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June 28, 1966 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1966-06-28

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Seventy-Six Years of Editorial Freedom





Tuition evels,

Approve Residential College Building










House Approves
Referendum Planned for Fall


ear Old


The Legislature voted to place
a resolution giving 18 year olds
the right to vote on the Nov. 8th
ballot. If passed, the resolution
would become an amendment to
the 18-month-old constitution and
Michigan would become the fifth
state to lower the voting age.
The resolution originally passed
the Senate with the necessary
two-thirds majority last April and
passed the House with more than

the necessary two-thirds majority
required to pass a prospective
amendment to the state constitu-
A Lansing source indicated that
the vote had come as a complete
surprise to the Republicans and
received minimal support from
that party. However, Jack Faxon
(D-Detroit) said that the leading
elements in both parties were in
favor of the resolution and said
that both Romney and Eisen-
hower had advocated a decrease



BUENOS AIRES (P)-Argentina's army secretary, Brig. Gen.
Eduardo Castro Sanchez, resigned yesterday inthe midst of a
spreading army revolt that rocked the government of President
Arturo Illia.
It was not clear whether the revolt, led by the army
commander in chief, Lt. Gen. Pascual A. Pistarini, would result
in Illia's overthrow. No violence was reported.
Acting on Pistarini's orders, troops took control of practically
all communications-radio, cable, television and telephone.
SAIGON W)-The Venerable Tri Quang stubbornly refused
yesterday to heed an order of the Buddhist patriarch to stop
his antigovernment protest fast.
Tri Quang, once regarded as a power behind the Buddhist
opposition to the Saigon government, was in the 21st day of his
liquid diet and growing increasingly weaker.
DETROIT (P--A new walkout hit the strike-riddled con-
struction industry in southeastern Michigan yesterday.
Two laborers local unions representing about 1,800 workers
went on strike against the Associated Underground Contractors,
Inc., halting work on construction projects throughout Wayne,
Oakland and Macomb counties.
Gilbert Rice, executive secretary of the association, said all
open cut work involving sewers, drains, gas and water lines and
rerouting of utility lines and pipes in the path of freeway
projects were affected.
Negotiations broke off Thursday between the underground
contractors and Local 1191 and Local 1076 of the International
Laborers Union of North America. The main stumbling block
reportedly was wages.
LANSING (A)-The executive office today announced Gov.
George Romney has approved a $54,625 federal anti-poverty
grant to the Washtenaw County Citizens' Committee for Economic
Opportunity, Inc.
The federal funds will provide programs for family planning
and cultural enrichment for disadvantaged children.
Eastern Michigan University will use $22,110 to expand the
campus service corps under which student volunteers tutor
children. About 300 children will be served by the program.

in the voting age. Faxon said that
the Republicans didn't want to
make the referendum into a big
issue for two major reasons.
-The public hearings held
around the state had drawn a good
deal of attention to the issue,
with many Young Republicans and
members of both parties support-
ing the issue.
-The Senate had passed the
resolution in April and it would
have proved embarrassing to the
House if they had allowed it to
remain dormant in the faoe of
public pressure and support from
party leadership.
Vote a Surprise
Faxon conceeded that the vote
came as a surprise. He said that
it had been on the calendar since
April and late last Wednesday,
the House, worn out by debate,
expressed a general willingness to
put the resolution on the Novem-
ber ballot. He said that he was
surprised that the vote proved to
be "as easy as it vas."
He is pessimistic, however, about
the success of the referendum in
the fall, saying that voting ap-
proval would come only after a
concerted effort on the part of
the 18 year olds to "wage a con-
vincing campaign of responsibil-
ity." He said that the public, at
the present time, was wary of
lowering the franchise because of
the recent picketing and increased
delinquency. Faxon said that the
young people should begin "edu-
cating" the adults to respect the
extension of the franchise.
Both Faxon and Professor Kal-
lenback of the University's politi-
cal science department indicated
that if the resolution were to pass,
it would have no noticeable im-
pact on the present party balance.
In the four states having an 18
year old voting age there has been
no radical change in the status
quo as a result of the lowered
francise. In fact, recent surveys
have shown that the highest per-
centage of non-voters among
those eligible to vote occurs among
the under-30 group.
Reasons for Change
The reasons for lowering the
franchise, according to Kallen-
back include:
k-In periods of war or near war
the cry is often heard that if
"we're old enough to fight, we're
old enough to vote."
-Many people advocate involv-
ing the 18 year olds in the elect-
ing process immediately after high
school and their civics courses
while they're still interested.
-As the mortality rate drops,
the desire to bring young blood in-
to the party to balance the old
guard grows.

Name Feldkamp
'To Housing Post
Boost Minimum Wage for Student
Employes of 'U' to $1.40 Per Hour
In the face of rising costs and a less than hoped for in-
crease in state funds, the Regents decided last Thursday to
hold tuition and room and board rates at their current levels.
With the University's fiscal year drawing to a close July
1, the Regents approved a tentative general funds budget of
$77,783,516 with $57,994,886 anticipated from the Legislature
for 1966-7.-
In other important action at their monthly meeting, the
" Approved a site and building plan for the reidential
college. This plan, worked out by the faculty planning com-
mittee, architects and admin-
istrators, calls for the expen-
diture of $11,850,000 for resi-
dence buildings and an office
and a classroom building;
S t l Appointed John C. Feldkamp
L ast B ill Director of University Housing,
replacing Eugene Haun. Feldkamp
who was assistant to Vice-
President for Student Affairs
By CAROLE KAPLAN Richard Cutler, will take over his
A squabble within the ranks of duties July 1;
the Democratic party upset the " Raised the minimum wage
Michigan House of Representa- per hour for student employes to
tives early Saturday morning, $1.40 from $1.25, effective July 1.
postponing final action on por- Also raised was the minimum wage
tions of the $975 million state per hour of regular fulltime work-
budget for 1966-67 until tomorrow. ers to $1.64 from $1.44; and
The twice-extended session of * Authorized the establishment
the Legislature was only two of an Institute for the Study of
budget bills away from adjourn- Mental Retardation. Prof. William
ment when rank-and-file Demo- Cruickshank of the psychology de-
crats in the House voted against partment at Syracuse University
the leadership on these bills, forc- was appointed director of the in-
ing a return of the entire Legis- stitute, effective February 1.
lature. Last year the Regents raised
If the bills are not passed by tuition by from $14 to $50 per
July 1, the beginning of a new student, depending on their class
fiscal year, state building (includ- st tepenin. terfclhs
ing new highways) will be in jeop- mandstate residence. One of the
ardy, according to Budget Direc- major reasons given for the action
torylenn rdiAllen, Jr., and the at the time was discrepancy be-
or Glenn wiS. Allmess, with the tween the amount requested from
state unable to pay many legal the Legislature and the amount
obligations." received
However, all other bills, includ- The University had requested
ing those which affect state funds an increase of about $13,250,000
for education, have been approved but received an increase of $7,-
by both houses, and are in no 160,000. This year the University
sdanger of being changed. - requested an increase of $15,600,-
The trouble-making bills, both 000 but received $6,739,000.,
already passed by the Senate, are Reacting to the University's de-
the "capital outlay" or state cision not to raise tuition, Rep.
building program for colleges, Jack Faxon (D-Detroit) comment-
t mental institutions, offices, etc., ed that he was "delighted" with
t and the "restricted funds" bill, it, and would like to "do all I can
h authorizing highway construction, to see that next year" the Legis-
conservation spending, aeronau- lature gives the University more
" tics, and other state functions aid to fight spiralling costs.
a totaling hundreds of millions. The Regents' budget authoriza-
e There was a political "deal" in tion, $8,311,450 over last year's
e the two bills-a state-financed general funds budget, is tentative
- road for Sen. Joseph S. Mack (D- because the Legislature has not
Ir Ironwood), and a new state park completed action on the Univer-
n in the Grand Mere Dunes area for sity's appropriation.
ir Rep. Floyd J. Mattheeussen (D-
Benton Harbor), House Speaker At their meeting the Regents
if Joseph J. Kowalski (D-Detroit), a said the tentative budget leaves
at negotiator between the House and the University with serious de-
o the Senate on the two items, in- ficiencies in monies for the "re-
sisted that the House pass both- habilitation of buildings and
However, accrdmng to Rep. Jack equipment."
n, Faxon (D-Detroit), this was one Gone completely from the bud-
er of several such "deals" made dur- get is the proposal to expand the
is ing this session of the Legislature, facilities of the Center for Re-
and it was "the straw that broke search on Learning and Teaching,
n the camel's back." Faxon said The general funds section of the
s, yesterday that he, as well as other budget includes the day-to-day
er representatives, was disgusted with costs of running the University.
to the amount of bargaining that State appropriations, combined
a occurred and the frequency of an, with expected $18,938,630 in stu-

-University News Service
Willow Run Airport last week ended a 20-year career as one of the nation's leading passenger air-
ports. See story on page 8.
Contempt Trial Ending

By The Associated Press time saying she considered it an
Annette Buchanan, 20, went ethic of journalism not to dis-
through a contempt of court trial close the names of the confiden-

yesterday and came out still re..
fusing to tell the names of seven
marijuana smokers she interview-
ed for a campus newspaper.
Whether she will be punished
for this is up to State Circuit
Court Judge Edward Leavy.
Each side rested its case late
in the day, and the judge called a
recess until 10 a.m. today.
Miss Buchanan, student editor,
took the witness stand twice, each


Spurr Issues Graduate School Report

First comment from University
officials on the American Council
on Education's graduate school
quality assessment published last
month came recently in a memor-
andum issued by Dean Stephen H.
Spurr of the Rackham School of
Graduate Studies. The seven page
report entitled "How Good Is

Michigan's Graduate S c h o o l?"
summarizes the University's de-
partmental ratings in the ACE
Spurr's summary notes that
while the University is clearly
"below the four universities . .
whose departments are predomi-
nantly 'distinguished,' it is just as

clearly very much in

the second

group of seven composed predomi-
nantly of 'distinguished' and
'strong' departments."
He points out that Chicago and
the University here are the only
two schools to be 'distinguished'
or 'strong' in all 20 liberal arts
departments surveyed.
The C.I.C. (Big Ten plus Chi-
cago) institutions rank well in
comparison with other groups of
graduate schools. "The list,"
states Spurr's report, "of the top
30 schools includes 10 C.I.C. in-
stitutions and nine from the Ivy
League in its broadest sense. Out-
side of the midwest," it continues,
"Berkeley, UCLA, Washington,
North Carolina and Penn State
are the only state universities in
the top 30."
The report, however, goes on to

physical science at the



tial news sources she used in get-
ting a story about marijuana on
the university of Oregon campus.
Her voice was weak, but the
5-foot, 5-inch junior from Seattle
left the stand smiling each time.
Her attorney said he thought the
district attorney had harassed her,
but the judge would not let him
pursue questions he said would
prove it.
Professional journalists also tes-
tified for her.
"She should not respond to the
order of the court" testifie dSte-
phen Still, managing editor of the
Oakland, Calif., Tribune. He said
any reporter who violated a con-
fidence "would be drummed out
of the business."
Dist. Atty. William Frye asked:
"Do you think this tenet of your
profession is a higher rule than
the law?"
"In most instances, yes," said
Still is from a state where there
is a law granting newsmen the
right to keep their news sources
secret. Oregon has no such law,
but half a dozen journalists told
the court the student should not
be punished for not naming the
seven marijuana smokers she in-
terviewed for her story in the
University of Oregon newspaper
last month.
After Frye had seen the story,
he called Miss Buchanan, a dark
blonde from Seattle, to tell a
grand jury who the smokers were.
She refused and Frye got a court
order from State Circuit Court

Vice-President for Academic
Affairs Allan F. Smith comment-
ed yesterday that the ACE sur-
vey is based on opinions of two
years ago (1964) and that in
many cases "appointments to the
University's faculty during the
last two years have made up for
the decline.,"
He added that there is "always
general concern when the Univer-
sity begins to lose its reputation
in a particular department."
Smith said, however, that overall
he was "pleased" with the ACE
survey results. "We realize we are
not first-rate in all areas and
that's why we're asking for new
facilities like a new chemistry
building," he continued.

He said: "If you can't protec
your news sources, they will nc
freely speak up. This is as muc
a part of journalism as the type
writer you use to write the story:
Miss Buchanan, speaking in
barely audible voice, was on th
stand five minutes. She said sh
had assured the marijuana smok,
ers she would not disclose theL
names and she considered it a
ethic of journalism to honor the:
The district attorney askedi
she "has ever been taught tha
this ethic might do violence t
the law."
"No," she said.
Her attorney,.Arthur Johnso
said no journalist in Oregon ev
has been ordered to disclose h
news sources to a court.
Frye points out that Orego
law, like that of 37 other state
does not grant a news reporte
or editor the right to refuse t
give information requested by
grand jury.

(Haber, Boulding Cite Officials
For Status Quo Administration'.



Botany ...............
Psychology a..... . .

. 2


Physics ...........


The administration of a modern
university tends to preserve the
status quo and to "'govern' by
consent" according to two prom-
inent University figures.
Dean William Haber of the lit-
erary college and Prof. Kenneth

"University administrators use
their 'power' and authority with
confidence only if they are cer-
tain that the values involved in
each administrative decision have
the substantial support of the ap-
propriate academic discipline,"
Haber said.

gents and between the administra-
tion and state political controls.
"All these conflicts tend to con-
verge on the president and the
top administration, who find
themselves in a very ambiguous
role," Boulding said.
Their roles must be judicial in
....~ F.-.,1i- n nifit nna




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