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July 08, 1966 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1966-07-08

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FRIDAY, JULY 8, 1966


$3.7 Billion Canal Plan To Water Texas

Cold War Blocs May Dissolve
Due to Resurgent Nationalism


Associated Press Staff Writer
r AUSTIN, Tex.-Texas, a scorch-
'ANed, dusty plain in the eyes of
Easterners, has a new Texas-size
master plan aimed at supplying
the state's exploding water needs
:<Tye "A,:. for the next half-century.
The price tag, too, is Texas-
%4 sized: $3.7 billion.
y ' Planners, spurred on by Gov.
John Connally's insistence on a
- .*modern program for an urbaniz-
- ing state, concocted an elaborate
scheme of reservoirs and canals
for the eastern two-thirds of Tex-
as, where most of the people are.
But West Texas, which in some
respects fits the Easterner's con-
ception of the state, apparently
baffled the planners.
}> 0A The plan makes use of heavy
-. rainfall-about 50 inches a year-
in sparsely populated northeast
' Texas to the advantage of fruit
'" I and vegetable growers along the
Mexican border and urbanites of
"This is a work of such magni-
tude that it is unequaled in any
political subdivision of the United
States," said Connally.
.. .Connally's Texas brag was back-
ed up by these major features of
t F the plan, which won't be finally
approved until after hearings this
y'-A 980-mile chain of artifi-
cial lakes, canals, pipelines and
natural riverbeds, transporting
water from near the Arkansas
t border to the southern, citrus-
- growing tip of Texas.
-Construction of 53 new reser-
?Wvoirs, but only six of them in arid
West Texas, by the year 2020.
- + r--A $350 million state program
to help cities modernize their sew-
age treatment plants and abate
the pollution that makes much
Texas water unfit to drink. Total
..cost of bringing sewage plants in
-77 1 the 21 major urban areas alone up
to par was estimated at $971 mil-
0 y Some changes in Texas laws
Swillbe necessary to iron out pos-
/"".. Bible conflicts in water rights,
which at times brought ranchers
to pistol point in the state's early
" days.
An essential feature of the pla
9 ?#is the "multiple use" concept of
1 ht s ~p ir g *ewater management. This means
/ pn.t ethat the Fort Worth-Dallas area's
oway rp a e used wash water and treated sew-
S$' ' p r age might become Corpus Christi's
: n! Atdrinking water and a Rio Grande
rw Valley orange grower's irrigation
water. These are problems in this
"Water in the conduit by the
time it reaches Corpus Christi
/ .;.,wouldnot, with present technol-
/ 'a / ogy, be satisfactory for municipal
z r* Yjr49$4 4u t1P* 4! o ,, uses," said Joe Moore, head of the
state water planning agency.

That's where pollution control
measures become important,
West Texas is another problem
area. That area, embracing giant
panhandle wheat fields, irrigated
cotton and the state's richest oil
pools, long has depended on un-
derground water.
But the sub-surface supply is
being pumped to the surface fast-
er than it is replenished by rain-
fall. Reservoirs aren't a satisfac-
tory answer because of high brine
content and low flow in the upper
reaches of rivers in the area.
The area's water needs by 2020
are estimated at nearly six tril-
lion gallons a year-enough to im-
merse to a depth of one foot the
states of Rhode Island, Connecti-
cut, Massachusetts, New Hamp-
shire and Delaware, plus the na-
tion's 10 largest cities.
It would cost too much, the ex-
perts said, to move water from
humid East Texas to the west,
So Texas is looking to the Co-
lumbia, Mississippi and Missouri
Rivers as possible sources of water.
"Active and vigorous leadership
at the state level" is needed to.
get Congress to include West Texas
in proposed regional plans for ex-
port of water from those rivers,
the plan says.
Texas has had water plans be-
fore, but for the first time a sense
of urgency and the prospect of de-
termined leadership make this one
a good bet to be translated into
dams and pure water.

Associated Press Special Correspondent
Resurgent nationalism threatens
today to frustrate efforts of both
the United States and the Soviet
Union to keep their alliances in-
tact, and threatens in the long run
to shatter the concept of big mil-
itary blocs.
In both the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization and the War-
saw Pact, pressures of national
interests are producing rips in the
fabrics of what once were tightly
knit associations.
Because of the problems of the
two greatest powers, each with its
own restless and balky allies, long-
entrenched ideas about the Cold
War are being seriously chal-
A jolt to NATO, produced by
President Charles de Gaulle of
France, and the increasingly wide
chasm between the Soviet Union
and Communist China are open-
ing doors to free-wheeling diplo-
macy by the allies of both big
For many years after World
War II, Europe was the main
front of a Cold War between the
United States and the U.S.S.R.
Now, in the background, is an
emergent China, historically con-
temptuous of all foreigners, de-
veloping rapidly into a military-

nuclear power. Before long, China
may control the balance between
war and peace.
This is giving an entirely new
look to the Cold War, so far as
Europe is concerned. Statesmen
today are reflecting that the real
threats to peace in the future are
not going to be inside Europe, but

hustle off to Bucharest in May on
a secret mission, shortly after
Ceausescu indicated balkiness over
Soviet plans to strengthen Moscow
control over the Warsaw Pact.
The Americans are just as con-
cerned about what is going on in
France-and about new manifes-
tations from West Germany. Along
with De Gaulle's various activitiesj
-including his departure from the
NATO military organization -
these activities could represent yet
a new tear in the fabric.

i .

Typical Spy
Has Altered
His Methods'
Cloak and Dagger
Routine Replaced by
Dinner Conversations


in the hungry, underde-
nations of Asia and

Europe, East and West, feels the
impact of this sort of thinking.
Today, nations which under
Communist rule long occupied the
roles of docile Moscow satellites
are becoming balky. The existence
of another pole of Communist
authority, Red China, has encour-
aged this.
Red Chinese Premier Chou En-
lai now is in Romania for a week's
visit. He lost no time in cheering
the Romanians on in what he
called "defense of the independ-
ence of their country." Romania's
Communist party chief, Nicolae
Ceausescu, has questioned Soviet
leadership of East Europe. He said
in a speech recently that the no-
tion of Moscow's guidance for all
Communist parties had become
Romania is to the Soviet-dom-
inated Warsaw Pact military al-
liance in the East what France is
to NATO in the West, an irritat-
ing thorn in the side of the dom-
inant big power.
In the West, De Gaulle has
judged U.S. domination of NATO
as an affront to French sovereign-
ty. In the East, Ceausescu has de-
clared all military blocs ot be an-

Rainer Barzel, deputy chairman
of West Germany's ruling Chris-
tian Democratic Union and an
heir apparent to Chancellor Lud-
wig Erhard, said in a speech pre-
pared for delivery, in Washington
that "In a reunited Germany, and
within the framework of a Euro-
pean security system, there might
even be room for troops of the
Soviet Union." He proposed eco-
nomic and political lures for the
Russians in exchange for giving
up an independent Communist
state of East Germany for a re-
unified Germany.
This has been billed as a major
foreign policy statement, but the
Erhard government disassociated
itself f r o m Barzel's remarks.
Nevertheless, the words could have
strong impact.
Soviet policy has centered on
the idea of European security and'
keeping German fingers away
from a nuclear trigger. For the
foreseeable future, the Russians
might not be willing to surrender
East Germany to such as arrange-
ment, but the idea would have
powerful attractions. In addition,
the Russians might seek ways of
using this sort of idea as a lever in
further attempts to loosen the
ties which bind NATO together.
In any event, recent ferment in
both power blocs has produced an
air of crisis both for the United
States and the Soviet Union.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk,
evidently aiming his words at De
Gaulle's attempt to spearhead a
German settlement, emphasized
with a note of urgency that the
only way the problems of Ger-
many and the East-West chasm
could be solved was by mainten-
ance of a strong, united defense
in the West.

Associated Press Staff Writer
VIENNA, Austria-"Communist
espionage methods have basically
changed in recent times," veteran
Austrian spy-hunter Oswald Pet-
erlunger says.
"Nowadays spies do not cross
the Iron Curtain by secret pas-
sageways, but travel to the West
in sleepers," the head of the Aus-
trian state police explains. "And
they get their information from
newspapers and dinner conversa-
tions rather than by cloak-and-
dagger methods."
Kurt Seidler, his boss and head
of all Austria's security forces,
says Communist secret services
"are firmly established in such
capitals as Washington a n d
"There also is a good deal of
espionage activity in Austria, as
networks were set up here when
the country was occupied by the
Western allies and the Soviet Un-
ion," he adds.
Communist secret services in
Vienna are interested in technical,
economic and political informa-
tion about Austria-the latter es-
pecially since Austria tries to join
the Common Market. But Vienna
also is a favorite meeting place
where information and orders can
be exchanged, and is used as a
Some of the persons who come
over to Austria as refugees are in
fact secret agents, Peterlunger
says. They can be divided into two
-Those who volunteer for in-
telligence work to get an oppor-
tunity to leave their Communist
home-country and go to the West.
This type contacts Austrian au-
thorities upon arrival.
-The more dangerous type, the
professional intelligence man or
woman who takes on the cloak of
a refugee. Systematic polic invest-
igation, finger-printing, and selec-
tive shadowing "in which nothing
is left to coincidence" help un-
cover this type of spy.


Biases of Justices


ly V A I I*ect j i nE I si achronistic and "incompatible with
independence and national sov-
WASHINGTON (P)-Chief Jus- that police, when they arrested a Romania is seeking closer trade
tice Earl Warren has said a man's drunken driving suspect, could and other contacts with the West,
early life could not but affect his take a sample of his blood to test including the United States, and
a loosening of the Soviet tie. Its
views on the court, which means whether he was really drunk. activities are being watched with
the nine Supreme Court justices It required some very thin legal fascination by the rest of the
don't always reach their conclu- reasoning since the court in one European Red bloc.
sions by sheer legal reasoning, if case said a forced confession vio- France is making its own direct
lates the Fifth Amendment's approach to the Soviet Union.
there is such a thing, guarantee against self-incrimina- The Russians have been worried
Behind the decisions, although tion but taking blood from a man enough about Romania to have
intended for the welfare of the against his will doesn't. party chief Leonid L Brezhnev


nation, is the humanness of the
men: Their prejudices, earlier ex-
periences, idealism, their individ-
ual sense of justice, and some-
times timidity, caution, or strength
of will which has made this one
of the most fascinating courts.
The term which ended Monday
provided some examples, includ-
ing statements by some of the jus-
tices that some of the other jus-
tices were deciding more on private
feelings than good law.
This month a majority of the
justices, with Warren reading the
opinion, banned forced confessions
by police from criminal suspects.
The four dissenters were Justices
John W. Harlan, Potter Stewart,
Byron R. White and Tom C.


7?romises Unfilled'

Mozart.......Variations on a
Minuet by Duport, K. 573
Mozart .... Sonata in A minor,
K. 310
Schumann ... Symphonic Stud-
ies, Op. 13
Liszt .... Hungarian Rhapsody
No. 3
Liszt .......Bagatelle Without

sense of direction and propulsion
somewhat like the telling of anj
interesting tale.
The Schumann Studies and the
Busoni Toccata contained the
same excitement in the soft por-
tions, but when the loud parts
came it seemed that nothing was
being said; there was no life, only
groups of notes being played.
The feeling of improvisation, so
vital to much of.Liszt's music, was
an aspect of Brendel's readings of
the Rhapsody and Bagatelle
which made the music interesting
and bubbling with spontaneity. But
the Pensees des mort,s in which
the improvisational element is a
much less vital ingredient, seem-
ed to die simply from its trying
length and monontony of sorrow-
ful spirit.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editor-
ial responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Bldg. be-
fore 2 p.m. of the day preceding
publication and by 2 p.m. Friday
for Saturday and Sunday. General
Notices may be published a maxi-
mum of two times on request; Day
Calendar items appear once only.
Student organization notices are not
accepted for publication..
Day Calendar
Audio-Visual Education Center Film
Preview-"Lively Art of Picture Books":
Multipurpose Room, Undergraduate Li.
brary, 1:30 p.m.

Graduate students: Expecting to re-
ceive a master's or professional degree
in August 1966 must file a Diploma
Application with the Recorder of the
Graduate School by Fri., July 8. No
student can be recommended for a de-
gree unless he has filed formal appli-
cation in the office of the Graduate
School by that date.
Doctoral Examination for Ernest
Coleman, Physics; thesis: "Proton-Deu-
teron Elastic Scattering at High Mo-
mentum Transfers," Mon., July 11,
Room 629 Physics-Astronomy Bldg., at
2 p.m. Chairman, O. E. Overseth.
Doctoral Examination for Edith May
Coffee, Epidemiologic Science: thesis:
"A Study of Experimental Relapsing,
Fever Induced by Borrelia Hermsi,"
Fri., July 8, Room 2022 School of Pub-
lic Health, at 10 a.m. Chairman, w, C.

History of Art Dept. Lecture-J. P. P ace'm et
Hodin art critic, "Oscar Koskoschka": A
Aud. B, Angell Hall, 4:10 p m. Announcement: Upon rcquest. of the
Kenya Ministry of Education two re-
Cinema Guild-"Shane": Architecture turned volunteers will be on the Diag
Aud., 7 and 9 p~m.'today and tomorrow, July 7 & 8, In
front of the Gen. Lib. from 9-5. New
S1 grads and experienced teachers are be-
General Notices ing requested for Biol., Chem., Phys.,
Math, Geog., Hist., Gen, Sdi., AB only
Fulbright-Hays Lectureships: A new needed, not teaching certificate. Trng-.
list of Fulbright-Hays lectureships begins late summer or fall. Tests being
abroad for 1966-1967 and 1967-1968 may given both days. New grads or ex-
be consulted at the office of the perienced teachers are invited to speak
faculty Fulbright adviser, Howard S. with these representatives.
Bretsch, associate dean, Horace H. Announcement: Peace Corps test will
Rackham School of Graduate Studies, be given Sat., July, 9 a.m. at the
Room 1012, Rackham. Approximately downtown Post Office, Main at Cath-
200 lectureships are still available In a arine. Bring completed questionnaire
wide variety of fields in Europe, Latin if possible.
America, the Near East, South and PLACEMENT INTERVIEWS:
East Asia, the Pacific and Africa. FRI., JULY 8-

VD Branch of U.S. Public Health
Service, Detroit--Men, all degree levels
in Econ., Gen. Lib. Arts, Journ., Math,
Public Health, for mgmt. trng. Loca-
tions throughout U.S. For appointments
please call 764-7460, Bureau of Ap-
WED.-TH URS., JULY 13-14-
International Business Machines,
Dearborn-Recent grads in all disci-
plines of engineering and science for
advisor positions to users of IBM com-
puter systems, trng,. classes and on the
Job. Call Bureau of Appointments for
interviews, 764-7460.
Lederle Laboratories, Div., American
Cynamid Co. - Regional o f f i c e s
throughout U.S., nearest in Detroit.
Sales representative, college degree, 25-
30 preferred, limited travel promotin4,;
use of Leirle prm aeut ial products
to doctors anrd other outlet:.
Van Laan, Weinlander, Fitzhugh &
Co., Bay City, Mich.-New grad with
BA or M1A and major in acctg., or
otherrbusiness schol majors with two
years of acctg., for junior accountant
for CPA firm of five partners.
American Airlines, New York-Person-
nel psychologist, PhD preferred, mas-
ters and considerable industrial exper.
will be considered, sound knowi. of use
of testing in indus. setting. Some travel.
Parker Pen Co., Janesville, Wis. -
Two positions in Chemistry,. Research
Scientists, any degree level consider-
ed, some exper. Analytical Chemist, BS
in Chem. and some exper.
Moore Business Forms, Inc., Green
Bay, Wis.-Opening in Financial De-
partment for young man with math
aptitudes, degree in acctg., or econ.
For further information please call
764-7460, General Division, Bureau of
Appointments, 3200 SAB.
DIAL 5-6290
=A hilarious t
romantic t
misadventure) '.

T~o . .ht ~n o C
Clark. Liszt .......Pensees des morts
Busoni ...............,Toccata
All four in their time had had Pianist Alfred Brendel began,
a hand in dealing with criminal the University Musical Society's
cases. Harlan and Stewart had third annual summer concert se-
been federal judges; Clark had ries Wednesday evening in Rack-
been attorney general of the ham Aud. with a recital which
United States; White had been a might be titled "Promises Unful-
deputy attorney general. filled."
But none of the nine had the This Vienna-born pianist play-
first-hand experience of Warren ed the Mozart in a way which led
in prosecuting criminal cases. He one to expect a lot. Under his
had been a district attorney in hands the music flowed with clar-
ity, precision, and well moulded
lines. The very soft passages were
Harlan flushed, pounded the played solidly, yet ethereally and
bench, said this was "new doc- comprised a highlight of the per-
trine and don't be fooled by it." formance.
He called it a hazardous experi- Brendel showed concern for the
ment at a time when the crime harmonic superstructure and the
rate was going up. progressions within that outline.
A week later the court decided This factor gave his playing a
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Shows at



Noon Luncheon Discussions
MICHIGAN UNION (Anderson Room)
JULY 12 "Children of the Damned"
FREE SHOWING of MOVIE, Monday, 7:30 P.M:
Multipurpose Room, Undergraduate Library
Mr. James Nee, Teaching Fellow, English
JULY 19 "Radical Theology and the Death of God"
The literature and thought of contemporary theology.
Dr. N. Patrick Murray, Educational Director,
The Office of Religious Affairs

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The Rev. Martin Bell, Associate Episcopal Chaplain
AUGUST 2 "Who Is Man?", Abraham Heschel
Mr. Larry Davis, Graduate in Philosophy


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