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June 28, 1966 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1966-06-28

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TUESDAY, JUNE 28, 1966




Dodd Denies Impropriety
Charge, Told of Disloyalty'.

mas J. Dodd, D-Conn., denied yes-
terday that he had skipped out
of his Senate duties in 1964 or
acted improperly, in behalf of his
"old friend," Chicago public rela-
tions man Julius Klein.
"I went over to Germany for
the sole purpose of looking into
the Stashinsky case," the white-
haired Senator told the Senate
Ethics Committee.
"I wasn't his advocate or
agent," Dodd said of Klein.
Dodd said that as chairman of
a Senate internal security sub-
committee, he had a deep interest
in talking with Bogdan Stashin-
sky, a Soviet agent imprisoned in
the killing of two Ukranian em-
igre leaders.
In the committee's fourth day
of hearings on Dodd's relations
with Klein, the senator, 59, de-
nied accusations thatbhe had
acted improperly in behalf of,
Klein in return for gifts and fa-
vors. And after quizzing Dodd,
the committee recessed until after
July 15 when Klein is expected
back from Germany and to testi-
Dodd's appearance got off to
a sensational start when his at-
torney, John F. Sonnett, tried to
get one of the committee mem-
bers disqualified on grounds he
was biased against Dodd. But the
effort was squelched by Chairman
John F. Stennis, D-Miss., who cut
Sonnett off quickly.
And the Senator, Wallace F.
Bennett of Utah, denied he was
biased or prejudiced against Dodd.
Then Dodd himself fired back,
declaring his "disloyal employes"
were "robbing me blind" in feed-
ing documents to newspaper col-
umnists who used them to touch
off the Senate inquiry into his
"I was surrounded by people
who were betraying, and I knew
nothing about it," the senator said
under relaxed questioning by Son-
The investigation was kicked off
with charges by columnists Drew
Pearson and Jack Anderson that
Dodd was "an errand boy" for
The senator then went on to
denounce James P. Boyd, Jr., his
former administrative assistant;
and Michael O'Hare, his former
office manager and personal
"They were robbing me blind
and never had the manhood to
come and tell me if they were dis-
satisfied," he said ofhthe removal
and copying of thousands of docu-
ments from his files for use by
Pearson and Anderson.
Under questioning by Stennis
about the 1964 trip to Germany,
Dodd said all along he was per-
fectly willing to tell any German
officials who asked him the facts
about a Senate Foreign Relations
Committee investigation of for-
eign agents, at which Klein was
a witness.
As things turned out, Dodd con-
tinued, the then Chancellor Kon-

rad Adenauer was the only Ger-
man official who asked him about
Klein, said Dodd, was "the vic-
tim of an injustice"-certain seg-
ments of the German press had
misrepresented his part in the
committee investigation.
"What was in my mind was
that I wanted to straighten out
the misunderstanding if the sub-
ject came up," Dodd told the com-
For the most part, Dodd fielded
Stennis' questions calmly, but in

explaining the trip to Germany
while the Senate was locked in
debate over civil rights legislation,
his voice rose.
. The answers did not appear to
satisfy Stennis.
He asked Dodd why the internal
security subcommittee did not is-
sue a report on the Stashinsky
matter until a year later, and
Stennis suggested the case was
Dodd said the subcommittee was
swamped with work and that he
had returned from Germany with

a much better knowledge of the
As to the civil rights fight, in
which Dodd was a team captain
pushing the bill, Dodd said he
had asked Vice President Hubert
H. Humphrey, then a senator di-
recting the floor fight for the
measure, if it would be all right
for him to be away a week or so.
Dodd said Humphrey had as-
sured him it would be. Last week
Humphrey wrote Dodd a letter
saying he had given this assur-

Rusk Says
U.S. Seeks
Peace Talks
SEATO Conference
Hears Soviet Action
Deemed Regrettable
CANBERRA, Australia (R)--U.S.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk ex-
pressed regret yesterday over So-
viet support of "aggression against
South Viet Nam" but said the
United States will continue to
seek a settlement at the confer-
ence table.
He suggested that the Soviet
Union should take up its duties
as co-chairman with Britain of
the Geneva conference on Indo-
china "and help the Geneva ma-
chinery establish peace in South-
east Asia."
Rusk made the remarks at the
opening of the annual meeting of
the Southeast Asia Treaty Or-
ganization's council of ministers.
SEATO members are Australia,
France, New Zealand, Pakistan,
the Philippines, Thailand, Bri-
tain and the United States.
Although expressing general
concern over the fighting in South
Viet Nam, the foreign ministers
also referred to what they called
signs of hope and encouragement
in troubled lands of Southeast
Among the signs were:
-The indicated end of Indone-
sia's hostile confrontation of Ma-
-Resumption of diplomatic re-
lations between the Philippines
and Malaysia.
-Increased regional coopera-

Communist Units Surrender

field commanders say they detect
a drop in morale and combat ef-
ficiency of North Vietnamese
In recent engagements, they
have found some Communist units
poorly equipped,short on food
and medicine, and more ready
than before to surrender.
U.S. intelligence officers say en-
emy morale has been lowered by
constant allied pressure, notably
the "spoiling operations" carried
out by highly mobile helicopter
troops which keep the Commun-
ists off balance or burrowed un-
Other morale factors include
recent large seizures of food and
supply caches by allied forces and
American airpower, including B52
Some newly captured North
Vietnamese prisoners readily have
given information on the deploy-
ment and battle plans of their
Meanwhile, U.S. soldiers and
Marines, more than 6,000 strong,
swept the coastal hills of South

Viet Nam's central highlands
Monday in search of three North
Vietnamese battalians. It was one
of the largest single American op-
erations in the war.
Their primary target was a
battalion of a North Vietnamese
army regiment already badly bat-
tered in eight days of fighting
near Tuy Hoa, 240 miles north-
east of Saigon. Two other batta-
lions of the regiment also were
believed in the area.
Farther north, near Hue, a force
of U.S. Marines and South Viet-
namese troops searched for rem-,
nants of another North Vietna-
mese battalion, and guerrillas.
The enemy was believed to have
fled underground into a maze of
tunnels after three days of in-
fantry assaults and pounding by
aircraft, artillery and gunfire
from U.S. warships.
Besides adding to the punish-
ment of Communist ground for-
ces, American airmen struck a fu-
el dump in North Viet Nam 160
miles south of Hanoi and turned
it into a raging inferno.

The central highlands action,
Operation Nathan Hale, was re-
inforced by thousands of air cav-
alrymen to increase the pressure
being applied against the Com-
U.S. forces so far have killed
395 North Vietnamese army regu-
lars in Operation Nathan Hale
and taken 20 captives.
From prisoner interrogation, U.-
S. intelligence officers learned
that the prisoners were members
of a regiment of the North Viet-
namese army who had been in
Phu Yen Province only a few
Their mission, U.S. officers said,
was to relieve another North Viet-
namese regiment and to capture
Phu Yen Province, a prize long
coveted by the Communists be-
cause of its fertile rice growing
Gen. William C. Westmoreland,
commander of U.S. forces in Viet
Nam, is particularly anxious to
step up allied efforts at psycho-
logical warfare to get more Com-
munist troops to surrender.


Mississippi MardhIEnds Fear,
Produces Basic Negro Unity

JACKSON, Miss. (t")-The Mis- c
sissippi march cracked the apathy h
and fear for Negroes and produc- i
ed strong, basic unity of the mass-
es, civil rights leaders said yes- c
The year 1966 will go down in s
history as the year when Negroesp
became black people," said Floyd "
McKissick, national director of f
the Congress of Racial Equality. f
He explained this meant Negroes b
identified more strongly with eacha
other and gained new self res- I
"This march brought about
strong unity among people and
proved a hell of a lot can be done
by ourselves with unity," said
McKissick and spokesmen for
other civil rights organizations
assessed the results of the long,
hot and dusty trek in interviews.
There was solid agreement on a
basic point: Mississippi Negroes
began losing their fears of white
reprisals and power; they par-
ticipated in the march, they sup-
ported it, they stood up to state
troopers and sometimes fought
back when attacked by whites.
"We proved that you can rid
Negroes of the deep-rooted fears
that have been imbedded in them
for centuries," said Hosea L. Wil-
liams, director of voter registra-
tion and political education for
the Southern Christian Leader-I
ship Conference.
Power was a term that came in
for frequent usage. "Black Pow- j
er!" was the rallying cry in the'
latter stages ofrthe march. But the
words were viewed with alarm by
some older and more conservative
"Without power you cannot ef-
fect changes," Breen, education
director of SCLC, said. "Thous-
ands of Negroes were witness that
we are overcoming fear."
Civil Rights leaders, whose dif-
fering views sprang into sharper
conflict during the march, sail
that despite disagreement, the.
organizations still can work ef-
fectively. McKissick said the
march proved that conflicting
viewpoints play a minor role be-

cause "the suffering of Negroes involved in the march met yes-
has the overriding effect of keep- terday to talk over plans for fol-
ng them together." lowing up. Williams and Carmi-
Stokely Carmichael, national chael said the plan now is to divide
chairman of the Student Non- the state into territories for each
Violent Coordinating Committee, organization to work with the em-
said the march allowed different phasis on political power.
philosophies to emerge: his own James Meredith, the man who
"black power" line, the self-de- started the trek, said he had
fense preaching of the Deacons achieved his goal of breaking the
for Defense and Justice, and Dr. fears of Negroes when state au-
Martin Luther King's non-violence thorities provided protection for
and integration. The Deacons for the marchers. He said it created
Defense are an armed self -protec- a condition under which Negroes
tion Negro organization, no longer had to be afraid to
The leaders of the organization walk the roads of Mississippi,




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World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
los A. Caro. one of Argentina's top
army officers, was placed under
arrest yesterday, the local news
agency Saporiti reported.
Unconfirmed reports in Buenos
Aires said some military leaders
were plotting to overthrow Presi-
dent Arturo Illia but had dis-
agreed on the timing.
The reports said the coup had'
been planned for months and an
interim cabinet already selected
in preparation for the overthrow.
The military leaders reportedly
were disturbed by recent election
successes of the followers of exiled
ex-Dictator Juan D. Peron. Peron-'
ists now control three of Argen-
tina's 22 provinces and the legis-
lature of a fourth province.
KIEV, U.S.S.R. - French Pre-
sident Charles de Gaulle and his
Soviet hosts have so far been un-!
able to agree on a joint statement
about Germany, informed sources
said yesterday.
The general's 11-day tour of the
Soviet Union will end Friday with
a joint declaration expressing
some of the lofty sentiments of
friendship that have marked both
French and Soviet speeches dur-
ing the visit, the informants said.
It will indicate a very broad
agreement on space research co-
operation, possibly including the
launching of a French satellite by
a Soviet rocket, the sources said.
LONDON - A summit con-
ference of the British common-
wealth has been called for Sept..

6-15 with the Rhodesia crisis as
its main business, diplomatic of-
ficials reported yesterday.
Word of the special meeting in
London came as the British gov-
ernment authorized a new, and
perhaps final, informal bid for a
compromise with Premier Ian
Smith's breakaway Rhodesian
white minority regime.
TOKYO - Communist China
rejected yesterday a suggestion
that Secretary of State Dean Rusk
and Chinese Foreign Minister
Chen Yi meet to talk peace in
Viet Nam.
"These U.S. imperialist tactics"
of expanding the war and at the
same time playing a peace game
"can never deceive the Vietnamese
and Chinese peoples," the official
Peking People's Daily said.
The meeting of foreign minis-
ters of China and the United
States was proposed by Senate
Majority Leader Mike Mansfield
in a speech June 16.
Mansfield said just as in Korea
the war in Viet Nam threatens to
become a conflict between the
United States and China.
'As for improving relations be-
tween China and theh U.S.," the
daily paper said, it is even more
clearly deceptive nonsense. Not
only does the U. S. refuse to with-
draw its armed forces from Tai-
wan Province and the Taiwan
Strait and change its policy of ag-
gression and war against China,
it has been intensifying its mili-
tary control over Taiwan Province
and stepping up its encirclement
and containment' of China."


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