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May 11, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-05-11

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Seventy-First Year
th Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICAIONs BLDG. @ ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
litorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Students Move for Peace

a Liu AULL

The Soviets
Next Move

)AY, MAY 11, 1981


Grad Council Should

Abolish Itself

eting provides the Graduate Student
[L with an excellent opportunity to'eval-'
self and to determine the justification for
stance in view of its present activities
Council is the most nebulous organiza-
. campus. It does not know how many
rsit is supposed to have, its function
unclear and it does not have any avail-
urce of income.
ction procedures for membership are
Under the GSC constitution, members
lected by the student organization of
lpartment. If no such group exists, the
of the department may appoint a pro-'
presentative to the Council. Two-thirds
GSC membership is thus appointed to
uncil while the other third gain their
i departmental elections. A continuing;
ign toward uniform selection of officers
ction has yielded negligible results.
tings of the Council are a farce. Of the
:imately 50 representatives, about 15
up for an average meeting. The quorum
siness is six members and this . spring,
ouncil failed to meet for want of this
POUNDING the Council's problems is
acute financial shortage. The group has
ver $100 in debt without any source of
to cover its expenses. The money was
on socials. which failed to make a
Dr even recover its expenses. The Cinema
turned down the Council's petition to
r a week-end of movies and the only
or income is a grant from the University
seems doubtful.
Council has no Justification for its
ice. Its functions are either mundane
Iministrative or duplicate Student Gov-
at Council roles.
GSC has interpreted its constitutional
te to promote "the social, education; and
ctual activities of the graduate student
to foster and encourage cooperation
graduate student body, to foster and
age cooperation among graduate stu-
the faculty of the Graduate School, and
niversity" to mean that it shall be con-
. with practical problems concerning
istituency rather than basic graduate
ident issues.
olve such problems as library hours, andr
and parking regulations, a student

council is not needed. An administrative com-
mittee can handle such trivialities as effectively
as GSC. More graduate student participation
in the administrative and legislative wings of
the SGC might assure the proper representa-
tion of graduates in the solving of similar
campus-wide problems.
TrHE COUNCIL has never considered student
issues. In fact its president fears such action
might weaken the slight student participation
the Council already enjoys. Even if it were to
consider such issues it would be in conflict with
Student Government Council which is man-
dated by the Regents and students of the
University to be the official student voice-
graduate and undergraduate-of the Univer-
This is the crux of the Graduate Student
Councils problem. A separate organizatn for
graduate students should not exist. The SGC
represents all students.
The feeble duplication of efforts under the
present system is the fault of both the grad-
uates and undergraduates. The grads feel so-
phisticated and are contemptuous- of under-
grads who, they think, are quixotic in their
attempts to solve ?the world's problems. The
average graduate student has lost his idealism
and as GSC president Edgar Manker said, "the
rose tinting on the glasses has worn off."
ON THE OTHER HAND, the undergraduate
fails to understand the attitudes and prob-
lems of graduate students. SGC and its com-
mittees tend to Ignore the grad. This has been
illustrated by the driving and parking com-
mittee of the Council which has deliberated.
on these problems with only a minimum of
communication with its graduate members. "If
SGC would be concerned about graduate prob-
lems," Mnker says, "then the Graduate Stu-
dent Council need not exist."
The social functions the Council has under-
taken could be taken over by some sort of
graduate social club. The GSC has attempted
(and failed) to increase communication among
grads with these functions and has been
forced into considerable debt. To break even
financially, a social must attract. three per
cent of all graduate students (330), yet recent
affairs have drawn less than half this number.
Instead of attempting to make a profit, such
a club of interested members could make the
socials pay financially by taxing themselves
to cover the cost incurred. Under such an ar-
rangement, communication would be main-
tation are the immediate cause of the
Council's demise. Within GSC itself indiffer-
ence is so rampant that 70 per cent of its
members never attend a meeting. How can
any group be effective if a majority of its
members never participate?
The disinterest in the activities of the Coun-.
cil may be due to the failure of its leaders to
make their actions meaningful and to effec-
tively publicize them. It is also due to general
graduate disinterest and a single-minded de-
votion to studies. The combination of the two
factors have made the operations of the Coun-
cil useless. This vicious circle of apathy and
ineffectiveness cn only be broken by the
abolition of the Council.
Thus when the Graduate Student Council
meets tonight it should seriously consider
abolishing itself. This action would be doing
the graduate students a favor by puttinig their
problems in more potent hands for solution.

Daily Staff Writer
DENYING WAR as a successful
means of settling internation-
al disputes, members of the Stu-
dent Peace Union aim to study
alternatives while encouraging ac-
tion to end the present arms race.
About 140 members of the or-
ganization, which began two
years ago at the University of
Chicago, met recently at Oberlin
College to discuss the SPUs struc-
ture, direction, policy and organi-
zation. The largest groups are at
Chicago, Oberlin and Antioch Col-
lege. Three major areas of con-
cern emerged from the workshops
and discussions: how to deal with
the problem of Communist infil-
tration, whether to take a posi-
tion favoring either unilateral
disarmament or unilateral initia-
tives, and whether or not to ex-
press group positions on specific
controversial issues.
** *
CONCERN WITH the question
of Communism arose in the work-
shop on "Political Tendencies in
the Peace Movement" largely be-
cause of alleged Communist dom-
ination of the New York student
group for a SANE nuclear policy.
A paper which one member pre-
' pared as a basis for the discussion'
stated Communists to be "abso-
lutely undesirable in the peace
movement," it claimed their rea-
sons for participation to be whol-
ly independent of the aims of the
movement. -
Confirming respect for civil lib-
erties, the paper suggested elim-
ination of Communists in the SPU
through the political means of
free and open discussions and cri-
ticism of both American and So-
viet viewpoints.
Another suggested s o l1u t i o n
would empower the national com-
mittee to disaffiliate a Commu-
nist-dominated chapter.
Other members, however, ex-
pressed concern that the group
might become obsessed with fear
to the point of engaging in poli-
tical purges, Red-baiting and nar-
row restriction of the political be-
liefs of members.
* * *
THREE BASIC alternatives
arose in the discussion of SPU's
policy and purposes. Opponents
of adopting a specific policy dec-
laration argued that no specifi-
cation could embody the views of
the entire group; thus for the
purpose. of attracting members
and permitting many variations of
opinion, no statement should be
The group's self-named "radi-
cals" favored a policy of unilater-
. al disarmament. The major argu-
ment voiced was that this moral
committment would, because of
world opinion encourage other na-
tions to follow this policy; in the
event of a later crisis, the previous
moral committment to disarma-
ment would bind nations to solv-
ing disputes through non-violent
The policy statement finally
adopted favors the adoption of
unilateral initiative toward dis-
armament. This program stresses
the creation of an atmosphere in
which "meaningful negotiation for
disarmament could occur."
might include the cessatioy of
testing and production of nuclear
and biological weapons under
United Nations inspection com-
bined with action in the area of
political disengagements such as
withdrawal of military bases from
one or two foreign countiies.
The importance of UN inspec-

tion is stressed as a move which
would "make evident that such
unilateral actions had taken place
and would also serve as one step
towards an international author-
The second stage of pre-an-
nounced moves would begin after
evidence of reciprocation to the
first series had been demonstrat-
ed. In this stage, step by step
nuclear disarmament would take
The underlying assumption is
that if the first stage had been
carefully enacted with reciproca-
tion following, "world pressure
would be great enoughtoinduce
further reciprocation. By this time
genuine multilateral negotiations
through the UN could presumably
be underway."
* * *
TRANSITION to a peace econo-
my would be facilitated by the
establishment of a National Dis-
armament Administration to
maintain employment during the
difficult period.
The success of this program
rests on the assumption that "the
United States could be influenced
to take such moves; that Russia
has interests in areas not under
her domination that would be
threatened if she were not to ap-
pear to promote world peace; that
the Russian bureaucracy to a con-
siderable extent responds to- the
desires of the masses in both Rus-
sia and its satellites if for no
other reason than to maintain its
power in these areas; that Rus-
sion people, because of their pres-
ent lack of consumer goods would
not be willing to support an un-
necessary war machine; and that
the Russian people generally see
war preparations as a defense and
not as the means for spreading
Communist ideology by armed
Further, the group adopted a

resolution committing it to an un-
swerving policy of non-violence
which was believed to be "essen-
tial to the purpose and dignity of
the SPU."
ed for the abolition of the House
Committee on Un-American Ac-
tivities and the Senate Internal
Security Subcommittee.
The statement censured these
committees for the subversion of
constitutional rights and the cre-
ation of a "climate of fear" which
attempts to create the illusion that
all who work for basic changes in
our society are Communists.
During the past two years the
SSPU has distributed large amounts
of literature to interested groups
and individuals and has sponsor-
ed tours by speakers such as No-
bel Prize winner Linus Pauling
and physicist William Davidson.
It also collected over 10,000 sig-
natures and petitions which were
delivered to the Paris Summit
Conference and. participation in
numerous peace marches.
* * *
THE ACTIONS of these stu-
dents represent a deeply felt con-
viction that there cannot be a
nuclear war and that the present
"balance of terror" cannot con-
tinue. True, the alternatives they
presently propose seem unfeasible
to many people; true many mem-
bers tend to separate the ideal of
peace from the realities of poli-
But feasible alternatives to the
present situation cannot be found
by resignation and acceptance, nor
can they be found by a group
such as. the SPU which dogmatic-
ally adopts a set position. With an
open mind, the SPU must channel
its convictions and determination
into thorough and intensive pro-
grams of study, education and ac-

Associated Press News Analyst
WILL THE SOVIET UNION, having estimated the West's protesta-
tions of undying support for Laos as largely bluff, now accept at
face value the NATO reiteration of intent regarding Berlin?
The test of that will not be over as quickly as the test in Laos.
The Laos situation has now deteriorated into a Western fallback
toward better prepared lines of defense for the rest of Southeast Asia.
Funeral services for another free country are about to get under way
in Geneva.
The real issue affecting Berlin will not be drawn immediately,
although the Soviet Union is expected to start soon on a march toward
moments of critical decision.
Thi real issue is not whether the West will stand firm in negotia-
tions over Germany for which Premier Khrushchev }s expected to
resume pressure this year. Nor whether, the negotiations failing as
expected, the Soviet Union will sign a separate peace treaty trans-
ferring her rights of joint control in Berlin to the East German
THE REAL ISSUE will be whether the Communists will then feel
emboldened, by the results of their current hard push everywhere, to
interfere with Western access to Berlin.
If at that time the Soviet Union pays more attention to the
lesson of Laos than to the lesson of Korea, if she again underestimates
the willingness of the West to fight for what must be fought for, the
test will come.
The NATO conference at Oslo was not expected to produce any
sensational new positions, and it did not. It may have produced a
certain mobilization of thought, codifying objectives, as in the intent
to build "a world free from the false doctrine of continuing and
inevitable conflict."
Emphasis at other points, on disarmament, on an atom test ban,
and on cooperation in economic aid to emerging countries, was about
the same.
* * * *
MAJOR PROBLEMS of internal dissent, such as Portuguese in-
volvement in Angola and Europe's trade difficulties with, Britain, were
recognized primarily as needing attention which they are getting
through other channels:
Perhaps the most hopeful note came on the last day, with the
implication that France, through negotiations for establishment of
self-government for Algeria, may be able to return to Europe military
forces badly needed to improve the defense posture of the Berlin
This is extremely important to the position which allied diplomats
will occupy in any negotiations with the Soviet Union.

Union Actions Breed Conformity

To the Editor:
labored under the opinion that
the purpose of college is education.
Similarly, I have been burdened
with the belief that education is
not a narrow, but a broad con-
cept. Education means learning
outside as well as inside the class-
rooms, cultivating an intellectual
approach to and outlook upon
life. From this springs a desire to
think for oneself, and thus a cer-
tain amount of individualism
develops. At least, certain groups
become differentiated from others
and seek atmospheres congenial to
their attitudes.
I have also believed that the
University and its organs are in
favor of an intellectual atmos-
phere and its product-ndividual-
ity. Thus, -I have assumed that it
is only natural that the Univer-
sity would furnish several different
Former Vice-President Richard
M. Nixon was asked yesterday at
a Detroit Press Club luncheon if
he had closed the door on running
for governor of California in 1962.
"The answer is yes," Nixon said,
"but many people in California
are saying, 'open the door, Rich-
--The Associated Press

kinds of facilities to avoid a stereo-
typed, dictated atmosphere which
would force all students into oie
~s *
THIS CONDITION prevailed un-
til recently. The UGLI coffee
room, League and Union have
served different segments of the
university population. However,
the Union has decided to change.
Removing the relaxed atmos-
phere, filling it with blaring music
and holding organized parties ab-
solutely remove the surroundings
once friendly to intellectual pur-
suits, international and diversified
groups of people, and leisurely con-
versation. This makes just another
;Chess games and cards may
clog the noontime business, but
there is certainly time for them in
the less busy times of the day.
The juke box is symbolic of high
school tastes, Elvis Presley and
adults' conceptions of what teen-
agers want. Maybe the campus
can take one place like this -
the League. Do we need another?
* * s
THIS CANGE means that
campus facilities begin to con-
verge to a common point. Thus,
any students who wish to main-
tain their individuality become
undersirable, are snubbed by the
University and are forced to con-
form or go elsewhere. Where is

Di stasteful

Y MUST bicycles be ridden op side-
would, of course, be far too melodramatic'
.sist that this practice endangers life
.imb. Few persons have even been ser-
injured in bicycle-pedestrian collisions.
Never cycling on sidewalks does consti-
n ever-present threat to the preservation
en tempers and mud-free notebooks.
er being struck by a bicycle or after
g off one's bike in an attempt to dodge
estrian, a student is somehow not in the
frame of mind to write a bluebook or
o sit through a lecture.,
bicyclists would only' ride in, the street,
annoyanceswould never occur. Collisions
> distasteful to cyclists as well as pedes-
that rider's common sense should tell
o keep off the sidewalks. A law seems


May Festival: A Success

UNIVERSITY Musical Society is to be
rngratulated upon the closing of another
Festival. Too often, when an event such
is becomes impregnated into the life of
ommunity, it is taken for granted.
a Choral Union's excellent concert series,
d annually by the May event, is perhaps
called in any other city in the nation short
tropolis size. And in two ways the cultural
ngs here are even better than what New
or Chicago present to the public-prices
nore reasonable, and variety is greater.
er than buying a season ticket"'to a single-
aony orchestra, students and townspeople
ubscription prices for a wide variety of
s. The addition of ballet groups to next
program is another progressive step in
irection of variety.
event like the May Festival, however,
s supreme over an excellent concert series
se it integrates into one cultural whole
ride scope of the musical spectrum. An
stra, soloists, and conductors who can
for a weekend concert series will in-
>ly be sharper than on a one-night stand.
rg * * * a ~i~

EVEN GIVEN the world's greatest artists, it
would have to be admitted that the qual-
ity of the audience helps make these concerts
so enjoyable. A large group of townspeople
and students who enjoy basking in the delights
of the aural art have played an important role
in ingpiring so many unforgettable moments.
And musicians who arrive in Ann Arbor gen-
erally feel they can program what they wish
without losing the interest of its sophisticated
In short, the marriage of this University
community with its musical artists has been a
most pleasant one, and each year's May Festi-
valpitomizes this relationship.
WITH THESE FACTORS win mind, and with
every reason to trust the management of
the festival and the choice of repertoire by its
musical director, there are many reasons to be-
lieve that a second annual festival would be
A similar weekend of music in the fall would
not decrease interest in the May event, and
would be well-supported by the city, and re-
gions further away which have sent listeners
to Ann Arbor through the years.
A fall festival would give us a chance to
hear another great orchestra-the Chicago,
New York or Boston seems to be likely candi-

"Cheer Up, Pop -Pim Getting Some Good Grades".
" '"'..ai 11 .-1 - .,. % %
-- -
y* "
- I ..
- -s c

the tolerance befitting a Univer-
sity community? Where is this
effort to serve all the students?
The Union cannot be- considered
as a unit separate from the rest
of the campus. There is no rea-
son why it should serve everyone.
A role has evolved which it has
played for years. Its responsibility
is not to shirk this role.
A failure to serve in its role
is a sad indication that the cur-
rent trends toward conformity and
stultifying intellectualism have,
reached our University campus.
-Sue Hershberg, '62
Undesirable Food...
To the Editor:
MAINLY, I think graduates
ought to keep quiet about
things back at the ranch. They
had their chance to gum things
up, now they ought to let other
people try.
But, after all, the Michigan
Union is, so to speak, my Club.
I'm a member for LIFE., With no
parole. The news reaches me that
the management is trying to put
things back like they was before
all that chormium got moved in.
When the Union basement was a
quiet oak-paneled cafeteria full
of doctoral candidates and their
women and the atmosphere was
fairly high class.
Now the place is brightly lit
and wandering minstrels passing
by can look through the windows
and see their friends struggling
with "Student Specials". So they
drop in to help chew. First thing
you know, there's a leftist rally.
CLEARLY this has got to stop.
But meanwhile all the doctoral
students have gone out to teach
and theenew crop prefer to study
at home.
I doubt that the juke box move-
ment and deportation of unde-
sirables will help. A new crowd of
rock-and-roll types and all the
West Quad athletes hiding out
from Joint Judic will come, and
the atmosphere will be even worse.
Maybe if the food was improved
a bit, the undesirables wouldn't
be quite so undesirable. I mean,
you can do just so much to the
gastric machinery, and then you're
in trouble. What harm can it do
to try?
Three years ago I suggested
this simple step, and at an SGC
meeting and the vote ran 17-1
against suggesting to the Board
of Directors of the Union that the
amount of undigestable matter in
their food be slightly reduced.
Now we have a whole generation
of students rendered "undesirable"
by the anxiety of wondering what
will peek out of the gravy next.
Take care' of the food problem,
and the atmosphere will take care
of itself.
.-David Kessel, Grad
On Socialism . .
To the Editor:
TIAVING READ with interest the

sense, than' Mr. ?erlstadt, whose
editorial he' viciously attacks as
Mr. Marzolf criticizes mainly the
apparent totalitarianism of pres-
ent-day Cuba, rather than its de-
gree of Socialism, which he men-
tions instead, and,, in so doing,
confuses the issue.
Socialism means government
ownership of all industry, which
exists today in Cuba, not,. as in
Sweden, where industry is 90 per
cent privately owned and stimulat-
ed by a favorable tax allowance.
The government of, Sweden is
merely a more liberal form of
Mr. Marzolf mourns the fact
that Cuba's agriculture is becom-
ing rapidly colectivized. Under So-
cialism, production of crops from
many small privately owned farms
pis hopelessly inefficient, as such
farms tend rapidly to become sub-
sistent. This result was soon noted
after the Russian revolution, and
which Stalin tried with little su'c-
cess to remedy with forced col-
FIDEL has recognized this and
has changed his program of agrar-
ian reform to one of colectiviza-
tion, with infinitely better results.
The fact that he is being support-
ed in these programs by the Cub-
an peasants, who would be most
affected by this change, is quite
indicative of his popular support.
There is more to the "Cuban So-
cialist Rally Ballot" than meets
the ear.;
Finally, the totalitarianistic
measures of the Cuban govern-
ment are directed mainly against
the Church and the wealthy
Bourgeoisie, left over from the Ba-
tista regime, who are most verbal,
in the United States, in register-
ing their protest.
Fidel has merely nationalized
the radio and press in Cuba, and is
not restricting it, as Mr. Marzolf
would'have us believe. Perhaps it
is because, it echoes the voice of
the Cuban people, not of the U.S.
businessmen who have had their
exploitational oil-refineries and
plantations expropriated from
them, as is done in the United
States, that he has been thus mis-
-Earl Pole
(Letters to the Editor should be
limited, to '300 words, typewritten
and double spaced. The Daily re-
serves the right' to edit or withhold
any -setter. Only signed letters will
be printed.)
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
Sity' of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
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before 2 p.m., two days preceding

* I

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