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May 07, 1966 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1966-05-07

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Leaders/i ip

Assoclated Press Special Correspondent
mystery over the fate of Mao
Tze-tung has spurred speculation
among U.S. officials today about
a possible power shift in Red
China with worldwide repercus-
The belief that . the Chinese
Communist leadership may be ap-
proaching a transition period is
one of several reasons for recent
overtures by the Johnson admin-
istration to reduce tensions and
lower barriers between Red China
and the United States.
All these gestures have been re-
buffed by the Peking regime, but
administration experts believe they
may have an impact on the for-
eign policy attitude of future Chi-
nese leaders.
The United States and, so far
as Washington authorities can de-

termine the Soviet Union, also,
have been watching the Mao mys-
tery develop for several months
with growing fascination.a
The interest of Soviet leaders in
the possibility of personality
changes in the top of the Peking,
ruling group is believed here to;
be a prime cause of their deter-
mination to hold the door open to
some sort of Soviet-Chinese rec-
The Chinese refused to attend a
recent Communist Party meeting
in Moscow but the Soviets never-
theless left the way clear for
some later improvement in rela-
Mao's situation is regarded here
as the key to what is likely to
happen in Peking in the next few
weeks or months. But it is a Mao
which the outside world, reported-
ly including Soviet as well as
American experts on Chinese Com-I

munist affairs, does not presently
Mao, 72, last made a public ap-
pearance in November when he
received a delegation from Cam-
bodia. His absence from subse-
quent public ceremonies did not
at first arouse interest here and
in other world capitals, since it has
been his pattern to drop from
sight for two or three months at
a time.

ill is the fact that the Chinese
press has been engaged for more
than a month now in virtually
deifying him.
The view that Chinese leaders
who carry on after Mao inevitably
will do things differently is wide-
ly held among U.S. experts on
China. They do not, however, ex-
pect any sudden changes in poli-
cy direction, especially so far as
the United States is concerned.

sive Communist world revolution
-a major source of conflict be-
tween China and other nations
including the Soviet Union and
the United States.
Beyond such men as these, West-
ern experts have little idea who
might eventually succeed to pow-
er in China, but U.S. authorities
on China believe that after a
period of time in the post-Mao
era a power struggle among per-
sonalities inevitably would develop
and some of the younger men in
the political structure might have
different ideas about China's for-
eign relations.
It is to these unknown men and
this more distant future that the
recent change in emphasis in U.S
policy has been directed.
However, the immediate causes
of this shift of emphasis are more

The Johnson administration ob-
viously has been trying since last'
December to develop a better tac-
tical position for the next battle in
the United Nations over the pro-
posal to vote Red China into mem-
The close vote on this issue last
fall caused U.S. officials to re-
examine their position.
Overtures since then include a
policy decision to let U.S. doctors'
and public health authorities vis-
it China, a decision to let Chi-
nese newsmen come to the United
States, and most recently, the
granting of permission to vari-
ous American universities to in-
vite Chinese Communist scholars
to come here.
Peking's response has been neg-
These same moves also were cal-

But when he failed to reappear It is assumed here that the top,
in Peking as winter ended, U.S leadership under Mao will con-
experts began to speculate that he tinue whenever the reins of pow-
was ill. The belief that he has er pass from the hands of the old
suffered a serious illness or per- leader. This group includes Presi-
haps undergone a major opera- dent Liu Shao-chi, Premier Chou
tion is now the dominant view in En-lai, Defense Minister Marshal
official Washington circles. He Lin Thio and Foreign Minister,
did not appear at Sunday's May Chen Yi.'
Day celebration. So far as Washington authori-
Another cause of the belief here ties know, all these men are ded-
that Mao is or has been seriously I icated to the theories of aggres-'

culated by the administration to
offset the criticism by some mem-
bers of Congress of a too rigid
policy toward Red China.
American authorities discount all
possibility of any real change in
the U.S.-Red Chinese relationship
so long as the war in Viet Nam
And they blame Red China for
much of the determination to con-
tinue it, saying the Peking lead-
ership encourages North Viet Nam
and the Viet Cong to reject all
efforts to arrive at a peace settle-
Even if the Vietnamese war were
settled at an early date, officials
here believe Chinese leaders would
be slow to modify their attitude
of hostility toward this country.
Their reasoning: At a timel
when they are putting heavy pres-
sure on the Chinese people for in-

dustrial and agricultural produc-
tion, Communist leaders justify
much of what they do by holding
constantly before the people the
threat of an outside enemy. They
have cast the United States in
that role. This fact may explain
along with whatever genuine fears
they feel, the frequent outbursts
of war tas kagainst the United
States in Peking.
Where the Soviet Union is con-
cerned, however, Washington au-
thorities believe that changes in
Chinese leadership might bring
some modifications of policy
Their reasoning is the Chinese
could benefit economically by re-
storing at least a minimum of
good relations with the Soviets
whereas in the present state of
enmity between the two great
Communist powers, they get no as-
sistance from the Soviet Union.

Find Many
Car Defects
GM Says All Plants
Will Operate Monday;
Slowdowns Possible
WASHINGTON ()-Investigat-.
ing senators said yesterday almost
one car in five turned out by the
Big Four automobile makers in}
the past six years has been recall- t
ed to check for possible defects.
But many of the defects did not
involve safety, the automobile
manufacturers stressed in provid-
ing the figures to Sen. Abrahamk
A. Ribicoff (D-Conn), chairman
of a subcommittee investigating
highway safety.
Ribicoff agreed with the manu-
facturers at a news conference at
which he released figures provid-
ed by Ford, General Motors, Chrys-
ler and American Motors on their_
actions in recalling cars to dealT4 K OPAE S
with defects and deficiencies in
the last six model years.
'Recall Campaigns' Samuel Gonard, left, International Red Cross President, talks with
Ribicoff distilled the data this Harriman in Geneva yesterday. Gonard told Harriman there is litti
way: "In the last six years, 8,- present to protect American prisoners in the Viet Nam war.
700,225 cars have been involved
in so-called 'recall campaigns.' The
total auto production for that
same period was slightly more
dustry statistics.-
"Thus, in six years, 18.5 per K R eb
cent of the cars produced by the
four major auto companies have
been defective in some respects." u S
Ribicoff, pleading that he is no .pe't in en
expert in engineering, estimated
that more than half of the defects
did involve safety. NEW YORK (P)-In the wildest analysts had forecast for some of
He said, "I am startled by the trading day in nearly four years the "high-flying" stocks.
size of the percentage." the stock market yesterday plung- "People were crying," one brok-
The automakers in their letters ed and then roared back in a tre- er said. "There was panic in peo-
turning over the statistics to Rib- mendous fury of last hour buying ple's voices. You'd be surprised at
icoff's Government Operations Throughout much of the day it how emotionally charged the at-
subcommittee, stressed that many looked very much like the "day mosphere is."
of the campaigns to recall cars of reckoning" that some market The final figures, which could
did not concern safety. not be computed until long after
Meanwhile, General Motors Corp ithe close nevertheless documented

Jobless Rate Dips,

Report U.S. To Prepare


Wholesale Prices Up Troop Exit from France
WASHINGTON U/P) -- Rankiny Therefore, na n high-rstk

ri n -

WASHINGTON (if)-The Labor
Department reported yesterday;
further potential inflationary pres-'
sures on the economy, with un-z
employment dropping again to a
12-year low and wholesale prices
inching up.
The nation's jobless rate drop-
ped to 3.7 per cent in April for
the second month this year while
total employment climbed more
than one million to 73.1 million.
At the same time, the Bureau of
Labor Statistics said that while
long-rising wholesale food prices
dropped, prices in a broad range
of industrialv oods revgistered

tion to the nation's record pros-
Johnson told his Labor-Manage-
ment Advisory Committee Wed-
nesday that this is "the crucial
economic issue of the day," and

y u .lyutv -1 - -a mig L1t pu , us e g1,1-tIML~
officials are reported now to have ficial put it recently, the United
concluded the United States should States will move "with all delib-
pull its forces from France as soon erate haste" to withdraw its mili-
as arrangements can be made for tary installations and troops.

a transfer to a still undecided new

warned of disquieting signs in the Authoritative sources acknowl-
economy, edged yesterday a near-consensus
In the job report, Goldstein on this issue but said no decision
said the unemployment figures are had been made and that the
most significant from a long-term American note to France of April
perspective, declining from 4.8 to 12 still is the official U.S. position.
3.7 per cent since April 1965. This note said the United States
Greater Than Usual would comply with the French re-
Both the drop in the jobless quest for withdrawal but added
total and the rise in employment that the French deadline of April
S a1. 1967. is too soon and suggested

Before the decision to move be-
comes final, it must be determin-
ed where to move. U.S. officials
know that the Benelux countries
-Belgium, the Netherlands and
Luxembolrg - are discussing
among themselves what hospital-
ity they can offer -while Britain
already has announced it would
welcome NATO's political head-
quarters on its soil.
There is no crystallized Ameri-
can thinking on the removal of
NATO's political headquarters
from France, officials said. There
are some who advocate that it be
kept in Paris because France wants
to remain a member of the al-
liance, even after she divorces
herself from NATO's military


-Associated Press


U.S. roving ambassador Averell
Je the IRC committee can do at
r Day
low of $86 a share to show a 75-
cent gain at $88.75.
Volume had been heavy on sell-
ing. Abruptly it became even heav-
ier on buying. When figures fin-
ally were computed they showed
some 13.1 million shares had
changed hands.
This volume was the largest

VI iiuuLIM V'uz~jic a~c~cUwere greater than usual for April.
slight to sharp increases. Goldstein said.
Over-All Rise He said the most significant
This caused an over-ail rise of figures were the jobless drop from
one-tenth of one per cent in 2.6 to 2.4 per cent among adult
wholesale prices. men to the lowest since 1953, andt
Many economists view low un- the drop from 1.9 to 1.8 among
employment as a potential factor married men, the lowest since the
in inflationary trends by bidding bureau started keeping such rec-
up wages, and Asst. Bureau Com- ords in 1954.
missioner Harold Goldstein said The consistently high jobless
there is more evidence of growing rate among teen-agers edged up
labor shortages, from 11.7 to 12 per cent but the
The bureau said civilian con- unemployment figure for Negroes
sumer demands and increased and other nonwhites edged down
military purchasing contributed to from 7.2 to 7 per cent.
the rise in wholesale prices, which Most of the increased employ-
generally foreshadows a rise in ment was in manufacturing.
family living costs. The bureau said stepped-up gov-
The developments in two of the ernment purchasing for military
government's major economic ba- and other uses sharply boosted
rometers followed a two-day con- the price of lumber.
ference of a special committee Civilian and military demandsj
which President Johnson convened for copper boosted prices for it
to consider the threat of infla- and other metals.

two years instead, in accordance
with a 1958 agreement between
the two countries.
Yet the officials say there is an
increasing recognition of the fu-
tility of trying to engage in a le-
gal argument with a partner who
refuses - to join in such a debate.

Books, Supplies, and
Tremendous Posters


Some of us are going to travel

said all 23 of its auto assembly
plants will be in operation Mon-
day in the wake of production cut-
backs at four of the plants this
A GM spokesman parried ques-
tions as to whether all the plants
would work a normal five days
next week.
Possible Slowdown
He pointed out that GM has the
right under its contract with the
United Auto Workers Union to ad-
just its work schedules on 24-hour
notice. This could mean a shut-
down or a slowdown of production
could be achieved with a day's
10 notice.
The spokesman said, however
he had no reason to doubt that
all 23 assembly plants would work
five days next week.
The world's largest auto man-
ufacturer cut three of its assem-;4
bly plants to three days this week
and had another on a four-day
In addition, there were scatter-
ed reductions in work schedules
and work forces at some GM sup-
plier plants this week.
started a bottle cap col

an abrupt reversal, a surge of buy- since 14.75 million transactions
JVW orld 1Vers ing in the last hour. were registered May 29, 1962, the
The Dow Jones industrial aver- day after the "Black Monday"
Rourtdupage rose 3.86 points to 902.82, it crash of May 28.
had been more than 13 points low- So heavy was trading that the
er just one hour before the 3:3C "high-speed" ticker tape that
p.m. gong. transmits prices to brokers and
By The Associated Press Once again it was General Mo- others was 23 minutes behind
WASHINGTON - Sen. Thomas tars agrp,,the or r transactions at the close. That
J. Dodd (D-Conn) filed a $5-mil- manufacturer, that produced what too, was a record.
lion conspiracy and libel suit yes- brokers said was the catalyst. The rally nevertheless came so
terday against columnists Dr'ew
Pearson and Jack Anderson. The market had broken Thurs- late and the preceding plunge had
The Senate ethics committee day when news reached Wall been so pronounced that many
investigating charges ofmmiscon- Street that GM was cutting back prices still were lower for the!
ductiagaint Dodbe of comn- production. day. Of 1,446 issues traded, 872
duct against Dodd by the column-,-fl nd37rs
ists. It was the opposite situation fell and 377 rose.
yesterday. Prices were plunging In the background of yester-
HONG KONG-Mao Tze-tung Then GM said all assembly plants day's unusual action was a running
is recuperating from a heart con- would operate as usual Monday debate in Washington about the
dition and soon may be well Prices soared. Some losses were chances of a tax increase, uncer-
enough to appear in public, a for- wiped out almost instantly. tainty about the Viet Nam war
mer Communist newsman was GM itself came back from a 1966 and the recent credit restrictions.
quoted as saying in a Hong Kong
The report coincided with freshFT
evidence from the mainland of a
vigorous struggle against what
were officially called antiparty
elements threatening the Chinese
Communist party's existence.a BARGA IN PRICES
lection with this one. STATE STREET T U E




the depth of our

concern about

the war in Viet Nam.
I come to

People all over the country will

1 1
1 1
* 1
* [0]Reserve a seat on chartered bus,
Sat. nite, $20.
I r
I -t
*I"1can drive my car
I .
1 j Take passengers a
I 1
1 1
I prefer to go by private car
1 M
I can't go myself but will help
someone else go
I enclose $----._.
1 r
1 1
* I
N a m e .-.._. ... __ __._.____ ._ ____ .
1 1
* I
I Clip and Mail by May 9 to Jean Converse
1312 Cambridge, Ann Arbor, Michigan
1 Make checks payable to "Voters' Pledge" U
... . ...wwwwwr.....wwrwww....rrwwwwrm sw.- 1

D.C., on
MAY 15

Name (sign) "
I Name (print)
' Age if not yet a voter
1 "
I City State
My Congressional District number
The Vietnam war is exacting a cruel toll in livesand *
" resources, detracting from constructive domestic pro-
[ grams, and threatening to lead to a third world war.
[ I PLEDGE to support and vote for candidates in 1966 [
who agree to work vigorously:
[ FOR U.S. steps to scale down the fighting and achieve a
a cease fire; "
[ FOR U.S. initiatives to encourage negotiations with all
[ concerned parties including the Vietcong (NLF); and I
[ FOR a settlement which permits the Vietnamese peo-
s ple freely to work out their own future;
[ FOR the use of international agencies to settle dis- [
[putes among nations; andI
" FOR the avoidance of military intervention in the
[ affairs of other nations; u
FOR the increasing use of our resources in constructive
" economic and social programs at home and abroad.
Clip and mail to Mrs. Nelle Chilton,
" 1123 Birk, Ann Arbor
mmwww mm mm.mm mmmm mmmm mm nmm m mm m mm mmmm mmmm m

yThat's why his next attle cap was this one.



May 9-10:00 P.M.


al Aice Lloyd Hall
"New Tensions in the Feminine Sex Role"

Resource Person:

Dr. Jean Butman

The, National Voters Pledge Campaign and the March with it were initiated by SANE and are sponsored,,not by organizations, but by

ISR Project Director

a long list of distinguished Americans. See partial list below of National and Local sponsors.



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