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April 27, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-27

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Seventy-First Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. " ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

WCBN Fate Rests with IQC

RSDAY, APRIL 27, 1961


Union Actions Show
Secrecy, Lack-of Study

HE RECENT ACTIONS of the Michigan
Union administration, culminating in the
installation of a new jukebox in the Grill, are
Undertaken in secrecy,. policy decisions have
been made that completely change the nature
of the Union Grill without proper investiga-
tion of the desires of the campus community.
This is indefensible.,
There are now two tenable courses of action
open to the large number of students who have
indicated their extreme displeasure at the
Board of Directors' and student officers' ac-
Riots, demonstrations, picketing, sit-ins and
boycotts are one. Many students have already
indicated their desire for these moves.
THE OTHER FORM of protest, which prob-
ably should be undertaken concurrently
with any demonstrations, is the circulation of
petitions for amendments to the Union consti-
tution which would reverse the Board of Direc-
tors' actions.
The first thing the directors did was to in-
stitute a policy including the expulsion of "un-
desirables" from the Grill which, they assert-
ed, was planned to prevent unspecified "illegal
° Fine. If only the evidence would support
this statement, the move would be acceptable.
It doesn't.
and now find many more reasons for their
new policies on the MUG, since much has been
done which is rather far removed from the
prevention of (still unspecified) "illegal activi-
They now state that the "atmosphere" of
tihe Grill is not what it should be-but never is
any further explication of the "atmosphere"
(or its failings) given.
N FACT, the directors even set up a com-
mittee to survey students in order to find
out what they wanted in the MUG and what
they felt they were not getting. Very good.
Then, before the committee did anything
but barely start, the directors and of icers
turned around and started revamping the Grill
to improve the "atmosphere." This culminated,
at least temporarily, with the installation of a
Jukebox yesterday.
The policies also included moves first to
regulate and then to eliminate card playing and
other games in the Grill. All these moves seem
unified in Union officials' minds, if somewhat
unrelated in others' minds.
These actions were all undertaken in such
secrecy that no one in the campus community
knew what the next step was to be at any
In fact Union President Paul Carder went so
far as to deny Tuesday night that there were
any definite plans to install a jukebox. One
was installed the next day. An interesting note
on the value of any statements by the Union
THERE ARE EVEN MORE interesting facts
about the administrators' actions.
WITH GREAT ELATION one read in yester-
day's papers that the Senate Foreign Re-
lations Committee approved the President's re-
quest "for authority to extend financial and
economic aid to Iron Curtain countries to help
them loosen Moscow's control."
No doubt this is fine strategy. But perhaps
it could have been equally as worthwhile If ap-
plied to left-winger Fidel Castro. Somehow,
the U.S. feels hope for confirmed Communist
Gromyko of Poland, while invasion is the only
alternative for Cuba.
--H. M.

The three students appointed to head the
survey committee-which obviously is not in-
tended to do anything, since the directors are
already presuming the results-are all past of-
ficers of the Union-members of the in-group
which by some strange stroke of self-perpetuat-
ing luck continues to run the Union year after
Not only this, but they were officers when
they were named to the committee-effective-
ly naming themselves.
money this group is being paid also arises.
Yesterday, when Carder was asked about this,
he first said that, yes, the committee was being
paid, but he would not announce the amount.
Then he almost immediately called back the
reporter who had asked him and said that he
would like to change his statement. In fact,
he said, the committee would not be voted any
pay until after they finished their survey, when
an "honorarium" would be given them by the
EITHER WAY, it is an obvious waste of money
which should be used to improve the serv-
ices of the Union to the members and campus
at large, since the committee's recommenda-
tions can hardly affect directors' actions which
have already been taken.
Certainly the entire mess deserves a full
airing. And in view of thegreat amount of dis-
sension stirred up among students over this
issue, a referendum would seem in order.
This is perfectly possible under the Union
constitution, which provides that amendments
to the constitution may be initiated by a peti-
tion of 200 Union members, and that if the
.directors do not submit it to referendum, such
a vote may be forced by petition of 10 per cent
of the student members.
HOWEVER, since the referendum could not
constitutionally be held until the next all-
campus elections next spring, some form of
more immediate action would seem in order.
For this reason, any and all forms of legal
protest, particularly picketing, demonstrations,
boycotts and the like, would seem in order
while the result of any moves toward referen-
dum are awaited.
At the same time, some move should be made
toward a vote which would resolve the two
distinct views of the Union's actions which are
prevalent on campus.
THE UNION student officials see their moves
as making the Grill a place where all facets
of the University community can go and enjoy
themselves. They repeatedly announce that
they have no specific bias against any group of
students or other users of the MUG facilities.
However, a large group of students, most of
whom spend a great deal of their time at pres-
ent in the Grill, feel that the actions are direct-
ed specifically against them. These are various-
ly referred to as the "beats," the "quasi-beats,"
the "artsy-crafty types," and similar titles.
They see the battle as one between a con-
ventional, fraternity-oriented minority which
runs the Union and the rest of the campus com-
munity (in particular, a bearded or unconven-
tional minority). Both groups are probably
wrong, but one group or the other would at
least be definitely supported or defeated in a
referendum, to which there seems to be only
one major objection other than the time factor.
SPECIFICALLY, it is somewhat sad that such
seemingly unaffected people as life-mem-
bers would be entitled to vote in addition to
the highly affected student and faculty mem-
bers, and that women (who are not members),
would not be allowed to vote. But the vote is
still needed.
(EDITOR'S NOTE: A second editorial tomorrow
will consider the possible forms of proposed con-
stitutional amendments and the details of the
amending procedure.)

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
final article in a two-part analysis
of student radio station WCBN.)
Daily Staff Writer
rangle radio station WCBN,
whereby the station would trans-
mit via wireless signal to the en-
tire community, is ultimately de-
pendant upon approval by the
Interquadrangle Council. Whether
or not WCBN will ever be able to
escape from its present confine-
ment to private lines which con-
nect it with its present listening
audience, is contingent upon IQC's
constitutional power of "approval
and review of budget and revisions
thereto" and "approval and review
of general advertising and exc-
pansion policies of the station."
Undoubtedly there are objections
-the most certain of which arises
from the great difficulty in ob-
taining an FCC license and the
high cost of necessary equipment.
But the biggest obstacle comes-
surprisingly enough - from
WCBN's station manager, Rik
"Lack of open broadcasting has
hurt us," he readily admits, "but
WCBN cannot take this type of
venture right now. First we must
strengthen it, put it in more ef-
ficient shape." About the license
in particular he says "As far as I
know, right now it can't be done."
* * e
PERHAPS what Karlsson lacks
more than anything else in his
plans to prepare the station for
a role as an integral part of cam-
pus activity is quadrangle co-
operation. The biggest step toward
Karlsson's objective is consolida-
tion-that is; bringing all facilities
into a single central studio in one
quadrangle. It would-in the same
spirit that the three studios orig-
inally banded together under a
single network-provide for more
efficiency in operation and more
diverse programming of better
But at least two of the quad-
rangles, east and west, will ob-
ject--as indeed they already have.
These quadrangles have put too
much money into their own Stu-


WCRN: A 'Student' Station?

This Is
The Record
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following quotations were compiled by The
Fellowship of Reconciliation-a "society whose members share in a
commitment to seek resolution of international and intergroup conflicts
by nonviolent and reconciling means.")
"All members are bound ... to settle international disputes
by peaceful means ... to refrain in their international relations
from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity
or political independence of any state ... to avoid giving assist-
ance to the aggressor."-UNITED NATIONS CHARTER.
"Back in late 1959, the Eisenhower Administration decided to apply
to Cuba 'the Guatemala solution.' That is, the National Security Council
gave CIA Director Dulles the go-ahead to organize the Cuban exiles,
train a military force, and plan an invasion of Cuba."-William V.
Shannon, New York Post, April 9, 1961.
« * «
"Whoever, within the United States, knowingly begins or sets
on foot or provides or prepares a means for or furnishes the
money for, or takes part in, any military or naval expedition or
enterprise to be carried on from thence against the territory or
domination of any foreign prince or state, or of any colony, dis-
trict or people with whom the United States is at peace, shall be
fined not more than $3,000 or imprisoned not more than three
years, or both. June 25, 1948, c. 645, 62 Stat. 745."-Title 18, Sec-
tion 960, U. S. Code, Annotated.
"The word here is that the warring factions [among the Cuban
exiles] were pressured into getting together by an agency of the U.S.
government. To pressure, it is stated, took the form of a threat to
withdraw financial support from all the groups. According to one appar-
ently reliable source here, the Cuban groups have been getting about
$400,000 a month, presumably from the same agency."-Howard Norton
in Baltimore Sun, March 5, 1961.
"The underground Big Two are wide apart on politics and on who
gets what funds. The Frente apparently gets virtually all the U.S.
financial aid to Cuba's underground (estimated to range from $135,000
monthly to as high as $500,000 on occasions), and Mr. 'B,' the CIA agent
in charge, reportedly has suggested the M.R.P. get help from the
Frente."-Time Magazine, Jan. 27, 1961
"[A] spokesman for the Front reported that many U.S. companies
whose Cuban properties were confiscated by Castro are contributing to
the exiles' cause. 'It could be that the money they give is coming
through the Central Intelligence Agency,' he continued. 'An American
meets with us from time to time in various hotels; we discuss our finan-
cial needs and he givest us money. "-Don Bonafede in Miami Herald,
March 13, 1961.
* * * *
"No state or group of states has the right to intervene,
directly or indirectly, for any reason whatever, in the internal or
external affairs of any other state. The foregoing principle pro-
hibits not only armed force but also any other form of interfer-
ence or attempted threat, against the personality of the state or
against its political, economic and cultural elements."--Article 15,
Charter, Organization of American States. Signed by U.S. in 1948.
"It is . . . no secret that the United States Government has been
helping the Cuban exiles over a period of many months with arms,
training and facilities on American soil and in Guatemala." News report
-New York Times, April 18, 1961.
"A plan to help the anti-Castro exiles establish a sizable beachhead
in Cuba was developed in the Central Intelligence Agency during the
Eisenhower Administration.
"The preparations went forward for months with official sanction
under the general supervision of a deputy director, Richard M. Bissell
Jr. The exiles were given training in landing operations, guerrilla tactics
and communications, and their leaders were encouraged to believe the
United States would enable them to get ashore under favorable condi-
tions." News report-New York Times, April 21, 1961.
** * *
"I want to say that there will not under any conditions be
an intervention in Cuba by United States armed forces."-Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy, April 12,1961.
."Privately, Administration officials go well beyond the cautious
phrasing of the white paper and the President's statements. They leave
no doubt that the U. S. government is committed to giving strong en-
couragement and support to the Cuban insurgents .. ."-Business Week,
April 15, 1961.

dios, they say, to merely give them
away. TIiey could not sacrifice
their studios to create a WCBN of
greater service to the campus.
They fear the student radio sta-
tion will become a one-quadrangle
function, that a central studio will
be too far removed for their own
residents to participate and that
the presence of a studio in a
quadrangle atracts potential lis-
teners in that quadrangle.
* * *
THIS amounts to nonsense.
First, the station would become
a University function as it in fact
is and that is far from being a
one-quadrangle function. Second,
if the station at any point on this
campus is too far removed for
participation by any one person
then one can only express sym-
pathy for this individual's feeble-

ness and hope that his future in
radio has not been destroyed.
Third, it is doubtful that those
who listen to WCBN care to know
from where the station is broad-
But consolidation is not a neces-
sary step to open broadcasting,
only a desired one. If the quad-
rangles persist in hanging on to
their individual studios it would
(most likely) be no harder to tie
them together for open broad-
casting than it was for closed
The licensing and financial re-
quirements are still to be met. The
latter would have to be solved
mutually by the quadrangles and
* * *
sue or turn the station down flatly
and forget about it. Or it could
work out a plan of further growth
and expansion-a plan that would
preferably see consolidation of
facilities and finally open broad-
casting on a professional scale.
Early in his new office as WCBN
station manager last fall when
his objectives were still fresh in
mind, Karlsson looked to the fu-
ture and said he wanted to make
the station more appealing to the
student-to make it the student's
Karlsson and IQC must realize
that "the student" does not live
in residence halls exclusively-
the dormitory system can't even
pretend to claim a majority. They
must remember that WCBN will
not belong to the student until he
is able to at least hear it.

New 'Undesirable'
Invades MUG

To the Editor:
I WOULD LIKE to report the
presence of a new undesirable
in the Michigan Union. His dress
and habits, I am certain, qualify
him as an unwanted character.
Immediately upon entering the
MUG today, he became so noisy
and boisterous as to disturb those
around him. I might add that
many of those bothered by him
were food-buying clientele, which
this intruder is not, by any stretch
of the imagination.
In fact, all he' seems to do is
sit there in his gaudy clothing and
bellow at the top of his voice.
Rumor has it, though, that he is
carrying on certain of his social-
ly unacceptable activities for the
sake of money.
Past experience convinces me
that the Union Board of Direc-
tors wants to remove just this
sort of troublemaker from the
Union facilities; so, it is only in
the nature of a friendly hint that
I pass on this information to
them. In case the manager has
any difficulty recognizing the fel-
low, I believe he answers to the
name of Jake; or maybe Juke.
-Trim Bissell, '64
Seeger.. .
To the Editor:
I AM WONDERING whether one
ever hears folk music these
days, instead of "folk music con-

certs." In the Pete Seeger con-
cert our renowned singer had to
sing "folk songs," songs which
weren't written, but came into
being of themselves in a simple
society. These songs came not
from professional songwriters, nor
were they carried around much by
professional singers. Now one
doesn't do his own singing, he
listens to some professional.
It seems, however, that a few
changes are taking place as the
professionals are catching their
stride. One is that they acknowl-
edge themselves above those from
whom come the songs. Seeger re-
ferred to "my songs" last eve-
ning, and passed understanding on
the various peoples who wrote
"his" songs.
way in which folk songs, as a
form of art, reflect the culture
and attitudes of society. "O1'
Smokey," the "Mockin' Bird,"
"Menongaheelee" are out, and re-
flect not society. Instead, society
wants socialism, contempt of gov-
ernment, rapid integration, decay
of capitalism, an end to fireworks
practice in the Southwest, etc., ad
We must, however, be highly
grateful for a few songs for a
change. Why not start pushing
unionism by Rock-n-Roll?
-David Collins, 63E

what Are They Protecting?

(EDITOR'S NOTE: the author of
the following article has spoken at
panel discussions throughout the
state criticizing the House Un-
American Activities Committee film
"Operation Abolition.")
Associate City Editor
Communist menace and a blind
acceptance of all efforts to coun-
ter it exist in many small' to
middle-sized cities in Michigan.
Grand Rapids, Battle Creek,
Alma, Muskegon and Flint all ap-
pear to follow the pattern. Earlier
demonstrations and statements I
heard in Battle Creek-"This is
a democracy, you can't speak that
way" or "Go back to Russia"--
now seem almost moderate and
rational. Charges of being a Com-
munist become repetitious for one
who questions or criticizes efforts
directed "against Communism".
Elements of militancy and the
"Christian way" have been in-
jected into the fundamental re-
ligion of cities like Muskegon and
spoke, or attempted to speak in
these two cities. In both cases the
films "Communism on the Map"
and "Operation Abolition" were

Impassioned Play,
Accomplished Acting

shown. I was able to speak at
Flint; at Muskegon my invitation
was withdrawn three hours be-
fore the program began.
After being informed that I was
not to be allowed to participate
because the seats were too hard
"and you just can't expect the
audience to sit through a two-
hour program," I remained and
viewed a highly slanted, religion
filled, program. Every effort was
made to link Christ with anti-
Communist methods.
Following the program, a friend
and I walked out of the auditorium
to be greeted by a young lady in
purple who pressed leaflets in
our hands and promised "I will
pray for you."
"Pray for what?" I asked.
"That you will come back to
the right path and leave the path
of Communism," she said.
*~ * *
LATER, my newly made ac-
quaintance explained why she felt
we were on the Communist path.
She said that all Christians sup-
ported "Operation Abolition" and
defended the House Un-American
Activities Committee.
When I mentioned that many
religious groups and leaders had
issued statements condemning the
film's distortions and its attempts
to discredit student political ac-
tivity, she answered simply
"They're not Christians."
On being asked to define a
Christian, she answered "by their
fruits, so shall you know them."
Or - in other words if a religious
leader supports the film and
HUAC, he is a Christian, if not,
he isn't. How else could it be, she
asked, when Communism is God-
less materialism.
OTHERS in the lady's group
believed that the guarantees of
the first and fifth amendments
should be taken away from all
gangsters, crooks, Communists and
socialists for they are attempting

community; they were attitudes
expressed by those running the
prgoram-no one questioned what
was taking place except one fac-
ulty member of the community
college who seemed to be in a
minority of one.
I never cease to wonder at the
means to which many would re-
sort in order to protect our demo-
cracy. They seem to have no
qualms about removing portions of
the Bill of Rights, of deporting,
large segments of the population,
of killing if necessary, of calling
religious organizations and their
leaders unChfistian solely, be-
cause they dissent from the ma-
jority view.
IN FLINT, there was improve-
ment. A panel discussion pointed
out the distortions in the film,
and questioned the legality of
HUAC. But before the program,
"patriotic" organizations tried to
fill all available seats with their
own members and then have the
fire department remove all others
who could not find seats. Fortun-
ately, a firm voice from the pro-
gram's organizer caused the at-
tempt to fail.
A FORMER German storm
trooper is one of the leaders of
the Flint John Birch Society. A
history teacher has been red-
baited since his return from the
Soviet Union on an exchange pro-
gram. Several people believe that
Scholastic magazine which is dis-
tributed in the high schools is
run by Communists because a map
showed Russia in red, and "every-
one knows that red is the most
appealing color."
I wonder what these people be-
lieve democracy to be, what they
consider are its foundations, goals
and aims. Is not the Bill of Rights
basic to our democracy? Have they
completely forgotten the doctrines
of equal rights and the separation
of church and state? What are

Our Obligation to Cuba

OW THAT THE SMOKE has cleared and
N the various namecallers and accusers have
subsided, it is time to evaluate the real status
of the nation, in the light of the ill-fated in-
vasion of Cuba.
It has been said by the timid group among
us, as well as by our enemies and false allies
abroad, that President John F. Kennedy has
degraded the United States in the eyes of the
world by his actions during the crisis.
Perhaps if these 'faux amis' were correct,
the United States should palaver to the fickle
nations of the world. But the President is right
if this nation is to continue to stand for in-
dividual liberty and freedom.
The President did everything possible to take
the most sensible course of action in the crisis.
In the light of the still binding Monroe Doc-

WE CANNOT BE LECTURED to by the bloody
butchers of Budapest, or by their appar-
ent sympathizers in our own country. When
Communism is trying to gain a foothold just
90 miles from our shores, we must use every
method available to prevent it.
Fidel Castro, with his tyrannical executions
and dictatorial actions, has clearly shown him-
self to be a menace to freedom. It is therefore
the duty of the United States to the Cuban
people to support any sincere action to over-
throw him.
And so we come to the situation today. The
President of the United States has had to
turn to the Republicans and the Dixiecrats, his
opposition, to find support for the creed that
the United States has long symbolized-free-

AST NIGHT the University of
LMichigan Players opened its
last four-day run with a most ac-
complished performance of a com-=
plex anddifficult play, Frederick
Duerenmatt's "The Visit." The
play is the impassioned cry of a
cynic against the hypocrisy of
The poverty-striken town of
Gullen eagerly awaits the visit of
Claire Zachanassian, whom it had
coldly cast out years before. Now
she is rich, and the townspeople
assume that she is coming to offer
them financial aid.
Claire is a woman who is used
to getting what she wants. She
stops the express train, an un-
heard-of occurrance, and coldly
tells the protesting conductor,
"You may take your train away,
I don't need it anymore." Her
, - -an - s I.. trprv+insr an hp

As Anton. Victor Dial is out-
standing. In a way, his is the morn
difficult role of the two, though
less showy. Anton could so easily
become maudlin, but Mr. Dial does
not allow this to happen. After the
shattering scene in which Anton
loses his self-control and breaks
down sobing, he regains his dig-
nity and never loses it again, even
when his own family deserts him.
* * *
OTHER outstanding perform-
ances in the unusually large cast
include Ronald Sossi's character-
ization of the Burgomaster, and
Richard Levy as the Teacher who
resists the condemnation of Antn,
but is forced to give in in the
Perhaps thecgreatest achieve-
ment of director Andrew Doe's
Ann Arbor debut is his handling
of +he immnse at.His onm-


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