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February 18, 1961 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-02-18

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Today, Ee Upset

Michigan matched the Boiler-
makers in field goals, with 28,
but Purdue hit on 48 of 48 gift
shots as compared with the Wol-
verines' 23-41 mark at the line.
Fifty-eight fouls were called in
the rough and tumble contest, 31
against Michigan,
Strack expressed hopes that
Captain John Tidwell, who has
had some difficulty finding the
range lately, will start hitting
again against Purdue. "John is no
different than any other athlete,"
he said. "They all have their
slumps, and John just happens to
be in one now."
Cole Improved
With continued improved efforts
by Tom Cole, Jon Hall and Scott
Maentz, and a good scoring effort

by Tidwell, Strack feels that the
Wolverines have a better than even
chance to upset the high-flying
Boilermakers. Cole sparked Mich-
igan's victory over MSU with a 29-
point effort, the best of his short
collegiate career, and now ranks
in the top ten among Big Ten
scorers with a 15.3 average.
For the stay-at-home and out
of town fans the game will be tele-
vised regionally by NBC.
Monday's 8 p.m. contest with
second place Iowa will end the
Wolverines' three game home
stand. The Hawkeyes are having
their troubles, though. Four of
their starting five were ruled in-
eligible for scholastic reasons at
the semester. Only all-conference
candidate Don Nelson remains.

ve payeu a preuy gooa game -Daily-David Giltrow
against them and contained Disch- HIGH JUMPING HALL-Guard Jon Hall goes high to grab one
ingar aed a s enybody," track of his eight rebounds against Michigan State, Monday. He and
the gaeme at the foua line, where his teammates will be seeking revenge today for the 96-79 defeat
we've been weak all year," he add- suffered at Purdue in a foul shooting contest two weeks ago in
ed. which Hall scored 16 points.
!. ~~~ ~ ~.... .*...... ........ :.. ,,.r'"<tYi.AAJrr1..... .,t'7.JV: JIJZ:tt2. f.NY. Y :Si"...

Cambridge, Mass.-Liberal Arts majors!
for curriculum in marketing, produc-'
tion, personnel admin., finance eco-
nomics, & accounting. One-yr. grad.
course for women interested in Admin-
istration Fields..
WED., FEB. 22-
U.S. Marines-See: Mon. above.
Martin B. Segal & Co., New York City
(p.m.)-MEN & WOMEN with B.A. lib-
eral Arts, or B.B.A. for Trainee Posi-
tions in N.Y. or Chicago in every as-
pect of the business. Leads to Account
Executive positions or Administrative
Staff; also MEN '& WOMEN in Math
or Social Sciences for Actuarial Staff,
N.Y Requires writing ability, poise,
Bell Telephone System, Detroit-Can
refer applicants anywhere in the U.S.
MEN with degrees in Econ., Psych., Lib.
Arts, or Bus. Adm. for Mgmt. Trng.
Program. Opportunities in every div.
Sears, Roebuck and Co., Chicago -
Location-Michigan and Midwest. Gen-
eral Retail Merchandising. MEN &
WOMEN with grads in Lib. Arts., or
Bus. Adm. for Management Training
IBM, iDearborn, Mich.-1) Sales-MEN.
2) Applied Science-MEN & WOMEN.
3) Systems Service Representatives -
WOMEN. Degrees in Liberal Arts, Math,
Physics for positions in the fields of
design, Res. & Dev., Production, Elec.
Computing, Sales and Statistics. Loca-
tion-New York State, Washington,
D.C., Lexington, Ky. Laboratory, Plants
and Branch Offices.
IBM World Trade Corporation, Dear-
born, Mich.-Foreign Nationals, espe-
cially South America and Far East.
Same qualifications as above.
Boy Scouts of America, Chicago -
Location-U.S.A. MEN with degree in
Lib. Arts or Bus. Admin. for Field
FEB. 20, 21,' 22-
Camp Conestaga,, Michigan Camp -
Stephan Baumann interviewing men &
women for' positions as counselors on
Mon., Tues., Wed. at Summer Place-
ment Service. Also seeking a nurse.
Gu81dlajara, Mex.,
The Guadalajara Summer School,
a fully accredited University of
Arizona program, conducted in co-
operation with professors from
Stanford University, University of
California, and Guadalajara, will
offer July 3 to August 11, art,
folklore, geography, history, lan-
guage and literature courses. Tui-
tion, board and room is $245.
Write Prof. Juan B. Rael, P.O.
Box 7227, Stanford, Calif.

For further information go to Sum-
mer Placement Service, D528 SAB. Open
every afternoon from 1:00 to 4:55 and
Friday all day.
Wallach Clark & Co., NYC - Grad.
Civil Engineer for senior position as-
sisting Chief Structural Engineer for
client firm of consulting engineers. 15
yrs. exper. in structural engrg.
Wilson & Co., Inc., Chicago - Sev.
openings for Chemists, Chem. E's; B.S.,
M.S. in Res. & Tech. Div., Pharm. Div.
Also, I.E., Mech. E., & Copywriter. Per-
tinent exper. preferred but will con-
sider recent grads.
Trane Co., La Crosse, Wis.-Develop-
ment Engineer for New Residential Sys-
tems. Exper. grad. in Engrg., Math, or
a basic Science.
Please contact Bureau of Appts.,
4021 Admin., Ext. 3371 for further in-
Student Part-Time
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Non-Academic Per-
sonnel Office, Room 1020 Administra-
tion Building, during the following
hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00
a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring part-
time or temporary employees should
contact Bill Wenrich, Part-time Em-
ployment Interviewer, at NOrmandy
3-1511, extension 2939.
Students desiring miscellaneous jobs
should consult the bulletin board in
Room 1020, daily.
47-Psychological subjects, (two 1%
hour periods, total time)
17-Psychological subjects (hours to be
1-Desk clerk (graduate student, Mon-
day 8:00 a.m.-1 p.m.)
1-Experienced camera repairman (min.
20 hours per week, flexible)
1-Paper delivery-man, (morning pa-
per, must have car)
12-Psychological subjects (Tuesday
afternoon February 28).
1-Typist for Persian and/or Arabic,
must be capable of proofreading,
and corrections.
47-Psychological subjects, two 1%
hour periods, total time.
1-Room and board in exchange. for
10-Psychological subjects (21 or over,
for drug experiments)

.:. . conveniently located .
economy mind.ed .. . home-like
comfort . .. that's why the Aller-
ton Hotel is Chicago headquar-
ters for many school groups,
business and professional stu-
dent affairs, field trips, athletic
teams, debate teams, speech
clinics, tours, etc.
For your own Chicago visit or
week-end stay choose the hotel

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