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June 30, 1966 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1966-06-30

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A t4 to M"Im-nva




A ttacks Hit by Wilson, Thant, Debatedin Coy


By The Associated Press
President Johnson's decision to
bomb the oil centers at Hanoi and
Haiphong was greeted by heavy
attacks and some domestic sup-
port yesterday.
In one of the most surprising
reversals 'of opinion, England's
Prime Minister Harold Wilson ex-
pressed regret over the bombing
and said Britain is unable to sup-
port the action but reaffirmed
British support for American ob-
jectives in the Asian war.
An announcement of the prime
minister's view on the U.S. bomb-
ing of fuel tragets three miles from

Hanoi and two miles from the
port of Haiphong was made after
Wilson had requested urgent clar-
ification from Washington of
reasons for the raids.
"We have made it clear on many
occasions that we cannot support
an extension of the bombing to
such areas," Wilson said.
Strong criticism also came from
U.N. Secretary-General U Thant
and from Moscow.
Officials said Wilson was plan-
ning to make a statement of Bri-
tain's attitude to the House of
Left-wing elements of the gov-

erning Labor party were prepar-
ing to question him closely on it
and to demand that British sup-
port be withdrawn from all U.S.
actions in Viet Nam.
Wilson had assured the parlia-
mentary Labor party only two
weeks ago: "We have made clear
repeatedly in Washington that we
could not accept any need for the
Americans to bomb major centers
of civilian population and, if this
happens, we shall dissociate our-
selves from it. The U.S. govern-
ment fully understands this."
The White House in Washing-

ton declined comment on Wilson's
News of the air strikes stirred
lively reaction in Congress. Com-
ment ranged from the "shocking
outlawry" description of Sen.
Wayne Morse (D-Ore) to House
Republican Leader Gerald R. Ford
of Michigan's demand: "Why were
these raids not carried out much
earlier in the war?"
Senate Democratic Leader Mike
Mansfield of Montana predicted
the action will "make the road
to the negotiating table that much
more difficult" and Chairman J.
W. Fulbright (D-Ark) of the Sen-

ate Foreign Relations Committee
expressed a similar view.
Chairman Richard B. Russell
(D-Ga) of the Senate Armed Serv-
ices Committee said the United
States had exhausted every effort
to negotiate and "had no option
but to destroy the oil depots." Sen.
Jacob K. Javits (R-NY) described
the bombing as a "risky, chancy"
move and said he is very unhappy
about it.
Sen. Morse told the Senate that
"in my judgment, this shocking
outlawry on the part of the John-
son administration in Southeast
Asia should at least symbolically

lower to half mast every American
flag everywhere in the world."
"It demonstrates to the world,"
he said, "that the greatest threat
to the peace of the world happens
to be the United States."
U.N. Secretary-General U Thant
expressed regret at the U.S. bomb-
A spokesman for the secretary-
general on a number of occasions
has indicated that in his view the
first step in the search for peace
in Viet Nam should be the cessa-
tion of the bombing of North Viet
"He has therefore read with

deep regret the reports of the
bombings of the heavily populated
areas in Haiphong and Hanoi,"
the spokesman said.
Moscow radio called the U.S.
air raids a "new dangerous step
by the U.S. ruling circles in ex-
panding aggression against the
Vietnamese people."
"Contrary to all the lessons -of
history," it said on its domestic
service, "the U.S. government is
resorting to banditry and force in
blind rage at the knowledge of its
own helplessness.
"The latest act of international
piracy serves as an open chal-

lenge to all countries to bring the
immediate cessation of U.S. ag-
gression in Viet Nam. The world
public has received with rage and
disgust the news of Washington's
latest- senseless act which will fur-
ther exacerbate international ten-
"Ties of fraternal friendship
and militant solidarity link the
Soviet and Vietnamese people. Our
country and the other Socialist
states are providing, and will con-
tinue to provide, the necessary aid
in the Just struggle of the Viet-
namese people."

By The Associated Press He told a broadcast ar
WASHINGTON - Secretary of vised news conference th
Defense Robert S. McNamara said sion to strike the petrole
yesterday U.S. planes hit Hanoi- cilities was made by I
Haiphong oil depots to make Johnson on his recomm
North Viet Nam's infiltration of and on that of Secretary
the south "more costly." Dean Rusk.
The bombing, McNamara said, McNamara treated the
was a response to a swift and ris- tion as highly successful.
ing North Vietnamese buildup in "There's no question b
South Viet Nam which has con- these attacks will makei
verted the fighting there into a tion far more costly for
"quasi-conventional war opera- Viet Nam," he said in resl
tion." a question.
McNamara said "every effort And he added infiltra
was made to prevent harm to the foundation of its ag
civilians and to prevent destruc- against South Viet Nam.'
tion of nonmilitary facilities." Another objective, he sE




FBI To Investigate
Raid Press 'Leaks'



to "save the lives" of the South He pointed to a picture of 5lNorth Vietnamese port capable of
Vietnamese, Americans, Austra- trucks in a convoy to indicate the unloading directly from tankers.
lians and South Koreans fighting "substantial volume" of infiltra- McNamara rattled off other
in South Viet Nam. tion and the "growing importance" statistics to the effect that mil-
McNamara emphasized that the of petroleum to supply the war itary truck movements to the
United States' policy is to attack in the south, south had doubled in the first five

only military targets in North Viet
Nam and targets of support.
McNamara made it plain the
changing complexion of the fight-
ing was what caused the shift.
That shift, he said, has made
the North Vietnamese forces and
their Viet Cong allies increasingly
dependent on truck movement of
heavy supplies, increasing the
strategic importance of fuel.

In recent weeks, he said, North
Viet Nam has been trying to re-
align its petroleum facilties. He
showed pictures of excavation
sites and said in some instances
the North Vietnamese camaflouged
the oil -facilities.
"The increased importance of
petroleum to the enemy's military
effort is further attested to by his
action to improve infiltration net-
work routes," McNamara said.
Some routes are new, some
have been widened and upgraded
for all-weather truck use, and
some jungle roads have been con-
cealed by bamboo canopies, Mc-
Namara said.
"A result of the greatly in-
creased movement of men and
supplies by truck and powered
junks has been a shift from a
small arms guerrilla action against
South Viet Nam to a larger mili-
tary operation involving major
supplies, weapons, and heavier
equipment." McNamara said.
He said the air strikes were
designed, among other things, to
require North Viet Nam to de-
vote men, material and time to
establish new facilities, to force
more stringent rationing and to
reduce the number of men avail-
able for infiltration into the
Since the beginning of the
year, he said, the average month-
ly import of petroleum to South
Viet Nam had increased 50 to 70
per cent over a comparable per-
iod in 1965.
And he said 95 per cent of it
flows through Haiphong, the only

months of the year and that daily
tonnage supplies had increased
about 150 per cent over the past
year. Armed personnel in the
south, he said, had increased 120
per cent.
In later questioning he took ex-
ception to the terms in which a
question was phrased and said:
"We have not hit Hanoi and Hai-
phong. We have hit storage fa-

McNamara said one U.S. air-
craft, an Air Force F105 fighter-
bomber, had been lost to anti-
aircraft fire in the raid on the
outskirts of Hanoi.
And in a simultaneous strike at
a surface-to-air missile site 20
miles from the North Vietnamese
capital, one challenging Commun-
ist MIG was "probably destroyed,"
he reported.
"These strikes," McNamara said,
"made after consultation with the
government of South Viet Nam,
are intended to achieve the fol-
lowing military objectives:
" "Neutralize at Haiphong the
only existing North Vietnamese

on President Johnson's orders, has
launched an intensive inquiry into
whether United States officials
tipped off newsmen about the de-
cision to expand bombing into
North Viet Nam's oil facilities, it
was learned yesterday.
Both the FBI and administra-
tion sources declined comment.
But other sources said the in-
vestigation was under way, spur-
red by a concern at the highest
levels over the possibility that
word of today's bombing had been
given out in advance.
The general rule within the ad-
ministration is to refuse com-
ment on any specific future mili-
tary operation.
Johnson told a news conference
June 18 that in attacking North
Viet Nam military targets "we
must continue to raise the cost of
aggression at its source."

The following week a number of
news stories pointed toward bomb-
ing of theoil depots outside
Hanoi and Haiphong.
White House news secretary
Bill D. Moyers refused to com-
ment Tuesday when asked if the
FBI had been ordered to investi-
gate "leaks of stories about step-
ped-up bombing of North Viet
The FBI often is used for se-
curity investigations. Also, checks
can be made within the State and
Defense departments by investi-
gators within those departments.
Last Sunday, Undersecretary of
State George W. Ball said in a
televised interview "There is no
decision on the part of the U.S.
government to bomb Haiphong or
to bomb the installations in Hai-

Asked about the possible reac- shore facility for off-loading pe-
tion of Communist China, he said troleum from ocean-going tank-
he could not speculate on that. ers, forcing North Viet Nam to
Again he said the objectives of seek alternative - and inevitably
the United States are limited- less efficient--means for future
not to destroy the government of off-loading. Haiphong is estimat-
North Viet Nam or the people of ed to have handled 95 per cent of
North Viet Nam. all petroleum imports.
"They are limited solely to per- * "Destroy the contents of the
mitting the South Vietnamese peo- major central storage facilities;
ple to shape their own destiny," Hanoi is estimated at over 20 per
he said, cent and Haiphong at over 40 per
To another question, McNa- cent of the remaining national
mara said the United States' capacity.
allies were "aware" of the attack ""Cripple the major trans-
but he did not answer directly shipment facility at Hanoi.
whether they had been specifically * "Require North Viet Nam to
warned. devote men, material, time and
Shortly before the ews confer- effort to establish new storage and
Shorly bfor thenew coner-distribution facilities.
ence Britain's Prime Minister Har- 0 "Force a high competition for
old Wilson had said he could not the reduced petroleum assets,
support the new American action. thereby requiring more stringent
"I can't overemphasize to you rationing and imposing a lower
the importance our government ceiling on the number of men
places on terminating successfully that can be supported for aggres-
the operations in the south and sion in the south."
our willingness to engage in un-
conditional discussions to that
end," McNamara said.
Otherwise he turned aside ques-
tions dealing with diplomatic as-
pects of the situation.


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-Associated Press
THE ABOVE MAU shows Hanoi-Haiphong areas in North Viet Nam where U.S. planes struck petro-
leum targets yesterday. Air Force jets bombed storage tanks three miles from the center of Hanoi,
capital of North Viet Nam, while Navy planes struck fuel areas 50 miles to the east at the port city
of Haiphong. The Communist Chinese border is about 100 miles from Hanoi.


British Seamen Agree
To End Shipping Strike

LONDON (P)-Leaders of Bri-
tain's merchant seamen bowed,
under mounting pressure yester-
day and voted to end their 45-
day shipping strike on terms back-
ed by the government.
However, union leaders decided
not to allow the men back to
work until tomorrow midnight.
They said they wanted time to
explain the settlement to a clearly
restive rank and file, some of
whom complained they had been
sold out by their leaders.
It will take weeks to unscramble
the congested ports and months to
bring schedules back to normal.
The total cost in lost sales and
export markets is beyond calcula-
The Executive of the 65,000-
member National Union of Sea-
men voted 29-16 to send the sea-
men back to work. The vote indi-
cated that a hard core of mili-
tants still wanted to hold out for
more, and this was reflected in
angry scenes outside union head-
Union leaders said privately
that they feared a rash of wild-
cat strikes to protest the settle-
Charges Communist Influence
Prime Minister Harold Wilson
had intervened repeatedly through
the strike-first to condemn the
seamen for striking against the
nation, and last week to assert

that Communists were putting
pressure on the union to prolong
the strike and wreck the Labor
government's wage restraint po-
licy. He named the Communists
in the House of Commons only
Tuesday and challenged the un-
ion's moderates to stand up to
A union spokesman said after a
four-hour Executive meeting that
Wilson's charges were not even

discussed. But whether or not
Wilson's intervention actually
helped speed a settlement, he is
bound to get some of the credit.
In money terms, the seamen
boosted their average weekly pay
by about $2.80 to $58.80 and cut
the average number of hours
worked by about two to roughly
66 with overtime. This still rep-
resents less than most European
seamen earn.

House Con
Approves I
Judiciary Committee voted yester-
day to remove most privately own,
ed housing from President John-
son's proposed ban on racial dis-
crimination in the sale and rental
of housing.
It then gave quick approval by
a 24-9 bipartisan vote to a new
civil rights bill that also deals
with protecting Negroes' rights,
speeding school desegregation and
ending discrimination in state and
federal jury selection.
The housing section of the bill
would exempt homeowners who
sell or rent their property, but
only up to two transactions a
year. In addition, it would exempt
owners of dwellings up to four-
family in size who live in the
house themselves and rent the
other units.
Real estate agents and brokers
would be specifically barred from
engaging in any discriminatory
practices, but could not be prose-
cuted if they were acting for an
exempted homeowner who refused
to sell or rent to a Negro.
A fair housing board would be
created with power to investigate
complaints arising under the law
and to issue orders to stop any
discriminatory practices.
In its other provisions, the bill
-Require that federal jurors be
selected at random from a list of
all registered voters in a judicial


world News Roundup

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - Chemical Bank
New York Trust Co. raised its
prime interest rate from 5% to
5% per cent yesterday, effective
"The management of the bank
decided to take this action in view
of the continued and increasing
pressure for bank loans and as a
step toward discouraging further
inflationary credit expansion,"
William S. Renchard, chairman,
LONDON-The bill to re-na-
tionalize 'Britain's steel industry
was introduced in commons yes-
terday by Richard Marsh, min-
ister of power.
Some 14 companies, represent-

ing 90 per

cent of the industry's
are expected to be

taken back into government own-
NEW YORK-The stock market
suffered its third sharp loss of the
week yesterday and some brokers
said part of the loss was a reac-
tion to the U.S. bombing of North
Viet Nam oil facilities.
Prices showed little change in
early trading, but a steady erosion
dropped them to their lowest of
the day at the close. Trading was

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