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May 11, 1961 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-05-11

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N OPledges Defense To Johnson France Prepares ft
fPARIS()-The French govern-
rmentand the Algerian rebel re- The majority of European set-
gime yesterday agreed to meet at tiers appeared grimly reconciled to
WASHINGTON () - President the conference table May O in the Idea of the conference. But
TA ,a4.. .. i s a ~rnA+ hoe of ending som sx.yrs o f the hard e fcore theEuropean extrem-


Quadros Hits
With Castro

RiO DE JANEIRO (') - The
Brazilian government, pressed by
the United States to take a stand
against the Fidel Castro regime,
said yesterday it will oppose any
meddling by foreign nations in
Foreign Minister Afonso Arinos
said Brazil is against "any kind
of foreign interference, directly or
indirectly, (taken) .in order to im-
pose on Cuba any form of gov-
This was President Janio Quad-
ros' answer to a United States
appeal for point action against the
Castro government by nations of
the Western Hemisphere.
And it was obviously a rejection
of the United States contention
that Castro has installed a Soviet-
type government in Cuba.
Arinos told newsmen earlier this
week that Brazil would revise its
friendly relations with' Cuba if
Castro swung the Caribbean island
into the Communist orbit. But at
the same time he said his govern-
ment had found no evidence that
Castro had turned Communist.
He said Brazil had called on its
envoy in Havana to find out
whether Cuba actually had be-
come a member of the Communist
bloc, as President Kennedy's ad-
ministration claims. The envoy's
reply arrived Tuesday but Arinos
did not disclose its contents.

-AP Wirephoto
RUSK SWAYS NATO-Ministers gathered at the conference of
NATO nations credited Secretary of State Dean Rusk with creat-
ing the new 'world-wide' policy.
Nixon Criticizes Polic
Of Economic Controls

<" - 1

COLUMBUS (R) - Richard M.
Nixon last night wound up his
first political tour since the eec-
tion with a blast at the Kennedy
administration's domestic policies,

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"The shape of the New Frontier
is becoming clearer and clearer,"
the former Vice-President said in
a speech prepared for a Republi-
can fund-raising rally.
"With every new program and
every new proposal, slogans aside,
it turns out to be pretty familiar
territory after all: a return to
the depressing old frontier of the
late thirties and to the inevitable
failures of a policy of systematic
government intervention into the
American economy.
"It turns out to be the old worn-
out country of government con-
trols, pump-priming, high taxes,
higher deficits and economic stag-
Here Nixon reverted to a theme
he has been hamering away at
ever since he began his tour, a
week ago in Chicago.
He contends that at a time
when extra money is needed for
national; security, Kennedy is ask-
ing for 15 billion extra, of which
11 billions are for health, edu-
cation, welfare, housing and pub-
lic works.
"The whole process of spend-
borrow-and-inflate is, in the end,
self-defeating. And it is a positive
menace to our very security as a
nation and as sheet-anchor of
free world strength."
See Fechmann
As Relentless
JERUSALEM (M)-Adolf Eich-
mann was portrayed yesterday as
a man who surpassed Adolf Hit-
ler in relentless pursuit of the
Nazi goal to exterminate European
But evidence introduced in his
trial showed he, met with a big
failure in 'Little Denmark.'
Assistant Prosecutor Gavriel
Bach produced evidence that even
Hitler and high ranking army gen-
erals objected at one stage to
Eichmann's single-minded hunt
for Jews in Nazi-occupied Europe.
Bach submitted documentary
evidence that Hitler opposed the
suggestion on grounds that if car-
ried through it eventually would
mean that thousands of quarter-
Jews serving in the German. army
would be lost to military service.

Credit Rusk
In Widening
Pact's Scope
Parley Recognizes
Need for Unification
OSLO (-)-Fifteen Atlantic Al-
lies pledged yesterday to defend
vital areas around the globe
against the menace of the Com-
munist bloc, and they promised
again to stand firm in West Ber-
Foreign ministers of the North
Atlantic Treaty -Organization
wound up a three-day meeting
with a major decision to widen
their activities beyond the defined
region of their Atlantic allience.
Stikker Credits
Secretary-General Dirk U. Stik-
ker of The Netherlands and oth-
er delegates speaking privately,
credited this achievement to Sec-
retary of State Dean Rusk. He
had sought with only partial suc-
cess to instill some of the life-and-
death sense of urgency seizing the
Kennedy administration.
It means NATO has recognized
the total diplomacy conducted by
the Soviet bloc on all the fronts
of the East-West cold war can
best be countered by the West's
own total diplomacy.
"The menace which drew the
Allies together is now not only
military but also has worldwide
political, economic, scientific and
psychological aspects," the final
communique observed.
Popular Will
"Confident in their strength, in
the will of their peoples and in
the truth of the ideals they up-
hold, the 15 Atlantic nations ded-
icate themselves anew to building
a world free from the false doc-
trine of continuing and inevitable
Rusk spelled out America's re-
solve to defend allied war-won
rights in the city and air, ground
and water access routes. The Al-
lies in the communique warned
Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev to
keep his hands off their part of
the onetime German capital in
these words:
"With particular regard to Ber-
lin, the ministers reiterated their
determination.. . to maintain the
freedom of West Berlin."
World News
By The Associated Press
estimated yesterday that 60,000
African refugees have streamed
into the Congo to escape a Por-
tuguese military campaign aimed
at smashing the Angolan uprising.
ALGIERS - A French airliner
en route from the heart of Africa
to Paris under ideal weather con-
ditions crashed in the Sahara yes-
terday, killing all 79 aboard.
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
Defense Robert S. McNamara was
shocked when Pentagon security
experts released so much of his
secret testimony on military mat-
ters and said so in testimony re-
leased yesterday by the Senate
Armed Services Committee.
* * *
WASHINGTON - The executive
vice-president of Westinghouse
Electric Corp. asked Senators yes-
terday for a breathing spell from
officials investigations into price
fixing, "to demonstrate that we

really mean business and are go-
ing to abide by the law."




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