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April 14, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-14

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"Hold On, Now. Don't Interfere with Free Enterprise!"

Seventy-First Year
torials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Two Indiiduals Vew



..; ..
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THAILAND IS TAKING a dim view of big power efforts to negotiate
a settlement of the Laos crisis.
The general feeling in this pro-Western capital-as reflected in
official comments and newspaper editorials-is one of fear mingled
with impatience and a dash of gloom.
The major fear is -that the diplomatic maneuvering in Washington,
London and Moscow may end in the partitioning of Laos and leave
the Communists with a firm foothold in that jungle kingdom next door
to Thailand.
Despite the protestations of Western allies like Britain that no
Korea-style split is involved in the peace proposals, the Thais find it

Liberalhsm, Conservatism

[Y DO SO MANY students or young people
n the course of-growing up turn from con-
,tive to liberal?
r selfish reasons-not to help mankind, not
tie great principles that everyone espouses,
'or- their own selves. The r-emarkable thing
at they -still make the switch. I am going
fine liberal as "aware with intent to change
ne's own best interests' and coinservative as
ware or not interested in making decisions
ae's own behalf,
student or child is basically conservative.
espects his parents and believes that his
nmental systems are good, or at least ac-
ble. Then he runs into a snag in the sys-
He or a friend wishes to hear a speaker
is banned from the campus. He wants a
end there are none. He becomes aware of a
lem., Then. that person asks, "Why can't.
my friends) do that? We are doing noth-,
rong or harmful to ourselves or to others.,,
pt, usually the person is just trying to bet-
EN HE REACTS. His reaction determines
whether he is a liberal or conservative. He
r says, "Well, the authority knows best,
ever it does, and "I will abide by it." He is
iservative, no matter which straight party
t he pulls the lever for.
he says, "It is my right -to .do this,"
lhes for a principle to uphold him, and
Is on " it. He says, "for the good of man-
(me, in particular) we must have this or
lowed to have this." He is selfish; he wants
thing and disagrees with any institution
wants to stop him.
e liberal is then the person who is not
'ed to 'do something asks why and then
to do something about it."
may ask for action on the right of an
Idual to vote, as in Fayette County, or,
his business be allowed to decide who it
employ or why he cannot raise wheat in-
of grass on his land. All would be hurt if
ad their own way, so the Government
rates a compromise. But all the people in-
d must be willing.
SEEg THAT OTHERS may be hurt, a per-
on must'know how it happens. He will
to see that others will not be hurt be-
if he lets the principle go, the same thing
appen to him later. He is selfish, but smart
[i. He sees that he cannot get what he
s unless he protects the same rights of
s to get what they want. If he' Is not al-
to fight or dissent, he wil cease to ,work
hange, cease to think and become con-
tive. If he still believes that this country
intees his'rights, then he will remain lib-
and work for his best interests, be they,
usiness or labor, Negroes or whites, Re-'
cans or Democrats.
y do adults become conservative again?
ise they becone unselfish, they give their,
to the state, and let others run their lives
ctate their best interests.

THERE CAN BE ONE explanation, and one
explanation only, for any student turning
to liberalism. It is caused, pure and simple, by
a lack of understanding of his best interests.
Liberalism is a most unselfish Virtue. No
one.reallyinterested in himself or his progress
could ever turn his true interests to liberalism.
What then is a liberal? Simply a person who
is imbued with a great sense of equality, some-
times superficial compassion, and reverent re-
gard, for his fellow man. And to the liberal,
this equality in man overrides all else-even to
the-point where he will fight for these equali-
ties down to the last division. Every nan must
receive the same share, regardless of the ef-
fort he puts out.
IT COMES DOWN to two varying views of
success. To the liberal there is personal suc-
cess, which is only material, and individual
success, which is largely intangible and exists
only in the mind. To the conservative these are
one, and he feels that 'he should be allowed to
make his own way in the world, without any
penalty on his success in favor of those who
are not so successful.
WHAT DRIVES YOUTH today Lo the liberal
way of thought? This is not too hard tr
figure. To a young mind, being for the first
time exposed to the realities iof life, it is hard
to believe that ALL people should not have
equal benefits in life. They cannot see why
one man makes $10,000 a year while his neigh-
bor can only make $3,000. To them it seems
most unfair that the $10,000 man can have
money to spare while the $3,000 man can bare-
ly. make ends meet. They cannot see that in
taking one man's profits from him in a propor-
tion larger than from hisneighbor that a pen-
alty is placed on success.
But comes the day when_ they are running
their own business, they see things in a dif-
ferent light. Suddenly they find that when they
dismis a man from his job, they must continue
to pay him half his salary for the next year,
along with the full salary of his replacement,
just for' the privilege of replacing, him with a
better man.
They find through their years of trying to
make a success of themselves that the more
money they make the more the government
wants to take away from them in taxes. It
seems they cannot gain on the amount they
may keep for themselves in payment for the
many years they are putting it. And then they
look at the lower paid worker, getting increased'
wages every year via union demands for doing
no more and sometimes less than he did before.
THIS IS WHAT DRIVES these once liberal
youths back to conservatism, back to the
theory that each man shall reap his own re-
wards without the involuntary burden of sup-
porting his neighbor who is not so successful.
And so it is that liberalism is just the inex-
perienced, wanting to make the world a better
place, but destroying. their own chances for
success in the process.


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hard to believe a Laos cease-fire
would not result n at least a de
facto division of the country
Communist rebels hold the key
'areas in 'central and northern
Laos and Thais remark that the
Reds are not known for giving up
Even if partition were avoided
somehow, there is apprehension
here about any broad-based gov-
ernment as a solution to the Lao-
tian political tangle.
Thais Prime Minister Marshal
Sarit Thanarat has warned that,
"a coalition government (with,
Communists in it) will lead to a
takeover by the Communists.!,
The official Thai view is that
this country is apt to be left wide
open to the threat of Communist
aggression from across the long
border shared with Laos.
If Thailand had its ,way, an ul--
timatum would be served to the
Soviet Union demanding that it
halt its arms airlift to the Lao-
Thais are quick to note that the
Soviet arms buildup in central
Laos has not stopped and the reb-
els continue to gain even as the
talk is going on between the
western capitals and Moscow.


-+ -., -


Readers Irked by, Ray Charles' Abec

Cooperatio nusionvie

To the Editor:
THE concert which was sched-
ule for Wednesday, April 12 at
Hill Auditorium was billed and
represented to the audience as a
". .. concert featuring Ray
Charles." There is no doubt in
anyone's mind that the 3000 plus
people who were in that audience
came to see and hear Ray Charles,
not his band nor any second-rate
songstress. If there is doubt in,
anyone's mind, we should remind
them that when it was finally an-
nounced that Ray was not going
to' appear, the auditorium was
quickly emptied although the band
and songstress agreed to continue
their performance.
The implications of this unfor-
tunate event are very clear. First
off, Charles' failure to show con-
stitutes a breach of contract be-
tween the audience and the back-
ers of the show since the tickets
(symbol of this contract) that
were purchased by the members
of that audience specifically stated
" * a concert :featuring RaY
Charles." Secondly, performers
who travel on concert (tours are
almost always insured against ac-
cidents, etc. which prevent them
from fulfilling a contract. Thirdly,
when' a "big name" artist is hired
to perform the contract is usually
made with that artist or his agent
who in turn pays any additional
performers used in the show (i.e.,
such is the case with the Miles
Davis Quintet). If this was the
case here, then clearly the Devel-
opment Council has no obligation
to pay Ray Charles or his agent.
On the other hand, if it was writ-
ten in the contract that if only
part of the performance :(minus
Ray) was performed that this
would have to be compensated for,
then the Development Council
took an unwarranted risk, and
hence, any loss incurred should
fall on it due to bad judgment. In'
any case,. the loss should not fall
to the audience who came to hear
Ray Charles and who were sadly
disappointed. To' force them to
take the loss would add insult to
" s *'
THE MORAL implications here
are interesting. A call to Midway
Airport in Chicago by The Daily
brought out the fact that Charles
knew by 5:30 p.m. (Chicago time)
that he would not be able to make
the concert. Furthermore, accord-
ing to a Daily reporter who was
back stage at Hill Auditorium, the
people putting on ,the show knew
for sure about ten minutes after
the show had begun that Ray was
not going to'be there. It seems
quite clear that the responsible
people should have known that
the concert could not have gone
on as planned well in advance of
8:00 p.m. Under these conditions
the concert should not have been
started, or at least, the audience
should have been informed of
these conditions. The fact that
Charles or others were irrespon-
sible is no reason to "charge" the
audience for this irresponsibility
either by taking half of the money
paid in or by keeping them "wait-
ing" for two hours before reveal-

the audience were completely in-
nocent and certainly deserve a
complete refund.'
-John Erfurt,
William Evans
Robert Myers,
Explains Process .
To the Editor:
S THE CHAIRMAN of the Stu-
dent Relations Board of the
University Development Council,
the sponsoring organization for
Wednesday night's Ray Charles
Concert, I want to explain the
procedures we are following to
minimize the effect of Mr. Char-
les' failure to appear.
We are presently refunding 50
per cent of the ticket cost. We are
taking the name and address of
each individual who receives a
refund. 'We will continue on this
basis as long as it is practicable.
Mr. Charles was under a stan-
dard performer's contract with the
University Developm'ent Council.
This contract is now'being studied
by Uniersity attorneys. The
events surrounding Mr. Charles'
inability to appear are also being
investigated. We are therefore
making every attempt to recover
all monies presently committed.
If we are successful we fully in-
tend to make a complete refund.
This is the reason for having each
individual give us his name and
address when applying for the re-
We are grateful for the patience
and understanding of those who
purchased tickets for the .concert.
We regret the inconvenience caus-
ed those who attended the con-
cert and we hope for a quick and
satisfactory settlement for all con-
-John Ross
Honest Heresy
To the Editor:
AS A STUDENTwho supported
Kennedy last fall, I have been
deeply disturbed by several recent
occurrences: (1) During the cam-
paign I believed that only anti-
liberal, anti-Catholic Republicans
would raise the aid to education
issue in the bald form it has been
raised, but nonetheless the Catho-
lics have flatly, demanded federal
money from all of us for their own
brand of education because they
elected a President. (2) In 1956'
and 1960 I heard talk about "rock
'n roll" diplomacy. By this I un-
derstood to mean Dulle's efforts to
make the "Reds fish or cut bait"
and I believed what Gov. Steven-
son, one of our finest orators, said
on the issue. But now President
Kennedy is doing the very same
thing. (3) During the Eisenhower
years there was much talk about
apiointment of business-oriented
"ugly Americans" to diplomatic
posts, and especially about ap-
pointment of men to pay political
debts who did not speak the na-
tive's language or know about their
particular culture. I also heard
from Kennedy in 1957 that we
should be on the side of emerging
peoples, and I believed it. Now it
turns out that Governor Williams,
for whom T also voted, went off to

)I wish you 'could find out 'if it is
true because I am rather disillu-
sioned about it all.. I am .begin-
ping to wonder if my party, the
Democratic party, is ' really the
party of intellectual honor. Doubt-
less you will not venture to print
--James 014111, Grad.
Worst Ever .. .
To the Editor:
ONE VIEWS with considerable
amusement the current con-
troversy regarding the operation"
of the university dormitories. Some
rather unkind comments may be
in order from the standpoint of
an observer familiar with at least
four of' the Big Ten schools.
It is a well known fact, or a not
so carefully guarded secret that
the University of Michigan has
about the worst dormitory system
in the Big Ten. This is a common-
ly held Joke among the directors
of the other nine schools. Michi-
gan always seems to put in a
unique performance at the yearly
or bi-yearly dormitory directors'
conferences with all their opera-
tional problems, like food riots,
etc. It is also well known that the
system has the most complicated
and inoperative method of admin-
istration of any system around
the Big Ten. Even the University
of Minnesota, which is psycholog-
ically testing and counseling crazy,
does not have the complex ,setup
evident here at Michigan.'Appar-
ently they have little difficulty
running dormitories at Michigan

State, where at Abbott Hall for
instance, though they do not have
maid service, at least they have
good food at a reasonable cost.
Or at Northwestern University,
where the girls at the Northwest-
ern Apartments have better: food
than is available in anybrestaurant
in North Shorish Evanston.
EVEN AT Wisconsin, they have
operated their system for more-
than 35 years with little difficulty,'
decent food and excellent pro-
gramming, which result from the
-Residence Hall's response to the
students' needs. Maybe a last in-
stance of the "great system" at
this university was the friend of
mine who tried to get a position
as a grad cou'nselor in one of the
dorms last spring and the.com-
mittee doing the grilling was more
interested in how the applicant
proposed to keep the "monsters
quiet" than anything else and was
not particularly interested in what
the 4pplicant thought he might do
in helping the students achieve
that education for which they
came to the University.
Maybewith sufficient student
agitation, which hardly ever
counts at this, the most conserva-
tive of the monolith universities
of the midwest, a vague hope will
live on for reform; a result which'
will probably never be achieved.
After all, the boys from the top
down really don't consider the
operation of the university for. the
student's benefit to be their prin-
cipal occupation.
-Name Withheld

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility.. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
College of Architecture and Design:
Midseinester grades are due on Fri.,
April 14. Please send them to 207
Architecture Bldg.
Students, College of Engineering: The
WITHOUT RECORD will be Fri., April
14. Any course may be dropped only with
the permission of the classifier after
conference with the instructor.
Students, College of Engineering: The
final day for REMOVAL of INCOM-
PLETEs will be Fri.. April 14. Petitions
for extension of time must be on file in
the Recorder's Office on or before Fri.,
April 14.
Applicants for the Joint Program in
Liberal Arts and Medicine: Application
for admission to the Joint Prograni in
Liberal Arts and Medicine must be
made before April 18 of the final pre-
professional year. Application may be
made now at 1220 Angell Hall.
Graduate Students in Linguistics:
The preliminary examinations for the
Ph.D. in Linguistics for the Spring
semester 1960-61 will be given on Fri.
and Sat., May 12 and 13. Students in-
tending to take any one of these ex-
aminations should so notify Prof. Cha-
varria-Aguilar, 1625 Haven Hall, in
writing, not later than Fri., April 14.
Faculty, College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts: Midsemester reports are
due today, Friday, April 14, for those
students whose standing at midsemest-
er is "D" or "E". The green report cards
for freshmen and sophomores should be
sent to the Counselors Office for Fresh-
men and Sophomores, 1213 Angell Hall,
white report cards for juniors and
seniors to the 'Counselors Office for
Juniors and Seniors, 1223 Angell Hall.
Students not registered in this College
but 'who elected L.S.&A. courses should
be reported tAothe school or college in
which they are registered.
School of Music Honors Programn: Ap-
plications now are being received for
the first semester,, 1961-1962. Forms are
available in the School of Music of-
fice. Deadline for receipt of applica-
tions, andtsupporting recommenda-
tions, by the Honors Council, Mon.,
May 1.
The Gilbert and Sullivan Society an-
nounces interviews for the position of
musical director of the society. Inter-
ested persons may contact the presi-
dent, Julius Myers, at the 'Student Ac-
tivities Bldg.
Fulbright Awards for University Lec-
turing and Advanced Research have
been announced. for 1962-63 i n Aus-
tralia, New Zealand, the countries of
South and Southeast Asia, and Latin
America. Those applying must be U.S.
citizens: ,for' lecturing, must have at
least one year of college or, university
teaching experience; and for research,
a doctoral degree at the time of appli-
cation, or recognized professional'
standing. Application forms may be
obtained from the CONFERENCE
COUNCILS, Committee of Internation-
A Exchange of Persons, 2101 Constitu-
(Continued on Page 5);


rominence at Student Government Coun-
eeting.Wednesday night. The cooperation
new; the confusion was not.
e new Council faces forwards==the attitude
aghout its very long first meeting was to
solutions and act quickly' on them., No
r is the Council plagued with lead-footed
uctionism that sees every motion' as a:
t. Polarization has been replaced by prob-
the Council can continue to work as a
it ,will certainly be able to utilize more
s potential this year. Its power, prestige
utility should all expand. But without in-
ed attention to -detail, and a special at-
t to avoid sloppiness, the new cohesion
kill the Council.
ture on the proposed University budget
a prime example of unnecessary sloppiness.
ugh the budget has been an issue all
the motion wasn't drawn up until Wed-
vy evening. It was duplicated and made
,City Editor Editorial Director
'ETH McELDOWNEY.......Associate City Editor
r.H DONER... ...... ......Personnel Director
4AS KABAKER. . ......Magazine Editor
LD APPLEBACM .. Associate Editorial Director
[AS WITECKI............... Sports Editor

available to all Council members during the
meeting recess at 10p.m.
Such lengthy amendments were deemed
necessary that another recess was called dur-
ing the meeting 'so that they, too, could be
duplicated. Later, another recess was proposed
so that'amendments to the amendments .could
be run off. The duplicating machine was out
of commission' by that time and the Council
remained in session.
The fact that the motion's sponsors took:
extra pains so everyone would have a copy is
commendable. In the past, late motions have
usually been dictated at the Council table. But
there wasn't any need for the motion to be late.
Everyone agreed with the' basic proposal. It
finally passed without wording because every-
one also agreed that the wording left much
to be desired. (A styles committee later drew
up the final document.)
fp F .
may also lead to a far greater brand of
sloppiness: surface consideration of motions.
No motion passed with more than one dis-
sent this week. The two major opinions passed
unanimously. At this particular meeting the
accord came about only after much revision,
but in the future, unanimity could indicate
either watered down motions or inadequate
consideration of issues.
In light of the Council's new-found propen-
sity for cooperation and agreement, insight
into problems and a clear perception of their
context are vital. When Council members auto-
matically expect' stiff opposition they auto-
matically rally the strength of their arguments.
TIC OPPCTTTnir MES erarity. the

Follyof Appeal toAC

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
article, is reprinted from I. F.
Stone's Weekly, April 10, 1961.)
THERE ARE several points of
interest in the exchange of let-
ters between Congressman Henry
S. Reuss (D.Wis) and Chairman
Walter of the House Un-American
Activities Committee over the
John Birch Society. The first is
the extent of the' Society's cam-
paign against Chief Justice War-
ren. Mr. Reuss wrote that.his of-
fice had been."flooded with letters
from throughout the country sug-
gesting that Chief Justice Warren
is a traitor and demanding his
The second point of interest is
that Mr. Reuss should turn to Mr.
Walter's committee for an investi-
gation. In his press release, Mr.
Reuss said he was not asking the
Senate Internal Security Subcom-
mittee to investigate because it
was already sending out a form
letter over the signature of its,
chairman, Senator Eastland, call-
in the Society "a patriotic or-
# s 4 .
BUT ANYONE who has been-
around the Capitol for any length
of time knows that the staffs of

Society would fiind itself among
Congressman Reuss may have
written his letter to put the House
Committee on the spot, but the
price was to accept the assump-
tions on which the Committee op-.
erates. Mr. Reuss in his letter
said "it would be hard to imagine'
more un-American propaganda'
activities" than those of the Birch
Society and therefore asked Mr.{
Walter to investigate. Then Mr.,
Reuss went on to say:
"Propaganda organizations have
the right to free speech and the'
right to have any investigation of
their activities conducted with due
process of law arid full regard for
fair play, but the public has the
right to know who is behind these
activities, how they are financed
and how they are carried on."
* *. *
THIS SOUNDS very plausible
and attractive but this is how it
all started a quarter century ago.
The Un-American Activities Com-
mittee was originally set up by
the Dickstein-McCormack resolu-
tion in 1934 to investigate Nazi
and Fascist propaganda activities
in this country. Far-seeing liber- +
als' like Maverick of Texas and ,
Warren of North Carolina warned

ity. To summon the John Birch
Society would be a resumption of
these old tactics at the expense of
making it more difficult, to fight
the witch hunt'in principle. The
only firm principle is that in a
free society, it is no business of the
government to pollee the arena
of free debate and ,decide what
ideas are outside the pale, or 'un-
American.' A vigorous press is the
best- protection against crackpot
conspiracies and the press has
been doing an extraordinarily good
job of exposing the John Birch So-
* * *.
MR. WALTER'S reply to Mr.
Reuss revealed that the House
Committee "has received numer-
ous letters regarding the John
Birch Society." Mr. Walter said
"most of them contain the general
complaint that the organization is
'un-American', and the specific
complaint that the leader of the
Society has made charges of im-
pugning the patriotism and loy-
alty of certain individuals.".
Mr. Walter expressed the view
that the individuals maligned
have their remedy in the civil
courts; we can just see the Chief
Justice suing for libel. As for the
general complaint, he said "no



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