Vogt Forecasts Need
For Population Measures
Book Drive
For Asians
As University Professr, it will{
be Dr. Dorsey's job to help the In newly emerging nations, "spe-
students to understand this them- cialized efforts and a high degree
selves. of social organization are needed
May Teach to cope with the population prob-
Dr. Dorsey says he may teach lem," Dr. William Vogt, Direc-
courses, hold conferences and sym- tor of the Planned Parenthood
posiums, counsel the administra- Federation, said, at Challenge's
tion, or do any other thing which first pre-colloquium seminar, Sun-
will help his fellow man to under- day.
stand that everything has mean- Speaking on "The Health Rev-
ing only insofar as it affects his olution and the Population Explo-
own life and his own world. sion, Dr. Vogt and his co-dis-
Start Lectures cussants stressed the fact that
Though the program is only while birth rates have fallen,
now becoming organized and es- death rates have fallen still more
tablished, a lecture series on "The rapidly.
Growth of Self-Insight" has al- The result is a possible doubling
ready been set up for this spring. of many national populations
This series will consist of five within the next two or three dec-
lectures on topics such as "Thom- ades.
as Jefferson, His Appreciation of Grave Implications
Human Integrity," and "Individ- This increase in the world's pop-
uality in the Work of Ralph Wal- ulation has the gravest implica-
do Emerson." tions, Dr. Vogt said.
He pointed to Africa, handicap-
ped by poor soils, unfavorable cli-
Governors mates, and near absence of train-
ed specialists, and Latin Ameri-
R *cas "plethora of lawyers and
VleW .f lans dearth of agricultural experts."
Illustrating further the failure
The Student Governors, a group to keep apace of the population
composed of 125 University under- explosion, Vogt cited United Na-
graduates, evaluated their visita- tions reports which show decreases
tion program at a meeting Satur in illiteracy percentages in Egypt,
day, but a numerical increase in 11-
The visitation program entailed literates'.
visits during the Christmas recess Underdeveloped countries will
to the various high schools within need larger supplements of food
the area of the Alumni Clubs and water than nations in the con-
which the governors represent and sumer stage will be able to fur-
answering questions from second- nish; in addition, Dr. Vogt said
ary school students about the the imperialist "resource explol-
University. tation" will shorten considerably
The governors are chosen by the time these nations will be able
both instate and outstate Alumni to support their populations.
clubs. Vogt proposed the following
solution of what he considers one
of the world's most serious crises:
public health assistance, research
in sociology, economics, and nat-
ural resources, and educational
programs by such private insti-
tutions as the Planned Parenthood
Concluding. his remarks, Vogt
emphasized the threat of the pop-
ulation explosion to every child,
and the fact that "There can be
no greater evil than to condemn
the unborn to misery."
Dr. Myron Wegman, dean of
the Public Health School, pointed
out the futility in public health
programs which often save people,
only to permit them later to die
of malnutrition. While great prog-
ress has been made in epidemic
abatement, high mortality still re-
sults from a large group of diar-
rhetic diseases.
Discusses India
Prof. Ronald Freedman of the
sociology department discusses the
critical situation in India, where
the two per cent annual popula-
tion increase, coupled with a de-
clining death rate, pose a problem'
far more complex than was sup-
posed in the past.
Delving into the economic im-
plications of the population prob-
lem, Prof. Richard Meier, Associ-
ate Professor of natural resources
school, said that all development
plans in the emerging nations
must incorporate this problem
Regarding birth control, Prof.
Meier said that people are far
more resistant to planning famil-
ies than to planning farming.
He added that one cannot mere-
ly send over contraceptives and
expect them to be immediately
A series of Wed. eve. lecture-discussions
Temple Beth El, Windsor, Ont.
Feb. 22 at 8 P.M. "A Definition of Judaism"
1429 Hill
Boxes to collect books for the
Asia Foundation will be placed
in various locations on campus
through Friday.
The drive is co-sponsored by
Student Government Council's
Education and Student Welfare
Committee and the International
Students' Association.
Books wanted are University
and secondary level books in good
condition published after 1954,
and works by standard authors
written before 1945.
HILLEL announces a series of 10 sessions
" trodUction to the Bible"
Historical and archaeological background
to begin Tues., Feb. 21 . . 7:30-9 P.M.
Anyone wishing to donate a
large number of books may have
them picked up at his home by
calling the SGC office in the Stu-
dent Activities Bldg.
The Asia Foundation is a non-
profity non-political organization
whose purpose is to strengthen
Asian educational, cultural, and
civic activities
The staffs of the foundation's
offices canvass universities and
colleges in Asia to determine their
English language book needs
WCBN Says,
Charges Stand
Against IQC,
Radio station WCBN news di-
rector Jack Huizenga, '61, said
last night that charges, against
recent action of the Inter-Quad-
rangle Council will stand as re-
ported by his station.
Saturday, three news broad'-
casts accused the IQC, of holding
early elections 'because the offi-
cers threatened to leave the or-
Part of Claim
Huizenga held to the original
accusation even- though newly-
elected Council president Thomas
Moch, '62E, and West Quad presi-
dent Robert Thorpe, '62, had re-
vealed the proceedings of an exec-
utive session which supported only
part of WCBN's claims.
Moch and Thorpe had explained
that both the vice-president and
the secretary-treasurer would re-
sign if the elections were not held
Thorpe said that the Council
members voted to move elections
from Mar. to Feb. to solve a prob-
lem in the transition of adminis-
trations but were influenced in
their voting by the prospect of
having to replace two officers.'I
Huizenga said he would stick
to the information he had re-
ceived from his own sources.
"The tip came from 9ne of the
persons involved," he said, "and
all the information camne from IQC
members-people who were pres-
ent at that meeting."
Registration $1.50
1429 Hill
Dial NO 8-6416
. _-Crowth N.Y. Tim**
Sig MiCkelson
Former President of CBS News
You are cordiallyinvited to hear him speak on:
"Television Journalism-A Critical Appraisal"
Tuesday, Feb. 21 at 3 P.M.
Rackham Amphitheatre
.~s~rOW.'LX' /L ..1'.-.'. «Vi1'WS'a Sf... . . . .'N ".YY.AY: :Ml.i AS1.S}. a'.54y
sity Regulations regarding revision of
Sec. 4 (Activities) of "University Reg-
ulations Concerning Student Affairs,
Conduct, and Discipline" (an official
publication [revised to Nov. 1, 1960]).
Constituents and Members' Time, An-
nouncements, Adjournment.
Foreign Visitors
Following are the foreign visitors who
will be on the campus this week on the
dates indicated. Program arrangements
are being made by the International
Center: Mrs. Henry J. Meyer.
Dr. Alfred Weikert of Vienna, Austria,
Councillor of Ministry, Austrian Federal
Ministry of Education, Head of Cul-
tural Affairs, will be here Feb. 19-22.
Dr. Victory Grove of the United States
is accompanying Dr. Weikert as escort-
Dr. and Mrs. Rafael Hernandez Rami-
rez of Cardoba, Argentina, Prof. of
Clinical Neurology, Univ. of Cordoba,
also member of National Chamber of
Deputies representing Cordoba will be
here Feb. 23-25.
Mr. Frank Gonzalez of the United
States will act as escort-interpreter
from the U.S. State Department.
A group of Chilean student are re-
ferred by the USNSA and will be here
Feb. 26-March 2. They are Andres Ojeda
Urzua, Rodrigo Hurtado Morales, Hugo
Villar Valdes, Sergio Ravanal Valen-
zuela, and David Silberman Gurovich.
Events Tuesday
James A. Cohn, instructor, depart-
ment of mathematics, will speak on
"Some Results in the Cohomological
Theory of Finite Groups," on Feb. 21,
3011 Angell Hall at 4:10 p.m. Refresh-
ments will be served in 3212 Angell Hall
at 3:30 p.m.
Events Wednesday
Speech Assembly: Dr. J. Philip Wer-
nette, Prof. of Business Administration,
will discuss "The Outlook for the Dy-
namic American Economy at 4 p.m. in
the Rackham Lecture Hall on Wed.,
Feb. 22.
Mechanical Engineering Seminar: "Ap-
plication of Reliability to Fatigue," by
Allen H. Krafve,, Graduate Student,
on Wed., Feb. 22 in Rm. 229 West
Sociology Colloquium: David Apter,
Prof. of political science, University of
Chicago, "Some Methods of Political
Change in Contemporary Africa," An-
gell Hall, Aud. C, 4:15 p.m. Wed., Feb.
Placement Notices
Reminder: Juniors, Seniors and Grads
-Applications must be filed immedi-
ately for professional career tests; N.Y.
Civil Service exam to be held March
25. Variety of fields of work; N.Y. resi-
dence not required. Exam will be held
in Ann Arbor if sufficient number ap-
ply this week. Pick up applications at
Bureau of Appointments, 4021 Admin.
Placement Interviews -Seniors and
Grad. students, please call Bureau of
Appointments, Ext. 3371 for interview.
appointments with the following:
Connecticut General Life Insurance
Co., Hartford, and throughout U.S.
Personal insurance for individuals and
groups of individuals, life insurance,
annuities, accident and health insur-
ance, pension plans. Men with degrees
in Lib. Arts and Bus. Adm. for manage-
ment training programs in administra-
tion, sales and actuarial work.
First National City Bank of New York,
Locatin: NYC and 75 branches overseas.
Men with degrees in Law, Ind. or Elect.
Eng. or Liberal Arts for positions in
banking, elec. computing, foreign
trade, management training, , market
research, personnel, production, sales
and statistics.
FRI., FEB. 24
Libby-Owens-Ford Glass Co., Toledo,
Ohio. Men with degrees in Chemistry,
Physics, Math, Arch., for Research and
Development, Prod., Design and Sales.
Manufacturers Life Insurance Co.,
Southfield, Mich. Location-Life Agen-
cy, Detroit. Men with degrees in Gen-
eral Liberal Arts for Life Insurance
Agency Staff. (Non-Sales).
VIEWS--128H West Engrg. Bldg., Ext.
2182. For seniors & grad students.
FEB. 22
Avco Corporation, Crosley Dlv., Cin-
cinnati, Ohio, Richmond, Ind., All De-
grees: EE, EM. BS:. E. Math & E. Phys.
June grads. Des., Res. & Dev.
Beloit Iron Works, Belot,DWisc. BS-
MS: EE & ME. Des., R & D, Sales &
Bethlhehem Steel Co. Loop Course
trng. prog. for subsequent assignments
in Md., Mass., N.Y., Pa., W. Va., Ill.
& Ky. BS: ChE, CS, EE, E Physics, IE,
Marine ME, Met., Naval Arch., Chem. &
Physics. MS-Prof,: Nuclear. Also Ac-
counting. June grads. R&D, Sales, Prod,
Minings, Ship. Bldg.
C. F. Braun & Co. Engrg & Design,
Alhambra Calif. All Degrees: ChE.. Des.
Outboard Marine Corp., Waukegan,
Ill. BS: EE & ME. Des.
Walker Mfg Co., Racine, Wisc. BS-MS:
ME: Des., R&D, Sales, Met. Lab.
Wyman-Gordon Co. Worcester & N.
Grafton, Mass. BS-MS: ME & Met. Des.,
R&D, Sales, Met. Lab.
..Youngstown .Sheet .& .Tube .Co.,
Youngstown, Ohio. All Degrees: ChE &
Met. BS: Math. R&D.
U. S. Gov't-Dept. of Interior, Bu-
reau of Reclamation. 17 western states.
BS-MS: CS, EE & ME. Des., Prelimin-
ary investigations, Construction, Op-
eration & Maintenance.
FEB. 22, & 23
(Continued on Page 4)
USE OF THIS COLUMN for announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered student organiza-
tions only. Student organizations plan-
ning to be active for the spring semes-
ter should register by MARCH 3, 1961.
Forms available, 3011 Student Activities
* * *
Alpha Phi Omega, 1st Spring Open
Meeting, Feb. 22, 7:30 p.m., Union, Rm.
* * *
Cercle Francais, Business Meeting,
Feb. 23, 3:30-5 p.m., 3050 FB.
Ullr Ski Club, Meeting & Movie, Feb.
21, 7:30 p.m., Union, 3rd Fl.
* *' *
Wesley Fdn., Bible Study "Unfolding -
Drama of the Bible," Feb. 21, 4:15-5:15
p.m., 1st Meth. Church, Rm. 265; Holy
Communion followed by breakfast, 7
a.m., Mid-week Refresher, 4-5 p.m., Feb:
22, 1st Meth. Church, Wesley Lounge.
* * *
Univ. Rifle Club, Weekly Meeting,
Feb. 22, 7 p.m., ROTC Rifle Range.
(This advertisement is paid for as a public
service by the University Press Club of Michigan)
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