself. He delves into the depths
of his soul with the expensive aid
of a psychiatrist rather than the
silent ear of the confessional. He
looks to his government and his
talents in the employe market to
clothe him, not trusting the an-
cient biblical promise that "as the
lilies of the field are clothed so
shall you be." He is constantly
training his mind to master and
discover the keys to nature. Edu-
cation is the highest prize the
world can offer, and, if it teaches
one thing, it illustrates the com-
plexity of the world and that no
one answer is available.
And thus the all-knowing, all-
reassuring image of God is de-
THE MAIN SOURCE of life for
God lies in the established reli-
gious denominations and their
schools. But even these are crum-
bling before the march of time.
The private schools are joining

together in an effort to maintain
their student population and com-
pete in the educational field. The
major stumbling block in their
struggle is lack of money. Public
educational costs drain many tax-
able pockets, leaving little for the
"extras." Advanced equipment for
labs is rapidly being regarded as
a must for every high school, and
now even grammar schools.
Experimentation for improve-
ment in present methods takes
time and money, neither of which
the private schools can afford.
They have therefore, often oper-
ated with the traditional tools, and
the status quo leaves much to be
This situation finds many par-
ents who went to private school
themselves sending their children
to the public schools for the best
available education. This secular
education educates with no respect
for the laws of God, nor does it
give "his side of the story." It
offers the challenge of learning,
it welcomes questions.
AND THIS IS what has killed

him. The broadening of 'the mind
inevitably narrows the propensity
for pure belief. The art of ques-
tioning everything, including one's
own existence, is directly opposed
to the habit of belief.
The attitude of individualism
above all else defies the existence
of an all-mighty "other" directing
your life from an unknown spot
in the heavens above.
Man's increasing ability to "take
care of himself erases the need of
a scapegoat on which to pin his
actions, joys and sorrows. Man
now guards these treasures as his
possession and his alone.
God is historically the solu-
tion for the unknown. If a river
parted in the middle, it was a mir-
acle; if someone died, it was be-
cause God wanted him near; if
someone became ill, it was to pun-
ish him for past sins.
BUT SCIENCE has erased these
cliches and will continue to erase
whatever remains. God is indeed
missing in action; the action of
living your own life, questioning,
learning and progressing as a re-


Protestor's Dilemma: Signs or Sellouts

-, .

The Beatles Versus God:
Religion Hippy-Style

A PHILOSOPHICAL split in the
ranks of the anti-war protest
movement, particularly evident af-
ter last Monday's picket of the
Dow Chemical Corp. in Midland,
reveals some of the inevitable dif-
ficulties in 20th century "mal de
The Midland demonstrators,
many of them members of Stu-
dents for aDemocratic Society,
were sure of several things: Dow's
manufacture of napalm for the
Defense Department is wrong; the
war in Viet Nam is immoral, il-
legal and impractical; there are
basic flaws in our present eco-
nomic, political, social and educa-
tional institutions that permit,
even encourage, such immoral pol-
icies; and the American people
must be made to recognize these
flaws, understand and condemn
their effects and take action to
eliminate them.
OF ALL THIS the students are
certain, and the certainty was ex-
pressed in their picket signs bear-
ing messages such as "One United
States, Black and White-One Viet
Nam, North and South - One
World, East and West."
Yet, despite their agreement on
what "must" be' done, the pro-

testors found themselves at odds
when it came to deciding what can
be done, what should be done and
how to do it. The discussion that
took place after the march
brought these disagreements to
No one was satisfied with the
protest. Few workers and even
fewer executives had been present,
and nearly all of them had re-
fused even to look at the students
who were handing out specially
prepared leaflets about the war
and the effects of napalm.
Later, several demonstrators
suggested the protest would get
more effective attention if they
were to picket the home of Dow
President Herbert Doan in a near-
by residential neighborhood. This
suggestion produced arguments
about the best way to conduct the
demonstration, and the purpose of
the protest in general.
were against picketing in the sub-
urbs, said the most important ob-
jective should be to stop the pro-
duction of napalm. They felt that
this could be done by planning a
long-range project rather than
acting on impulse, using literature
written especially for the types of

people they were trying to reach.
They urged their fellow dissent-
ers to be practical-to avoid an-
tagonizing the police and the pub-
lic, to be well-organized in their
protests and to avoid extremes in
their signs and literature.
Their argument is that out-and-
out condemnation of the war will
immediately alienate observers,
that demands should be presented
tactfully and in a manner calcu-
lated to achieve cooperation and
expressed the belief that the dem-
onstrations should "lay-off" the
war itself for a while, since the
public enviously trusts the admin-
istration's judgment of the situa-
tion, and should concentrate on
the effects of napalm on children
and civilians.
If the public can be convinced
that napalm is bad, they say, this
can be used as a lever to break
loose their belief that "Washing-
ton can do no wrong," and make
them realize that the United
States is not always acting in the
interests of freedom and justice.
The strategists, however, meet
some strong opposition from the
"purists" in the protest movement,

those who feel it is a "sell-out" to
accept any part of society's estab-
lished codes and values, even (or
especially) for the sake of public
IN MIDLAND the purists were
scornful of the attempt to stop
napalm production at Dow. They
said (in this case, at least, more
realistic than the strategists) that
if Dow would not make napalm,
someone else would. Even if no
one would manufacture the chem-
ical, they thought, nothing would
be solved.
For according to the purists
the Dow protest is only a part of
the attempt to point out to the
people of the United States those
institutions and traditions in
American society that perpetuate
injustice and exploitation. Na-
palm is not important in itself
because it is merely the result and
not the cause of the trouble.
This leaves a person who is
alarmed and disturbed by our
present society two fairly grim al-
ternatives: he can bow to the sys-
tem and aim for minor goals, leav-
ing behind the real causes of his
discontent; or he can preserve his
philosophical and total viewpoint
-with the near certainty of being

THERE IS, apparently, no way
for the disillusioned to make their
viewpoints carry weight unless
they temper their criticism, there-
by losing much of their potential
Now is the time to find a solu-
tion to this problem-except for
the fact that there doesn't seem to
be one. The most sensitive and
perceptive of the demonstrators
seem to be drifting away from the,
movement. They are becoming
either bitter or apathetic, either
laughing or crying to find the
"common man" about whom they
were so concerned, almost totally
As one Midland policeman put
it, "The people here don't get ex-
cited about anything. Come storm,
or fire or flood, they Just go about
their business."
THIS, THEN, is the heart of
the problem: whether the intel-
lectuals, the dissenters, become
discouraged and apathetic or
whether they continue to voice
their criticism. it seems to make
no difference. No one really cares.
And, when mankind finally de-
stroys itself, it won't give anyone
very much satisfaction to be able
to say, "I told you so "


iE PERIOD of public mourning over
the death of God seems to have past:
big thing in religious symbols is now
Yellow Submarine, the Holy Tilnity
; become a quartet, and the Alleluia
orus requires an electric guitar.
eedless to say this is the Year of Our
d-1966, B.C.-B.C. being, of course,
.tle Century. The Western world is
ring the first cries of worship this
k: "John not Jesus." And as is true
nost deities, the popularity of the cur-
t idols is suddenly dubious.
WIOUSLY when John Lennon-the
Beatle sitting highest on Mount Olym-
-- announced some weeks ago that
e Beatles are more popular than Jes-
' he undoubtedly thought that he was
'ely, stating fact. It seems, however,
t at that point he had initiated a cult.
ong worshipped but never officially
etified, the Beatles began somewhat
btrusively in a place called the Cav-
in Liverpool, England. The whole set-
was not much unlike the manger scene
fre Christ made his first appearance
) years before. People came and kind
tared-both at the infant Christ and
r at the singers.
ther similarities cannot be easily over-
:ed either. Both Christ and the Beatles
e fated for destinies with the stars,
h performed miracles (the Beatles be-
able to turn docile, apathetic, teenage

angry mobs. It may not be long before
fanatics are throwing rocks at the Beatles
instead of kisses.
Significantly, the Beatles even have a
gospel of their own. Twentieth Century
communication has enabled the singers to
reach thousands without the aid of loaves
and fishes. Their words are immortally
inscribed on discs . . . Lyrics such as those
of Nowhere Man and Eleanor Rigby are
as didactical and thought-provoking as
the sermons of Christ,
AND WHY SHOULDN'T the Beatles be-
come the successors to Christ? They're
alive, enthusiastic, current, and palatable.
Besides it's just as easy to say "John,
Paul, George, and Ringo" as it is to say
"Father, Son, and Holy Ghost."
Only Smart
Enough To Kill
alizations for the Air Force's bombings
of purely civilian villages in Viet Nam is
that the Viet Cong prevented the villag-
ers from running when the U.S. planes
Either there are more suicidal Viet
Cong than villagers or our government


"Follow That Car"

'Cosi Fan Tutti' Gets Ovations

WEATHER conditions Thursday
night couldn't dampen the
spirits of opera buffs at Lydia
Mendelssohn. Nor could the drizzle
and light mist hide the stars. They
shown brightly-on stage and in
in the pit, resulting in large
and well-deserved plumes in the
hats of Josef Blatt and Ralph
Herbert for their production of
"Cosi Fan Tutte."
If first impressions are any
gauge to total performance, then
the orchestra gave every indica-
tion that here was going to be a
polished and tight, yet exquisite
performance of Mozart's opera
giocosa. Clearly conductor Blatt

in what could be termed Rococo
style, but here rendered in go-go
Victorian. The bi-level structure
was ideal for the fast paced ac-
tion of the six principals.
Although the difficulties of the
recitative, duets and arias are
spread evenly among the six roles
and executed, in general, most sat-
isfactorily, three people can be
singled out for recognition: Frank-
lin Dybdahl (Don Alfonso), Lee
Davis (Guglielmo) and Noel Rog-
ers (Fierdiligi). Dybdahl's appear-
ance, manner and voice were en-
tirely appropriate to the charac-
ter. What made his performance
so appealing was his ability to keep
the balance between the cunning
vs. good-natured attitude of Don

LYNDA WESTON as Despina,
doctor and judge, failed to capi-
talize on the varied possibilities
of character portrayal to such a
meaty role. Her interpretation was
much too one-dimensional and in
certain cases too delicate for the
buffo characters.
Gordon Leavitt as Ferrando has
a very clear tenor voice, but un-
like Davis, he tends to thin out
in the upper register. He handled
his role quite well, although at
times it seemed that it took Da-
vis' abandon to bring out the best
in his acting ability. Susan Morris
(Dorabella) has a charming voice,
but it lacks the clear-cut, elastic
quality of Noel's.
uMrdfcece aie evt



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