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April 14, 1961 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-14

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Afghanistan Ambassador Defends Nation's Neutralism

n t


Afghanistan's ambassador to the
United States, speaking at Rack
ham Amphitheatre yesterday, ex-
plained hls nation's commitment
to policies of neutralism.
"Neutralism is, for us, a national
trait ,'Hashim Mainwandal said..
"We do not want to be committed
to a policy, contrary to our na-
tional interest so our relations
with the United States and Rus-
sia have been friendly. We hope.
to perpetuate these relations."
Afghanistan 'has accepted for-
eign aid from both nations and
has refused to ent'er into military
alliances because they only tend
"to increase world tension.'
Cites Geography'
He said that Afghanistan's geo-
graphic position "is taxing our
efforts and our determination, but
we still hope we can make our
modest effort toward understand-
ing. ,
McClelland Sets'
Talk on Fantasy
Prof. David C. McClelland,
chairman of the Center for Re-
search in Personality, at Harvard
University, will speak on "Fan-
tasy as a Measurement Technique"
at 4:15 p.m. today in Aud. B. The
talk is sponsored by the University
psychology department. '

In central Asia, the country is
bordered by the Soviet Union,
China, Pakistan and Iran. The
foreign ambassador recognized
that Afghanistan's geographic
proximity "to the Soviet Union
gives us special importance."
Mainwandal, however, criticized
United States aid to Pakistan,
which, he says is contributing' to
the domination of the Pushto
There. are 11 million Pushton in
Pakistan and Afghanistan. The
Afghanistan government has set-
tled on a policy for their self-
Afghanistan's contribution to
world peace, said Mainwandal,
comes in her effort toward eco-
nomic self-development.
The country just completed a
five year economic plan begun in
1956 and will begin a second five-
year effort in August of 1961.
To Build Economy
"We have started a continuing
effort toward building our econ-
omy and raising our standard of
living. Afghanistan has arrived at
an important crossroads. We be-
lieve in a guided economy which
conforms to the needs of the
people," he said.
"A scarcity of capital has been
the nation's biggest economic
problem. Foreign loans and credit
are welcome.
"Increased output is first on

.. . a neutral Afghanistan'

the list of economic aims. The
country soon hopes to produce
enough for exports," Mainwandal
Mainwandal precdicted that in
the next few years Afghanistan's
economy would show significant
progress. He said increased foreign
aid and technological development
would aid the country.
SCro Selects
New Members
Scroll Society, senior affiliated
women's honorary, tapped 18 new
members Thursday night.
The following women were sel-
ected on, the basis of their leader-
ship and service to the campus, as
well as for activities in their re-
spective sororities:v
Louise Abbell, '62, Carol Bain,
'62Ed., Bonnie Boehnke, '62, Jackie
Efrusy, '62, Barbara Gilbert, '62,
Meg Hyatt, '62, Lynne Jillson, '62,
Ina Lynch, '62, and Dottie Mor-
rall, '62.
Also tapped were Becky Mosen,
'62Ed., Pat Palsky, '62A&D, Jane
Sommerfield, '62Ed., Kathy Stef-
fek, '62, Susan Stillerman, '62A&D,
Penny Thewalt, '62, Mary Ann
Turner, '62N, Judy Warnke, '63
and Donna Zimmerman, '62Ed.
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(Continued from Page 4)
tion Avenue, Washington 25, D.C.
Deadline for filing an application for
these countries is May 1, 1961. Further
information may be obtained at the
Fellowship Office, Room 110, Graduate
The approval for the following stu t
dent-sponsored activities becomes ef-
fective 24 hours after the publication
of this notice. All publicity for these
events must be withheld until the ap-
proval has become effective.
April 29, 1961, Women's Athletic As-
sociationand Michigan Union, 'Spring
April 22, 1961, Women's League,
"Frosh weekend," at 8:30 in the Michi-
gan League Ball room.
April 15 Political Issues Club and
Voice Political Party, talk on House
Un-American Activities Committee; San
Francisco riots; tape recordings of
HUAC hearings; 'showing of film
"Operation Abolition," speaker William
Mandel, Union Room 3-S, 4:30 p.m.
Alpha Gamma Delta, Collegiate Sor-
osis, Fletcher Hall, Phi Delta Phi, Pi
Lambda Phi, Sigma Kappa, Stokwell
Hall,Tau Epsion Phi.
Acacia, Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Phi
Omega, Alpha Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau
Omega, Beta Theta P, Chi Phi, Chi
Psi, Delta Sigma Phi, Delta Theta Phi,
Delta Upsilon, Gomberg House, South
Quad, Kappa Alpha Theta, Kappa Del-
ta Sorority, Kappa Sigma, Kesey House,
South Quad, Lambda Chi Alpha, Mary
Markley Hall, Phi Alpha Kappa, Phi
Delta Phi, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Kap-
pa-Tau, Phi Sigma Kappa, Pi Lambda
Phi, Psi Upsilon, Sigma Nu, Sigma Phi
Epsilon, Tau Delta Phi, Tau Epsilon
Phi, Tau Kappa Epsilon, Theta Delta
Chi, Theta Xi, Theta Chi Sigma Al-
pha Epsilon, Phi Delta Theta, Van
Tyne House, South Quad, Zeta Psi.
SUN., APRIL 16--
Zeta Tau Alpha.
Summary of Action Taken by Student
Government Council at its Meeting of
April 12
Approved: Minutes of the previous
Approved: The SGC Executive Com-
mittee study the submitting of a bid
to hold the 15th National Student Con-
gress (August 1962) here at the Univ.
of Mich.
Approved: The continuation of the
Council memberships in the Michigan
Region of the United States Student
Association and in the Ann Arbor
Chamber of Commerce.
Approved: To send four students,
one faculty member, and one member
of the student personnel of the Uni-
versity to the National Training Lab-
oratories (Gould . Academy, Bethel,.
Maine), in cooperation with the Office
of Student Affairs and the College of
Literature, Science, and the Arts. SGC
must meet the transportation expenses
for the four students, to and from the
National Training Laboratories.
Approved: The Council accept the
project of administering tle William
Warner Bishop Prize, a prize given for
the undergraduate who possesses the
best personal library. It will be ad-
ministered by SGC for the next four
Approved: Student Government Coun-
cil, aware of the recommendation of
the Cinema Guild Board, refer the
calendaring and approval of the April
15 showing of the film "Operation
Abolition" by the Political Issues Club
and Voice Political Party to the Presi-
dent of Student Government Council
and expresses its opinion that this
event should be calendared and ap-
(Continued on Page 8)
A low-cost unregimented tour dif-
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isn't who you know that counts-it's whom.
">:: ""m'""

w )
Dear Dr. Frood: I have a corifession.
All my life I have been trying to
learn how to whistle. I just can't.
Please, will you tell me how to
DEAR PUCKERED: Watch the birds.
Notice how they gather a pocket of
air deep within the breast, then
push thin jets of this air into the
.throat, through the larynx, up and
around the curled tongue, and then,
bounce the air from the roof -of the
mouth out through the teeth (which
act like the keyboard on a piano).
Practice this. In no time your
friends will be amazed at the beau.
tiful, warbly trills that flow from
your beak.

fi 4r

Dear Dr. Frood: i just can't seem to
get in step with the rest of the students
here. They enjoy parties, dancing, folk
singing and dating. None of these
things interest me at all. Am I behind
the times or what?

}. .
%:: is
M ti
i };

Il J

Left Out '

DEAR LEFT: You're in the right times;
you're just one of our squares.

r :,}

.. .,:. .... .m.., .,. .

Dear Dr. Frood: What do you think ac-
counts for the fact that college stu-
dents smoke more .uckies than any
other regular?
Marketing Student
DEAR MS: Collegiate Lucky smokers.

=j}'; f
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i i':


Dear Dr. Frood: Hamlet kiled Polo-
nius. Macbeth stabbed Duncan.
Richard murdered his little' neph-
ews. Othello strangled Desdemona,
and Titus served Tamora her two
sons in a pie before killing her. Don't
you think this obsession with vio-
lence would make an excellent sub-
ject for a term paper?
English Major
DEAR ENGLISH: No, I don't, and my
advice to you is to stop running
around with that crowd.

Cto"wt [af .,
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Dear Dr. Frood: My coach is writing this letter
C for me because I 'am illiterate. We want to
know if I got to learn how to read to get into
college. I am the best football player in the
state. X
DEAR X: Every college today will insist that
you meet certain basic entrance requirements.
I'm afraid you're just out of luck, X, unless
you learn how to read diagrams and count to

100 pr.


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