TUESDA"Y ..UTNF. 2R i ma
'Red Desert' Visually Excellent
Liberals Back
Tammany's Opponent
By ANDREW LUGG nes Film Festival. It was, roughly,
htis: Technology is progressing at
Michaelangelo Antonioni, who a rate outstripping our ability to
directed "The Red Desert" show- make the necessary psychological
ing at the Campus Theatre ranks adjustment to cope with the "Elec-
with the world's best film direc- tronic Age."
tors. In Antonioni's work there has Personally, I don't see that
not only been a development of his "L'Avventura," "La Notte" or
own art but of the film art in "L'Eclisse" deal with this problem.
general. It is clear, however, that in "The
Techniques of the Neo-realist Red Desert" this thesis is what
school (with which Antonioni was Antonioni has in mind, His own
associated) have been refined and prognostications-"the engineer
developed by him. Particularly, he will rule the world"-support this.
has used to great effect the tech- Antonioni, then, has attempted
nique of extending his sequences to extend the content of film.
well beyond the normally accepted Further to his credit, he was one
limit in an attempt to "illustrate" of the first filmmakers to use
the "states of being" of his char- color.
acters. That "the Red Desert" is in
In this manner he was develop- many ways an unsatisfactory film
ing his mature style which may be does not detract any from the
labeled "subjective cinema." importance of the film, especially
With "L'Avventura" and the in the use of color and Antonioni's
later films, the story line becomes brilliant construction of the film,
less and less a vehicle to carry graphically.
his films. Instead the film pro- The film is unsatisfactory in
ceeds from an "idea" and is built the characterization of Giuliana
around the psychological state of (is she alienated because of, or
the main character. in spite of, industrial Ravenna?));
In 1960, Antonioni presented his the acting of Monica Vitti as
"idea" to the audience at the Can- Giuliana (neurotic equals hands
clasped to the mouth); Richard
Harris' abysmal portral of Cor-
rado; and the scripting, which is
patchy and loose, develops around
Guilana's illness and that alone.
To talk of plot is meaningless.
Antonioni maintains all his in-
terviews at the level of the dis-
cussion of the narrative. However
his painstaking work on the gra-
phics is the major achievement of
the film-the walls of the rooms
change color to mirror the emo-
tional state of Guilana; the po-
tatoes in the street vendors cart
areare painted black; at one stage
in the shooting a whole field was
sprayed with paint.
At times the feel of Feininger's
paintings are recalled, so beauti-
fully and carefully are the images
constructed. The pipes, cylinders,
handrails, and machines in the
factory, the radio-telescope, the
smouldering rubbish tip, the rust
on the silos are sculpture.
Whatever Antonioni says, as an
articulate statement the film does
not work. The best dialogue is the
noise of the machines! Visually,
on the other hand, the film is
better than anything yet produced.
By The Associated Press
The political power of two lib-
eral opponents to the Democratic
machine will be tested today in
separate elections, with the possi-
bility of a liberal coalition in the
Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, a New
York Democrat, some reform Dem-
ocrats, and the Liberal party are
supporting State Supreme Court
Justice Samuel J. Silverman for
the Democratic nomination for
Manhattan surrogate.
Silverman is opposed by State
Supreme Court Justice Arthur G.
Post pones I
(Continued from Page 1)
"I'll vote for your project if you'll
vote for mine," attitude.
After several days of discussion
and meetings in 90-degree weath-
er, which occupied the representa-
tives for 14 hours a day, it seemed
that the session was finally over.
There had been two extensions of
the cut-off deadline, and the
issues finally seemed to be set-
tled, when the last two bills failed
to get the required number of
Kowalski, disgusted, adjourned
the House until Aug. 22, and walk-
ed out of the meeting. However,
under pressure from the leaders of
both houses because of the effects
of the adjournment on highway
and building construction, he an-
nounced the return of the Legis-
lature tomorrow.
Local newspapers attributed the
failure of the bills to general re-
sentment toward Kowalksi among
Klein, who is backed by the regu-first Democratic primary June 14,
lar Democratic organization, Tam- but none received the required
many Hall leader J. Raymond clear majority.
Jones and the county Republican Nominations won't be equiva-
organization,-lent to election as in past years.
Negroes Nominated A write-in campaign is certain in
In Columbia, S.C., civil rights Williamsburg in the November
groups in two counties, organized general election if Negroes are
down to the last sharecropper, nominated, and a white Republi-
have a good chance of nominating can has been nominated for the
four Negroes to the South Caro- Clarendon seat.
lina Legislature in today's runoff
Democratic primary, Seeking Williamsburg County's#
All four Negro candidates, three three legislative seats are Virgil
in Williamsburg and one in Cla- Dimery, a funeral director run-
rendon, led their tickets in the ning for the Senate, and House
_- candidates Purvis Easley and J. E.
Lawrence. Their white opponents
u 4are Floyd LaNue, for the Senate,
i ns and Ernest W. Carter and incum-
bent Rep. Henry Stuckey for the
* House.
integration but quit talking about
new federal legislation-apparent-
ly no one was interested.
Bread on the Table
Today's Negroes are not con-
cerned about legislation. They
talk about bread on the table,
money in their pockets, and Ne-
gro officeholders in the towns
and counties.
The march emphasized deepen-
ing resentment of what is consid-
ered by some Negro leaders to be
inaction by the federal govern-
ment and particularly President
Johnson in implementing the ma-
jor civil rights laws enacted in
the past two years.
The march disclosed a newI
mood of belligerence among Ne-
groes, a growing frustration over
was interpreted by some observers
as black supremacy, many of the
Negro leaders decided it meant
merely political power.
That the march reached the
rural Negroes was plainly evident
by the way in which food and
shelter were cheerfully provided
all along the route by local Ne-
The New York contest pits
Kennedy, fresh from a trip to
Africa, where he denounced rac-
ism, against several Negro leaders,
including J. Raymond Jones, head
of Tammany, the Manhattan
Democratic organization.
Tammany Raises Race Issue
Without accusing Kennedy di-
rectly, Tammany has raised the
race issue. Kennedy says he stands
on his record.
The struggle overshadows other
races in the statewide primaries.
Despite some bitter and expensive
battles, experts predict a light
turnout, possibly as low as 15 to
20 per cent in the city.
Kennedy has denied trying to
forces Jones' from his political
post, saying he became involved
because he felt strongly about the
race and the judiciary. Klein has
described himself and Silverman
as "pawns.
Tuition To RemainConstant
It a a C 14O tRights March conditions and widespread rejec-
In Mississippi, "Black power! tion of nonviolence. Developments
Black power!" became the rally- during the long, tortuous trek
the younger Democrats in the ing cry of the civil rights march, over miles of Mississippi high-
House. Kowalski has, since he voicing clearly the Negro's disillu- ways and streets indicated that
came to power, ruled with an iron voicnmg cwith past methods and many Negroes have indeed lost
hand, pushing legislation he want- his growing belief that political their fears of reprisals for civil
ed, and using his parliamentary strength holds the key to his rights activities.
power to silence opposition. He has problem Integration Irrelevant
been very harsh and critical to- Significantlyo the developments
wards dissenters, who now are not This was the slogan that more Sconfirmed a statement made two
too eager to co-operate. than anything struck responsive months ago by Stokely Carmi-
Other Lansing sources say the chords. The eagerness with which chael, national chairman of the
bills failed because the road bill the Negro masses seized upon the radical Student Nonviolent Co-
sponsored by Mack was one of word disconcerted the more con- ordinating Committee
several requests for funds to be servative leaders. It deepened the
given to the Upper Peninsula that philosophical rift within the civil "Integration is irrelevant," he
were really not of primary in- rights movement. said. T h i s attitude prevailed
terest to the state as a whole. It Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. among Negroes interviewed along
is possible that Mack is worried maintained his dominant role the march route.
about being re-elected, and insist- among the leadership but recog- It was Carmichael and other
ed on the appropriation for the nized the changing mood of Ne- SNCC leaders who began talking
road. nroes He defeided nonviolence in of black power. But, while this
Sources also indicate that rep-
resentatives from the Upper Pen- PH. 482-2056 Dial 662-6264
insula had refused to co-operate_______________
on party-sponsored issues, such as
the pay hike for legislators, but
were making more than their
share of requests for funds for E ROAD Ending Wednesday
their areas.
_ ~NOW SHOWING Shows at "
(Continued from Page 1)
dent fees, make up all but $850,000
of the general funds budget.
The rest of the University bud-
get, the expendable restricted fund
and the auviliary activities fund,
have not been acted upon yet. Ac-
tion on these funds, which totaled
$93.4 million last year, will come
in July. At that time the Univer-
sity will release a detailed, final
University budget. Last year this
figure totaled $167.63 million.
A year ago the general funds
budget increased $10.4 million over
the year before. The complete
budget increased by $20.4 million.
The Regents' action on the
residential college came as a sur-
prise to the faculty committee on
the residential college, which be-
lieved the plans would not be
ready in time.
These newest plans the Regents
approved are the result of con-
sultations between faculty, archi-
tects, and administrators. At their
April ieeting the Regents approv-
ed the concept of the residertal
college, but with the reservation
that no differential fees be
This forced the lowering of es-!
timnated costs from $12.7 million
to around $11.2 million. The fac-,
ulty committee objected to the rector of University housing, Feld-
architectural changes necessitated kamp will be responsible for the
by the cuts, and later proposed housing aspects of fraternities,
that $350,000 worth of costs be sororities, cooperatives and mar-
reinstated, mainly by excavating, ried student housing units.
but not completely finishing, most The University's new institute
of the basement space, will eventually have a building
With final cost estimates the near the medical school, but con-
figure the Regents approved yes- struction of the building will not
terday came to $11,850,000. They take place for several years. Pres-
estimated another six to eight ent University programs in child
months to draw up final plans, and adult retardation will go on
with construction beginning about until this is accomplished.
next spring. When completed it will house'
The Regents' appointment of a highly complex interdisciplinary
Feldkamp comes almost three training and research program and
years after Haun's appointment as a full range of patient care
director of residence halls. As di- services.
DIAL 8-6416
TIME MAG says:
" 'Red Desert' is at
once the most beau-
tiful, the most simple
and the most daring
film yet made by Italy's
masterful Michelan-
gelo Antonioni!"
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