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July 08, 1966 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1966-07-08

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FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1966




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Warsaw Pact Nations Pledge

Viet Cong Aid

BUCHAREST, Romania (M)-
The Communist Warsaw Pact
members pledged yesterday to
send volunteers to Viet Nam to
fight "the American aggressors"
if the North Vietnamese govern-
4 ment asked for them.
In a Joint declaration, they call-
ed the U.S. bombing raids June
29 on fuel depots in the suburbs
of the North Vietnamese capital
of Hanoi and the port of Haiphong
"a new and more dangerous step"
threatening world peace. They

warned the United States of "the
The pact nations also promised
to give North Viet Nam "growing
and many-sided moral and politi-
cal support," including defensive
weapons and economic aid.
Evaluate Promises
The promises of help for North
Viet Nam are difficult to evaluate.
The Soviet Union and most other
Warsaw Pact members have of-
fered volunteers before. But there
is no evidence any have gone.
More aid has been promised

publicly for a long time by Moscow
and other pact capitals. But since
the amounts and type of aid are
never made public, the significance
of such promises is obscure.
The declaration marked an end
to the Soviet bloc conference that
opened Monday. Attending were
party leaders, premiers or both
from Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia,
East Germany, Hungary, Poland,
Romania and the Soviet Union.
List Four Points
The problems involved Soviet
efforts to gain greater control

over East European Communist
armies and to revise trade terms
within the bloc. Communiques
covering both subjects lacked any
expressions of unanimity.
The members of the East Euro-
pean military alliance, who held
a summit meeting in Bucharest
from Monday through Wednesday,
listed four points:
1) They firmly warn the United
States of the consequences of the
war, the "consequences" not spe-
2) They "give and will give"

North Viet Nam "growing and
many-sided moral and political
support," including economic aid
and defensive weapons needed to
meet the new steps in the war.
This terminology has often been
used by Communist countries, with
the amount of aid never specified.
3) They are ready to offer vol-
unteers to aid of the Vietnamese
people, if Hanoi asks for them.
This promise has been made by
the Soviet Union since April 1965
and by most other Warsaw Pact
countries since then but there

have been no indications of any
volunteers going.
4) They charged the United
States with trying to expand the
war to Laos and Cambodia aid
called for observance of the 1954
and 1962 Geneva agreements on
Indochina. The declaration, sign-
ed Wednesday night and made
public today, called for "unity of
action" by Communist countries
to support the Communist cause
in Viet Nam.
Reject Efforts
China has rejected Moscow-ied

efforts to unify the Communist
camp in Vietnamese support ef-
forts in order to establish a
Soviet-American understanding.
The declaration said action of
American troops, "as well as their
satellites in Viet Nam, are crimes
against peace and humanity."
The "satellites" were identified
as Australia, New Zealand, Thai-
land, the Philippines and South
Korea. The declaration also noted
that West Germany is giving
"political and material support to
the United States in Viet Nam."

"The countries which help the
aggression by armed deliveries,
which allow the U.S.A. to use
their territory for the transporta-
tion and supply of American troops
in Viet Nam, are accomplices in
the aggression," the declaration
It called American statements
of willingness to hold peace talks
"completely false, as they are ac-
companied not only by the con-
tinuation but also by the extension
of the military actions."






Give Partial Support
To Viet Nam War








Leaders To
Visit Russia
Next Week
Oppose U.S. Bombing
Of Hanoi, Haiphong;
Desire Russian Aid
LONDON (P)-India and Britain
joined last night in calling for a
Viet Nam truce and a peace con-
ference at Geneva.
The prime ministers of the two
Commonwealth countries-Indira
- Gandhi and Harold Wilson-fly
next week to Moscow to enlist
Soviet support for an early peace
parley in Geneva.
Britain and Russia are cochair-
men of the Geneva Conference on
Indochina. India presides over the
International Control Commission
assigned to check the agreements
in Viet Nam, Laos and Cambodia
worked out at the Geneva Con-
ference of 1954.
Prospects of Mrs. Gandhi and
Wilson succeeding seemed bleak
judging by a declaration issued
in Bucharest, Romania, after sum-
mit talks between leaders of the
Soviet Union and six European
Communist states. These Warsaw
Pact nations denounced what they
called American "criminal aggres-
sion" against North Viet Nam and
pledged all-out aid for Hanoi-
including any military volunteers
the North Vietnamese ask for.
In Kyoto, Japan, Secretary of
State Dean Rusk offered an un-
mistakable warning to Red China.
Any "insane" nuclear attack on
an American ally in the region will
bring retaliation "with whatever
means would be required." He said
there has, however, been no evi-
dence to suggest Peking may be
contemplating such an attack nor
did Rusk mention Red China by
Viet Nam was the theme of
debate in the British House of
Commons with lawmakers deeply
divided on the issues. The Wilson
government was under bitter at-
tack on two fronts.
Conservative leader E d w a r d
Heath assailed Wilson for dis-
associating Britain from the
American bombing of oil depots
near Hanoi and Haiphong. He
said the move was "not logical nor
honorable" and could only en-
courage the Chinese and North
Vietnamese to go on waiting for
the Americans and their allies to
"wilt and weaken."
Left-wing Laborites, for dif-
ferent reasons, were equally hos-
tile to the Wilson policy of back-
ing President Johnson's Viet-
namese policy except for the
bombings. One of them, Frank
Allaun, asked Foreign Secretary
Michael Stewart if the Labor gov-
0 ernment now is saying: "We regret
one-tenth of the dirty American
war in Viet Nam but support the
other nine-tenths?"
Stewart defined the major pur-
pose of Wilson's sudden mission to
Moscow July 16 to 18:
"He will impress upon the So-
viet government our view that
negotiations are urgently needed
and that the Geneva cochairmen,
Mr. Andrei Gromyko and myself,
have heavy obligations to South-
east Asia and to the world to pro-
mote negotiations."
Stewart defined the steps Brit-
ain thinks must be taken soon if
the Vietnamese war is iaot to
spread to a wider conflict:
1) First a truce.
2) A phased pullout of all for-
eign troops, to be arranged at a
new Geneva peace conference.
i )r 31 Finalliy n. fre~ choic by all




Air Line Machinists
Threaten To Strike
WASHINGTON (P) - President of Defense Cyprus R. Vance to
Johnson ordered new efforts at make sure that all military air
peace between the Machininists transport requirements are met
Union and five major airlines last fully and to advise him at once of
night but apparently not in time any problems that develop.
to prevent a shutdown of almost Johnson also ordered Postmaster
two thirds of the nation's air General Lawrence O'Brien to use
services. every means of transportation to
Three hours after the midafter- move the mails as rapidly as pos-
noon breakdown of negotiations, sible, particularly to avoid delays
when it was announced the union in mail delivery to servicemen in
would strike at 6 a.m. local time Viet Nam.

LOS ANGELES (P)-The Nation-
al Governors' Conference swung
through final sessions yesterday
toward a vote on a diluted resolu-
tion President Johnson's home-
state governor appraised as some-
thing less than a glowing endorse-
ment of administration policy in
Viet Nam.
The resolution was tinged with
political colorations during back-
stage jockeying. to round up
as much Democratic-Republican
backing as possible.
GOP governors wouldn't go along
with a version the Democrats
originally were trying to sell. And
they were keeping some powder
dry in case they want to take pot
shots at Johnson during the No-
vemnber election campaign on an;
new moves in Viet Nam they may
not like.
Partial Support
As it went before the conference,
the resolution "unequivocally" af-

firmed "support of our service-
men in Viet Nam and elsewhere,"
but just plain affirmed "resolute
support of our global commit-
It noted that these commitments
have been honored now through
one Republican and three Demo-
cratic administrations.
But in the interests of give and
take and a measure of harmony,
the drafters toned down "absolute
support" to "resolute support."
And they cut out language which
would have applied to the resolute
variety of support to "the policy
presently being followed to honor"
worldwide commitments.
Falls Short
To Gov. John Connally of Texas
all this fell short of a "ringing
endorsement" of Johnson's policies
in Viet Nam.
Connally was chairman of the
Democratic caucus which approved
the stronger, original version some
Republicans declined to buy. He
said that at least it met the
purpose of its sponsors by de-
claring support of -a global for-
eign policy and letting Americans
in uniform over the world know the
governors stand behind them-
regardles of what they hear about
draft card burnings and peace-
in-Viet Nam pickets and rallies.
Republican Gov. John A. Rhodes
of Ohio assessed the product, as
offered to the conference, as ex-
It was Rhodes who sponsored a
unanimous statement last Mairch
12, by 39\ governors who conferred
with Johnson at the While House,
that they "wholeheartedly support
and endorse" the President's Viet
Nam policies.

today, Johnson issued a state-
ment through White House head-
quarters in San Antonio callinng
ror renewed efforts at a settle-
The President's concern broughte e
on these developments: I'V S1A13
1) Assistant Secretary of Labor . s-t
James Reynolds, who had said at

-Associated Press
DEAN RUSK, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE, confers with Prime Minister Eisaku Sato of Japan
while attending the annual U.S.-Japanese discussions.
Rus, Sato End Tals on Asia,
As Demonstrations Mar Visit

the 4 p.m. cut-off of negotiations
that the parties would not meet'
again for 24 to 48 hours, called
the union and airline leaders to
confer again at 10 a.m. EDT to-,
A spokesman for the airlines
said they will attend.
2) Charles S. Murphy, chairman
of the Civil Aeronautics Board, at
the behest of the White House
summoned officials of all the
scheduled airlinesito a meeting
with his staff Thursday to work
out arrangements for coping with
the air transportation crisis. The
plan was to work out details on

WASHINGTON (k'h-North Viet-
namese MIG 21s fired missiles at
U.S. fighter bombers yesterday in
what U.S. officials believe to be
the first Communist use of such
air-to-air weapons in the Viet
Nam war. The Red missiles missed.
The engagement involving two
of the most advanced Soviet built
fighters in North Viet Nam and
two U.S. P105 bombers occurred
33 miles northwest of Hanoi this
morning, officials said.
The officials said they did not
know whether the F105s fired back
at the MIGs. The American planes

TOKYO (/P-Prime Minister
Eisaku Sato told United States
Secretary of State Dean Rusk last
night the United States is "mak-
ing a major contribution to the,
security of the Far East, including
my country." He also noted an
improvement in the Vietnamese
The words from Sato, whose
government has sometimes been
less than warm toward American:
action in Viet Nam, pleased the
Rusk entourage as it wound up a
four-day Japanese visit and pre-
pared to move on to South Korea
Sato took his stand in proposing
a champagne toast at a dinner he
gave for Rusk and four other U.S.
Cabinet members who had at-

tended the joint U.S.-Japan "An increasing recognition
Cabinet-level meeting in Kyoto. should be made of the fact that
"I'm glad to note recent signs the United States is making a
of improvement in the situation major contribution to the security
in Viet Nam," Sato said, "and I of the Far East, including my
earnestly hope that the United country."
States will continue to persevere Even as Sato spoke, reinforced
in its efforts toward stability and units of police shielded his offi-
peace in Viet Nam." I cial residence, where the dinner
Disagreement was held, and the U.S. Embassy
His words implied disagreement residence, where Rusk spent the
with Japanese leftists and some night.
members of his own government Demonstrations
who argued that American bomb- From the time Rusk arrived in
ings on the Hanoi-Haiphong area Japan Monday night, Communists
had made the Viet Nam situation and Socialists had demonstrated
grave, fin the streets of Kyoto and Tokyo
In a reference to the thousands against him. They shoulted "Rusk
of leftists who had taken to the go home!" and "America get out
streets in Kyoto and Tokyo to of Asia!"
protest Rusk's visit, Sato declared: Ten rmustered as many

scheduling, priority of traffic and returned to their bases undamag-
the like. Murphy told a news con- ed, it was said.
ference he probably would make The MIGs unleashed two air-to-
some pronouncements on this pro- air missiles during the engage-
gram today. ment. Officials said they did not
3) The AFL-CIO International know the kind of missile involved,
Association of Machinists empha- but records show that the MIG 21
sized that none of the military can carry a brace of elementary
contracts of the five airlines- heat-seeking missiles similar, but
Eastern, National, Northwest, not as advanced, as the American
Trans World and United-would Sidewinder missile.
be affected by the strike. The Officials declined to say what
union said all mechanics and other kind of a mission the F105's were
workers involved in work for the on.
military airlift to Viet Nam and Meanwhile U.S. Navy Skyhawks
elsewhere would stay on the job. returned yesterday to finish off
Johnson asked Undersecretary the 20 per cent of Haiphong's oil

storage complex that reconnais-
sance showed had survived the
controversial strike of June 29.
Pilots said that, with "all bombs
on target," they left the area
The U.S. 7th Fleet carrier,
Hancock, on station in the Tonkin
Gulf, was the base for the follow-
up raid on Haiphong. It launched
an undisclosed number of Sky-
hawk fighter-bombers on the

is time to


World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
sters Union President James R.
Hoffa, acclaimed "the world's
greatest labor leader," by his
union, was cheered to a new five-
year term as teamsters chief yes-
"I have every confidence he will
overcome his legal problems and
again be a candidate for general
president in 1971," Teamsters
Vice President Harold Gibbons
told the yelling, whistling, shout-
ing delegates.
But, just to make sure, Hoffa
rewrote the union's constitution
to close off every posAble avenue
by which he could be stripped of
* *
WASHINGTON - Julius Klein,
owner of a Chicago public rela-
tions firm, will testify about his
relations with Sen. Thomas J.
Dodd (D-Conn) at a public hear-
ing of the Senate Ethics Commit-
tee July 19.
This was announced yesterday
by Sen. John Stennis (D-Miss)
chairman of the bipartisan com-
mittee investigating misconduct
charges against the white-haired
Connecticut Democrat.
* * *

cocked the trigger yesterday for a
full Viet Nain debate when sena-
tors return from their holiday
sampling of the voters' war mood.'
"The American people must be
reassured that furnishing foreign
aid does not constitute a back-
door commitment of military
forces to a potential series of
b r u s h f i r e wars in countries
throughout the world."

demonstrators as they promised,
and Japanese police kept them far
from Rusk. But they were ever
present, even as he arrived in
Tokyo last night from Kyoto and
went to Sato's residence in a
Inside Rusk and Sato conferred
for an hour and 50 minutes. Amer-
ican and Japanese briefing of-
ficers said afterward that Rusk
told Sato that the bombing of oil
storage facilities near Hanoi and
Haiphong does not mean the U.S.
is escalating the Viet Nam war.
Rusk was quoted as adding that
the United States has no intention
of escalating the conflict.


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