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February 18, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-02-18

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* 4Ir Atzdui&n &zilg
Seventy-First Year

Ad Hoc Comm


is Are Free

rials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Constructive, Viable
Jaily Staff Writer
Two oF THE MOST rapidly expedited motions that have come 1
fore Student Government Council this winter sent a questionnai
to the University Lecture Committee and established a committea
investigate joint judiciary council.
Both motions passed quickly because they only involved sendb
an idea out of the Council for appropriate research. In both cases t
research was to be done outside the structure of the administrati
wing of SGC.
The concept of research committees is.not new to SOC. But in t
past, due to the unwieldly structure of the ad wing, motions sent the

Rushees, Sororities Must
End Bias Deliberately

[ PERIOD IS, at. the very least, an al-
st superhuman strain on the nerves of
ie directly involved in it. For those who
6ron the sidelines, the tension is reduced,
is' replaced by a responsibility every in-
ent non-rushee seems to feel spontan-
-a responsibility to act as a moral eval-
if rush and the entire sorority system.
YEAR, HOWEVER, the Student
erinent Council's ruling against dis-
ation on the basis of race, religion or
i ancestry has provided a new criterion
ral evaluators to apply to sororities.
problems it will create were very clearly
d by Panhellenic Association president
a Greenberg Thursday when she told
delegates- not to enter rush frightened
new ruling. Sincethe beginning of the
rersy over discrimination, Miss Green-
as taken a very liberal and firnM stand.
' done her utmost to encourage sorori
co-operate in spirit as well as in letter
e SGC ruling.
she has, as Panhel president, an obliga-
defend the sororitie ' right of selection.
is reason she told the presidents .yester-
at although on the one hand they must
fully with the SOC ruling, they must.
xthe other hand feel compelled to take
14 they really4 do not want, to pledge
to show that they are not discriminat-
.ONG AS your reasons for rejecting a
I are not based exclusively on her race,
i or ancestry," Miss Greenberg told
"do not worry about justifying your
n f an ndividual girl."
ousy this is a well-taken point. Ideally
t as wrong for a sorority to discriminate
rirl's- favor for being a member of a
y group as it is to discriminate against
r that reason.
Miss Greenberg went on to say \hat
nMs the reasons a sorority may have
t pledging a girl, while not directly
ing from .her belonging to a minority
may be indirectly related to that fact.
*AVE TWO hypothetical instances. As-
Le valid criteria for rejecting a girl are
he woud probably not be happy in the
and that the house would probably not
py with her. Now suppose a girl, who's
aber of a minority group rushes your
ose further that this. girl, embittered
eriences during the war, has a hostile
e toward the girls in the house. If despite
itude she will want to join your sorority,
you pledge her? Logically the answer
She would be unhappy and her hostility
arouse answering animosity among the
;ledges and actives. So you reject the
u are not keeping her out just because
f aminority group, but you are exlud-
rfor an outlook which is a direct result
I to ° illustrate her point was one in
a house, although it did not specify a
Jar religion for its members, insisted
fey hold a belief in one God.
ose an atheist rushes the house? Ob-
if you reject her on the grounds of
eilsin you are discriminating. But sup-
>u are sure that if you let her pledge
1 attempt to convert the entire sorority
ism, arousing hostility and destroying a
ilous atmosphere in the house. If you
not to pledge her it is not because she is
.eist but because of factors which are
direct result of her being an atheist.
e are clearly the most innocuous ex-
anyone could possibly find to get Miss '

Greenberg's point across. Yet the illogic of
the situation is so apparent even here that
one shudders to imagine what sort of justifica-
tions might be used when race or religion
rather than European origin or atheism was
"indirectly' the cause of a girl's being turned
down by a sorority.
TRYING TO SEPARATE qualities which stem
immediately from a person's race, religion
or national background from those which come
"indirectly" from it is like trying to separate
prejudice from prejudice. There is no differ-
If "indirect" reasons are to be permitted to
determine a rushee's acceptance or rejection,
there will be no more progress toward eliminat-
ing bias in affiliated housing than if outright
discriminaton were practiced. This "indirect"
reasoning, since it is more difficult to pin-
point than outright bias, can obviously be made
to negate the entire effect of the SGC ruling.
AT SHALL THE sororities do with the
twe hypothetical rushees then? The an-
swer is, pledge them. Assume that the warmth
and friendliness of her sorority sisters will
change the first girl's attitude toward Ameri-
cans. Assume that you were mistaken about
the atheist's desire to convert everyone in the
house, or at least assume that if she is hon-
estly interested in pledging the sorority she
will be willing to moderate her own views out
of consideration for her sorority sisters.
Here the sororities will be afraid, and justi-
fiably so, that the critics will cry, "aha! dis-
crimination." They will in a sense be right.
But the fact is that this sort of "discrimina-
tion," is absolutely necessary if real bias is
to be done away with.
T IS IMPOSSIBLE, simply because SGC
passes a ruling, to begin immediately eval-
uating girls on a new standard. As several
prominent people have said, "you can't legis-
late attitudes." This is indisputably true. Nor
can you expect that they will change of them-
selves by the magical process of "allowing
time." As long as people are permitted to dis-
criminate "indirectly" they will continue to
do so and all the legislation in the world will
not change the situation. If people are allowed
to keep discriminating they will not get used
to the idea of not discriminating.
As MISS GREENBERG points out, however,
the idea of non-discrimination must be
adopted by rushees as well as actives. If mem-
bers of minority groups are, not willing to go
through rush, or are unwilling ,to rush certain
houses which have traditionall'y had members
of one particular group, they are hindering
the democratic process just as much as sorori-
ties would in discriminating against them.
If these girls do not wish to be rejected or
accepted solely on racial, religious or national
grounds, they must give the sororities an op-
portunity to know them as individuals and
they must be willing to think of themselves as
individuals and not as members of a particular
HE ONLY ANSWER, then, is to begin end-
ing discrimination deliberately. Unless the
two girls in the example are given and accept
a chance to pledge this year, it is unlikely that
two more just like them will have a chance
to do so next year. Of course the move of
pledging them is "deliberate non-discrimina-
tion". The first time it has to be. But next year
both the sororities and the rushees will, be
less aware that it is deliberate and the year
after that they will not even have to give
racial religious or national differences a second
thought because they simply won't pay any
attention to them anymore.

' e~ts, +i~c+ + ar - Teita}
'U'Expert Commer~nts on NwYr

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
second of three articles on the
crisis in New York state higher
Daily staff Writer
THE PRESENT discussions in
New York about higher edu-
cation may lead to the second ma-
jor shake-up in the state's col-
In 1948, after a crisis situation
in enrollment followed the war
and after Jewish and recently im-
migrated groups were discriminat-
ed against in admissions practices
at some private schools, New York
took its first major step to or-
ganize and improve its public col-
Incredible as it may seem, just
12 years ago New York operated
only its 11 teachers colleges, seven
specialized professional institutes,
and 3 emergency centers for vet-
Prof. Algo D, Henderson of the
Center for Higher Education was
instrumental in the establishment
of the State University of New
York, acting as associate director
of the legislative commission which
recommended that the organiza-
tion be established to direct and
improve public colleges in the
state. He also administered the
colleges for over a year while
the SUNY was being organized,
after which he joined the Univer-
sity of Michigan faculty.
* * *
BESIDES THE organization,
Prof. Henderson explained that
the 1948 legislation resulted in
two medical'schools, the two-year
community college system, and the
institution which became Harpur
College thus beginning public lib-
eral arts education.
At the same time, the Fair Edu-
cational Practices Act set up an
office to hear complaints against
discrimination, and to get insti-
tutions to modify such practices
and see that the complaintants
received justice.
To Prof.-Henderson the idea of
Ia single campus university for
New York is "ridiculous" because
of the size of the state. However,
he feels that two or more cen-
ters of learning with full gradu-
ate programs are a necessity.
If these state universities are to
be established, they will be evolv-
ed from existing institutions, from
all indications.
The Long Island Center at
Stony Brook, which presently of-
fers mostly scientific work, is a
logical choice for one of the,
schools; the other will probably
be located in Buffalo,
* * *
creased liberal arts work are the
11 state teachers' colleges, which
handle 20,000 students each year.
"They are well-located through-
out the state, but there is no
doubt of it-they should add sub-
stantial liberal arts courses," Prof.
Henderson said. He feels that re-
gionally-placed undergraduate in-
stitutions more adequately meet
the needs of the people.
"Harpur College is a decidedly
successful experiment, even though
it had no campus until this year."
In the same period of time, he
said, the teachers' colleges have
been gaining in quality.

ers require some adaptation to
the teaching need-that, is the in-
terpretation of subject matter to
young children."
Prof. Henderson pointed out
that the present executive dean in
charge of all these 11 colleges is
a strong advocate of the single-
purpose institution, which, in his
opinion, gives better training.
However, this conflicts with the
idea of educating teachers in a
foundation of liberal arts with
professional work added, which is
the prevailing view.
S * *
"IT IS NOT feasible to convert
them wfolly to liberal arts col-
leges This would limit too se-
verely the course work in educa-
tion. However, they should offer
four-year programs in the liberal
arts to serve the needs of their lo-
calities better, and to tie in with
teacher training," Prof. Hender-
son said.
He favors two proposals pres-
ently before the legislature. The
first would extend the state schol-
arship program which permits
students to attend either a pub-
lic or private college in the state,
and the second would make the
tuition at all public colleges the
One of the proposed additions
to the scholarship program would
provide an automatic partial
scholarship to any student attend-
ing a private college. This is a
way to offer state aid to private
institutions without directly giv-
ing the money to the religiously
affiliated ones.
IN EFFECT, it would operate
the same as GI scholarships. The
Heald Commission had recom-
mended a direct payment to the
private colleges on a pro-rated
"This incorporates the Heald
idea, but on safe on justifiable
constitutional grounds," Prof. Hen-
derson said "I support it because
it is really a scholarship program,
putting a premium on the stu-
dent picking the institution best
suited for him. It is unfortunate
that it will be used by the colleges
as a means to increase their tui-
The tuition at the various state
units varies because former Gov-
ernor Thomas E. Dewey felt the
medical and liberal arts colleges
should cost more than the others.
Free tuition at teachers' colleges
began originally as a come-on to
get more teachers, and as a rec-
ognition of the public responsibil-
ity for teacher education.
"I AM HIGHLY in favor of uni-
form tuition. I don't see why tui-
tions at two colleges should be
nothing and $800 respectively, if
they are both operated by the
state. I hope they keep the uni-
form tuition down; public schools
should come as near to being free
as possible."
Prof. Henderson pointed out
that the present controversy over
the political control of New York
public colleges has relevance to
the proposal to establish a co-
Last Fall
TfT DID happen here. In Thomp-

ordinating agency for Michigan.
The SUNY has, much more con-
trol over member institutions than
was originally coneived by the
legislative commission, because of
the ideas of Gov. Dewey, he said.
All the minor operations of the
scattered campuses must be ap-
proved in Albany at present.
This situation is opposed very
strongly by Prof. Henderson, and
he pointed out that great inter-
ference with the independent
operations of this University, par-
ticularly in financing, could result
from a strong coordinating body.
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should" be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
General Notices
Chamber Music Festival. The Vienna
Octet will be heard in the threeco-
certs of the 21st annual Chamber Mu-
sic Festival. The concerts will be given
in Rackham Aud. Fri, Feb. 17, and Sat.,
Feb. 18, at 8:30 p.m., and on Sun., Feb.
19. at 2:30 p.m. The programs: Friday-
Divertimento in 0 (Michael Hayd);
Divertimento No. 10 in F' (Mozart); and
Septet in E-flat major, Op. 20 (Beetho-
Saturday-Octet (Marcel Foot); lari-
net Quintet in ;B minor (Brahms); and
Divertimento No. 15 in B-flat (Mozart).
Sunday-Allegro giusto from Octet
(Tischhauser); ivertimento No. 17 in
D major (Mozart); and Octet in F ma-'
jor, Op. 166 (Schubert).
Tickets are available at the offices of
the University Musical Society during
the day, through Saturday morning
until 11:45; and in the lobby "of the
Rackham Aud. one hour 'preceding
each concert.
Opera Tickets now available by mail.
The.University Players (Dept. of Speech).
will present the opera department,.
School of Music, in Debussy's "Pelleas'
and Melisande," March 3, 4, 7, 8, 10 &
11, 8:00 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn -The-
atre. '
Fri. & Sat., March 3, 4, 10, & 11 $2.00
or 1.50 each. Tues. & wed., March 7 &
8, $1.75 or 1.25 each.
Placement Notices
MENTS. Seniors & grad students please
call Ext. 13371 for Appointments with
the following:
MON., FEB. 20-
U.S. Marines, Detroit Officer Procure-
ment Office, will hold EXHIBIT at
Mich. Union lower lobby to talk with
interested men students from 9:00 to
4:00. Age 17-26; sound health; "C"
average minimum; U.S. Citizen; and
nmust agree to serve on active duty for
3-yr. period.
Texaco, Inc., New York City-(p.m.)
MEN interested in Sales career,. with
Liberal Arts or Bus.Ad. degree for Mar-
keting Training Program. Can lead to
counseling & assisting dealers in all
phases of retail merchandising. NOTE:'
Will also interview foreign students,
nationals of Colombia & venezuela; in-
cluding juniors & seniors for .summer
jobs; in Liberal Arts, Engrg., or Bus.Ad.
Pacific Finance Corp., Los Angeles,
Cal.-Branches throughout U.S. June
grads for Sales Finance, Consumer
Loans, various types of insurance'
through Management Training Pro-
gram. MEN with B.A., B.B.A., Math or
Statistics. Opportunities also in Adver-
tising & Public Relations.
TUE S., FEB. 21-
U.S. Marines-See: Mon. above.

often vanished into dark corners,
never to return again.
DURING the past year 'the ad
wing has been' strengthened and
coordinated with the Council more
adequately. The committees of the
wing are now working on several
research projects' and special
ideas for the Council.
Occasionally, however, impor-
tant issues arise which, do not
fall Into. the ategories in the
present ad wing structure. In such
instances special committees can
easily be set up for a single proj-
The danger is that too many
special projects will arise - and
that it will be too' simple to get
rid of them by establishing an ad
hoc committee. The ad' hoc com-
mittee only accomplishes its pur-
pose If comprised of reliable and
intelligent people.
- * * * !
for the Council, there would be
two adequate solutions: The first'
would be the establishment of an
SOC research committee designed
to do research and conduct spe-
cial investigations on whatever is-
sues the Council members want to
know about. A second solution
would be to determine whether
most of the issues for which ad
hoc committee research is needed
fall into a specific category not
included in the ad wing structure.
If most of them turned out to be'
questions of academic freedom,
for instance, that might be suffi-
cient reason to, establish a per-
manent' ad wing deaing ith such
Another question is the effect
of committee research and re-
ports on subsequent Council ac-
tion. Committee research is a val-
uable tool if SGC members then
take action upon it. The fact that
research 'has been done does not
mean the opinions of Council
members will be favorably dis-
posed toward 'any reommcenda-
tions the committee might make,
nor toward any motions coiping
from other SGC members after
the report is made.
BUT IT DOES tend to standard-
Ize the information upon which
members make their decisions. It
may eliminate a few untenable po-
sitions. It may also make some
positions appear less valid in the
eyes of other Council members.
A valuable aspect of committee
research is that it frees the time
of , Council member, for more
policy-making work. If someone
else can efficiently investigate a
given problem, and make the find-
ings available to all Council mem-
bers, all 18 people become inform-
ed without the necessity of dupli-
cating the research process. It
also makes it harder for Council
members to explain lack of knowl-
edge about the .subject.
Perhaps an even more valuable
function of committee research is
that it involves other people in-
the process of investigating, eval-
uating and attempting to solve a
problem. Committee members have
the dual opportunity to ' work on
an interesting, important issue,
and to show their ability to think

f Octet
Chamber Music Festival cpen-
last night at Raekham Auditorium
with the quiet sort of excitenlent
that is produced when a group of
well-matched aid seasoned.musi-
clans plays chamber music. Start-
ing with a quintet by the relatively
unklown 'eighteenth century com-
poser Michael Haydn the Vienna
,Octet presented a program of mu-
tic from the Classical period of
classical music,
The Haydn, a rather. staid work,
was played' with a suitable dig-
nity, but the group never lost the
lighter touch and the grace which
also belong to the piece. In par-
ticular, the deft handling of the
double bass bow (German style)
by Johann Krump pointed up tbe,
Octet member's artItry.
Divertimento and adding a Frenck
horn and bassoon, the musicians
from Vienna kept ,showing their
ability for, making smooth en-
trances and attacks, and, what is
as important, accurate releases,
as well as their ktnowledge of tn*
ensemble playing.
Since it is necessarily played by
small groups, chamber music suf-"
fers most from the 'musical "ham,"
so it is always a pleasure when
chamber musicians areable= 'to
blend and match their tones with
eachi other for the common good.
'This is just what theVienna Octet
did, discointing the dominance of
the violin. that was written into
both the Haydn and Mozart works
by the composers.
* * *
THE HIGH POINT of the even-
ing,, however, came after inte-
mission, when the Octet traded
a violin for a clarinet' ad under-
took the Beethoven Septet (opus
20). Many of the earlied Beet-
hoven works, the Septet inclut ed,
contain much of the" classicism f'
Mozart, as well as adding hints
of the subsequent pioneering of
Beethoven, thus #orming a kzin of
musical bridge. The Octet. mem-
berstcaught the mood of the highly
lyrical Septet, and 'as a tribute to
their -performance, one can say
that the music itself,. and not the'
playing of it, was evident through-
out.' This was accomplished by
keeping intonation flaws and
other technical problems down to
a minimum, and unity of phras-
ing high in order that the melo-
dies of Beethoven could be clearly
In short, If you have the money
and the time; the best way this
reviewer can thing of spending
tonight and tomorrow afternoon
isA listening to the Vienna Octet
play more Mozart, and some
Brahms and Schubert, as well as
two contemporary pieces.
-Dan Slobin

Crisis in the*Conggo

CONGO, the UN and the U. S. A. now
iemselves in the middle. They have,
failed to pacify the irreconcilables on
and on the Right. On the Left are.
imbists in Oriental province, now led
uthentic Communist, Gizenga, and
pported by the USSR. On the Right
ovince of Katanga led by Tshombe,
>rted by Belgium.
o warring extremes have several things
in. Both are opposed to the UN and
demanding that the UN troops be
n. They want a field to fight their
Both are opposed to conciliation and
eves in a civil war it has the most
3oth hate the peacemakers.
'IM FACT is that among the Congo-
Ltions which have arms and some
there is none that looks to the UN for
. This is true of the Communist Giz-

were agreed on proposals for the pacification of
the Congo including the release of Lumumba.
The men who murdered him wanted not only
to do away-with Lumumba, whose hold on the
masses was growing while he was in prison.
They wanted to establish the - idea that the
only way to deal with the Congo is to fight out
the civil war.
As against this, there is the fact that a
collapse into international civil war in the
Congo will 'involve most of Africa in the cold
war. If that happens, it will be a lethal blow to
,the hopes of the new African states for peace-
able development. Even if these states are not
Involved in the fighting, the big powers both
East and West will have little time, energy, or
money for assisting their development. For
this reason the vital interest of the new African
states lies in preserving the United Nations.
OUR BEST HOPE in Africa is staked on this
also. For many reasons including our own

Baroq e Painting'Show
Highlihts Age of Louis
"THE SPLENDID CENTURY" art show is splashed all over Toledo--
'. signs on the sides of buses urge you to attend, a great signo ut-
side the. museum' warns you that there are "ONLY 2 MORE DAYS"
until it moves to the Metropolitan Museum in New York.
There has never been a show better suited to this kind of movie
'spectacular advertising. It is a..real Cinemascope of a show, which
manages to embody in .a few dozen pictures and many skgetches and.
prints, some- of the spirit and living grandeur of the century so domi-
nated by Louis XIV.
From the art historians point of view, it is a fine show-represent-
ing some of the best paintings of the Classical Baroque 17th Century
in France.
THE PICTURES ARE arranged so that .a series of portraits hit you
as you enter the various rooms. An enormous, lush Rigaud of the
Cardinal de Bouillon dominates one room, radiating the presence of
the man as well as the stylistic character of the art.
Whoever said that the French Baroque portrait painters were pri-
marily in caste, and ignored the personality of their subjects gravely,
underrates the portraits of the era. In popular terms the portraits were
the most attractive part of the show.
The show is very well-balanced, with a nice selection of both the
courtly and country genre art typical of 17th century France. They have
five Georges de la Tours, which alone is enough to send a certain group
flocking to the show, and while they do not have The Newborn (and
they should) they have "Saint Irene with the Wounded Saint Sebas-
tian" which is almost better.
* 0 * 0
THERE ARE SOME excellent Le Nain's-including the "Supper at
Emmaus, which in my opinion is the nicest fusing of the religious with

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