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April 27, 1961 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-27

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27 1961



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ison Leader

Of Algerian

Challe Flies
To France,
Seek General's Aides
In Camp Near Algiers
ALGIERS (AP) - The leader of
the four-day Algeriaft army in-
surrection was clapped into a
French prison yesterday and his
lieutenants fled into hiding as
President Charles de Gaulle re-
asserted his rule over Algeria.
Gen. Maurice Challe, retired air
force officer and leader of the in-
surrection, flew to Paris and sur-
rendered. He was taken to Sante
Prison in the capital to await
trial and a possible death sen-
Challe's top aides, Gens. Raoul
Salan, Edmond Jouhad and Andre
Zeller, were believed hiding at a
paratroop camp outside Algiers.
Troops Seek Leaders
Troops were ordered to bring
them and three colonels before a
special military court on charges
of organizing insurrection and
usurping power. This is the charge
Challe faces.
De Gaulle has not yet disclosed
whether Challe, stripped of his'
rank before he surrendered, will
be tried as a soldier or as a civil-
ian. On this issue could depend
whether the 55-year-old officer
faces a firing squad or the quil-
lotine if convicted. The possibility.
of a death sentence was largely
discounted in Paris, however.
Fills Vacuum
De Gaulle moved quickly to fill
the vacuum created in Algeria af-
ter the revolt' collapsed. -Louis
Joxe, French minister for Alger-
ian affairs, and Gen. Jean Olie
arrived by plane from Paris to
take control. They met imme-
diately with de Gaulle's civilian
administrator, Jean Morin, who
a few hours earlier had been a
prisoner of the insurgents.
In Paris, Premier Michel Debre
warned Frenchmen that the in-
surrection in Algeria might force
the government to impose greater
discipline on the nation.
In a nationwide television and
radio speech Debre said the mili-
tary opposition might strike again.
"If the government in coming
months appears tougher in re-
gard to certain opportunities, or in
regard to certain interests, tell
yourselves plainly that it is to
restore to the state a firmness
which the epoch in which we live
renders Indispensable," Debre said.

Plan Draws
New Protest
Force leaders yesterday disputed
an administration decision to cut
back development of the super-
sonic jet bomber.
Secretary of the Air Force Eu-
gene M. Zuckert and Gen. Thomas
D. White, chief of staff, said they
had protested the reduction when
it was proposed but they were
overruled by Secretary of Defense
Robert S. McNamara and the
White House.
The two officials told a Sen-
ate appropriations subcommittee
that the B-70 program should be
pushed ahead as rapidly as possi-
ble rather than reduced to pro-
duction of a few prototype air-
But both said they supported
President John F. Kennedy's mili-
tary budget as it went to Congress.
Chairman Dennis Chavez (D-
NM) indicated that his subcom-
mittee may not be willing to abide
by the' administration's decision
on the B-70.
"We're the ones who make the
money available," Chavez said.
"We don't have to follow the Budg-
et Bureau."
Chavez told Zuckert and White
he thought it was a mistake to
cut $138 million from the B-70
program by holding it to an ex-
perimental aircraft.
If no basic change is made in
the program, Zuckert said, the
B-70 could be operational within
six or seven years. Chavez esti-
mated the time element at 10 to
12 years.

Seek Ban
Of Support,
In Virginia
tice Department yesterday asked
a federal court to bar state sup-
port of any public schools in Vir-
ginia until Prince Edward County,
Va., schools are reopened on a
racially integrated basis.
The Prince Edward schools shut
down after they were ordered inte-
grated in 1959. A system of pri-
vate schools has been operated for
white children.
Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy
announced he has filed a motion
in the Federal District Court in
Richmond, asking leave to inter-
vene as a co-plaintiff in a de-
segregated suit originally brought
by Negro high school students in
The Justice Department noted
that the schools in the county
were closed in June 1959, after
the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals
in Richmond ordered the schools
Since that tinie, the department
said, the county's Negro children
have had no formal education, but
private schools have been oper-
ated for about 1,400 white chil-
dren with state financial assist-
ance and through contributions.
from private citizens.
Jobless Begin
Stamp Plan
WELCH, W. Va. gp) - Jobless
men and some wives stood in line
yesterday to get their names on
the list for a new kind of govern-
ment help in the struggle to feed
their families.
On the first day for applications,
they were signing up for President
John F. Kennedy's experimental
food stamp program. It is being
tried out here in and seven other
unemployment - plagued localities
in other states.
The stamps will be redeemed at
stores for food, and the govern-
ment will reimburse the grocer,.

OIP) -- President Moise Tshombe of
Katanga was dramatically arrested
yesterday after he scornfully walk-
ed out of a summit conference of
Congolese politicians.
The leader of the Congo's rich-
est province was seized by sol-
diers of the Leopoldville central
government of President Joseph'
Kasavubu. He was preparing to
board a plane for Elisabethville,
his capital.
(In Leopoldville, Congolese army
authorities believed the arrest of
Tshombe was an emergency and.
a strictly temporary measure to
prevent his quitting the confer-
ence. They were convinced the
Katanga leader soon will be re-
Leaves Conference
Tshombe stormed out of the con-
ference after tongue lashing other
Congolese politicans as bunglers
interested more in their personal.
comfort than in solving the Con-
go's problems.
He bitterly denounced them as
"vassals of the United States." As
he left, Foreign Minister Justine
Bomboko was announcing the cen-
tral government's agreement on a

UN return to the key port of
Matadi and an end of the Con-
golese stranglehold on UN supply
A UN garrison of Sudanese
troops was forced out of the Con-
T'hird Minister
Quits Frondizi
BUENOS AIRES (M)-Argentine
Foreign Minister Diogenes Tabo-
ada resigned last night,
He was the thid member of
President Arturo Frondizi's cabi-
net to hand in his resignation
since Sunday in what appeared to
be a developing government cri-
The resignation followed a de-
nial by Taboada hours earlier of
reports that he planned to step
down. Informed sources then had
claimed his successor had already
been chosen.
Taboada's resignation followed
those of Alvaro Alsogaray, minis-
ter of economics, and Alberto Con-
stantini, minister for public works
and service, Alsogaray said he had)
been asked by Frondizi to quit.

go river port more than six weeks
ago. More than 95 per cent of
UN supplies entered the Congo by
way of Matadi.
Threatens Turmoil
But even as the Matadi agree-
ment held out prospects of a
smoother course for Congo affairs,
Tshombe's arrest once more
threatened fresh turmoil.
Twenty Congolese soldiers sur-
rounded Tshombe's presidential
party in the airport terminal
building. Tshombe, his foreign
minister, Evariste Kimba, and two
civilian advisers, were starting to
leave the terminal to board their
private DC4 aircraft. Others in
the Tshombe motorcade were
turned back from the airport at
the gates.
Soldiers in limousines roared
along the palm-lined airport road
stoping all cars and rounding up
Belgian and Congolese members
of Tshombe's delegation.
Tshombe and 280 other Con-
golese politicians came to this
sleepy Congo riverside capital of
Equator province to discuss plans
for a loose confederation of in-
dependent states, a plan favored
both by Tshombe and Kasavubu.

Arrest Katanga Leader

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-AP wirephoto
IMPRISONED LEADER-Gen. Maurice Challe, leader of the ill-
fated French insurrection in Algeria, talks to a visitor after
surrendering in Algiers. Challe faces charges of organizing an
insurrection and usurping power.
Soviets Renew Pledge
ToAid.gainst Attack

Deputy Foreign Minister Valerian
A. Zorin insisted yesterday that
the Soviet Union would keep its
promise to help Cuba against at-
He was asked at a news con-
ference if the Soviet Union was
committed to defend Cuba in the
same degree Britain was commit-
ted to defend Poland before World
War II.
"The Soviet government," he
replied, "views problems of assist-
ance in a more serious light than
the United Kingdom viewed its
commitment of assistance to Po-
"If the Soviet Union says it
Defense Unit
Expels Cuban
WASHINGTON (1P)-Cuba was
voted out of secret sessions of the
21-nation Inter-American Defense
Board yesterday.
The board is a military group.
that meets here every week or two
to plan defense strategy for the
Western Hemisphere.
It voted 12-1 to bar Prime Min-
ister Fidel Castro's representatives
as long as Cuba continues its "evi-
dent alliance" with the Communist
Cuba cast the lone vote against
the resolution, which was offered
by the United States, Mexico,1
Venezuela, Ecuador and Chile ab-
stained and Brazil reserved its;
vote. Three other countries were

will extend assistance, it will ex-
tend assistance. It will not act
like Britain acted before the war
in respect to Poland."
Britain declared war on Ger-
many on Sept. 3, 1939, two days
after Germany declared war on
Poland. Zorin did not explain how
anybody could be more serious.
He also did not say just how the
Soviet Union would help Cuba if
the United States attacked.
Last summer Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev threatened retaliation
by rockets against the United
States if it attacked Cuba. He
later said he meant symbolic
rockets. But he did not repeat
the rocket threat when Cuban
refugees invaded Cuba with Unit-
ed, States encouragement April 17
in a vain effort to overthrow pro-
Communist Prime Minister Fidel
Castro. He did promise all neces-
sary assistance.
Expresses Hope
Zorin expressed hope that Pres-
ident John F. Kennedy's investi-
gation of the Central Intelligence
Agency "will lead to'complete li-
quidation of the aggressive acts
which the CIA fostered, prepared
and, in the case of Cuba, carried
Unless Cuba is left free to chart
its own course, he said, there will
be "serious strife and conflict
whose limits cannot be predeter-
Asked if he saw any link be-
tween peace in Laos and peace in
Cuba, he said aggressive acts
against Cuba would have an im-
pact on the state of affairs in

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Juniors go into summer
in our no-fuss dacron poly-
ester and cotton fashioi
by Pacemaker. A full.

skirted beauty with the



World News


By The Associated Press
JERUSALEM-Adolf Eichmann
was portrayed in court yesterday
as a man who once helped Jews
before he came a relentless Nazi
evecutioner hunting for new ways
to exterminate .them.
A surprised stir swept the court
where Eichmann is on trial for
his life when Franz Mayer, for-
mer Zionist leader in. Berlin, said
he frequently sought and obtained
aid from the Gestapo officer.
In 1937, Mayer said, he won
help from Eichmann for certain
emissaries from Palenstein who
came to Germany in connection
with the Jewish emigration move-
yesterday passed President John
F. Kennedy's $394 million bill for
aid to depressed areas, defeating a
Republican-led attack on its fi-
nancing methods.
The roll call vote was 223-193.
Opponents, who included a num-
ber of Democrats, said defeat of
the compromise version which was
before the House would force an-
other conference with the Senate.
* * s
price changes balanced out in
March to leave living costs un-
changed at their record level of
The government reported yes-
terday that a slight seasonal in-
crease expected in March failed to
materialize and the price level kept
steady, as it has for the past half
The Labor Department's con-
sumer price index remained at
127.5 per cent of the 1947-49 aver-




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