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July 13, 1966 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1966-07-13

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See Editorial Page




Windy and chance
of showers

Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom







Con fron ts




Second of a Four-Part Series
Special To The Daily
Underneath Tuskegee's apparently
friendly and relaxed atmosphere
is a great deal of discontent-with
the social and educational philos-
ophy of the Institute, with the
quality of classroom instruction
and counseling and with the at-
titude of students.
Many students feel the Institute,
as both an educational institu-
tion and a social force in the
Negro South is in many ways fail-
ing to meet the personal needs of
its students and faculty. History
seems to be passing it by, for as
the status of the Negro in
America changes almost daily, the

paternalistic approach to educa-
tion which dominates the In-
stitutes administration and the
lack of commitment and initiative
among its students continue.
Yet, if it seems that there is
much to be done and no one to do
it, there are several reasons why
this is so.
First, increasing concern among
major universities for the educa-
tional opportunities of the Negro
is harming Tuskegee in the short
run, although it will undoubtedly
help it in the long run. More than
ever the Ivy League and other
first-rate schools, including the
University, are drawing the best-
qualified and most capable Negro
students out of the South, offer-

ing them full scholarships andj
creating intensive orientation pro-
grams to fill the gaps left by their
previous education.
The secondary education avail-
able to Negroes is deficient in all
parts of the United States, and
when the top students are invited
to larger universities, Negro col-
leges like Tuskegee lose the very
students who could contribute the
most - both in and out of the
Even now, Negroes educated in
the North are reluctant to return
to the South permanently, when
return means facing a lesser op-
portunity for accomplishment and
advancement as well as the hos-
tility of the white community.

This exodus of the best educat-
ed and most ambitious has been
occuring since the Reconstruction,
and it continues to affect Tuske-
opn npr'hn.nr mnrP th an Pvpr nnw

special features which draw talent
and ability: no concert hall or
auditorium, no nearby business or
industrial cnterprises,

gee, pernaps more an eve nw During the past year the Com-
that larger institutions are re- munity Education Program, a
cruiting" qualified Negroes. community development project
Second, the Institute faces a operated by the Institute and
very serious lack of funds and fa- sponsored by the Office of Eco-
cilities. Its library is drastically nomic Opportunity, has drawn in-
inadequate, only a fraction of the terested and qualified people from
size of the Undergraduate Library, all over the country. Students say
and it closes every evening at these newcomers have added in-i
10 o'clock. terest to the campus, but the pro-
Its laboratories are p o o r 1 y gram is scheduled to end in six
equipped, lacking equipment and months, and the influx of per-
materials for observation. Oppor- sonnel may well end with it.
tunities for research are very Corresponding to the lack of
limited. funds for faciilties and equipment
Tuskegee has very few of the is the lack of money for faculty

salaries. Tuskegee cannot compete
with other colleges for its faculty
and staff, and as a result the fac-
ulty is not as qualified as it might
otherwise be.
Many young teachers come to
the Institute fresh from school
but often they receive better of-
fers after several years, and leave.
The situation is a "vicious
circle." Lack of funds makes it
impossible to obtain better teach-
ers and equipment; lack of super-
ior faculty and equipment makes
it difficult to attract large gifts
and research grants. The tuition is
$300 per semester, already more
than many of the students can
Third, the reluctance of many
afford to pay.

students to try to change condi-
tions and rules that they feel are
unfair stems partly from their
lack of alterantives. Nearly two-
thirds of the students are receiv-
ing scholarships, loans or work-
study grants from the Institute,
and there is no other college open
to them on that basis,
Although they may be dissatis-
fied with Tuskegee, they realize
that it is very unlikely they could
do better elsewhere, and they are
afraid to risk the loss of financial
aid, which would be tantamount to
These would be serious problems
for any institution, and they are
especially serious for Tuskegee
during this time of rapid change

and advancement for the Negro.
Education, if it is to be effec-
tive, must prepare students for the
world which they will face when
they graduate, and the world Tus-
kegee students will face tomorrow
is very different from the one pa-
ternalistic that Negro graduates
faced 10, or even five years ago.
To maintain and continue his
present campaign of self-advance-
ment, the Negro must not only be
well-qualified, but must also be
ready and able to accept respon-
The Institute, if it is to be edu-
cationally effective, must allow its
students to reject as well as to
accept the established opinions
and attitudes of society.

School Plans EWS W IE
Conferences NEWSIWARE. ,
S ummer Programs

Attempt To Keep
Experts Informed
The University's School of En-
gineering will simultaneously be
running six of its more than 40
summer conferences during the
next two weeks. With 400 people
currently participating in the con-
ference series, the programs will
continue until the middle of
4 J. J. Taylor, assistant to the
coordinator of the conferences.,
explained yesterday that the pro-
grams are designed to extend over
a one to four week period. While
attracting people from across the
country, Mexico, Canada, and
overseas, the conference will host
professional men and women-
practicing engineers-as well as
graduate students,
Conference History
Taylor said the conferences have'
been conducted for "at least the
past ten years." They were created
as an effort to keep those no
longer in school up to date with
the rapid advancements and
growth in the scientific, techno-
logical and engineering fields.
"The need," said Taylor, "was
for short, intensive courses-a
brief, concise way of obtaining the
most recent information on
changes within the fields. Maga-
zines and periodicals are often in-
sufficient in providing details of
progress and advances."
Conducted by the staff of the
engineering school, conference
classes begin at 8:30 a.m. and
run until 5 p.m.. often with even-
ing and Saturday sessions. Lec-
tures by visiting professors and
other outstanding members of the
field are held under the super-
vision of the University staff.
Operated by the University engi-
neering school, the conferences
are financially self-sustaining.
Need for Diversity
Meetings currently underway in-
elude those on human factors
engineering, physiological systems
analysis, aerospace structures, and
communications theory. Taylor ob-
served that the space age impact
has heightened the need for stu-,
dies of life support systems and
thus the conference this year en-
compass the diversity of such
topics as physiological systems

Late World News
Iy Tne Associated Press
RICHMOND, Va.-The conservative Byrd political orga-
nization suffered two major setbacks with the defeat of Sen. A.
Willis Robertson and Rep. Howard W. Smith in yesterday's
Democratic primary election.
Sen. Harry F. Byrd, Jr. staved off an organization rout
by scoring a close victory in the face of touch challenge from a
former State Senate colleague, Armistead L. Boothe.
PARIS-Communist Chinese sources said yesterday there are
still some openings in the Bamboo Curtain for Western tourists
who want to visit mainland China.
An official at the Communist Chinese embassy, commenting
on London reports that Peking had clamped down on visitors
from Western Europe, said the only restriction is the number of
places available to the Chinese tourist agency, Luxingshe. He
did not specify the number.
The embassy source said Luxingshe has to limit reservations
during July and August when requests exceed supply. He denied
that tourist visas have been withheld or cancelled.
WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, W. Va.-President Lyndon B.
Johnson reiterated last night his determination to support South
Viet Nam so long as Communist aggression continues. And. ex-
pressing his hopes for peace, he called for "reconciliation be-
tween nations that now call themselves enemies.
Johnson said a peaceful China is necessary for a peaceful
Johnson's speech was delivered to the American Alumni
Council, composed of representatives of hundreds of colleges
and universities, meeting at the Greenbrier Hotel.
PROF. FRANK HARARY of the mathematics department
has been awarded a National Science Foundation Grant for
$114,800 for a study on "Graph Matrices, Chemical Nomenclature
and Human Group Structure."
THE MICHIGAN SUPREME COURT has refused to place
Detroit lawyer James Elsman on the Aug. 2 primary ballot as a
Democratic candidate for United States senator, according to As-
sociated Press reports from Lansing.
Elsman. who gave up trying to get the more than 19,000 nom-
inating petition signatures required by law as a near-impossible
task. is challenging the constitutionality of the law requiring
them before he can get on the ballot.
He filed suit with the State Court of Appeals and simul-
taneously asked the Supreme Court to take action before the suit
took its normal course through the intermediate court.
The high court yesterday denied his application for leave
to appeal without comment. It could have issued an order placing
him on the ballot.
Elsman. joined by a Royal Oak supporter, Mrs. Marilyn
Roelofs, contended that such regulations favor the "rich.' candi-
dates or those connected with large organizations.
Secretary of State James Hare, named as a defendant in the
case in his capacity as chief elections officer of the state. re-
spondc - that such provisions "are reasonable, (regulating) the
time, place and manner of all nominations and elections."
S, 4
THE UNIVERSITY has received a $53,919 grant from the
Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Education De-
partment. for an "International Seminar on the Education of
Music Teachers." Prof. Marguerite Hood is the project director.

10 Expelled
From OSU
For Cheating
Students Bribe Janitor
To Unlock Exam
For Math Class
By The Associated Press
COLUMBUS, Ohio-Ten stu-
dents were expelled, and disci-
plinary action was taken against
29 others yesterday in what Ohio
State University called "the worst
exam-cheating scandal" in the
university's 96-year history.
Executive Dean John T. Bonner
said the students had obtained a
freshman final mathematics exam
by bribing a janitor to unlock a
cabinet two nights before the test
was given.
Faculty members were tipped
off, and the hoax never worked.
The dean said the incident had
been confined "strictly to the
mathematics department. It was
a one-shot proposition."
Ohio State has a total enroll-
ment of about 40,000 students,
Names of the 39 students were
not disclosed in keeping with uni-
versity policy, Bonner said.
Janitor Bribed
The janitor, since dismissed,
said he had been promised $100
to unlock the exam but that he
had received only $43.
The theft occurred the night of
June 8, two nights before the exam
was to be given. Five students de-
scribed as instigators took the
first and third pages of the three-
page test, missing a middle page.
These they duplicated for sale,
Bonner said, receiving amounts
ranging from $4 to $50 and asking
as much as $150. He estimated
that $300 to $400 had changed
hands among the students, most
of them freshmen.
Student's Report
The day before the exam was
given a student reported to the
mathematics department that the
test was out. He identified enough
of the problems to convince the
faculty, and changes were quickly
Bonner said the changes were
such that those having had ac-
cess to the exam were easily iden-
tified by their answers. Eventually,
they all admitted having seen
the test.
Those dismissed can apply for
readmission after one calendar
year, although it is unlikely they
will be admitted, Bonner said,
Those on suspension must apply
to their respective colleges for

-Daily-Thomas Ayers
This car was one of a number parked under unlucky trees during yesterday's severe thunderstorm. Among other casualties were the cam-
pus theaters. which lost electrical power, Angell Hall, the ground floor of the Union and other low-level floors which received minor floods.
NewLaw School ear Advocates
Use of, Interdisciplinary Apprft&oach

New law school Dean Francis
Allen has ambitious plans for con-
tinuing and extending an inter-
disciplinary approach to legal stu-
dies and for acquainting under-
graduates and their counselors
with the nature and opportunities
of the legal profession.
Allen said one of his chief ob-
jectives as new dean would be to
strengthen the relationships of the
law school with the general uni-
ersity. He continued that his plans
do not indicate that those re-
lations have not been strong in
the past, however.
Presently, the law school fac-
ulty contains one part-time psy-

chiatrist to advise on the ways his conceptions of

various schools'I

Little Progress Made in U'-Union Case

area affects that of law. The di-
rector of the Institute for Socialj
Research has also conducted aj
law seminar on the methods of
fact research. And, Allen com-
mented that individual relation-
ships of law school faculty with
members from other departments
have been good.
He said, though, that he would
like to see economists, sociologists,
criminologists added to the law
school faculty to give legal schol-
ars some dimension of the points
of view of "specialists." Allen said
he sees a close relation with other
departments of the University as
necessary, since "legal scholar-
ship covers the whole range of
knowledge" and is concerned "with
every aspect of social life."
He spoke of another project,
though he added it is not one of
his major concerns, to "make clear
to bright, young undergraduates
the opportunities of the legal pro-
fession and the nature of law
school work."
He said that too often students
have misconceptions of the legal
professionenvisioning only "court-
room histrionics and piddling
technical work"-and fail to real-
ize that "few professions bring
one into such intimate contact
with the problems and realities of
the modern world" as a legal
career does.
Allen said that he would like to
have the University sponsor a
conference for undergraduates "to

"reputations" - which change
more slowly than the programs
being offered by schools change.
Allen said that he expects law
school enrollment to probably ex-
pand "at a moderate rate."
He said thought, that expansion
would have to depend on more
University and private funds be-
ing made available for new fac-
ulty, buildings and library volumes,
since the school presently is op-

Pres1dential Commission Studies
Problems of Selective Service

crating "very nearly at the ca-
pacity of its present facilities." No
expansion will be made at the ex-
pense of the quality of program
the school now ofers, he con-
Allen officially assumed his new
role July 1, after serving on the
law school faculties of Harvard,
Northwestern and, most recently,,
the University of Chicago. He was
in Ann Arbor in 1962-63 and the
summer of 1961.

The question of University rec-
ognition of u.nions as bargaining
agents for its employes is appar-
ently still some time away from
Action on the issue is taking
place in circuit court and the
State Labor Mediation Board. The
University has been in court since
last December, when it filed a pe-
tition asking that PA 379, which
* amended the Hutchinson Act, the

The University's position has
been that it would be irrevocably
injured if it were forced to com-
ply with PA 379, which it claims
infringes on its constitutional au-
thority. PA 379 allows public em-
ployes representation by a collec-
tive bargaining agent in dealing
with employers over wages. hours,
benefits, etc.
The University claims it is
granted financial autonomy un-
der the state constitution, and
that therefore the act does not

tion for accelerated judgment,
asking the circuit court to dis-
miss the case on the grounds that
it hasn't the jurisdiction to try
it. After two postponements. a
hearing was held June 9, at which
time a postponement was asked in
order for Krasicky to file a brief
in favor of the motion.
The University will give its ar-
guments against the motion by
July 29. A decision may be rend-
ered by Aug. 1.

State, County and Municipal Em-
ployes, the Washtenaw County
Trades Construction Council and
the International Union of Oper-
ating Engineers.
A fourth petitnoning group. the
Teamsters. has dropped its peti-
tion. and the other petitions have
been amended to exclude student
and temporary employes.
The board has the responsibil-
ity of determining appropriate
bargaining units, conducting elec-
+inwv ,arA r -.if .na o .inn ,.n

WASHINGTON 0') - The baby
boom of the late 1940s is helping
to produce an unlooked-for result:,
A great debate over the nation's+
military draft policies.
The reason is that the manpow-
er pool of potential soldiers is
growing much faster than the de-
mand for draftees. So the process
of selection is the crux of contro-
versy over the draft today.
President Johnson stepped into
the picture recently by announc-
ing establishment of a 20-member
national advisory commission on
Selective Service. This group will
study the system and make recom-
rrhi-c -. on x rac v ,,, n,,-A With both

lem of the future was outlined to
the House Armed Services Com-
mittee holding hearings on the
draft. Thomas D. Morris, assistant
secretary of defense for manpow-
er, testified:+
"In 1974, the number of men
reaching draft age will total more
than 2.1 million each year-over
80 per cent above the 1955 level,"
he said.
"If-the current 3 million
strength level of the armed serv-
ices were sustained in the future,
the per cent of men reaching 26
who had military service would
decline to 42 per cent."
This he compared to 1958, when
70 per cent of those at 26 had

Few officials dispute Morris'
contention that the draft is very
much needed today. He says the
need will continue for the next
decade at least, unless world con-
ditions drastically change.
Selective Service is not only
needed to supply draftees for the
military, he testified, but as a
spur tohvoluntarydenlistments.
Without it, nearly everyone agrees,
the call to arms would be heeded
by far fewer men.
With an overabundance of po-
tential draft manpower, how to
choose those to serve for two years
is a worrisome thing - for the
President, congressmen, educators,
parents and the potential GIs

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