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May 07, 1966 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1966-05-07

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Seventy-Sixth Year
e" Opinions Are Free 420 MAYNARD ST., ANN ARBOR MICH. NEws PHONE: 764-0552
Troth WU Prevai'
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the inidividual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.



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URDAY. MAY 7, 1966



J The Burns Report:
Just Another Witch Hunt

should bother condemning California
State Senator Hugh Burns' report con-
taining charges against Berkeley stu-
dents and the president of the university,
Clark Kerr. The name-calling technique
which almost always features "commie-
beatnik-homosexual" has been used once
again. It has been used so often that it
seems almost trite. Yet, some will un-
doubtedly take his report seriously and
be only too ready to believe its findings.
Letters written to Vice-President for
Student Affairs Richard L. Cutler fron
alumni who deplored slovenly dressed
students patronizing the Michigan Union
and attempts to pass a more stringent
speaker ban here and in other states are
indications that there are still some
witch-hunters around.
The report presented to the public by
the distinguished state senators who are
members of the California State Un-
American Activities Committee is just the
kind of food upon which these witch
hunters feed.
THE ATTACKS voiced in this document
speak for themselves. Kerr, the com-
mittee states, has allowed the university
to become the nationwide center for the
anti-Viet Nam war movement.
It seems that the members of this
committee have overlooked the rights
which the Constitution insures for every
citizen-and students are still citizens, it
is hoped. These rights include freedom of
speech, right of assembly and freedom of
the press. Whether one supports or con-
demns the anti-war protests, the basic
American principles remain. Kerr, consti-
tutionally if not morally, has no right to
interfere with these rights.
while the committee continues to make
blatant charges against the university on
moral and ethical grounds, it has yet to
report a name of one of the 50,000 em-
ployes of the university as a member of
the Communist Party. Concerning the
Editorial Staff
CLARENCE FANTO .................. ..... Co-Editor
CHARLOTTE WOLTER ................ Co-Editor
BUD WILKINSON...............Sports Editor
BETSY COHN,....... ,. .. ,... Supplement Manager
NIGHT EDITORS: Meredith Eiker, Michael Heffer,
Shirley Rosick, Susan Schnepp, Martha Wolfgang.
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Second class postaee paid at Ann Arbor. Mieh
Published daily Tuesday through Saturday morning.

+ase of Katz the members of the com-
mittee never contacted Chancellor Heyns
#vho had all the facts concerning the case
and had made the decision to hire him.
It also seems odd that the federal agen-
cy, which supposedly supplied Kerr with
the information that Katz was still con-
nected with subversive organizations, pre-
ferred to remain unnamed. In light of the
fact that Kerr voted for the policy of the
university which states that it will not
hire members of the Communist Party, it
is quite unlikely that he would not con-
tradict that stand.
The committee went on in its report
to criticize Kerr for his "continued in-
sistence on proof of membership" in the
Communist Party as the basis for refusing
to hire job applicants. Guilt by associa-
tion, an over-worked phrase used to de-
scribe the tactics of Senator McCarthy
in the hearings of 1954, seems the only
one which can be applied here. Kerr's
demand for proof is considered deplorable
by the committee.
THE CHARGE that homosexuality is be-
coming predominant on the campus
was based on an article printed in the
school newspaper, the committee stated.
The committee fails to state that the ar-
ticle was compiled, as the editor of the
Daily Californian states, to give insight
into the problem of homosexuality - a
psychological and sociological problem.
Instead of aiding in research and of-
fering solutions to this problem, if it does
indeed exist, the senators are more than
contented to use a socially condemned
practice as a convenient excuse for mud-
THE COMMITTEE also states that Kerr
has "hostile" attitudes toward their
practices. By making this statement in
their report, it seems there is quite a bit
of motivation for a purely personal at-
tack on Kerr and attacks on certain
conditions at Berkeley are conducive to
disguising this motive.
In stating his concept of a university,
Kerr said, "A university, by its nature, is
dedicated to freedom in a free society. It
can become consequently an arena for
dissent." It is ironical that the Commit-
tee on Un-American Activities is con-
demning Kerr for the very things which
the Declaration of Independence and the
Constitution propose and support.
ALL THE LINES and passages of the
documents which underlie the gov-
ernment of this nation are well-known
and still commended. The concept of
freedom is widely preached and heralded.
Yet there was a McCarthy in 1954. There
was a committee report presented by Sen-
ator Hugh Burns yesterday in 1966. There
are still witch hunters today.

PAUL GOODMAN, in a column
. published earlier in the week
on this page, described briefly the
unique situation at San Francisco
State College, a school where, it
seems, student participation does
Among the areas, in which the
students are a major part of the
school's administration, are the
establishment of a tutorial service
for underprivileged children, a
community action type of pro-
gram to help delinquents, and,
most important, an Experimental
College much like the Free Uni-
versity here in Ann Arbor,
THE DIFFERENCE is that this
is all done with the obvious bless-
ing and encouragement of S. F
State's administration. Courses in
the Experimental College may
count as credit for a degree; credit
is also given for extra-curricular
activities, such as the newspaper
(which especially interests this
Imagine getting credit at Mich-
igan for study at the Free Uni-
versity of Ann Arbor! Or being
able to sit down with a professor
to discuss and design the course
that he will teach, right down to
the materials and books used, and
the method of teaching? Seems
impossible, doesn't it?
BUT WHY? Administrators can
give you any number of answers.
One will say that the level of
achievement demanded at Mich-
igan is much higher than that at
a school like San Francisco State.
The University could not possibly
accept for credit study in the Free
Can P
the idea of a managed econ-
omy, have always based their case
ultimately on he frailty of human
nature. As against liberals, who
generally take a rather more opti-
mistic view of mankind, conserva-
tives have argued that the Key-
nesian managers could not be
trusted to manage when unpopular
measures were required.
The conservatives have insisted
that the economy will be misman-
aged if it is placed in the hands
of politicians who depend on
popular elections rather than sub-
jected to the impersonal gold stan-
dard, guarded by central bankers
who are taught from childhood to
expect to be unpopular.
The politicians would expand
the economy, because that is the
popular thing to do, until the
boom bursts in a sharp depression.
It is, the conservatives argue,
against the nature of politicians
and of the mass of their constitu-
ents to restrain a boom even
though it has become inflationary.
WE ARE NOW witnessing a
practical test of the conservative
argument. The country is still en-
joying the longest period of sus-
tained prosperity in its history,
but there are now unmistakable
signs of an inflation-the de-
Second of Two Parts
RECENT CBS docurentary,
"China: The Year of the
Gun?" was a conglomeration of
commentary, newsreels, and pro-
paganda films, interesting but for
the first 50 minutes, nothing that
hadn't come to light in the popu-
lar press before.
There were the usual scenes of
Chinese youths in gymnastic mass-
ed exercises, military maneuvers,

or singing party-line pop tunes.
There were the statistics-Com-
munist China is overburdened with
750 million; all the Politburo
members are past an aging 50
years; China can muster 10 mil-
lion militia if it has to-and there
were the glossy generalizations,
more misleading than accurate:
"communism is a religion"; "their
agriculture is in constant crisis";
Mao says (and apparently means
it) "We are too primitive to fear
the atomic bomb."
ALL OF WHICH was meant to
be pretty scary, especially when
John Scali intoned "Dr. Strange-
love may well reside in Peking,"
but again these were nothing that
haven't been said before.
Then Secretary of State Dean
Rusk appeared for a brief plug
on behalf of American policy in
Viet Nam. He said China may
underestimate the ability of the
United States to "carry through to
the end of the day," but con-
ceded the leaders are probably
"prudent and rational."
The narrator closed the pro-
gram intoning: "As we have in-
dicated our intentions to stand
firm in Viet Nam, we should try
to give Peking a face-saving re-
treat. Last year this would have
been interpreted as a first step

University without lowering its
academic standards.
This is ridiculous when one
looks at the nature and quality
of the courses taught at the Free
University of Ann Arbor. Certainly
their reading lists are equally as
demanding, current, and complete
as those in any regular University
course, and, the exchange of and
confrontation with challenging
ideas comes much closer to any-
one's ideal of outstanding educa-
tion than the vast majority of
courses taught at the University.
BUT ANOTHER objection ad-
ministrators will voice is their
customary aversion to uncertainty,
that is, how do we measure this
or that, and how do we make sure
that studentshare actually learning
something. This is a bit ludicrous
when one considers the system
that they are using right now to
find out how much we are "learn-
The competent way in which the
student government at San Fran-
cisco had managed their experi-
mental college and other projects
belies administrators' doubts about
student responsibility. To use a
distasteful comparison, a child
will grow up, gain responsibility,
only if he is allowed to do so.
Yet again, administrators whine
about the difficulty of arranging
these things, particularly with
large numbers of students at a
school like Michigan, about money
problems and administrative iner-
tia - opposition from the "en-
trenched" powers in their admin-

The Associates
by earney and woher
ONE CAN ONLY hear so much
of this before starting to ask ques-
tions such as what can be done in
spite of these objections. Someone
must have had similar thoughts at
San Francisco State a few years
ago, although they did not have
long-standing traditions in edu-
cational methods to fight because
S. F. State is a relatively new
school. Therefore, they were suc-
cessful in getting their adminis-
tration to move.
Some students at Michigan have
begun to think along these lines.
They have discussed and formu-
lated attempts to get students into
effective administrative positions.
And, because of the archaic atti-
tudes and machinery that they
must fight, their plans have large-
ly fallen into a certain mold whose
prospects for success are doubtful:
the traditional activist name-
signing and name-calling cam-
THE BOOKSTORE campaign of
last year is an example. To get a
discount bookstore on University
property a brilliant campaign was
organized complete with inciting
posters and buttons. 13,000 sig-
natures were obtained on peti-
tions, an enormous number for
any campaign at this school.
Nothing happened.
After the first flush of activity

and enthusiasm, studenst waited
for a long period of fingernail
chewing to see if the Regents
would revise an old ruling that
prohibited competition with local
business. It was finally determined
that the measure had no legisla-
tive prohibitionary power,
More waiting and negotiation as
a plan for the bookstore was
drawn up. When Vice-President
for Student Affairs Richard Cut-
ler advised in his presentation to
the Regents that the plan not be
adopted, the whole idea collapsed.
By that time, it seemed, no one
really cared.
After the air cleared of charges
of bad faith from the students,
and bad planning from the ad-
ministrators, there was not much
left to say, so little in fact, that
the whole idea has been forgotten.
IN THE LIGHT of this debacle,
one is tempted to question the
prospects for long-range success of
the student advisory committee on
housing or the various advisory
committees for academic matters.
They sit comfortably right now
advising someone, although I am
not sure whom, especially since
the housing committee had a
small success in convincing the
administration to build low-cost
housing. But, where do they go
from here?
Like the plight of the students
at Northern High School in De-
troit, who scored an initial success
with only the goal of getting rid
of an undesirable administrator,
those at the University who sup-*
port student participation have

run out of issues, and are now
being asked if they have any good
ideas that would help the situa-
IT MAY SEEM ironic to the
students, just as it seems so to
those who oppose the war in Viet
Nam, that they are asked to solve
a problem that they didn't make.
After all, isn't the administration
supposed to be the imaginative,
helpful, brilliant leadership around
Maybe so, but they are obviously
not imaginative and certainly not
helpful. That is precisely why stu-
dents are dissatisfied with the way
the school is run. That is why
they want to participate in its ad-
ministration. Therefore, by de-
fault, they must come up with the
new ideas, and, because they are
students, those ideas have to be
very good if they are to command
any attention.
THE VARIOUS student groups
now acting in advisory positions
on this campus either have re-
cently become aware of this prob-
lem or will in the near future. The
next year will be a frustrating one
as the real questions are tackled.
It will be tedious, unpleasant, and
may generate alot of infighting
among the student groups, but this
is the way that new ideas are pro-
posed and good plans hammered
No glory this year for the
glamour boys at SGC and other
places. Just work. But, after all,
this is what they are asking for,
and the best of luck to them.


oditicians Manage the


mand for goods is pressing against
the available supply.
The inflation is still regarded
as "mild" in that the rise of con-
sumer prices has not yet reached
3 per cent per annum. But as
Gardner Ackley, chairman of the
Council of Economic Advisers said
this week, "If consumer prices-
and industrial profits-should con-
tinue to rise at the recent rate,
we would have to expect largert
wage increases in 1967, and the
dreary price-wage spiral could be-i
gin to turn."
Walter Heller, the architect of
the Kennedy-Johnson prosperity,
has just told us that while thisi
year the gross national productt
may be expected to grow by $14t
to $16 billion each quarter, thei
economy cannot produce moree
than $10 to $11 billion more with-1
out an inflation of prices.
convinced most of the leading
economists, such as Dr. Heller and
Prof. Samuelson, that measurest
should be prepared immediately
to reduce the excess demand for
goods and services. Their advice isI
being resisted by the administra-t
tion which is hoping that some-t
thing will turn up to save it fromt
asking Congress for higher taxes
before the election in November.
iina Pofli
China for the MIGs can be seen
as a dangerous edging towardst
total war in Asia; indeed, the pos-
sibility prompted Sen. Robert F.
Kennedy to speak out strongly
against administration policy fori
the first time since he recom-1
mended U.S. recognition of the<
Viet Cong.
The raising of American land
commitment to a quarter million
troops with 400,000 by year's end£
as a goal and the extension of1
the theater of war to include air
bases in Thailand and atteks int
other countries like Cambodia and
Laos are indications that Ameri-
can military policy is either get-<
ting no results or is inefficient att
its present level of operation.
The clamor at home for all-outI
war in Viet Nam-bombings of
industries, transportation facilities,1
ports, docks, harbors and even-
tually even civilian centers in the
North-has probably been strong-
er since the bombing lull lastt
December than before.I
BUT RUSK'S statements seem
to contain hints that the United
States is softening its positione
against Communist China and
would be willing to deal more
directly with that major land;
power in Asia. Washington's of-t
ficial position is still (1) to coun-t
ter Chinese aggressin with armed1
opposition, and (2) to oppose
Communist China's admission tot
the United Nations if it wouldt
mean a change in the status of
Nationalist China,t
But, as Joseph C. Harsch says,c
"Great power governments never,
admit changes in policy. They
merely adjust statements about1
policy as inconspicuously as pos-
sible to a point where people get
accustomed to a new line of pos-
tan nrir ncnnn

dH (
This resistance of the politicans
to the advice of experts is precisely
what conseravtive critics of the
new economics have always said
would happen.
The administration has, to be
sure, promised to ask for res rain-
ing taxes if clear signs of infla-
tion appear. But the proof that
their eyes are on the elections
rather than on the health of the
economy is that they are not pre-
paring the new taxes, which take
a long time under our legislative
process to prepare. Thus, unless
the administration acts soon, just
when those taxes may be most
needed, perhaps by midsumm e,
they will not be ready.
been mistaken before in these
matters. It was mistaken as re-
cently as January when it offeod
the country a budget which seem-
ed to promise to give us both
guns to fight a successful war in
MORE OBVIOUS are statements
that the United States would wel-
come the exchange or unilateral
visits of scholars from Communist
China. The announcement of an
impending third nuclear test, per-
haps a hydrogen device, appears
as a routine press release without
inflamatory commentary. Indeed,
officials are quick to point out
that a delivery system won't be
available for several years, thus
pre-conditioning American public
reaction when the device is ac-
tually exploded.
The "new generation" theory
which seems to be in vogue these
days, cites the advanced age of
the militant revolutionary leaders
(average: 68 years in the Polit-
buro) as hope that a new gen-
eration of bureaucratic, post-Long
March leaders soon to arrive on
scene will be more amenable to
Western pressures.
But, as Donald Klein of Har-
vard's East Asian Research Center
notes, far too many of Mao Tse-
tung's long march compatriots are
"still too alive and active to expect
significant changes before another
suffered from an initial and con-
tinuing attitude which might be
termed, after its prime champion
Dullean. Secretary of State John
Foster Dulles' conception of a
Communist monolith out to sys-
tematically devour the free world,
and his "containment with isola-
tion" policy only recently aban-
doned by Rusk, do not face the
realities of the situation today,
Ambassador - at - large Averell
Harriman gave doubt to the idea
of a monolithic Communist con-
spiracy on April 15 when he told
a Democratic Party convention in

Viet Nam and butter to carry on
the Great Society without a rise
in taxes and without an infla-
tionary deficit..
The administration's argument
in January has already proved to
be based on a miscalculation.. It
promised an administrative budget
deficit of only $1.8 billion. At the
end of last week the budget bureau
is reported to have advised the
President that Congress has insist-
ed on additional civilian expendi-
tures which add at least another
$3 billion to the deficit.
Furthermore, the guns-and-
butter promise of January assumed
that the major part of the Viet-
namese build-up would be over by
midsummer of this year. Secretary
of Defense Robert McNamara has
just told us that the build-up must
be bigger and must continue long-
er than was originally estimated,
and he has refused to set a limit
on numbers or in time.
TIlUS, TIlE inflationary forces
are gaining strength. This ac-
counts for the great effort made
by the administration to persuade
workers not to ask for higher
wages, businessmen to cut invest-
ments and restrain profits and
consumers to refrain from making
purchases. They are asked not to

act as the inflationary situation
demands or makes possible.
The attempt to do by propa-
ganda what should be done by
monetary and fiscal* measures is
unfair, and it will not work. In
the recent past, when there was
as yet no excess demand, the use
of voluntary measures was well
justified, especially when there
were involved semi-monopolistic
industries and very' big unions
which have much control of prices
and wages.
But today, when the inflationary
conditions exist and prices are
rising, it is unreasonable to ask
individuals not to defend their
standard of living or not to take
in the profits that inflation opens
up to them, to act by the exhorta-
tions of the President rather than
by heir own estimates of their
own economic interests.
WHEN THESE exhortations
work at all they may well penalize
the more public-spirited and con-
scientious people of the nation.
They are a poor substitute for
laws which apply to everybody.
What is more, they confirm the
pessimism of the conservatives
that political democracy cannot be
trusted with the management of
public affairs.
(c), 1966, The Waslington Post Co.


Qluiet Softening

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Hanoi, may well act as an induce-
ment to Peking to act with pru-
dence. Chinese Premier Chou En-
Lai on May 1, lashed out harshly
against the Soviets he claims are
forming an "anti-Chinese encircle-
ment around China." The same
must be said for the United States
and with more evidence: place-
ment of bases, mutual defense=
pacts and a hot war at China's
The strength of nationalism in
Asia may run higher than the
Communist brotherhood, and not
just in the case of the Sino-
Soviet rift. Hanoi is Peking-
dependent for arms but not

Peking-run; yet the irony is that
the more the United States presses
this point by bombing the North,
the closer Hanoi is driven to the
Peking line.
States will have to deal directly
with China. The Communist bloc
will muster enough votes to seat
China in the General Assembly of
the UN either this year or the
following. Whether or not China
accepts the , invitation will not
change the fact that open dialogue
with China will be the only way
the United States can achieve a
viable peace in Asia.

Letters: Some Words
About Health Service

To the Editor:
IN YOUR LAST edition before
the recess there was a featured
article on the front page about
the Student Health Service about
the need for physical expansion in
the future.
I am not a graduate, faculty or
taff member at this great Univer-
sity though I am an "in law." I
have worked in clinics all my pro-
fessional life and am very familiar
with numerus student health serv-
ices. There are available all lab-
oratory facilities, physiotherapy
and conuitants in all disciplines
whic11 are staffed by members of
the University Medical Center, and
one has the privilege of telephon-
ing the heads of any department
for a consultation. There is a well-
staffed infirmary.
Perhaps the criticism that one

ience. Your consultation with
them is strictly personal and pri-
vileged, and there is no connection
or sharing of this privileged in-
formation with other departments
of the University.
You are most fortunate, and, no
one there is in a tissy about medi-
-Dr. Theodore B. Russell
Do I Hear 25?
To the Editor:
S PRING SEMESTER has arrived
and with it warm breezes?
bright flowers? and the fifteen-
cent cup of coffee.
The Union, the last haven of
ten cent coffee has given in. Yet,
what is a nickel, especially in Ann
Arbor? Thinking of the prices
char' for fon d.lothing, rent

* ;°,' cv "". s." t'/ i+ '' . _ ."' i _ 11 .r ,,,, r' .--- .. . l ""*c. ;±i " rr .

'W" I

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