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Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom
Freshman Orientation is cur-
rently one of the most complex
problems facing the University at
the outset of an academic term.
It is most obviously acute in the
fall and becomes more severe as
the number of freshmen keeps es-
calating. This escalation naturally
complicates the processes of test-
ing, classification, and registra-
In order to help introduce fresh-
men to the University, the Sum-
mer Orientation Program was
created. This summer alone, the
program handled some 3,600 fresh-
men and 300 transfer students in
38 groups, giving each of them
time for placement into the prop-
er programs and sections, as well
as almost assuring them of a place
in the courses they wanted.
The processes are rather hur-
ried, this haste being the natural
outgrowth of trying to accomplish
the essentials of orientation and
registration in three days. But
this rush, in the opinion of Orien-
tation Leader Martha Welling, is
much to be preferred over the
total chaos of trying to orient
the complete freshman group in
the fall.
Most of the complaints about
the program center in the area of
testing, counseling, and ROTC.
However, their correction, if pos-
sible, might result in some dis-
ruption of the program.
Testing, for example, holds some
students for over four hours their
first morning of orientation, but
this allows the results to be in the
hands of the student's counselor in
time for him to make fullest use
of them during the individual
counseling session. If the testing
were held later in the program,
this could not be done.
But there are areas in which
definite improvement could be
made. The most _important of
these is the counseling in the
School of Architecture and De-
sign. Compared to that .of the
other schools, it seems inadequate
and appears to be capable of im-
provement only when, in the words
of one orientation leader, ".
these people realize they need pro-
fessional counselors."
Alleviation of this problem may
be forthcoming as meetings are
currently being held by the A&D
administration to discuss it.
ROTC usually rates low because
the ROTC briefing seems to be
rather vague, confusing, and
something of a bore to those
orientees interviewed about it.
Another problem is that al-
though some of the freshmen have
no real commitments until early
afternoon, and would like nothing
better than to get some extra sleep
after two hectic days, they can-
not because they have to be out
of their rooms by 8 a.m. in order
for them to be ready for the
group, due at 1 p.m. Having no
better place, they sleep in the
lounge, an available, but none too
comfortable, place.
Along other lines, the Health
Service film comes off as a comic
success with hearty waves of
laughter greeting several of the
vignettes therein. The film was in-
tended for presentation to the
parents and is, therefore, a place-
bo. The message of the film is
nearly lost in its wave of humor,
as evidenced by the collective howl
released when an orientation lead-
er announced, "We'll be showing
the Health Service movie again at
9:30 for those of you who'd like
to see it twice."
One more area of improvement
was noted by Orientation Leaders
Welling and Diane Gustafson.
Since one of the purposes of Sum-
mer Orientation is to eliminate the
"lost frosh," it would seem advis-
able to require all freshmen to
attend the program. The 3,600
freshmen handled this summer
were some 1,000 short of the total
group expected in the fall.
This suggestion, although help-
ing to ease the still-existent fall
orientation rush, would create still
other problems, such as getting
these most divergent elements of
the freshmen group, some of
whom are traveling or working,
to the program and requiring that
counselors be on campus when the
rest of the faculty is gone.
For the rest of the program,
there appears to be nothing but
In interviews with orientees in
the Aug. 4-6 group, the over-
whelming opinion was that the
program was "very effective . . .
giving adequate preparation . . .
doing an excellent job in the time
In spite of such a reception,
there is no chance of stagnation
within the porgram. Aside from
meetings held the spring and fall,
in which the program is evaluat-
ed from University, school, admin-
istration, and student levels and
new ideas are introduced and dis-
cussed, the orientation directors of
all the Big Ten schools, except
Northwestern, and numerous other
institutions gather once a year to
study innovations and results.
This interchange of ideas is one
of the best ways the directors
have of improving their individual
programs. Some of the more ap-
parent results of these meetings
are the Computer Dance, the
Residence Halls' Activities Day,
the Marching Band All-Campus
Sing, and the Upperclassmen
Course Evaluation Program,
wherein people with experience in
the courses the freshmen will be
exposed to will be placed in the
Union where they can be found
readily for discussions of these
courses, all new this year.
After some 12 years' experience
in the field of Freshman Orienta-
tion, the University's program has
become a leader, and has become,
in whole or part, the model for
the orientation programs at num-
erous schools throughout the West
and South. The orientation pro-
gram at the University of Ala-
bama, for example, is based al-
most entirely on that of the Uni-
Such evidence confirms the
thoughts of Orientation Director
Jack Petosky when he said, "I
think, I'm not boasting, that we
have the best orientation program
in the country."
State To Get:
Money for
Student Aid
Federal Government
To Provide Michigan
With About $700,000
The new federal Guaranteed Stu-
dent Loan Program is expected to1
give the Michigan Higher Educa-!
tion Assistance Authority approxi-
mately $700,000 over a three-year
period, according to Patrick Cum-
mings, consultant to the loan pro-
gram in Lansing.
The federal program, authoriz-
ed by the Higher Education Act
of 1965, will provide funds to serve
as guarantee reserves for loans
financed by banks, credit unions
and savings and loan associations.
In addition, if the student bor-
rower's adjusted family income is
under $15,000 per year, the federal
government will pay the six per
cent interest on the loan during
the time the student is in school.,
The government will also continue
to pay half of the interest after
the student is out of school and
has begun to repay the loan.
According to the American
Council on Education, the loans
will be administered through the:
states, either through particular
agencies or through contract with
United States Aid Funds, Inc.
The U.S. Office of Education es-
timates that approximately 975,000
students this year will attempt to
borrow about $697 million.
Cummings said yesterday that,
although Michigan has not yet re-;
ceived funds through the program,
the state is 'expected to receive
about $400,000 quite soon. The
loans will be administered through
the Higher Education Assistance
Cummings added that the most
important difference the new pro-
gram will make is that now stu-
dents will be able to apply for
funds to study in school out of'
the state, including foreign col-
leges, if they are accredited by
the Office of Education.
The Vermont Student Assistance
Corporation received $25,000 Aug.
3 as the first state agency to be
awarded federal "seed money."
The money will enable the agency
to guarantee about $312,500 in
Cummings said that the major-I
ity of banks in Michigan are "very
cooperative," and that "if a per-
son has the ability and desire to
go to school, he should have the
opportunity to do so."
Hearing for
uIign Daity Grant Rules
Late World News
By The Associated Press
F8 Crusader jet last night as Navy and Air Force planes struck
at petroleum storage areas and power plants in North Viet Nam,
the U.S. Command announced early today.
A spokesman said the plane was downed 35 miles east of
Haiphong. The pilot ejected and was picked .up by a rescue heli-
copter, he added.
On the ground, the 1st Battalion of the U.S. 5th Marine Regi-
ment, about 750 men, fought off encirclement by perhaps 1,500
North Vietnamese sbuth of Da Nang.
The raids on the North came as U.S. officials announced two
tragic cases of mistaken targets in South Viet Nam
* * *I *
PASADENA, CALIF.-A SHORT burst of power from the
rocket engine aboard America's Lunar Orbiter put the stubby
flying photo laboratory into a perfect path to the moon, scientists
reported yesterday.
The burst, commanded by scientists at the Jet Propulsion
laboratory, slowed the craft slightly at a point about 130,000
miles from the earth, spokesmen said.
The elaborate sequence of maneuvers to aim the 850-pound
spacecraft properly began at 4 p.m. PDT and culminated after
5 p.m., when the rocket engine fired. Scientists said preliminary
data indicated the midcourse maneuver was perfect.
JACKSON, MISS.-DR. MARTIN Luther King Jr.'s Southern
Christian Leadership Conference last night called upon President
Johnson to take steps to reverse the House vote on the open
housing section of the 1966 civil rights bill.
"This iniquitous vote which effectively sanctioned discrim-
ination in the sale or rental of private housing only adds more
fuel to the fires of frustration burning in the hearts of our
Negro ghettocdwellers," said a resolution adopted by the SCLC
board of directors.
"Instead of heeding those agonized crises, the House was
bowed low before the racist pressures of the real estate lobby."
The resolution placed the blame for passage of the bill
squarely on President Johnson's shoulders saying, "The adminis-
tration retreated before the bigots' onslaught and accepted a
On Viet Nam, SCLC said the escalation of the war in South-
east Asia, "exposes the failure of American policy in that un-
happy country."
THE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, Education, and Welfare
has given a public health research grant for a five year project
which will be administered by Vice-President for Business and
Finance W. K. Pierpont. Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr. of the School
of Public Health will be the principle investigator, Rep. Weston
Vivian (D-Ann Arbor) announced recently.
He also announced a second grant in public health service
training for a five year project to Dr. Martin L. Hoffman of the
psychology department.
From the Office of Education Bureau of Research, Rep.
Vivian announced a grant to Education Prof. Garry Walz for
educational research information on counseling and guidance.
Held Openly
Regulations for New T
Tuition Program
Received Positively
A public hearing held yesterday
on the 16 rules and regulations for
Michigan's new tuition grant pro-
gram for students attending pri-
vate colleges and universities pro-
duced "no major negative reac-
tions," said Dr. John Porter of the
Higher Education Department.
Each of the regulations, said!
Porter, was reviewed separately at
the hearings held in the chamber
of the Michigan House ofhRepre-
sentatives in Lansing in the pres-
ence of a "number of people."
The program provides $3.5 mil-
lion for tuition grants to students
of private colleges and will begin
this fall. Averaging about $200 per
student per year, the money wlil
be distributed on a graduated
scale. Michigan's program differs
from those in other states in that
it does not require a competitive
examination, but merely a test of
financial need - family income
compared with the institution's
Porter explained that the regu-
lations reviewed yesterday consist
of the method by which an appli-
cant's eligibility will be deter-
mined. He said that the law itself
is not specific on the types of
freshmen, for example, who are
eligible. Theregulations will spe-
fcify that they be entering fresh-
men having no previous college
He said further that the regula-
tions will now go to the State
Superintendent's, Ira Polley's, of-!
fice and from there will be sent Rep. Staggers (I
to the Attorney General for final
approval. Following the Attorney
General's approval, the regulations
will be officially presented and WASHTEF
made part of the program's code.
Meanwhile, Aug. 25 has been set
as the deadline for applications
from students seeking financialj
assistance under the program. The
applications have been printed and
are available at the 40 participat-
ing colleges and universities in the
state. No applications will be ap- WasteawCo
proved, however, until after the Wednesday night
rules and regulations are given the lution commendin
Attorney General's final approval. power" ideology
About 6,000 students are expect- that black power
ed to receive tuition grants during tribtion t the fig
the first year of the new program, grated an d more f
bthat black power
Othp atin nt i
100 Extra
This Year
By Winter Semester
Residence Halls Will
Have Fewer People
As had been predicted early in
the winter term, dormitories will
be overcrowded again this fall,
for the third straight year.
Newly-appointed Director of
University Housing John C. Feld-
kamp said yesterday that the
number of applicants for dorm
rooms is currently running at
about 100 above what the resi-
dence halls are built to accom-
modate. The overflow figure con-
stitutes about 1/2 per cent of the
total number of applicants.
Feldkamp termed the expected
overcrowding "slight," but said
that housing officials had hoped
earlier this summer that there
would be no overcrowding at all.
He said, however, that by the
winter semester, thehresidence
halls should be housing only the
number they were designed for. He
explained that admissions officials
normally admit more students
than can be accommodated in the
residence halls, anticipating about
200 students to withdraw or just
"not show up" at the 'University
at the last minute.
Feldkamp said that the over-
flow at the semester's start would
be accommodated by converting
single rooms to doubles and some
doubles to triples.
The need to use converted rooms
this fall has been somewhat reduc-
ed by theopening of 600 spaces in
the Cedar Bend housing. The
North Campus complex, housing
only upperclass and graduate stu-
dents, will eliminate some of the
pressure the dormitories previously
felt in housing students eligible
for off-campus quarters who chose
to remain in dorms.
Dormitory space problems be-
came serious in the fall of 1964,
when due to late admissions, 200
more freshmen than were expect-
ed arrived on campus. They were
shuttled into cramped temporary
quarters in floor lounges and li-
braries. Finally, about 300 rooms
were converted to accommodate
-Associated Press
D-W.Va.), chairman of the House Commerce Committee, talked to reporters yes-
terday during a break in airline back-to-work bill talks.
ntocrat Vote Policy
nty Democrats
passed a reso-
.g the "black
to the extent
makes a con-
,ht for an inte-
:illy democratic
"to the extent
reflects racist
the ronvention
ic platform included the endorse-
ment of all county Demo-
cratic candidates and oft Univer-
sity Regent candidates Irne Mur-
phy and Dean Z. Douthat; approv-
al of the idea of a police review
board to be established to in-
vestigate police brutality com-
plaints in the county, and the
raising of all Michigan teachers'
salaries until they are the na-
tion's highest paid.
Support for the referendum to
lower the voting age in Michigan
to 18 came as well at the conven-
tion, as did approval for the sus-
pension of prosecution of drug
addicts for non-violent crimes in
favor of medical treatment.
Also adopted into the county's
Democratic platform was the fav-
oring of a move toward. the abo-
lition of the House Committee on
Un-American Activities; condem-
nation of unilateral military in-
tervention by any nation into the
domestic affairs of any member of
the Organization of American
States, and a request that the gov-
ernment release only "factually
correct information" to the public,
"lest the faith of the people in
their government be diminished."
Black Power' Hurts Aid to Civil Iiglts
v er ac on ac e CC1VC111
held in the Michigan Union Ball-
room included a call for the de-
escalation of the war in Viet Nam.
The county Democrats want the
stoppage of all non-defensive oper-
ations in Southeast Asia, includ-
ing all "search and destroy" oper-
This stand on the Viet Nam
war came as part of the platform
Second of Three Parts
While the Student Nonviolent
Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
is charging the Northern press
with distortions about the mean-
ing of "black power," causing lib-
erals to worry about "racism" and'
"black nationalism," the Rev. Dr.
Martin Luther King's Southern
Christian Leadership Conference
says that 70 per cent of its fi-
nancial help has come from white
Contributions, however, have
dropped from $1.5 million in the
fiscal year 1965 to less than $1
VM114 4 1 nag
held, sums up that attitude: "Bull
Connor and his police dogs were
such easy targets to hate a few
years ago."
He referred to Eugene Connor,
who used dogs to check demon-
strators when he was Birming-
ham police commissioner.
Many observers and leaders of
the civil rights struggle believe
that it is too early to assess the
full impact of the new "black
power" slogan. But they point to
other related factors, described as
"racist" or "extremist," attitudes
as having a depressing effect for
ed by the new emphasis on "black
power" and will continue giving.
They interpret "black power" as
the classic American political de-
vice, fully constitutional, of try-
ing to obtain "power commensur-
ate with your numbers." But most
concede that the "black power"
slogan has caused considerable
concern among some acquaint-
"black power" doctrine enunciated
by Stokely Carmichael, new SNCC
director, making it appear racist
or separatist.
"I don't think 'black power' is
an invitation to violence," he says.
Schwerner and his wife are
taking part in SNCC's new fund-
raising mailing aimed at 44,000
previous contributors. Other Jew-
ish liberals maintaining their suo-
c o m m i t t e e's recommendations
which included as well the fol-
lowing steps:
-Cessation of all bombing not
necessary for immediate protec-
tion of defensive positions;
Denies College Requirement
Will1 Increase Nurse Shortage
Mrs. Jo Ann Levinson of New port to CORE or SNCC or both in- -A clear announcement of Unit- By MICHAEL DOVER
York, daughter of Albert A. List, elude R. Peter Strauss, owner of ed States willingness to negotiate Speculation that the American
the corporation executive who set radio station WMCA; Peter Weiss, directly with the National Liber- Nursing Association's decision to
up the List Foundation, still finds lawyer and officer of the American ation Front, and require a college education for
CORE and SNCC are "much more Jewish Congress, and Victor Rab- -An announcement that a de- professional nursing would create
.~ +1,- .1 - -_+1,- -,-;,hia n evengreate shortage of nueis
ler said, 'are the ones who plan
careers as leaders in nursing such
as head nurses and professors."
She explained that most profes-
sional nurses today do have college
traiining. nSom even go on to ad-
tinued. They will be the ones re-
garded as professional nurses.
She said that to be a registered
nurse one must pass the state li-
censing board exam. She noted
that many nrospective R.N's take